/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/cross_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/numbers_animation.h" #include "lang/lang_instance.h" namespace Ui { LinkButton::LinkButton(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const style::LinkButton &st) : AbstractButton(parent) , _text(text) , _textWidth(st.font->width(_text)) , _st(st) { resize(_textWidth, _st.font->height); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } int LinkButton::naturalWidth() const { return _textWidth; } void LinkButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto &font = (isOver() ? _st.overFont : _st.font); auto &pen = (isOver() ? _st.overColor : _st.color); p.setFont(font); p.setPen(pen); if (_textWidth > width()) { p.drawText(0, font->ascent, font->elided(_text, width())); } else { p.drawText(0, font->ascent, _text); } } void LinkButton::setText(const QString &text) { _text = text; _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); resize(_textWidth, _st.font->height); update(); } void LinkButton::onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) { update(); } RippleButton::RippleButton(QWidget *parent, const style::RippleAnimation &st) : AbstractButton(parent) , _st(st) { } void RippleButton::clearState() { AbstractButton::clearState(); if (_ripple) { _ripple.reset(); update(); } } void RippleButton::setForceRippled( bool rippled, anim::type animated) { if (_forceRippled != rippled) { _forceRippled = rippled; if (_forceRippled) { ensureRipple(); if (_ripple->empty()) { _ripple->addFading(); } else { _ripple->lastUnstop(); } } else if (_ripple) { _ripple->lastStop(); } } if (animated == anim::type::instant && _ripple) { _ripple->lastFinish(); } update(); } void RippleButton::paintRipple(QPainter &p, int x, int y, TimeMs ms, const QColor *colorOverride) { if (_ripple) { _ripple->paint(p, x, y, width(), ms, colorOverride); if (_ripple->empty()) { _ripple.reset(); } } } void RippleButton::onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) { update(); auto wasDown = static_cast(was & StateFlag::Down); auto down = isDown(); if (!_st.showDuration || down == wasDown || _forceRippled) { return; } if (down && (source == StateChangeSource::ByPress)) { // Start a ripple only from mouse press. auto position = prepareRippleStartPosition(); if (position != DisabledRippleStartPosition()) { ensureRipple(); _ripple->add(position); } } else if (!down && _ripple) { // Finish ripple anyway. _ripple->lastStop(); } } void RippleButton::ensureRipple() { if (!_ripple) { _ripple = std::make_unique(_st, prepareRippleMask(), [this] { update(); }); } } QImage RippleButton::prepareRippleMask() const { return RippleAnimation::rectMask(size()); } QPoint RippleButton::prepareRippleStartPosition() const { return mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); } RippleButton::~RippleButton() = default; FlatButton::FlatButton(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const style::FlatButton &st) : RippleButton(parent, st.ripple) , _text(text) , _st(st) { if (_st.width < 0) { _width = textWidth() - _st.width; } else if (!_st.width) { _width = textWidth() + _st.height - _st.font->height; } else { _width = _st.width; } resize(_width, _st.height); } void FlatButton::setText(const QString &text) { _text = text; update(); } void FlatButton::setWidth(int32 w) { _width = w; if (_width < 0) { _width = textWidth() - _st.width; } else if (!_width) { _width = textWidth() + _st.height - _st.font->height; } resize(_width, height()); } int32 FlatButton::textWidth() const { return _st.font->width(_text); } void FlatButton::onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) { RippleButton::onStateChanged(was, source); update(); } void FlatButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); QRect r(0, height() - _st.height, width(), _st.height); p.fillRect(r, isOver() ? _st.overBgColor : _st.bgColor); paintRipple(p, 0, 0, getms()); p.setFont(isOver() ? _st.overFont : _st.font); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); p.setPen(isOver() ? _st.overColor : _st.color); r.setTop(_st.textTop); p.drawText(r, _text, style::al_top); } RoundButton::RoundButton(QWidget *parent, base::lambda textFactory, const style::RoundButton &st) : RippleButton(parent, st.ripple) , _textFactory(std::move(textFactory)) , _st(st) { subscribe(Lang::Current().updated(), [this] { refreshText(); }); refreshText(); } void RoundButton::setTextTransform(TextTransform transform) { _transform = transform; refreshText(); } void RoundButton::setText(base::lambda textFactory) { _textFactory = std::move(textFactory); refreshText(); } void RoundButton::setNumbersText(const QString &numbersText, int numbers) { if (numbersText.isEmpty()) { _numbers.reset(); } else { if (!_numbers) { _numbers = std::make_unique(_st.font, [this] { numbersAnimationCallback(); }); } _numbers->setText(numbersText, numbers); } refreshText(); } void RoundButton::setWidthChangedCallback(base::lambda callback) { if (!