/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "platform/platform_file_utilities.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace Storage { Downloader::Downloader() : _delayedLoadersDestroyer([this] { _delayedDestroyedLoaders.clear(); }) { } void Downloader::delayedDestroyLoader(std::unique_ptr loader) { _delayedDestroyedLoaders.push_back(std::move(loader)); _delayedLoadersDestroyer.call(); } void Downloader::clearPriorities() { ++_priority; } void Downloader::requestedAmountIncrement(MTP::DcId dcId, int index, int amount) { Expects(index >= 0 && index < MTP::kDownloadSessionsCount); auto it = _requestedBytesAmount.find(dcId); if (it == _requestedBytesAmount.cend()) { it = _requestedBytesAmount.emplace(dcId, RequestedInDc { { 0 } }).first; } it->second[index] += amount; if (it->second[index]) { Messenger::Instance().killDownloadSessionsStop(dcId); } else { Messenger::Instance().killDownloadSessionsStart(dcId); } } int Downloader::chooseDcIndexForRequest(MTP::DcId dcId) const { auto result = 0; auto it = _requestedBytesAmount.find(dcId); if (it != _requestedBytesAmount.cend()) { for (auto i = 1; i != MTP::kDownloadSessionsCount; ++i) { if (it->second[i] < it->second[result]) { result = i; } } } return result; } Downloader::~Downloader() { // The file loaders have pointer to downloader and they cancel // requests in destructor where they use that pointer, so all // of them need to be destroyed before any internal state of Downloader. _delayedDestroyedLoaders.clear(); } } // namespace Storage namespace { constexpr auto kDownloadPhotoPartSize = 64 * 1024; // 64kb for photo constexpr auto kDownloadDocumentPartSize = 128 * 1024; // 128kb for document constexpr auto kMaxFileQueries = 16; // max 16 file parts downloaded at the same time constexpr auto kMaxWebFileQueries = 8; // max 8 http[s] files downloaded at the same time constexpr auto kDownloadCdnPartSize = 128 * 1024; // 128kb for cdn requests } // namespace struct FileLoaderQueue { FileLoaderQueue(int queriesLimit) : queriesLimit(queriesLimit) { } int queriesCount = 0; int queriesLimit = 0; FileLoader *start = nullptr; FileLoader *end = nullptr; }; namespace { using LoaderQueues = QMap; LoaderQueues queues; FileLoaderQueue _webQueue(kMaxWebFileQueries); QThread *_webLoadThread = nullptr; WebLoadManager *_webLoadManager = nullptr; WebLoadManager *webLoadManager() { return (_webLoadManager && _webLoadManager != FinishedWebLoadManager) ? _webLoadManager : nullptr; } WebLoadMainManager *_webLoadMainManager = nullptr; } // namespace FileLoader::FileLoader(const QString &toFile, int32 size, LocationType locationType, LoadToCacheSetting toCache, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) : _downloader(&Auth().downloader()) , _autoLoading(autoLoading) , _filename(toFile) , _file(_filename) , _toCache(toCache) , _fromCloud(fromCloud) , _size(size) , _locationType(locationType) { Expects(!_filename.isEmpty() || (_size <= Storage::kMaxFileInMemory)); } QByteArray FileLoader::imageFormat(const QSize &shrinkBox) const { if (_imageFormat.isEmpty() && _locationType == UnknownFileLocation) { readImage(shrinkBox); } return _imageFormat; } QPixmap FileLoader::imagePixmap(const QSize &shrinkBox) const { if (_imagePixmap.isNull() && _locationType == UnknownFileLocation) { readImage(shrinkBox); } return _imagePixmap; } void FileLoader::readImage(const QSize &shrinkBox) const { auto format = QByteArray(); auto image = App::readImage(_data, &format, false); if (!image.isNull()) { if (!shrinkBox.isEmpty() && (image.width() > shrinkBox.width() || image.height() > shrinkBox.height())) { _imagePixmap = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(image.scaled(shrinkBox, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { _imagePixmap = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(image)); } _imageFormat = format; } } float64 FileLoader::currentProgress() const { if (_finished) return 1.; if (!fullSize()) return 0.; return snap(float64(currentOffset()) / fullSize(), 0., 1.); } int32 FileLoader::fullSize() const { return _size; } bool FileLoader::setFileName(const QString &fileName) { if (_toCache != LoadToCacheAsWell || !_filename.isEmpty()) { return fileName.isEmpty() || (fileName == _filename); } _filename = fileName; _file.setFileName(_filename); return true; } void FileLoader::permitLoadFromCloud() { _fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal; } void FileLoader::loadNext() { if (_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit) { return; } for (auto i = _queue->start; i;) { if (i->loadPart()) { if (_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit) { return; } } else { i = i->_next; } } } void FileLoader::removeFromQueue() { if (!