/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "storage/serialize_peer.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "app.h" namespace Serialize { namespace { constexpr auto kModernImageLocationTag = std::numeric_limits::min(); } // namespace std::optional readLegacyStorageImageLocationOrTag( int streamAppVersion, QDataStream &stream) { qint32 width, height, dc, local; quint64 volume, secret; QByteArray fileReference; stream >> width; if (width == kModernImageLocationTag) { return std::nullopt; } stream >> height >> dc >> volume >> local >> secret; if (streamAppVersion >= 1003013) { stream >> fileReference; } if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { return std::nullopt; } return StorageImageLocation( StorageFileLocation( dc, UserId(0), MTP_inputFileLocation( MTP_long(volume), MTP_int(local), MTP_long(secret), MTP_bytes(fileReference))), width, height); } int storageImageLocationSize(const StorageImageLocation &location) { // Modern image location tag + (size + content) of the serialization. return sizeof(qint32) * 2 + location.serializeSize(); } void writeStorageImageLocation( QDataStream &stream, const StorageImageLocation &location) { stream << kModernImageLocationTag << location.serialize(); } std::optional readStorageImageLocation( int streamAppVersion, QDataStream &stream) { const auto legacy = readLegacyStorageImageLocationOrTag( streamAppVersion, stream); if (legacy) { return legacy; } auto serialized = QByteArray(); stream >> serialized; return (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) ? StorageImageLocation::FromSerialized(serialized) : std::nullopt; } int imageLocationSize(const ImageLocation &location) { // Modern image location tag + (size + content) of the serialization. return sizeof(qint32) * 2 + location.serializeSize(); } void writeImageLocation(QDataStream &stream, const ImageLocation &location) { stream << kModernImageLocationTag << location.serialize(); } std::optional readImageLocation( int streamAppVersion, QDataStream &stream) { const auto legacy = readLegacyStorageImageLocationOrTag( streamAppVersion, stream); if (legacy) { return ImageLocation( DownloadLocation{ legacy->file() }, legacy->width(), legacy->height()); } auto serialized = QByteArray(); stream >> serialized; return (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) ? ImageLocation::FromSerialized(serialized) : std::nullopt; } uint32 peerSize(not_null peer) { uint32 result = sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(quint64) + imageLocationSize(peer->userpicLocation()); if (peer->isUser()) { UserData *user = peer->asUser(); // first + last + phone + username + access result += stringSize(user->firstName) + stringSize(user->lastName) + stringSize(user->phone()) + stringSize(user->username) + sizeof(quint64); // flags if (AppVersion >= 9012) { result += sizeof(qint32); } // onlineTill + contact + botInfoVersion result += sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32); } else if (peer->isChat()) { ChatData *chat = peer->asChat(); // name + count + date + version + admin + old forbidden + left + inviteLink result += stringSize(chat->name) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + stringSize(chat->inviteLink()); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { ChannelData *channel = peer->asChannel(); // name + access + date + version + old forbidden + flags + inviteLink result += stringSize(channel->name) + sizeof(quint64) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(quint32) + stringSize(channel->inviteLink()); } return result; } void writePeer(QDataStream &stream, PeerData *peer) { stream << quint64(peer->id) << quint64(peer->userpicPhotoId()); writeImageLocation(stream, peer->userpicLocation()); if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { stream << user->firstName << user->lastName << user->phone() << user->username << quint64(user->accessHash()); if (AppVersion >= 9012) { stream << qint32(user->flags()); } if (AppVersion >= 9016) { const auto botInlinePlaceholder = user->isBot() ? user->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder : QString(); stream << botInlinePlaceholder; } stream << qint32(user->onlineTill) << qint32(user->isContact() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(user->isBot() ? user->botInfo->version : -1); } else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { stream << chat->name << qint32(chat->count) << qint32(chat->date) << qint32(chat->version()) << qint32(chat->creator) << qint32(0) << quint32(chat->flags()) << chat->inviteLink(); } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { stream << channel->name << quint64(channel->access) << qint32(channel->date) << qint32(channel->version()) << qint32(0) << quint32(channel->flags()) << channel->inviteLink(); } } PeerData *readPeer( not_null session, int streamAppVersion, QDataStream &stream) { quint64 peerId = 0, photoId = 0; stream >> peerId >> photoId; if (!peerId) { return nullptr; } const auto userpic = readImageLocation(streamAppVersion, stream); auto userpicAccessHash = uint64(0); if (!userpic) { return nullptr; } const auto selfId = session->userPeerId(); const auto loaded = (peerId == selfId) ? session->user().get() : session->data().peerLoaded(peerId); const auto apply = !loaded || !loaded->isFullLoaded(); const auto result = loaded ? loaded : session->data().peer(peerId).get(); if (apply) { result->setLoadedStatus(PeerData::LoadedStatus::Full); } if (const auto user = result->asUser()) { QString first, last, phone, username, inlinePlaceholder; quint64 access; qint32 flags = 0, onlineTill, contact, botInfoVersion; stream >> first >> last >> phone >> username >> access; if (streamAppVersion >= 9012) { stream >> flags; } if (streamAppVersion >= 9016) { stream >> inlinePlaceholder; } stream >> onlineTill >> contact >> botInfoVersion; userpicAccessHash = access; const auto showPhone = !user->isServiceUser() && (user->id != selfId) && (contact <= 0); const auto pname = (showPhone && !phone.isEmpty()) ? App::formatPhone(phone) : QString(); if (apply) { user->setPhone(phone); user->setName(first, last, pname, username); user->setFlags(MTPDuser::Flags::from_raw(flags)); user->setAccessHash(access); user->onlineTill = onlineTill; user->setIsContact(contact == 1); user->setBotInfoVersion(botInfoVersion); if (!inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty() && user->isBot()) { user->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder = inlinePlaceholder; } if (user->id == selfId) { user->input = MTP_inputPeerSelf(); user->inputUser = MTP_inputUserSelf(); } else { user->input = MTP_inputPeerUser(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), MTP_long(user->accessHash())); user->inputUser = MTP_inputUser(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), MTP_long(user->accessHash())); } } } else if (const auto chat = result->asChat()) { QString name, inviteLink; qint32 count, date, version, creator, oldForbidden; quint32 flagsData, flags; stream >> name >> count >> date >> version >> creator >> oldForbidden >> flagsData >> inviteLink; if (streamAppVersion >= 9012) { flags = flagsData; } else { // flagsData was haveLeft flags = (flagsData == 1) ? MTPDchat::Flags(MTPDchat::Flag::f_left) : MTPDchat::Flags(0); } if (oldForbidden) { flags |= quint32(MTPDchat_ClientFlag::f_forbidden); } if (apply) { chat->setName(name); chat->count = count; chat->date = date; // We don't save participants, admin status and banned rights. // So we don't restore the version field, info is still unknown. chat->setVersion(0); chat->creator = creator; chat->setFlags(MTPDchat::Flags::from_raw(flags)); chat->setInviteLink(inviteLink); chat->input = MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_int(peerToChat(chat->id))); chat->inputChat = MTP_int(peerToChat(chat->id)); } } else if (const auto channel = result->asChannel()) { QString name, inviteLink; quint64 access; qint32 date, version, oldForbidden; quint32 flags; stream >> name >> access >> date >> version >> oldForbidden >> flags >> inviteLink; userpicAccessHash = access; if (oldForbidden) { flags |= quint32(MTPDchannel_ClientFlag::f_forbidden); } if (apply) { channel->setName(name, QString()); channel->access = access; channel->date = date; // We don't save participants, admin status and banned rights. // So we don't restore the version field, info is still unknown. channel->setVersion(0); channel->setFlags(MTPDchannel::Flags::from_raw(flags)); channel->setInviteLink(inviteLink); channel->input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(MTP_int(peerToChannel(channel->id)), MTP_long(access)); channel->inputChannel = MTP_inputChannel(MTP_int(peerToChannel(channel->id)), MTP_long(access)); } } if (apply) { using LocationType = StorageFileLocation::Type; const auto location = (userpic->valid() && userpic->isLegacy()) ? userpic->convertToModern( LocationType::PeerPhoto, result->id, userpicAccessHash) : *userpic; result->setUserpic(photoId, location); } return result; } QString peekUserPhone(int streamAppVersion, QDataStream &stream) { quint64 peerId = 0, photoId = 0; stream >> peerId >> photoId; DEBUG_LOG(("peekUserPhone.id: %1").arg(peerId)); if (!peerId || !peerIsUser(peerId) || !readStorageImageLocation(streamAppVersion, stream)) { return QString(); } QString first, last, phone; stream >> first >> last >> phone; DEBUG_LOG(("peekUserPhone.data: %1 %2 %3" ).arg(first).arg(last).arg(phone)); return phone; } } // namespace Serialize