/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_group_members.h" #include "calls/calls_group_call.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "facades.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" namespace Calls { namespace { class Row final : public PeerListRow { public: Row(not_null channel, not_null user); enum class State { Active, Inactive, Muted, }; void updateState(const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant); [[nodiscard]] State state() const { return _state; } void addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) override; void stopLastActionRipple() override; int nameIconWidth() const override { return 0; } QSize actionSize() const override { return QSize(_st->width, _st->height); } bool actionDisabled() const override { return peer()->isSelf() || !_channel->amCreator(); } QMargins actionMargins() const override { return QMargins( 0, 0, st::groupCallMemberButtonSkip, 0); } void paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) override; private: void refreshStatus() override; [[nodiscard]] static State ComputeState( not_null channel, not_null user); [[nodiscard]] static not_null ComputeIconStyle( State state); State _state = State::Inactive; not_null _channel; not_null _st; std::unique_ptr _actionRipple; }; class MembersController final : public PeerListController , public base::has_weak_ptr { public: explicit MembersController(not_null call); using MuteRequest = GroupMembers::MuteRequest; Main::Session &session() const override; void prepare() override; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; void rowActionClicked(not_null row) override; base::unique_qptr rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) override; void loadMoreRows() override; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer fullCountValue() const { return _fullCount.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer toggleMuteRequests() const; private: [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createSelfRow() const; [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant) const; void prepareRows(not_null real); void setupListChangeViewers(not_null call); void subscribeToChanges(not_null real); void updateRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant); void updateRow( not_null row, const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant) const; const base::weak_ptr _call; const not_null _channel; rpl::event_stream _toggleMuteRequests; rpl::variable _fullCount = 1; Ui::BoxPointer _addBox; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; Row::Row(not_null channel, not_null user) : PeerListRow(user) , _state(ComputeState(channel, user)) , _channel(channel) , _st(ComputeIconStyle(_state)) { refreshStatus(); } void Row::updateState(const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant) { if (!participant) { if (peer()->isSelf()) { setCustomStatus(tr::lng_group_call_connecting(tr::now)); } else { setCustomStatus(QString()); } _state = State::Inactive; } else if (!participant->muted) { _state = State::Active; } else if (participant->canSelfUnmute) { _state = State::Inactive; } else { _state = State::Muted; } _st = ComputeIconStyle(_state); } void Row::paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) { auto size = actionSize(); if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->paint( p, x + _st->rippleAreaPosition.x(), y + _st->rippleAreaPosition.y(), outerWidth); if (_actionRipple->empty()) { _actionRipple.reset(); } } _st->icon.paintInCenter( p, style::rtlrect(x, y, size.width(), size.height(), outerWidth)); } void Row::refreshStatus() { setCustomStatus([&] { switch (_state) { case State::Inactive: case State::Muted: return tr::lng_group_call_inactive(tr::now); case State::Active: return tr::lng_group_call_active(tr::now); } Unexpected("State in Row::refreshStatus."); }(), (_state == State::Active)); } Row::State Row::ComputeState( not_null channel, not_null user) { const auto call = channel->call(); if (!call) { return State::Inactive; } const auto &participants = call->participants(); const auto i = ranges::find( participants, user, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::user); if (i == end(participants)) { return State::Inactive; } return !i->muted ? State::Active : i->canSelfUnmute ? State::Inactive : State::Muted; } not_null Row::ComputeIconStyle( State state) { switch (state) { case State::Inactive: return &st::groupCallInactiveButton; case State::Active: return &st::groupCallActiveButton; case State::Muted: return &st::groupCallMutedButton; } Unexpected("State in Row::ComputeIconStyle."); } void Row::addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) { if (!