/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "pspecific_mac_p.h" inline QString psServerPrefix() { return qsl("/tmp/"); } inline void psCheckLocalSocket(const QString &serverName) { QFile address(serverName); if (address.exists()) { address.remove(); } } class MacPrivate : public PsMacWindowPrivate { public: void activeSpaceChanged(); void darkModeChanged(); void notifyClicked(unsigned long long peer, int msgid); void notifyReplied(unsigned long long peer, int msgid, const char *str); }; class NotifyWindow; class PsMainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: PsMainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); int32 psResizeRowWidth() const { return 0;//st::wndResizeAreaWidth; } void psInitFrameless(); void psInitSize(); void psFirstShow(); void psInitSysMenu(); void psUpdateSysMenu(Qt::WindowState state); void psUpdateMargins(); void psUpdatedPosition(); bool psHandleTitle(); void psFlash(); void psUpdateWorkmode(); void psRefreshTaskbarIcon(); bool psPosInited() const { return posInited; } bool psFilterNativeEvent(void *event); void psActivateNotify(NotifyWindow *w); void psClearNotifies(PeerId peerId = 0); void psNotifyShown(NotifyWindow *w); void psPlatformNotify(HistoryItem *item, int32 fwdCount); bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt); void psUpdateCounter(); bool psHasNativeNotifications() { return !(QSysInfo::macVersion() < QSysInfo::MV_10_8); } virtual QImage iconWithCounter(int size, int count, style::color bg, bool smallIcon) = 0; ~PsMainWindow(); public slots: void psUpdateDelegate(); void psSavePosition(Qt::WindowState state = Qt::WindowActive); void psShowTrayMenu(); void psMacUndo(); void psMacRedo(); void psMacCut(); void psMacCopy(); void psMacPaste(); void psMacDelete(); void psMacSelectAll(); protected: void psNotIdle() const; QImage psTrayIcon(bool selected = false) const; bool psHasTrayIcon() const { return trayIcon; } void psMacUpdateMenu(); bool posInited; QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon; QMenu *trayIconMenu; QImage icon256, iconbig256; QIcon wndIcon; QImage trayImg, trayImgSel; void psTrayMenuUpdated(); void psSetupTrayIcon(); virtual void placeSmallCounter(QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, const QPoint &shift, style::color color) = 0; QTimer psUpdatedPositionTimer; private: MacPrivate _private; mutable bool psIdle; mutable QTimer psIdleTimer; QMenuBar psMainMenu; QAction *psLogout, *psUndo, *psRedo, *psCut, *psCopy, *psPaste, *psDelete, *psSelectAll, *psContacts, *psAddContact, *psNewGroup, *psNewChannel, *psShowTelegram; }; void psDeleteDir(const QString &dir); void psUserActionDone(); bool psIdleSupported(); uint64 psIdleTime(); bool psSkipAudioNotify(); bool psSkipDesktopNotify(); QStringList psInitLogs(); void psClearInitLogs(); void psActivateProcess(uint64 pid = 0); QString psLocalServerPrefix(); QString psCurrentCountry(); QString psCurrentLanguage(); QString psAppDataPath(); QString psDownloadPath(); QString psCurrentExeDirectory(int argc, char *argv[]); QString psCurrentExeName(int argc, char *argv[]); void psAutoStart(bool start, bool silent = false); void psSendToMenu(bool send, bool silent = false); QRect psDesktopRect(); void psShowOverAll(QWidget *w, bool canFocus = true); void psBringToBack(QWidget *w); int psCleanup(); int psFixPrevious(); void psExecUpdater(); void psExecTelegram(); bool psShowOpenWithMenu(int x, int y, const QString &file); void psPostprocessFile(const QString &name); void psOpenFile(const QString &name, bool openWith = false); void psShowInFolder(const QString &name); QAbstractNativeEventFilter *psNativeEventFilter(); void psNewVersion(); void psUpdateOverlayed(QWidget *widget); QString psConvertFileUrl(const QString &url); void psDownloadPathEnableAccess(); QByteArray psDownloadPathBookmark(const QString &path); QByteArray psPathBookmark(const QString &path); class PsFileBookmark { public: PsFileBookmark(const QByteArray &bookmark) : _inner(bookmark) { } bool check() const { return _inner.valid(); } bool enable() const { return _inner.enable(); } void disable() const { return _inner.disable(); } const QString &name(const QString &original) const { return _inner.name(original); } QByteArray bookmark() const { return _inner.bookmark(); } private: objc_FileBookmark _inner; }; QString strNotificationAboutThemeChange(); QString strStyleOfInterface(); QString strNeedToReload(); QString strNeedToRefresh1(); QString strNeedToRefresh2();