/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "media/media_audio_track.h" #include "media/media_audio_ffmpeg_loader.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "messenger.h" #include #include #include namespace Media { namespace Audio { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxFileSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; constexpr auto kDetachDeviceTimeout = TimeMs(500); // destroy the audio device after 500ms of silence constexpr auto kTrackUpdateTimeout = TimeMs(100); ALuint CreateSource() { auto source = ALuint(0); alGenSources(1, &source); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1.f); alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, 1.f); alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); return source; } ALuint CreateBuffer() { auto buffer = ALuint(0); alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); return buffer; } } // namespace Track::Track(not_null instance) : _instance(instance) { _instance->registerTrack(this); } void Track::samplePeakEach(TimeMs peakDuration) { _peakDurationMs = peakDuration; } void Track::fillFromData(base::byte_vector &&data) { FFMpegLoader loader(FileLocation(), QByteArray(), std::move(data)); auto position = qint64(0); if (!loader.open(position)) { _failed = true; return; } auto format = loader.format(); _peakEachPosition = _peakDurationMs ? ((loader.samplesFrequency() * _peakDurationMs) / 1000) : 0; auto peaksCount = _peakEachPosition ? (loader.samplesCount() / _peakEachPosition) : 0; _peaks.reserve(peaksCount); auto peakValue = uint16(0); auto peakSamples = 0; auto peakEachSample = (format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 || format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) ? (_peakEachPosition * 2) : _peakEachPosition; _peakValueMin = 0x7FFF; _peakValueMax = 0; auto peakCallback = [this, &peakValue, &peakSamples, peakEachSample](uint16 sample) { accumulate_max(peakValue, sample); if (++peakSamples >= peakEachSample) { peakSamples -= peakEachSample; _peaks.push_back(peakValue); accumulate_max(_peakValueMax, peakValue); accumulate_min(_peakValueMin, peakValue); peakValue = 0; } }; do { auto buffer = QByteArray(); auto samplesAdded = int64(0); auto result = loader.readMore(buffer, samplesAdded); if (samplesAdded > 0) { auto sampleBytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(buffer)); _samplesCount += samplesAdded; _samples.insert(_samples.end(), sampleBytes.data(), sampleBytes.data() + sampleBytes.size()); if (peaksCount) { if (format == AL_FORMAT_MONO8 || format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8) { Media::Audio::IterateSamples(sampleBytes, peakCallback); } else if (format == AL_FORMAT_MONO16 || format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) { Media::Audio::IterateSamples(sampleBytes, peakCallback); } } } using Result = AudioPlayerLoader::ReadResult; switch (result) { case Result::Error: case Result::NotYet: case Result::Wait: { _failed = true; } break; } if (result != Result::Ok) { break; } } while (true); _alFormat = loader.format(); _sampleRate = loader.samplesFrequency(); _lengthMs = (loader.samplesCount() * TimeMs(1000)) / _sampleRate; } void Track::fillFromFile(const FileLocation &location) { if (location.accessEnable()) { fillFromFile(location.name()); location.accessDisable(); } else { LOG(("Track Error: Could not enable access to file '%1'.").arg(location.name())); _failed = true; } } void Track::fillFromFile(const QString &filePath) { QFile f(filePath); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { auto size = f.size(); if (size > 0 && size <= kMaxFileSize) { auto bytes = base::byte_vector(size); if (f.read(reinterpret_cast(bytes.data()), bytes.size()) == bytes.size()) { fillFromData(std::move(bytes)); } else { LOG(("Track Error: Could not read %1 bytes from file '%2'.").arg(bytes.size()).arg(filePath)); _failed = true; } } else { LOG(("Track Error: Bad file '%1' size: %2.").arg(filePath).arg(size)); _failed = true; } } else { LOG(("Track Error: Could not open file '%1'.").arg(filePath)); _failed = true; } } void Track::playWithLooping(bool looping) { _active = true; if (failed() || _samples.empty()) { finish(); return; } ensureSourceCreated(); alSourceStop(_alSource); _looping = looping; alSourcei(_alSource, AL_LOOPING, _looping ? 