_numbers) { _numbers = std::make_unique(_st.font, [this] { numbersAnimationCallback(); }); } _numbers->setWidthChangedCallback(std::move(callback)); } void RoundButton::stepNumbersAnimation(TimeMs ms) { if (_numbers) { _numbers->stepAnimation(ms); } } void RoundButton::finishNumbersAnimation() { if (_numbers) { _numbers->finishAnimating(); } } void RoundButton::numbersAnimationCallback() { resizeToText(); update(); } void RoundButton::setFullWidth(int newFullWidth) { _fullWidthOverride = newFullWidth; resizeToText(); } void RoundButton::refreshText() { _text = computeFullText(); _textWidth = _text.isEmpty() ? 0 : _st.font->width(_text); resizeToText(); update(); } QString RoundButton::computeFullText() const { auto result = _textFactory ? _textFactory() : QString(); return (_transform == TextTransform::ToUpper) ? result.toUpper() : result; } void RoundButton::resizeToText() { int innerWidth = contentWidth(); if (_fullWidthOverride < 0) { resize(innerWidth - _fullWidthOverride, _st.height + _st.padding.top() + _st.padding.bottom()); } else if (_st.width <= 0) { resize(innerWidth - _st.width + _st.padding.left() + _st.padding.right(), _st.height + _st.padding.top() + _st.padding.bottom()); } else { if (_st.width < innerWidth + (_st.height - _st.font->height)) { _text = _st.font->elided(computeFullText(), qMax(_st.width - (_st.height - _st.font->height), 1)); _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); } resize(_st.width + _st.padding.left() + _st.padding.right(), _st.height + _st.padding.top() + _st.padding.bottom()); } } int RoundButton::contentWidth() const { auto result = _textWidth; if (_numbers) { result += (result ? _st.numbersSkip : 0) + _numbers->countWidth(); } return result; } void RoundButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto innerWidth = contentWidth(); auto rounded = rect().marginsRemoved(_st.padding); if (_fullWidthOverride < 0) { rounded = QRect(0, rounded.top(), innerWidth - _fullWidthOverride, rounded.height()); } App::roundRect(p, myrtlrect(rounded), _st.textBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small); auto over = isOver(); auto down = isDown(); if (over || down) { App::roundRect(p, myrtlrect(rounded), _st.textBgOver, ImageRoundRadius::Small); } auto ms = getms(); paintRipple(p, rounded.x(), rounded.y(), ms); p.setFont(_st.font); int textLeft = _st.padding.left() + ((width() - innerWidth - _st.padding.left() - _st.padding.right()) / 2); if (_fullWidthOverride < 0) { textLeft = -_fullWidthOverride / 2; } int textTop = _st.padding.top() + _st.textTop; if (!_text.isEmpty()) { p.setPen((over || down) ? _st.textFgOver : _st.textFg); p.drawTextLeft(textLeft, textTop, width(), _text); } if (_numbers) { textLeft += _textWidth + (_textWidth ? _st.numbersSkip : 0); p.setPen((over || down) ? _st.numbersTextFgOver : _st.numbersTextFg); _numbers->paint(p, textLeft, textTop, width()); } _st.icon.paint(p, QPoint(_st.padding.left(), _st.padding.top()), width()); } QImage RoundButton::prepareRippleMask() const { auto innerWidth = contentWidth(); auto rounded = rtlrect(rect().marginsRemoved(_st.padding), width()); if (_fullWidthOverride < 0) { rounded = QRect(0, rounded.top(), innerWidth - _fullWidthOverride, rounded.height()); } return RippleAnimation::roundRectMask(rounded.size(), st::buttonRadius); } QPoint RoundButton::prepareRippleStartPosition() const { return mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - QPoint(_st.padding.left(), _st.padding.top()); } RoundButton::~RoundButton() = default; IconButton::IconButton(QWidget *parent, const style::IconButton &st) : RippleButton(parent, st.ripple) , _st(st) { resize(_st.width, _st.height); } void IconButton::setIconOverride(const style::icon *iconOverride, const style::icon *iconOverOverride) { _iconOverride = iconOverride; _iconOverrideOver = iconOverOverride; update(); } void IconButton::setRippleColorOverride(const style::color *colorOverride) { _rippleColorOverride = colorOverride; } void IconButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); paintRipple(p, _st.rippleAreaPosition.x(), _st.rippleAreaPosition.y(), ms, _rippleColorOverride ? &(*_rippleColorOverride)->c : nullptr); auto down = isDown(); auto overIconOpacity = (down || forceRippled()) ? 1. : _a_over.current(getms(), isOver() ? 1. : 0.); auto overIcon = [this] { if (_iconOverrideOver) { return _iconOverrideOver; } else if (!_st.iconOver.empty()) { return &_st.iconOver; } else if (_iconOverride) { return _iconOverride; } return &_st.icon; }; auto justIcon = [this] { if (_iconOverride) { return _iconOverride; } return &_st.icon; }; auto icon = (overIconOpacity == 1.) ? overIcon() : justIcon(); auto position = _st.iconPosition; if (position.x() < 0) { position.setX((width() - icon->width()) / 2); } if (position.y() < 0) { position.setY((height() - icon->height()) / 2); } icon->paint(p, position, width()); if (overIconOpacity > 0. && overIconOpacity < 1.) { auto iconOver = overIcon(); if (iconOver != icon) { p.setOpacity(overIconOpacity); iconOver->paint(p, position, width()); } } } void IconButton::onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) { RippleButton::onStateChanged(was, source); auto over = isOver(); auto wasOver = static_cast(was & StateFlag::Over); if (over != wasOver) { if (_st.duration) { auto from = over ? 