/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "history/history_service_layout.h" #include "data/data_abstract_structure.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "lang.h" namespace HistoryLayout { namespace { enum CircleMask { NormalMask = 0x00, InvertedMask = 0x01, }; enum CircleMaskMultiplier { MaskMultiplier = 0x04, }; enum CornerVerticalSide { CornerTop = 0x00, CornerBottom = 0x02, }; enum CornerHorizontalSide { CornerLeft = 0x00, CornerRight = 0x01, }; class ServiceMessageStyleData : public Data::AbstractStructure { public: // circle[CircleMask value] QImage circle[2]; // corners[(CircleMask value) * MaskMultiplier | (CornerVerticalSide value) | (CornerHorizontalSide value)] QPixmap corners[8]; }; Data::GlobalStructurePointer serviceMessageStyle; void createCircleMasks() { serviceMessageStyle.createIfNull(); if (!serviceMessageStyle->circle[NormalMask].isNull()) return; int size = st::historyServiceMsgRadius * 2; serviceMessageStyle->circle[NormalMask] = style::createCircleMask(size); int sizeInverted = st::historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius * 2; serviceMessageStyle->circle[InvertedMask] = style::createInvertedCircleMask(sizeInverted); } QPixmap circleCorner(int corner) { if (serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner].isNull()) { int maskType = corner / MaskMultiplier; int radius = (maskType == NormalMask ? st::historyServiceMsgRadius : st::historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius); int size = radius * cIntRetinaFactor(); int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0; if (corner & CornerRight) { xoffset = size; } if (corner & CornerBottom) { yoffset = size; } auto part = QRect(xoffset, yoffset, size, size); auto result = style::colorizeImage(serviceMessageStyle->circle[maskType], App::msgServiceBg(), part); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner] = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std_::move(result)); } return serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner]; } enum class SideStyle { Rounded, Plain, Inverted, }; // Returns amount of pixels already painted vertically (so you can skip them in the complex rect shape). int paintBubbleSide(Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, SideStyle style, CornerVerticalSide side) { if (style == SideStyle::Rounded) { auto left = circleCorner((NormalMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerLeft); int leftWidth = left.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmap(x, y, left); auto right = circleCorner((NormalMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerRight); int rightWidth = right.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmap(x + width - rightWidth, y, right); int cornerHeight = left.height() / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.fillRect(x + leftWidth, y, width - leftWidth - rightWidth, cornerHeight, App::msgServiceBg()); return cornerHeight; } else if (style == SideStyle::Inverted) { // CornerLeft and CornerRight are inverted for SideStyle::Inverted sprites. auto left = circleCorner((InvertedMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerRight); int leftWidth = left.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(); p.drawPixmap(x - leftWidth, y, left); auto right = circleCorner((InvertedMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerLeft); p.drawPixmap(x + width, y, right); } return 0; } void paintBubblePart(Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, int height, SideStyle topStyle, SideStyle bottomStyle) { if (topStyle == SideStyle::Inverted || bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) { width -= st::historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink * 2; x += st::historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink; } if (int skip = paintBubbleSide(p, x, y, width, topStyle, CornerTop)) { y += skip; height -= skip; } int bottomSize = 0; if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) { bottomSize = st::historyServiceMsgRadius; } else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) { bottomSize = st::historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius; } if (int skip = paintBubbleSide(p, x, y + height - bottomSize, width, bottomStyle, CornerBottom)) { height -= skip; } p.fillRect(x, y, width, height, App::msgServiceBg()); } void paintPreparedDate(Painter &p, const QString &dateText, int dateTextWidth, int y, int w) { int left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(); int maxwidth = w; if (Adaptive::Wide()) { maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left())); } w = maxwidth - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(); left += (w - dateTextWidth - st::msgServicePadding.left() - st::msgServicePadding.right()) / 2; int height = st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); ServiceMessagePainter::paintBubble(p, left, y + st::msgServiceMargin.top(), dateTextWidth + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.left(), height); p.setFont(st::msgServiceFont); p.setPen(st::msgServiceColor); p.drawText(left + st::msgServicePadding.left(), y + st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, dateText); } } // namepsace void ServiceMessagePainter::paint(Painter &p, const HistoryService *message, const PaintContext &context, int height) { int left = 0, width = 