_inQueue) return; if (_next) { _next->_prev = _prev; } if (_prev) { _prev->_next = _next; } if (_queue->end == this) { _queue->end = _prev; } if (_queue->start == this) { _queue->start = _next; } _next = _prev = 0; _inQueue = false; } void FileLoader::pause() { removeFromQueue(); _paused = true; } FileLoader::~FileLoader() { if (_localTaskId) { Local::cancelTask(_localTaskId); } removeFromQueue(); } void FileLoader::localLoaded(const StorageImageSaved &result, const QByteArray &imageFormat, const QPixmap &imagePixmap) { _localTaskId = 0; if (result.data.isEmpty()) { _localStatus = LocalFailed; start(true); return; } _data = result.data; if (!imagePixmap.isNull()) { _imageFormat = imageFormat; _imagePixmap = imagePixmap; } _localStatus = LocalLoaded; if (!_filename.isEmpty() && _toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) { if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!_fileIsOpen) { cancel(true); return; } if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) { cancel(true); return; } } _finished = true; if (_fileIsOpen) { _file.close(); _fileIsOpen = false; Platform::File::PostprocessDownloaded(QFileInfo(_file).absoluteFilePath()); } _downloader->taskFinished().notify(); emit progress(this); loadNext(); } void FileLoader::start(bool loadFirst, bool prior) { if (_paused) { _paused = false; } if (_finished || tryLoadLocal()) return; if (_fromCloud == LoadFromLocalOnly) { cancel(); return; } if (!_filename.isEmpty() && _toCache == LoadToFileOnly && !_fileIsOpen) { _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!_fileIsOpen) { return cancel(true); } } auto currentPriority = _downloader->currentPriority(); FileLoader *before = 0, *after = 0; if (prior) { if (_inQueue && _priority == currentPriority) { if (loadFirst) { if (!_prev) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); before = _queue->start; } else { if (!_next || _next->_priority < currentPriority) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); after = _next; while (after->_next && after->_next->_priority == currentPriority) { after = after->_next; } } } else { _priority = currentPriority; if (loadFirst) { if (_inQueue && !_prev) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); before = _queue->start; } else { if (_inQueue) { if (_next && _next->_priority == currentPriority) { after = _next; } else if (_prev && _prev->_priority < currentPriority) { before = _prev; while (before->_prev && before->_prev->_priority < currentPriority) { before = before->_prev; } } else { return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); } } else { if (_queue->start && _queue->start->_priority == currentPriority) { after = _queue->start; } else { before = _queue->start; } } if (after) { while (after->_next && after->_next->_priority == currentPriority) { after = after->_next; } } } } } else { if (loadFirst) { if (_inQueue && (!_prev || _prev->_priority == currentPriority)) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); before = _prev; while (before->_prev && before->_prev->_priority != currentPriority) { before = before->_prev; } } else { if (_inQueue && !_next) return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); after = _queue->end; } } removeFromQueue(); _inQueue = true; if (!_queue->start) { _queue->start = _queue->end = this; } else if (before) { if (before != _next) { _prev = before->_prev; _next = before; _next->_prev = this; if (_prev) { _prev->_next = this; } if (_queue->start->_prev) _queue->start = _queue->start->_prev; } } else if (after) { if (after != _prev) { _next = after->_next; _prev = after; after->_next = this; if (_next) { _next->_prev = this; } if (_queue->end->_next) _queue->end = _queue->end->_next; } } else { LOG(("Queue Error: _start && !before && !after")); } return startLoading(loadFirst, prior); } void FileLoader::cancel() { cancel(false); } void FileLoader::cancel(bool fail) { bool started = currentOffset(true) > 0; cancelRequests(); _cancelled = true; _finished = true; if (_fileIsOpen) { _file.close(); _fileIsOpen = false; _file.remove(); } _data = QByteArray(); if (fail) { emit failed(this, started); } else { emit progress(this); } _filename = QString(); _file.setFileName(_filename); loadNext(); } void FileLoader::startLoading(bool loadFirst, bool prior) { if ((_queue->queriesCount >= _queue->queriesLimit && (!loadFirst || !prior)) || _finished) { return; } loadPart(); } mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(const StorageImageLocation *location, int32 size, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) : FileLoader(QString(), size, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading) , _dcId(location->dc()) , _location(location) { auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0); auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId); if (i == queues.cend()) { i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries)); } _queue = &i.value(); } mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(int32 dc, uint64 id, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, LocationType type, const QString &to, int32 size, LoadToCacheSetting