1 : 0); alSourcef(_alSource, AL_GAIN, _volume); alSourcePlay(_alSource); _instance->trackStarted(this); } void Track::finish() { if (_active) { _active = false; _instance->trackFinished(this); } _alPosition = 0; } void Track::ensureSourceCreated() { if (alIsSource(_alSource)) { return; } { QMutexLocker lock(Player::internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (!AttachToDevice()) { _failed = true; return; } } _alSource = CreateSource(); _alBuffer = CreateBuffer(); alBufferData(_alBuffer, _alFormat, _samples.data(), _samples.size(), _sampleRate); alSourcei(_alSource, AL_BUFFER, _alBuffer); } void Track::updateState() { if (!isActive() || !alIsSource(_alSource)) { return; } _stateUpdatedAt = getms(); auto state = ALint(0); alGetSourcei(_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (state != AL_PLAYING) { finish(); } else { auto currentPosition = ALint(0); alGetSourcei(_alSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, ¤tPosition); _alPosition = currentPosition; } } float64 Track::getPeakValue(TimeMs when) const { if (!isActive() || !_samplesCount || _peaks.empty() || _peakValueMin == _peakValueMax) { return 0.; } auto sampleIndex = (_alPosition + ((when - _stateUpdatedAt) * _sampleRate / 1000)); while (sampleIndex < 0) { sampleIndex += _samplesCount; } sampleIndex = sampleIndex % _samplesCount; auto peakIndex = (sampleIndex / _peakEachPosition) % _peaks.size(); return (_peaks[peakIndex] - _peakValueMin) / float64(_peakValueMax - _peakValueMin); } void Track::detachFromDevice() { if (alIsSource(_alSource)) { updateState(); alSourceStop(_alSource); alSourcei(_alSource, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE); alDeleteBuffers(1, &_alBuffer); alDeleteSources(1, &_alSource); } _alBuffer = 0; _alSource = 0; } void Track::reattachToDevice() { if (!isActive() || alIsSource(_alSource)) { return; } ensureSourceCreated(); alSourcei(_alSource, AL_LOOPING, _looping ? 1 : 0); alSourcei(_alSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, static_cast(_alPosition)); alSourcePlay(_alSource); } Track::~Track() { detachFromDevice(); _instance->unregisterTrack(this); } Instance::Instance() { _updateTimer.setCallback([this] { auto hasActive = false; for (auto track : _tracks) { track->updateState(); if (track->isActive()) { hasActive = true; } } if (hasActive) { Audio::StopDetachIfNotUsedSafe(); } }); _detachFromDeviceTimer.setCallback([this] { _detachFromDeviceForce = false; Player::internal::DetachFromDevice(); }); } std::unique_ptr Instance::createTrack() { return std::make_unique(this); } Instance::~Instance() { Expects(_tracks.empty()); } void Instance::registerTrack(Track *track) { _tracks.insert(track); } void Instance::unregisterTrack(Track *track) { _tracks.erase(track); } void Instance::trackStarted(Track *track) { stopDetachIfNotUsed(); if (!_updateTimer.isActive()) { _updateTimer.callEach(kTrackUpdateTimeout); } } void Instance::trackFinished(Track *track) { if (!hasActiveTracks()) { _updateTimer.cancel(); scheduleDetachIfNotUsed(); } if (track->isLooping()) { trackFinished().notify(track, true); } } void Instance::detachTracks() { for (auto track : _tracks) { track->detachFromDevice(); } } void Instance::reattachTracks() { if (!IsAttachedToDevice()) { return; } for (auto track : _tracks) { track->reattachToDevice(); } } bool Instance::hasActiveTracks() const { for (auto track : _tracks) { if (track->isActive()) { return true; } } return false; } void Instance::scheduleDetachFromDevice() { _detachFromDeviceForce = true; scheduleDetachIfNotUsed(); } void Instance::scheduleDetachIfNotUsed() { if (!_detachFromDeviceTimer.isActive()) { _detachFromDeviceTimer.callOnce(kDetachDeviceTimeout); } } void Instance::stopDetachIfNotUsed() { if (!_detachFromDeviceForce) { _detachFromDeviceTimer.cancel(); } } Instance &Current() { return Messenger::Instance().audio(); } } // namespace Audio } // namespace Media