/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "intro/intro_code.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "intro/intro_signup.h" #include "intro/intro_password_check.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h" #include "app.h" #include "styles/style_intro.h" namespace Intro { namespace details { CodeInput::CodeInput( QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st, rpl::producer placeholder) : Ui::MaskedInputField(parent, st, std::move(placeholder)) { } void CodeInput::setDigitsCountMax(int digitsCount) { _digitsCountMax = digitsCount; } void CodeInput::correctValue(const QString &was, int wasCursor, QString &now, int &nowCursor) { QString newText; int oldPos(nowCursor), newPos(-1), oldLen(now.length()), digitCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldLen; ++i) { if (now[i].isDigit()) { ++digitCount; } } accumulate_min(digitCount, _digitsCountMax); auto strict = (digitCount == _digitsCountMax); newText.reserve(oldLen); for (int i = 0; i < oldLen; ++i) { QChar ch(now[i]); if (ch.isDigit()) { if (!digitCount--) { break; } newText += ch; if (strict && !digitCount) { break; } } else if (ch == '-') { newText += ch; } if (i == oldPos) { newPos = newText.length(); } } if (newPos < 0 || newPos > newText.size()) { newPos = newText.size(); } if (newText != now) { now = newText; setText(now); startPlaceholderAnimation(); } if (newPos != nowCursor) { nowCursor = newPos; setCursorPosition(nowCursor); } } CodeWidget::CodeWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null account, not_null data) : Step(parent, account, data) , _noTelegramCode(this, tr::lng_code_no_telegram(tr::now), st::introLink) , _code(this, st::introCode, tr::lng_code_ph()) , _callTimer([=] { sendCall(); }) , _callStatus(getData()->callStatus) , _callTimeout(getData()->callTimeout) , _callLabel(this, st::introDescription) , _checkRequestTimer([=] { checkRequest(); }) { subscribe(Lang::Current().updated(), [this] { refreshLang(); }); connect(_code, &CodeInput::changed, [=] { codeChanged(); }); _noTelegramCode->addClickHandler([=] { noTelegramCode(); }); _code->setDigitsCountMax(getData()->codeLength); setTitleText(rpl::single(App::formatPhone(getData()->phone))); updateDescText(); } void CodeWidget::refreshLang() { if (_noTelegramCode) { _noTelegramCode->setText(tr::lng_code_no_telegram(tr::now)); } updateDescText(); updateControlsGeometry(); } int CodeWidget::errorTop() const { return contentTop() + st::introErrorBelowLinkTop; } void CodeWidget::updateDescText() { const auto byTelegram = getData()->codeByTelegram; setDescriptionText( (byTelegram ? tr::lng_code_from_telegram : tr::lng_code_desc)( Ui::Text::RichLangValue)); if (getData()->codeByTelegram) { _noTelegramCode->show(); _callTimer.cancel(); } else { _noTelegramCode->hide(); _callStatus = getData()->callStatus; _callTimeout = getData()->callTimeout; if (_callStatus == CallStatus::Waiting && !_callTimer.isActive()) { _callTimer.callEach(1000); } } updateCallText(); } void CodeWidget::updateCallText() { auto text = ([this]() -> QString { if (getData()->codeByTelegram) { return QString(); } switch (_callStatus) { case CallStatus::Waiting: { if (_callTimeout >= 3600) { return tr::lng_code_call( tr::now, lt_minutes, qsl("%1:%2" ).arg(_callTimeout / 3600 ).arg((_callTimeout / 60) % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')), lt_seconds, qsl("%1").arg(_callTimeout % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); } else { return tr::lng_code_call( tr::now, lt_minutes, QString::number(_callTimeout / 60), lt_seconds, qsl("%1").arg(_callTimeout % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); } } break; case CallStatus::Calling: return tr::lng_code_calling(tr::now); case CallStatus::Called: return tr::lng_code_called(tr::now); } return QString(); })(); _callLabel->setText(text); _callLabel->setVisible(!text.isEmpty() && !animating()); } void CodeWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { Step::resizeEvent(e); updateControlsGeometry(); } void CodeWidget::updateControlsGeometry() { _code->moveToLeft(contentLeft(), contentTop() + st::introStepFieldTop); auto linkTop = _code->y() + _code->height() + st::introLinkTop; _noTelegramCode->moveToLeft(contentLeft() + st::buttonRadius, linkTop); _callLabel->moveToLeft(contentLeft() + st::buttonRadius, linkTop); } void CodeWidget::showCodeError(rpl::producer text) { _code->showError(); showError(std::move(text)); } void CodeWidget::setInnerFocus() { _code->setFocusFast(); } void CodeWidget::activate() { Step::activate(); _code->show(); if (getData()->codeByTelegram) { _noTelegramCode->show(); } else { _callLabel->show(); } setInnerFocus(); } void CodeWidget::finished() { Step::finished(); _checkRequestTimer.cancel(); _callTimer.cancel(); apiClear(); cancelled(); _sentCode.clear(); _code->setText(QString()); } void CodeWidget::cancelled() { api().request(base::take(_sentRequest)).cancel(); api().request(base::take(_callRequestId)).cancel(); api().request(MTPauth_CancelCode( MTP_string(getData()->phone), MTP_bytes(getData()->phoneHash) )).send(); } void CodeWidget::stopCheck() { _checkRequestTimer.cancel(); } void CodeWidget::checkRequest() { auto status = api().instance().state(_sentRequest); if (status < 0) { auto leftms = -status; if (leftms >= 1000) { if (_sentRequest) { api().request(base::take(_sentRequest)).cancel(); _sentCode.clear(); } } } if (!