toCache, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) : FileLoader(to, size, type, toCache, fromCloud, autoLoading) , _dcId(dc) , _id(id) , _accessHash(accessHash) , _version(version) { auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0); auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId); if (i == queues.cend()) { i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries)); } _queue = &i.value(); } mtpFileLoader::mtpFileLoader(const WebFileImageLocation *location, int32 size, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) : FileLoader(QString(), size, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading) , _dcId(location->dc()) , _urlLocation(location) { auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(_dcId, 0); auto i = queues.find(shiftedDcId); if (i == queues.cend()) { i = queues.insert(shiftedDcId, FileLoaderQueue(kMaxFileQueries)); } _queue = &i.value(); } int32 mtpFileLoader::currentOffset(bool includeSkipped) const { return (_fileIsOpen ? _file.size() : _data.size()) - (includeSkipped ? 0 : _skippedBytes); } bool mtpFileLoader::loadPart() { if (_finished || _lastComplete || (!_sentRequests.empty() && !_size)) { return false; } else if (_size && _nextRequestOffset >= _size) { return false; } makeRequest(_nextRequestOffset); _nextRequestOffset += partSize(); return true; } int mtpFileLoader::partSize() const { return kDownloadCdnPartSize; // Different part sizes are not supported for now :( // Because we start downloading with some part size // and then we get a cdn-redirect where we support only // fixed part size download for hash checking. // //if (_cdnDcId) { // return kDownloadCdnPartSize; //} else if (_locationType == UnknownFileLocation) { // return kDownloadPhotoPartSize; //} //return kDownloadDocumentPartSize; } mtpFileLoader::RequestData mtpFileLoader::prepareRequest(int offset) const { auto result = RequestData(); result.dcId = _cdnDcId ? _cdnDcId : _dcId; result.dcIndex = _size ? _downloader->chooseDcIndexForRequest(result.dcId) : 0; result.offset = offset; return result; } void mtpFileLoader::makeRequest(int offset) { auto requestData = prepareRequest(offset); auto send = [this, &requestData] { auto offset = requestData.offset; auto limit = partSize(); auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex); if (_cdnDcId) { t_assert(requestData.dcId == _cdnDcId); return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetCdnFile(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId, 50); } else if (_urlLocation) { t_assert(requestData.dcId == _dcId); return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetWebFile(MTP_inputWebFileLocation(MTP_bytes(_urlLocation->url()), MTP_long(_urlLocation->accessHash())), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::webPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::partFailed), shiftedDcId, 50); } else { t_assert(requestData.dcId == _dcId); auto location = [this] { if (_location) { return MTP_inputFileLocation(MTP_long(_location->volume()), MTP_int(_location->local()), MTP_long(_location->secret())); } return MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash), MTP_int(_version)); }; return MTP::send(MTPupload_GetFile(location(), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::normalPartLoaded), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::partFailed), shiftedDcId, 50); } }; placeSentRequest(send(), requestData); } void mtpFileLoader::requestMoreCdnFileHashes() { if (_cdnHashesRequestId || _cdnUncheckedParts.empty()) { return; } auto offset = _cdnUncheckedParts.cbegin()->first; auto requestData = RequestData(); requestData.dcId = _dcId; requestData.dcIndex = 0; requestData.offset = offset; auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex); auto requestId = _cdnHashesRequestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_GetCdnFileHashes(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), MTP_int(offset)), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::getCdnFileHashesDone), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId); placeSentRequest(requestId, requestData); } void mtpFileLoader::normalPartLoaded(const MTPupload_File &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect || result.type() == mtpc_upload_file); auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect) { return switchToCDN(offset, result.c_upload_fileCdnRedirect()); } auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(result.c_upload_file().vbytes.v)); return partLoaded(offset, bytes); } void mtpFileLoader::webPartLoaded(const MTPupload_WebFile &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_webFile); auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); auto &webFile = result.c_upload_webFile(); if (!