/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "boxes/calendar_box.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" namespace { constexpr auto kDaysInWeek = 7; } // namespace class CalendarBox::Context { public: Context(QDate month, QDate highlighted); void start() { _month.setForced(_month.value(), true); } void setMinDate(QDate date); void setMaxDate(QDate date); int minDayIndex() const { return _minDayIndex; } int maxDayIndex() const { return _maxDayIndex; } void skipMonth(int skip); void showMonth(QDate month); int highlightedIndex() const { return _highlightedIndex; } int rowsCount() const { return _rowsCount; } int daysShift() const { return _daysShift; } int daysCount() const { return _daysCount; } bool isEnabled(int index) const { return (index >= _minDayIndex) && (index <= _maxDayIndex); } const base::Variable &month() { return _month; } QDate dateFromIndex(int index) const; QString labelFromIndex(int index) const; private: void applyMonth(const QDate &month, bool forced = false); static int daysShiftForMonth(QDate month); static int rowsCountForMonth(QDate month); base::Variable _month; QDate _min, _max; QDate _highlighted; int _highlightedIndex = 0; int _minDayIndex = 0; int _maxDayIndex = 0; int _daysCount = 0; int _daysShift = 0; int _rowsCount = 0; }; CalendarBox::Context::Context(QDate month, QDate highlighted) : _highlighted(highlighted) { showMonth(month); } void CalendarBox::Context::setMinDate(QDate date) { _min = date; applyMonth(_month.value(), true); } void CalendarBox::Context::setMaxDate(QDate date) { _max = date; applyMonth(_month.value(), true); } void CalendarBox::Context::showMonth(QDate month) { if (month.day() != 1) { month = QDate(month.year(), month.month(), 1); } applyMonth(month); } void CalendarBox::Context::applyMonth(const QDate &month, bool forced) { if (forced) { _month.setForced(month); } else { _month.set(month); } _daysCount = month.daysInMonth(); _daysShift = daysShiftForMonth(month); _rowsCount = rowsCountForMonth(month); auto yearIndex = month.year(); auto monthIndex = month.month(); _highlightedIndex = month.daysTo(_highlighted); _minDayIndex = _min.isNull() ? INT_MIN : month.daysTo(_min); _maxDayIndex = _max.isNull() ? INT_MAX : month.daysTo(_max); } void CalendarBox::Context::skipMonth(int skip) { auto year = _month.value().year(); auto month = _month.value().month(); month += skip; while (month < 1) { --year; month += 12; } while (month > 12) { ++year; month -= 12; } showMonth(QDate(year, month, 1)); } int CalendarBox::Context::daysShiftForMonth(QDate month) { t_assert(!month.isNull()); constexpr auto kMaxRows = 6; auto inMonthIndex = month.day() - 1; auto inWeekIndex = month.dayOfWeek() - 1; return ((kMaxRows * kDaysInWeek) + inWeekIndex - inMonthIndex) % kDaysInWeek; } int CalendarBox::Context::rowsCountForMonth(QDate month) { t_assert(!month.isNull()); auto daysShift = daysShiftForMonth(month); auto daysCount = month.daysInMonth(); auto cellsCount = daysShift + daysCount; auto result = (cellsCount / kDaysInWeek); if (cellsCount % kDaysInWeek) ++result; return result; } QDate CalendarBox::Context::dateFromIndex(int index) const { constexpr auto kMonthsCount = 12; auto month = _month.value().month(); auto year = _month.value().year(); while (index < 0) { if (!--month) { month += kMonthsCount; --year; } index += QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth(); } for (auto maxIndex = QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth(); index >= maxIndex; maxIndex = QDate(year, month, 1).daysInMonth()) { index -= maxIndex; if (month++ == kMonthsCount) { month -= kMonthsCount; ++year; } } return QDate(year, month, index + 1); } QString CalendarBox::Context::labelFromIndex(int index) const { auto day = [this, index] { if (index >= 0 && index < daysCount()) { return index + 1; } return dateFromIndex(index).day(); }; return QString::number(day()); } class CalendarBox::Inner : public TWidget, public RPCSender, private base::Subscriber { public: Inner(QWidget *parent, Context *context); int countHeight() { auto innerHeight = st::calendarDaysHeight + _context->rowsCount() * st::calendarCellSize.height(); return st::calendarPadding.top() + innerHeight + st::calendarPadding.bottom(); } void setDateChosenCallback(base::lambda callback) { _dateChosenCallback = std::move(callback); } ~Inner(); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; private: void monthChanged(QDate month); void setPressed(int pressed); int