0. : 1.; auto to = over ? 1. : 0.; _a_over.start([this] { update(); }, from, to, _st.duration); } else { update(); } } } QPoint IconButton::prepareRippleStartPosition() const { auto result = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - _st.rippleAreaPosition; auto rect = QRect(0, 0, _st.rippleAreaSize, _st.rippleAreaSize); return rect.contains(result) ? result : DisabledRippleStartPosition(); } QImage IconButton::prepareRippleMask() const { return RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize(_st.rippleAreaSize, _st.rippleAreaSize)); } LeftOutlineButton::LeftOutlineButton(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const style::OutlineButton &st) : RippleButton(parent, st.ripple) , _text(text) , _fullText(text) , _textWidth(st.font->width(_text)) , _fullTextWidth(_textWidth) , _st(st) { resizeToWidth(_textWidth + _st.padding.left() + _st.padding.right()); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } void LeftOutlineButton::setText(const QString &text) { _text = text; _fullText = text; _fullTextWidth = _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); resizeToWidth(width()); update(); } int LeftOutlineButton::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { int availableWidth = qMax(newWidth - _st.padding.left() - _st.padding.right(), 1); if ((availableWidth < _fullTextWidth) || (_textWidth < availableWidth)) { _text = _st.font->elided(_fullText, availableWidth); _textWidth = _st.font->width(_text); } return _st.padding.top() + _st.font->height + _st.padding.bottom(); } void LeftOutlineButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto over = isOver(); auto down = isDown(); if (width() > _st.outlineWidth) { p.fillRect(rtlrect(_st.outlineWidth, 0, width() - _st.outlineWidth, height(), width()), (over || down) ? _st.textBgOver : _st.textBg); paintRipple(p, 0, 0, getms()); p.fillRect(rtlrect(0, 0, _st.outlineWidth, height(), width()), (over || down) ? _st.outlineFgOver : _st.outlineFg); } p.setFont(_st.font); p.setPen((over || down) ? _st.textFgOver : _st.textFg); p.drawTextLeft(_st.padding.left(), _st.padding.top(), width(), _text, _textWidth); } CrossButton::CrossButton(QWidget *parent, const style::CrossButton &st) : RippleButton(parent, st.ripple) , _st(st) , _a_loading(animation(this, &CrossButton::step_loading)) { resize(_st.width, _st.height); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); setVisible(false); } void CrossButton::step_loading(TimeMs ms, bool timer) { if (stopLoadingAnimation(ms)) { _a_loading.stop(); } if (timer) { update(); } } void CrossButton::toggle(bool visible, anim::type animated) { if (_shown != visible) { _shown = visible; if (animated == anim::type::normal) { if (isHidden()) { setVisible(true); } _a_show.start( [this] { animationCallback(); }, _shown ? 0. : 1., _shown ? 1. : 0., _st.duration); } } if (animated == anim::type::instant) { finishAnimating(); } } void CrossButton::animationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { setVisible(_shown); } } void CrossButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); auto over = isOver(); auto shown = _a_show.current(ms, _shown ? 1. : 0.); p.setOpacity(shown); paintRipple(p, _st.crossPosition.x(), _st.crossPosition.y(), ms); auto loading = 0.; if (_a_loading.animating()) { if (stopLoadingAnimation(ms)) { _a_loading.stop(); } else { loading = ((ms - _loadingStartMs) % _st.loadingPeriod) / float64(_st.loadingPeriod); } } CrossAnimation::paint(p, _st.cross, over ? _st.crossFgOver : _st.crossFg, _st.crossPosition.x(), _st.crossPosition.y(), width(), shown, loading); } bool CrossButton::stopLoadingAnimation(TimeMs ms) { if (!_loadingStopMs) { return false; } auto stopPeriod = (_loadingStopMs - _loadingStartMs) / _st.loadingPeriod; auto currentPeriod = (ms - _loadingStartMs) / _st.loadingPeriod; if (currentPeriod != stopPeriod) { Assert(currentPeriod > stopPeriod); return true; } return false; } void CrossButton::setLoadingAnimation(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { _loadingStopMs = 0; if (!_a_loading.animating()) { _loadingStartMs = getms(); _a_loading.start(); } } else if (_a_loading.animating()) { _loadingStopMs = getms(); if (!((_loadingStopMs - _loadingStartMs) % _st.loadingPeriod)) { _a_loading.stop(); } } } void CrossButton::onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) { RippleButton::onStateChanged(was, source); auto over = isOver(); auto wasOver = static_cast(was & StateFlag::Over); if (over != wasOver) { update(); } } QPoint CrossButton::prepareRippleStartPosition() const { return mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - _st.crossPosition; } QImage CrossButton::prepareRippleMask() const { return RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize(_st.cross.size, _st.cross.size)); } } // namespace Ui