_size) { _size = webFile.vsize.v; } else if (webFile.vsize.v != _size) { LOG(("MTP Error: Bad size provided by bot for webDocument: %1, real: %2").arg(_size).arg(webFile.vsize.v)); return cancel(true); } auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(webFile.vbytes.v)); return partLoaded(offset, bytes); } void mtpFileLoader::cdnPartLoaded(const MTPupload_CdnFile &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_cdnFileReuploadNeeded) { auto requestData = RequestData(); requestData.dcId = _dcId; requestData.dcIndex = 0; requestData.offset = offset; auto shiftedDcId = MTP::downloadDcId(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex); auto requestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_ReuploadCdnFile(MTP_bytes(_cdnToken), result.c_upload_cdnFileReuploadNeeded().vrequest_token), rpcDone(&mtpFileLoader::reuploadDone), rpcFail(&mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed), shiftedDcId); placeSentRequest(requestId, requestData); return; } Expects(result.type() == mtpc_upload_cdnFile); auto key = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(_cdnEncryptionKey)); auto iv = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(_cdnEncryptionIV)); Expects(key.size() == MTP::CTRState::KeySize); Expects(iv.size() == MTP::CTRState::IvecSize); auto state = MTP::CTRState(); auto ivec = gsl::as_writeable_bytes(gsl::make_span(state.ivec)); std::copy(iv.begin(), iv.end(), ivec.begin()); auto counterOffset = static_cast(offset) >> 4; state.ivec[15] = static_cast(counterOffset & 0xFF); state.ivec[14] = static_cast((counterOffset >> 8) & 0xFF); state.ivec[13] = static_cast((counterOffset >> 16) & 0xFF); state.ivec[12] = static_cast((counterOffset >> 24) & 0xFF); auto decryptInPlace = result.c_upload_cdnFile().vbytes.v; MTP::aesCtrEncrypt(decryptInPlace.data(), decryptInPlace.size(), key.data(), &state); auto bytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(decryptInPlace)); switch (checkCdnFileHash(offset, bytes)) { case CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash: { _cdnUncheckedParts.emplace(offset, decryptInPlace); requestMoreCdnFileHashes(); } return; case CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid: { LOG(("API Error: Wrong cdnFileHash for offset %1.").arg(offset)); cancel(true); } return; case CheckCdnHashResult::Good: { partLoaded(offset, bytes); } return; } Unexpected("Result of checkCdnFileHash()"); } mtpFileLoader::CheckCdnHashResult mtpFileLoader::checkCdnFileHash(int offset, base::const_byte_span bytes) { auto cdnFileHashIt = _cdnFileHashes.find(offset); if (cdnFileHashIt == _cdnFileHashes.cend()) { return CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash; } auto realHash = hashSha256(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); if (base::compare_bytes(gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(realHash)), gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(cdnFileHashIt->second.hash)))) { return CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid; } return CheckCdnHashResult::Good; } void mtpFileLoader::reuploadDone(const MTPVector &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); addCdnHashes(result.v); makeRequest(offset); } void mtpFileLoader::getCdnFileHashesDone(const MTPVector &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { Expects(_cdnHashesRequestId == requestId); _cdnHashesRequestId = 0; auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); addCdnHashes(result.v); auto someMoreChecked = false; for (auto i = _cdnUncheckedParts.begin(); i != _cdnUncheckedParts.cend();) { auto uncheckedOffset = i->first; auto uncheckedBytes = gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(i->second)); switch (checkCdnFileHash(uncheckedOffset, uncheckedBytes)) { case CheckCdnHashResult::NoHash: { ++i; } break; case CheckCdnHashResult::Invalid: { LOG(("API Error: Wrong cdnFileHash for offset %1.").arg(offset)); cancel(true); return; } break; case CheckCdnHashResult::Good: { someMoreChecked = true; auto goodOffset = uncheckedOffset; auto goodBytes = std::move(i->second); i = _cdnUncheckedParts.erase(i); auto guarded = QPointer(this); partLoaded(goodOffset, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(goodBytes))); if (!guarded) { // Perhaps we were destroyed already?.. return; } } break; default: Unexpected("Result of checkCdnFileHash()"); } } if (!someMoreChecked) { LOG(("API Error: Could not find cdnFileHash for offset %1 after getCdnFileHashes request.").arg(offset)); cancel(true); } else { requestMoreCdnFileHashes(); } } void mtpFileLoader::placeSentRequest(mtpRequestId requestId, const RequestData &requestData) { _downloader->requestedAmountIncrement(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex, partSize()); ++_queue->queriesCount; _sentRequests.emplace(requestId, requestData); } int mtpFileLoader::finishSentRequestGetOffset(mtpRequestId requestId) { auto it = _sentRequests.find(requestId); Expects(it != _sentRequests.cend()); auto requestData = it->second; _downloader->requestedAmountIncrement(requestData.dcId, requestData.dcIndex, -partSize()); --_queue->queriesCount; _sentRequests.erase(it); return requestData.offset; } void mtpFileLoader::partLoaded(int offset, base::const_byte_span bytes) { if (bytes.size()) { if (_fileIsOpen) { auto fsize = _file.size(); if (offset < fsize) { _skippedBytes -= bytes.size(); } else if (offset > fsize) { _skippedBytes += offset - fsize; } _file.seek(offset); if (_file.write(reinterpret_cast(bytes.data()), bytes.size()) != qint64(bytes.size())) { return cancel(true); } } else { if (offset > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { // Debugging weird out of memory crashes. auto info = QString("offset: %1, size: %2, cancelled: %3, finished: %4, filename: '%5', tocache: %6, fromcloud: %7, data: %8, fullsize: %9").arg(offset).arg(bytes.size()).arg(Logs::b(_cancelled)).arg(Logs::b(_finished)).arg(_filename).arg(int(_toCache)).arg(int(_fromCloud)).arg(_data.size()).arg(_size); info += QString(", locationtype: %1, inqueue: %2, localstatus: %3").arg(int(_locationType)).arg(Logs::b(_inQueue)).arg(int(_localStatus)); SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("DebugInfo", info); } _data.reserve(offset + bytes.size()); if (offset > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("DebugInfo", QString()); } if (offset > _data.size()) { _skippedBytes += offset - _data.size(); _data.resize(offset); } if (offset == _data.size()) { _data.append(reinterpret_cast(bytes.data()), bytes.size()); } else { _skippedBytes -= bytes.size(); if (int64(offset + bytes.size()) > _data.size()) { _data.resize(offset + bytes.size()); } auto src = bytes; auto dst = gsl::make_span(_data).subspan(offset, bytes.size()); base::copy_bytes(gsl::as_writeable_bytes(dst), src); } } } if (!bytes.size() || (bytes.size() % 1024)) { // bad next offset _lastComplete = true; } if (_sentRequests.empty() && _cdnUncheckedParts.empty() && (_lastComplete || (_size && _nextRequestOffset >= _size))) { if (!_filename.isEmpty() && (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell)) { if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!_fileIsOpen) { return cancel(true); } if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) { return cancel(true); } } _finished = true; if (_fileIsOpen) { _file.close(); _fileIsOpen = false; Platform::File::PostprocessDownloaded(QFileInfo(_file).absoluteFilePath()); } removeFromQueue(); if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalFailed) { if (_urlLocation) { Local::writeImage(storageKey(*_urlLocation), StorageImageSaved(_data)); } else if (_locationType != UnknownFileLocation) { // audio, video, document auto mkey = mediaKey(_locationType, _dcId, _id, _version); if (!_filename.isEmpty()) { Local::writeFileLocation(mkey, FileLocation(_filename)); } if (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) { if (_locationType == DocumentFileLocation) { Local::writeStickerImage(mkey, _data); } else if (_locationType == AudioFileLocation) { Local::writeAudio(mkey, _data); } } } else { Local::writeImage(storageKey(*_location), StorageImageSaved(_data)); } } } if (_finished) { _downloader->taskFinished().notify(); } emit progress(this); loadNext(); } bool mtpFileLoader::partFailed(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; cancel(true); return true; } bool mtpFileLoader::cdnPartFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (requestId == _cdnHashesRequestId) { _cdnHashesRequestId = 0; } if (error.type() == qstr("FILE_TOKEN_INVALID") || error.type() == qstr("REQUEST_TOKEN_INVALID")) { auto offset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); changeCDNParams(offset, 0, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), QByteArray(), QVector()); return true; } return partFailed(error); } void mtpFileLoader::cancelRequests() { while (!_sentRequests.empty()) { auto requestId = _sentRequests.begin()->first; MTP::cancel(requestId); finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); } } void mtpFileLoader::switchToCDN(int offset, const MTPDupload_fileCdnRedirect &redirect) { changeCDNParams(offset, redirect.vdc_id.v, redirect.vfile_token.v, redirect.vencryption_key.v, redirect.vencryption_iv.v, redirect.vcdn_file_hashes.v); } void mtpFileLoader::addCdnHashes(const QVector &hashes) { for_const (auto &hash, hashes) { t_assert(hash.type() == mtpc_cdnFileHash); auto &data = hash.c_cdnFileHash(); _cdnFileHashes.emplace(data.voffset.v, CdnFileHash { data.vlimit.v, data.vhash.v }); } } void mtpFileLoader::changeCDNParams(int offset, MTP::DcId dcId, const QByteArray &token, const QByteArray &encryptionKey, const QByteArray &encryptionIV, const QVector &hashes) { if (dcId != 0 && (encryptionKey.size() != MTP::CTRState::KeySize || encryptionIV.size() != MTP::CTRState::IvecSize)) { LOG(("Message Error: Wrong key (%1) / iv (%2) size in CDN params").arg(encryptionKey.size()).arg(encryptionIV.size())); cancel(true); return; } auto resendAllRequests = (_cdnDcId != dcId || _cdnToken != token || _cdnEncryptionKey != encryptionKey || _cdnEncryptionIV != encryptionIV); _cdnDcId = dcId; _cdnToken = token; _cdnEncryptionKey = encryptionKey; _cdnEncryptionIV = encryptionIV; addCdnHashes(hashes); if (resendAllRequests && !