rowsLeft() const; int rowsTop() const; void resizeToCurrent(); void paintDayNames(Painter &p, QRect clip); void paintRows(Painter &p, QRect clip); Context *_context = nullptr; std::map> _ripples; base::lambda _dateChosenCallback; static constexpr auto kEmptySelection = -kDaysInWeek; int _selected = kEmptySelection; int _pressed = kEmptySelection; }; CalendarBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, Context *context) : TWidget(parent) , _context(context) { setMouseTracking(true); subscribe(context->month(), [this](QDate month) { monthChanged(month); }); } void CalendarBox::Inner::monthChanged(QDate month) { _ripples.clear(); resizeToCurrent(); update(); } void CalendarBox::Inner::resizeToCurrent() { resize(st::boxWideWidth, countHeight()); } void CalendarBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto clip = e->rect(); paintDayNames(p, clip); paintRows(p, clip); } void CalendarBox::Inner::paintDayNames(Painter &p, QRect clip) { p.setFont(st::calendarDaysFont); p.setPen(st::calendarDaysFg); auto y = st::calendarPadding.top(); auto x = rowsLeft(); if (!myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width() * kDaysInWeek, st::calendarDaysHeight).intersects(clip)) { return; } for (auto i = 0; i != kDaysInWeek; ++i, x += st::calendarCellSize.width()) { auto rect = myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarDaysHeight); if (!rect.intersects(clip)) { continue; } p.drawText(rect, langDayOfWeek(i + 1), style::al_top); } } int CalendarBox::Inner::rowsLeft() const { return st::calendarPadding.left(); } int CalendarBox::Inner::rowsTop() const { return st::calendarPadding.top() + st::calendarDaysHeight; } void CalendarBox::Inner::paintRows(Painter &p, QRect clip) { p.setFont(st::calendarDaysFont); auto ms = getms(); auto y = rowsTop(); auto index = -_context->daysShift(); auto highlightedIndex = _context->highlightedIndex(); for (auto row = 0, rowsCount = _context->rowsCount(), daysCount = _context->daysCount() ; row != rowsCount ; ++row, y += st::calendarCellSize.height()) { auto x = rowsLeft(); if (!myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width() * kDaysInWeek, st::calendarCellSize.height()).intersects(clip)) { index += kDaysInWeek; continue; } for (auto col = 0; col != kDaysInWeek; ++col, ++index, x += st::calendarCellSize.width()) { auto rect = myrtlrect(x, y, st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarCellSize.height()); auto grayedOut = (index < 0 || index >= daysCount || !rect.intersects(clip)); auto highlighted = (index == highlightedIndex); auto enabled = _context->isEnabled(index); auto innerLeft = x + (st::calendarCellSize.width() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2; auto innerTop = y + (st::calendarCellSize.height() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2; if (highlighted) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(grayedOut ? st::windowBgOver : st::dialogsBgActive); p.drawEllipse(myrtlrect(innerLeft, innerTop, st::calendarCellInner, st::calendarCellInner)); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); } auto it = _ripples.find(index); if (it != _ripples.cend()) { auto colorOverride = [highlighted, grayedOut] { if (highlighted) { return grayedOut ? st::windowBgRipple : st::dialogsRippleBgActive; } return st::windowBgOver; }; it->second->paint(p, innerLeft, innerTop, width(), ms, &(colorOverride()->c)); if (it->second->empty()) { _ripples.erase(it); } } if (highlighted) { p.setPen(grayedOut ? st::windowSubTextFg : st::dialogsNameFgActive); } else if (enabled) { p.setPen(grayedOut ? st::windowSubTextFg : st::boxTextFg); } else { p.setPen(st::windowSubTextFg); } p.drawText(rect, _context->labelFromIndex(index), style::al_center); } } } void CalendarBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto point = e->pos(); auto row = floorclamp(point.y() - rowsTop(), st::calendarCellSize.height(), 0, _context->rowsCount()); auto col = floorclamp(point.x() - rowsLeft(), st::calendarCellSize.width(), 0, kDaysInWeek); auto index = row * kDaysInWeek + col - _context->daysShift(); if (_context->isEnabled(index)) { _selected = index; setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } else { _selected = kEmptySelection; setCursor(style::cur_default); } } void CalendarBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { setPressed(_selected); if (_selected != kEmptySelection) { auto index = _selected + _context->daysShift(); t_assert(index >= 0); auto row = index / kDaysInWeek; auto col = index % kDaysInWeek; auto cell = QRect(rowsLeft() + col * st::calendarCellSize.width(), rowsTop() + row * st::calendarCellSize.height(), st::calendarCellSize.width(), st::calendarCellSize.height()); auto it = _ripples.find(_selected); if (it == _ripples.cend()) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize(st::calendarCellInner, st::calendarCellInner)); auto update = [this, cell] { rtlupdate(cell); }; it = _ripples.emplace(_selected, std::make_unique(st::defaultRippleAnimation, std::move(mask), std::move(update))).first; } auto ripplePosition = QPoint(cell.x() + (st::calendarCellSize.width() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2, cell.y() + (st::calendarCellSize.height() - st::calendarCellInner) / 2); it->second->add(e->pos() - ripplePosition); } } void CalendarBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed(kEmptySelection); if (pressed != kEmptySelection && pressed == _selected) { _dateChosenCallback(_context->dateFromIndex(pressed)); } } void CalendarBox::Inner::setPressed(int pressed) { if (_pressed != pressed) { if (_pressed != kEmptySelection) { auto it = _ripples.find(_pressed); if (it != _ripples.cend()) { it->second->lastStop(); } } _pressed = pressed; } } CalendarBox::Inner::~Inner() = default; class CalendarBox::Title : public TWidget, private base::Subscriber { public: Title(QWidget *parent, Context *context) : TWidget(parent), _context(context) { subscribe(_context->month(), [this](QDate date) { monthChanged(date); }); } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); private: void monthChanged(QDate month); Context *_context = nullptr; QString _text; int _textWidth = 0; }; void CalendarBox::Title::monthChanged(QDate month) { _text = langMonthOfYearFull(month.month(), month.year()); _textWidth = st::calendarTitleFont->width(_text); update(); } void CalendarBox::Title::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.setFont(st::calendarTitleFont); p.setPen(st::boxTitleFg); p.drawTextLeft((width() - _textWidth) / 2, (height() - st::calendarTitleFont->height) / 2, width(), _text, _textWidth); } CalendarBox::CalendarBox(QWidget*, QDate month, QDate highlighted, base::lambda callback) : _context(std::make_unique(month, highlighted)) , _inner(this, _context.get()) , _title(this, _context.get()) , _previous(this, st::calendarPrevious) , _next(this, st::calendarNext) , _callback(std::move(callback)) { } void CalendarBox::setMinDate(QDate date) { _context->setMinDate(date); } void CalendarBox::setMaxDate(QDate date) { _context->setMaxDate(date); } void CalendarBox::prepare() { _previous->setClickedCallback([this] { if (isPreviousEnabled()) { _context->skipMonth(-1); } }); _next->setClickedCallback([this] { if (isNextEnabled()) { _context->skipMonth(1); } }); // _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this, _context.get()), st::calendarScroll, st::calendarTitleHeight); _inner->setDateChosenCallback(std::move(_callback)); addButton(langFactory(lng_close), [this] { closeBox(); }); subscribe(_context->month(), [this](QDate month) { monthChanged(month); }); _context->start(); } bool CalendarBox::isPreviousEnabled() const { return (_context->minDayIndex() < 0); } bool CalendarBox::isNextEnabled() const { return (_context->maxDayIndex() >= _context->daysCount()); } void CalendarBox::monthChanged(QDate month) { setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::calendarTitleHeight + _inner->countHeight()); auto previousEnabled = isPreviousEnabled(); _previous->setIconOverride(previousEnabled ? nullptr : &st::calendarPreviousDisabled); _previous->setRippleColorOverride(previousEnabled ? nullptr : &st::boxBg); _previous->setCursor(previousEnabled ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); auto nextEnabled = isNextEnabled(); _next->setIconOverride(nextEnabled ? nullptr : &st::calendarNextDisabled); _next->setRippleColorOverride(nextEnabled ? nullptr : &st::boxBg); _next->setCursor(nextEnabled ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } void CalendarBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _previous->moveToLeft(0, 0); _next->moveToRight(0, 0); _title->setGeometryToLeft(_previous->width(), 0, width() - _previous->width() - _next->width(), st::calendarTitleHeight); _inner->setGeometryToLeft(0, st::calendarTitleHeight, width(), height() - st::calendarTitleHeight); BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); } CalendarBox::~CalendarBox() = default;