_actionRipple) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask( QSize(_st->rippleAreaSize, _st->rippleAreaSize)); _actionRipple = std::make_unique( _st->ripple, std::move(mask), std::move(updateCallback)); } _actionRipple->add(point - _st->rippleAreaPosition); } void Row::stopLastActionRipple() { if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->lastStop(); } } MembersController::MembersController(not_null call) : _call(call) , _channel(call->channel()) { setupListChangeViewers(call); } void MembersController::setupListChangeViewers(not_null call) { const auto channel = call->channel(); channel->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( channel, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall ) | rpl::map([=] { return channel->call(); }) | rpl::filter([=](Data::GroupCall *real) { const auto call = _call.get(); return call && real && (real->id() == call->id()); }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null real) { subscribeToChanges(real); }, _lifetime); call->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto call = _call.get(); const auto real = channel->call(); if (call && real && (real->id() == call->id())) { //updateRow(channel->session().user()); } }, _lifetime); } void MembersController::subscribeToChanges(not_null real) { _fullCount = real->fullCountValue( ) | rpl::map([](int value) { return std::max(value, 1); }); real->participantsSliceAdded( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { prepareRows(real); }, _lifetime); using Update = Data::GroupCall::ParticipantUpdate; real->participantUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Update &update) { const auto user = update.participant.user; if (update.removed) { if (auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id)) { if (user->isSelf()) { static_cast(row)->updateState(nullptr); delegate()->peerListUpdateRow(row); } else { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } } } else { updateRow(update.participant); } }, _lifetime); } void MembersController::updateRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant) { if (auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant.user->id)) { updateRow(static_cast(row), &participant); } else if (auto row = createRow(participant)) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } } void MembersController::updateRow( not_null row, const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant) const { row->updateState(participant); delegate()->peerListUpdateRow(row); } Main::Session &MembersController::session() const { return _call->channel()->session(); } void MembersController::prepare() { delegate()->peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode::Disabled); //delegate()->peerListSetTitle(std::move(title)); setDescriptionText(tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now)); setSearchNoResultsText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); const auto call = _call.get(); if (const auto real = _channel->call(); real && call && real->id() == call->id()) { prepareRows(real); } else if (auto row = createSelfRow()) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } loadMoreRows(); } void MembersController::prepareRows(not_null real) { auto foundSelf = false; auto changed = false; const auto &participants = real->participants(); auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count;) { auto row = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); if (user->isSelf()) { foundSelf = true; ++i; continue; } const auto contains = ranges::contains( participants, not_null{ user }, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::user); if (contains) { ++i; } else { changed = true; delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); --count; } } if (!foundSelf) { const auto self = _channel->session().user(); const auto i = ranges::find( participants, _channel->session().user(), &Data::GroupCall::Participant::user); auto row = (i != end(participants)) ? createRow(*i) : createSelfRow(); if (row) { changed = true; delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } for (const auto &participant : participants) { if (auto row = createRow(participant)) { changed = true; delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } if (changed) { delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } } void MembersController::loadMoreRows() { if (const auto real = _channel->call()) { real->requestParticipants(); } } auto MembersController::toggleMuteRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return _toggleMuteRequests.events(); } void MembersController::rowClicked(not_null row) { Ui::showPeerHistory(row->peer(), ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } void MembersController::rowActionClicked( not_null row) { Expects(row->peer()->isUser()); const auto real = static_cast(row.get()); const auto mute = (real->state() != Row::State::Muted); _toggleMuteRequests.fire(MuteRequest{ .user = row->peer()->asUser(), .mute = mute, }); } base::unique_qptr MembersController::rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) { Expects(row->peer()->isUser()); const auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr MembersController::createSelfRow() const { const auto self = _channel->session().user(); auto result = std::make_unique(_channel, self); updateRow(result.get(), nullptr); return result; } std::unique_ptr MembersController::createRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant) const { auto result = std::make_unique(_channel, participant.user); updateRow(result.get(), &participant); return result; } } // namespace GroupMembers::GroupMembers( QWidget *parent, not_null call) : RpWidget(parent) , _call(call) , _scroll(this, st::defaultSolidScroll) , _listController(std::make_unique(call)) { setupHeader(call); setupList(); setContent(_list); _listController->setDelegate(static_cast(this)); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { QPainter(this).fillRect(clip, st::groupCallMembersBg); }, lifetime()); } auto GroupMembers::toggleMuteRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return static_cast( _listController.get())->toggleMuteRequests(); } int GroupMembers::desiredHeight() const { auto desired = _header ? _header->height() : 0; auto count = [this] { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { if (const auto real = call->channel()->call()) { return real->fullCount(); } } return 0; }(); desired += std::max(count, _list->fullRowsCount()) * st::groupCallMembersList.item.height; return desired; } rpl::producer GroupMembers::desiredHeightValue() const { const auto controller = static_cast( _listController.get()); return rpl::combine( heightValue(), controller->fullCountValue() ) | rpl::map([=] { return desiredHeight(); }); } void GroupMembers::setupHeader(not_null call) { _header = object_ptr( this, st::groupCallMembersHeader); auto parent = _header.data(); _titleWrap = Ui::CreateChild(parent); _title = setupTitle(call); _addMember = Ui::CreateChild( parent, st::groupCallAddMember); setupButtons(); widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int width) { _header->resizeToWidth(width); }, _header->lifetime()); } object_ptr GroupMembers::setupTitle( not_null call) { const auto controller = static_cast( _listController.get()); auto result = object_ptr( _titleWrap, tr::lng_chat_status_members( lt_count_decimal, controller->fullCountValue() | tr::to_count(), Ui::Text::Upper ), st::groupCallHeaderLabel); result->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); return result; } void GroupMembers::setupButtons() { using namespace rpl::mappers; _addMember->showOn(rpl::single(true)); _addMember->addClickHandler([=] { // TODO throttle(ripple duration) addMember(); }); } void GroupMembers::setupList() { auto topSkip = _header ? _header->height() : 0; _list = _scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr( this, _listController.get(), st::groupCallMembersList)); sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { _scroll->setGeometry(0, topSkip, size.width(), size.height() - topSkip); _list->resizeToWidth(size.width()); }, _list->lifetime()); _list->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int listHeight) { auto newHeight = (listHeight > 0) ? (topSkip + listHeight) : 0; resize(width(), newHeight); }, _list->lifetime()); _list->moveToLeft(0, topSkip); _list->show(); } void GroupMembers::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { if (_header) { updateHeaderControlsGeometry(width()); } } void GroupMembers::updateHeaderControlsGeometry(int newWidth) { auto availableWidth = newWidth - st::groupCallAddButtonPosition.x(); _addMember->moveToLeft( availableWidth - _addMember->width(), st::groupCallAddButtonPosition.y(), newWidth); if (!_addMember->isHidden()) { availableWidth -= _addMember->width(); } _titleWrap->resize( availableWidth - _addMember->width() - st::groupCallHeaderPosition.x(), _title->height()); _titleWrap->moveToLeft( st::groupCallHeaderPosition.x(), st::groupCallHeaderPosition.y(), newWidth); _titleWrap->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _title->resizeToWidth(_titleWrap->width()); _title->moveToLeft(0, 0); } void GroupMembers::addMember() { // #TODO calls } void GroupMembers::visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { setChildVisibleTopBottom(_list, visibleTop, visibleBottom); } void GroupMembers::peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) { } void GroupMembers::peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::producer title) { } bool GroupMembers::peerListIsRowChecked(not_null row) { return false; } void GroupMembers::peerListScrollToTop() { } int GroupMembers::peerListSelectedRowsCount() { return 0; } std::vector> GroupMembers::peerListCollectSelectedRows() { return {}; } void GroupMembers::peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch(not_null peer) { Unexpected("Item selection in Calls::GroupMembers."); } void GroupMembers::peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(not_null row) { Unexpected("Item selection in Calls::GroupMembers."); } void GroupMembers::peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() { } void GroupMembers::peerListSetDescription( object_ptr description) { description.destroy(); } } // namespace Calls