0; message->countPositionAndSize(left, width); if (width < 1) return; uint64 fullAnimMs = App::main() ? App::main()->animActiveTimeStart(message) : 0; if (fullAnimMs > 0 && fullAnimMs <= context.ms) { int animms = context.ms - fullAnimMs; if (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) { App::main()->stopAnimActive(); } else { int skiph = st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); textstyleSet(&st::inTextStyle); float64 dt = (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1 - (animms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (animms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration)); float64 o = p.opacity(); p.setOpacity(o * dt); p.fillRect(0, skiph, message->history()->width, message->height() - skiph, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay->b); p.setOpacity(o); } } textstyleSet(&st::serviceTextStyle); if (auto media = message->getMedia()) { height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + media->height(); int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left() + (width - media->maxWidth()) / 2, top = st::msgServiceMargin.top() + height + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); p.translate(left, top); media->draw(p, context.clip.translated(-left, -top), message->toMediaSelection(context.selection), context.ms); p.translate(-left, -top); } QRect trect(QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding)); paintComplexBubble(p, left, width, message->_text, trect); if (width > message->maxWidth()) { left += (width - message->maxWidth()) / 2; width = message->maxWidth(); } p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.setPen(st::msgServiceColor); p.setFont(st::msgServiceFont); message->_text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignCenter, 0, -1, context.selection, false); textstyleRestore(); } void ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(Painter &p, const QDateTime &date, int y, int w) { auto dateText = langDayOfMonthFull(date.date()); auto dateTextWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(dateText); paintPreparedDate(p, dateText, dateTextWidth, y, w); } void ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(Painter &p, const QString &dateText, int dateTextWidth, int y, int w) { paintPreparedDate(p, dateText, dateTextWidth, y, w); } void ServiceMessagePainter::paintBubble(Painter &p, int x, int y, int w, int h) { createCircleMasks(); paintBubblePart(p, x, y, w, h, SideStyle::Rounded, SideStyle::Rounded); } void ServiceMessagePainter::paintComplexBubble(Painter &p, int left, int width, const Text &text, const QRect &textRect) { createCircleMasks(); auto lineWidths = countLineWidths(text, textRect); int y = st::msgServiceMargin.top(); SideStyle topStyle = SideStyle::Rounded, bottomStyle; for (int i = 0, count = lineWidths.size(); i < count; ++i) { auto lineWidth = lineWidths.at(i); if (i + 1 < count) { auto nextLineWidth = lineWidths.at(i + 1); if (nextLineWidth > lineWidth) { bottomStyle = SideStyle::Inverted; } else if (nextLineWidth < lineWidth) { bottomStyle = SideStyle::Rounded; } else { bottomStyle = SideStyle::Plain; } } else { bottomStyle = SideStyle::Rounded; } auto richWidth = lineWidth + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right(); auto richHeight = st::msgServiceFont->height; if (topStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) { richHeight += st::msgServicePadding.top(); } else if (topStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) { richHeight -= st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); } if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) { richHeight += st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); } else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) { richHeight -= st::msgServicePadding.top(); } paintBubblePart(p, left + ((width - richWidth) / 2), y, richWidth, richHeight, topStyle, bottomStyle); y += richHeight; if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) { topStyle = SideStyle::Rounded; } else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) { topStyle = SideStyle::Inverted; } else { topStyle = SideStyle::Plain; } } } QVector ServiceMessagePainter::countLineWidths(const Text &text, const QRect &textRect) { int linesCount = qMax(textRect.height() / st::msgServiceFont->height, 1); QVector lineWidths; lineWidths.reserve(linesCount); text.countLineWidths(textRect.width(), &lineWidths); int minDelta = 2 * (st::historyServiceMsgRadius + st::historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius - st::historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink); for (int i = 0, count = lineWidths.size(); i < count; ++i) { int width = qMax(lineWidths.at(i), 0); if (i > 0) { int widthBefore = lineWidths.at(i - 1); if (width < widthBefore && width + minDelta > widthBefore) { width = widthBefore; } } if (i + 1 < count) { int widthAfter = lineWidths.at(i + 1); if (width < widthAfter && width + minDelta > widthAfter) { width = widthAfter; } } if (width > lineWidths.at(i)) { lineWidths[i] = width; if (i > 0) { int widthBefore = lineWidths.at(i - 1); if (widthBefore != width && widthBefore < width + minDelta && widthBefore + minDelta > width) { i -= 2; } } } } return lineWidths; } void serviceColorsUpdated() { if (serviceMessageStyle) { for (auto &corner : serviceMessageStyle->corners) { corner = QPixmap(); } } } } // namespace HistoryLayout