_sentRequests.empty()) { auto resendOffsets = std::vector(); resendOffsets.reserve(_sentRequests.size()); while (!_sentRequests.empty()) { auto requestId = _sentRequests.begin()->first; MTP::cancel(requestId); auto resendOffset = finishSentRequestGetOffset(requestId); resendOffsets.push_back(resendOffset); } for (auto resendOffset : resendOffsets) { makeRequest(resendOffset); } } makeRequest(offset); } bool mtpFileLoader::tryLoadLocal() { if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalLoaded || _localStatus == LocalFailed) { return false; } if (_localStatus == LocalLoading) { return true; } if (_urlLocation) { _localTaskId = Local::startImageLoad(storageKey(*_urlLocation), this); } else if (_location) { _localTaskId = Local::startImageLoad(storageKey(*_location), this); } else { if (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell) { MediaKey mkey = mediaKey(_locationType, _dcId, _id, _version); if (_locationType == DocumentFileLocation) { _localTaskId = Local::startStickerImageLoad(mkey, this); } else if (_locationType == AudioFileLocation) { _localTaskId = Local::startAudioLoad(mkey, this); } } } emit progress(this); if (_localStatus != LocalNotTried) { return _finished; } else if (_localTaskId) { _localStatus = LocalLoading; return true; } _localStatus = LocalNotFound; return false; } mtpFileLoader::~mtpFileLoader() { cancelRequests(); } webFileLoader::webFileLoader(const QString &url, const QString &to, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) : FileLoader(QString(), 0, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading) , _url(url) , _requestSent(false) , _already(0) { _queue = &_webQueue; } bool webFileLoader::loadPart() { if (_finished || _requestSent || _webLoadManager == FinishedWebLoadManager) return false; if (!_webLoadManager) { _webLoadMainManager = new WebLoadMainManager(); _webLoadThread = new QThread(); _webLoadManager = new WebLoadManager(_webLoadThread); _webLoadThread->start(); } _requestSent = true; _webLoadManager->append(this, _url); return false; } int32 webFileLoader::currentOffset(bool includeSkipped) const { return _already; } void webFileLoader::onProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) { _size = size; _already = already; emit progress(this); } void webFileLoader::onFinished(const QByteArray &data) { if (_fileIsOpen) { if (_file.write(data.constData(), data.size()) != qint64(data.size())) { return cancel(true); } } else { _data = data; } if (!_filename.isEmpty() && (_toCache == LoadToCacheAsWell)) { if (!_fileIsOpen) _fileIsOpen = _file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!_fileIsOpen) { return cancel(true); } if (_file.write(_data) != qint64(_data.size())) { return cancel(true); } } _finished = true; if (_fileIsOpen) { _file.close(); _fileIsOpen = false; Platform::File::PostprocessDownloaded(QFileInfo(_file).absoluteFilePath()); } removeFromQueue(); if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalFailed) { Local::writeWebFile(_url, _data); } _downloader->taskFinished().notify(); emit progress(this); loadNext(); } void webFileLoader::onError() { cancel(true); } bool webFileLoader::tryLoadLocal() { if (_localStatus == LocalNotFound || _localStatus == LocalLoaded || _localStatus == LocalFailed) { return false; } if (_localStatus == LocalLoading) { return true; } _localTaskId = Local::startWebFileLoad(_url, this); if (_localStatus != LocalNotTried) { return _finished; } else if (_localTaskId) { _localStatus = LocalLoading; return true; } _localStatus = LocalNotFound; return false; } void webFileLoader::cancelRequests() { if (!webLoadManager()) return; webLoadManager()->stop(this); } webFileLoader::~webFileLoader() { } class webFileLoaderPrivate { public: webFileLoaderPrivate(webFileLoader *loader, const QString &url) : _interface(loader) , _url(url) , _redirectsLeft(kMaxHttpRedirects) { } QNetworkReply *reply() { return _reply; } QNetworkReply *request(QNetworkAccessManager &manager, const QString &redirect) { if (!redirect.isEmpty()) _url = redirect; QNetworkRequest req(_url); QByteArray rangeHeaderValue = "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(_already) + "-"; req.setRawHeader("Range", rangeHeaderValue); _reply = manager.get(req); return _reply; } bool oneMoreRedirect() { if (_redirectsLeft) { --_redirectsLeft; return true; } return false; } void setData(const QByteArray &data) { _data = data; } void addData(const QByteArray &data) { _data.append(data); } const QByteArray &data() { return _data; } void setProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) { _already = already; _size = qMax(size, 0LL); } qint64 size() const { return _size; } qint64 already() const { return _already; } private: static constexpr auto kMaxHttpRedirects = 5; webFileLoader *_interface = nullptr; QUrl _url; qint64 _already = 0; qint64 _size = 0; QNetworkReply *_reply = nullptr; int32 _redirectsLeft = kMaxHttpRedirects; QByteArray _data; friend class WebLoadManager; }; void reinitWebLoadManager() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY if (webLoadManager()) { webLoadManager()->setProxySettings(App::getHttpProxySettings()); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY } void stopWebLoadManager() { if (webLoadManager()) { _webLoadThread->quit(); DEBUG_LOG(("Waiting for webloadThread to finish")); _webLoadThread->wait(); delete _webLoadManager; delete _webLoadMainManager; delete _webLoadThread; _webLoadThread = 0; _webLoadMainManager = 0; _webLoadManager = FinishedWebLoadManager; } } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY void WebLoadManager::setProxySettings(const QNetworkProxy &proxy) { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); _proxySettings = proxy; emit proxyApplyDelayed(); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY WebLoadManager::WebLoadManager(QThread *thread) { moveToThread(thread); _manager.moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(process())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finish())); connect(this, SIGNAL(processDelayed()), this, SLOT(process()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(proxyApplyDelayed()), this, SLOT(proxyApply()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(progress(webFileLoader*,qint64,qint64)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(progress(webFileLoader*,qint64,qint64))); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(webFileLoader*,QByteArray)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(finished(webFileLoader*,QByteArray))); connect(this, SIGNAL(error(webFileLoader*)), _webLoadMainManager, SLOT(error(webFileLoader*))); connect(&_manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*))); #ifndef OS_MAC_OLD connect(&_manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,const QList&)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*))); #endif // OS_MAC_OLD } void WebLoadManager::append(webFileLoader *loader, const QString &url) { loader->_private = new webFileLoaderPrivate(loader, url); QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); _loaderPointers.insert(loader, loader->_private); emit processDelayed(); } void WebLoadManager::stop(webFileLoader *loader) { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); _loaderPointers.remove(loader); emit processDelayed(); } bool WebLoadManager::carries(webFileLoader *loader) const { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); return _loaderPointers.contains(loader); } bool WebLoadManager::handleReplyResult(webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, WebReplyProcessResult result) { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); LoaderPointers::iterator it = _loaderPointers.find(loader->_interface); if (it != _loaderPointers.cend() && it.key()->_private != loader) { it = _loaderPointers.end(); // it is a new loader which was realloced in the same address } if (it == _loaderPointers.cend()) { return false; } if (result == WebReplyProcessProgress) { if (loader->size() > Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) { LOG(("API Error: too large file is loaded to cache: %1").arg(loader->size())); result = WebReplyProcessError; } } if (result == WebReplyProcessError) { if (it != _loaderPointers.cend()) { emit error(it.key()); } return false; } if (loader->already() < loader->size() || !loader->size()) { emit progress(it.key(), loader->already(), loader->size()); return true; } emit finished(it.key(), loader->data()); return false; } void WebLoadManager::onFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { onFailed(qobject_cast(QObject::sender())); } void WebLoadManager::onFailed(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (!reply) return; reply->deleteLater(); Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply); if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already return; } webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value(); _replies.erase(j); LOG(("Network Error: Failed to request '%1', error %2 (%3)").arg(QString::fromLatin1(loader->_url.toEncoded())).arg(int(reply->error())).arg(reply->errorString())); if (!handleReplyResult(loader, WebReplyProcessError)) { _loaders.remove(loader); delete loader; } } void WebLoadManager::onProgress(qint64 already, qint64 size) { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if (!reply) return; Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply); if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already return; } webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value(); WebReplyProcessResult result = WebReplyProcessProgress; QVariant statusCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); int32 status = statusCode.isValid() ? statusCode.toInt() : 200; if (status != 200 && status != 206 && status != 416) { if (status == 301 || status == 302) { QString loc = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toString(); if (!loc.isEmpty()) { if (loader->oneMoreRedirect()) { sendRequest(loader, loc); return; } else { LOG(("Network Error: Too many HTTP redirects in onFinished() for web file loader: %1").arg(loc)); result = WebReplyProcessError; } } } else { LOG(("Network Error: Bad HTTP status received in WebLoadManager::onProgress(): %1").arg(statusCode.toInt())); result = WebReplyProcessError; } } else { loader->setProgress(already, size); QByteArray r = reply->readAll(); if (!r.isEmpty()) { loader->addData(r); } if (size == 0) { LOG(("Network Error: Zero size received for HTTP download progress in WebLoadManager::onProgress(): %1 / %2").arg(already).arg(size)); result = WebReplyProcessError; } } if (!handleReplyResult(loader, result)) { _replies.erase(j); _loaders.remove(loader); delete loader; reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } } void WebLoadManager::onMeta() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if (!reply) return; Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(reply); if (j == _replies.cend()) { // handled already return; } webFileLoaderPrivate *loader = j.value(); typedef QList Pairs; Pairs pairs = reply->rawHeaderPairs(); for (Pairs::iterator i = pairs.begin(), e = pairs.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (QString::fromUtf8(i->first).toLower() == "content-range") { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("/(\\d+)([^\\d]|$)")).match(QString::fromUtf8(i->second)); if (m.hasMatch()) { loader->setProgress(qMax(qint64(loader->data().size()), loader->already()), m.captured(1).toLongLong()); if (!handleReplyResult(loader, WebReplyProcessProgress)) { _replies.erase(j); _loaders.remove(loader); delete loader; reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } } } } } void WebLoadManager::process() { Loaders newLoaders; { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); for (LoaderPointers::iterator i = _loaderPointers.begin(), e = _loaderPointers.end(); i != e; ++i) { Loaders::iterator it = _loaders.find(i.value()); if (i.value()) { if (it == _loaders.cend()) { _loaders.insert(i.value()); newLoaders.insert(i.value()); } i.value() = 0; } } for (auto i = _loaders.begin(), e = _loaders.end(); i != e;) { LoaderPointers::iterator it = _loaderPointers.find((*i)->_interface); if (it != _loaderPointers.cend() && it.key()->_private != (*i)) { it = _loaderPointers.end(); } if (it == _loaderPointers.cend()) { if (QNetworkReply *reply = (*i)->reply()) { _replies.remove(reply); reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); } delete (*i); i = _loaders.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } for_const (webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, newLoaders) { if (_loaders.contains(loader)) { sendRequest(loader); } } } void WebLoadManager::sendRequest(webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, const QString &redirect) { Replies::iterator j = _replies.find(loader->reply()); if (j != _replies.cend()) { QNetworkReply *r = j.key(); _replies.erase(j); r->abort(); r->deleteLater(); } QNetworkReply *r = loader->request(_manager, redirect); connect(r, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(onProgress(qint64, qint64))); connect(r, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(r, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(onMeta())); _replies.insert(r, loader); } void WebLoadManager::proxyApply() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); _manager.setProxy(_proxySettings); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY } void WebLoadManager::finish() { clear(); } void WebLoadManager::clear() { QMutexLocker lock(&_loaderPointersMutex); for (LoaderPointers::iterator i = _loaderPointers.begin(), e = _loaderPointers.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value()) { i.key()->_private = 0; } } _loaderPointers.clear(); for_const (webFileLoaderPrivate *loader, _loaders) { delete loader; } _loaders.clear(); for (Replies::iterator i = _replies.begin(), e = _replies.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete i.key(); } _replies.clear(); } WebLoadManager::~WebLoadManager() { clear(); } void WebLoadMainManager::progress(webFileLoader *loader, qint64 already, qint64 size) { if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) { loader->onProgress(already, size); } } void WebLoadMainManager::finished(webFileLoader *loader, QByteArray data) { if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) { loader->onFinished(data); } } void WebLoadMainManager::error(webFileLoader *loader) { if (webLoadManager() && webLoadManager()->carries(loader)) { loader->onError(); } }