_sentRequest && status == MTP::RequestSent) { stopCheck(); } } void CodeWidget::codeSubmitDone(const MTPauth_Authorization &result) { stopCheck(); _sentRequest = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDauth_authorization &data) { if (data.vuser().type() != mtpc_user || !data.vuser().c_user().is_self()) { showError(rpl::single(Lang::Hard::ServerError())); return; } finish(data.vuser()); }, [&](const MTPDauth_authorizationSignUpRequired &data) { if (const auto terms = data.vterms_of_service()) { terms->match([&](const MTPDhelp_termsOfService &data) { getData()->termsLock = Window::TermsLock::FromMTP( nullptr, data); }); } else { getData()->termsLock = Window::TermsLock(); } goReplace(); }); } void CodeWidget::codeSubmitFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isFloodError(error)) { stopCheck(); _sentRequest = 0; showCodeError(tr::lng_flood_error()); return; } stopCheck(); _sentRequest = 0; auto &err = error.type(); if (err == qstr("PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID") || err == qstr("PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED") || err == qstr("PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED")) { // show error goBack(); } else if (err == qstr("PHONE_CODE_EMPTY") || err == qstr("PHONE_CODE_INVALID")) { showCodeError(tr::lng_bad_code()); } else if (err == qstr("SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED")) { _checkRequestTimer.callEach(1000); _sentRequest = api().request(MTPaccount_GetPassword( )).done([=](const MTPaccount_Password &result) { gotPassword(result); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { codeSubmitFail(error); }).handleFloodErrors().send(); } else if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { // internal server error showCodeError(rpl::single(err + ": " + error.description())); } else { showCodeError(rpl::single(Lang::Hard::ServerError())); } } void CodeWidget::codeChanged() { hideError(); submit(); } void CodeWidget::sendCall() { if (_callStatus == CallStatus::Waiting) { if (--_callTimeout <= 0) { _callStatus = CallStatus::Calling; _callTimer.cancel(); _callRequestId = api().request(MTPauth_ResendCode( MTP_string(getData()->phone), MTP_bytes(getData()->phoneHash) )).done([=](const MTPauth_SentCode &result) { callDone(result); }).send(); } else { getData()->callStatus = _callStatus; getData()->callTimeout = _callTimeout; } updateCallText(); } } void CodeWidget::callDone(const MTPauth_SentCode &v) { if (v.type() == mtpc_auth_sentCode) { fillSentCodeData(v.c_auth_sentCode()); _code->setDigitsCountMax(getData()->codeLength); } if (_callStatus == CallStatus::Calling) { _callStatus = CallStatus::Called; getData()->callStatus = _callStatus; getData()->callTimeout = _callTimeout; updateCallText(); } } void CodeWidget::gotPassword(const MTPaccount_Password &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_account_password); stopCheck(); _sentRequest = 0; const auto &d = result.c_account_password(); getData()->pwdRequest = Core::ParseCloudPasswordCheckRequest(d); if (!d.vcurrent_algo() || !d.vsrp_id() || !d.vsrp_B()) { LOG(("API Error: No current password received on login.")); _code->setFocus(); return; } else if (!getData()->pwdRequest) { const auto box = std::make_shared>(); const auto callback = [=] { Core::UpdateApplication(); if (*box) (*box)->closeBox(); }; *box = Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_passport_app_out_of_date(tr::now), tr::lng_menu_update(tr::now), callback)); return; } getData()->hasRecovery = d.is_has_recovery(); getData()->pwdHint = qs(d.vhint().value_or_empty()); getData()->pwdNotEmptyPassport = d.is_has_secure_values(); goReplace(); } void CodeWidget::submit() { const auto text = QString( _code->getLastText() ).remove( QRegularExpression("[^\\d]") ).mid(0, getData()->codeLength); if (_sentRequest || _sentCode == text || text.size() != getData()->codeLength) { return; } hideError(); _checkRequestTimer.callEach(1000); _sentCode = text; getData()->pwdRequest = Core::CloudPasswordCheckRequest(); getData()->hasRecovery = false; getData()->pwdHint = QString(); getData()->pwdNotEmptyPassport = false; _sentRequest = api().request(MTPauth_SignIn( MTP_string(getData()->phone), MTP_bytes(getData()->phoneHash), MTP_string(_sentCode) )).done([=](const MTPauth_Authorization &result) { codeSubmitDone(result); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { codeSubmitFail(error); }).handleFloodErrors().send(); } void CodeWidget::noTelegramCode() { if (_noTelegramCodeRequestId) { return; } _noTelegramCodeRequestId = api().request(MTPauth_ResendCode( MTP_string(getData()->phone), MTP_bytes(getData()->phoneHash) )).done([=](const MTPauth_SentCode &result) { noTelegramCodeDone(result); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { noTelegramCodeFail(error); }).handleFloodErrors().send(); } void CodeWidget::noTelegramCodeDone(const MTPauth_SentCode &result) { _noTelegramCodeRequestId = 0; if (result.type() != mtpc_auth_sentCode) { showCodeError(rpl::single(Lang::Hard::ServerError())); return; } const auto &d = result.c_auth_sentCode(); fillSentCodeData(d); _code->setDigitsCountMax(getData()->codeLength); const auto next = d.vnext_type(); if (next && next->type() == mtpc_auth_codeTypeCall) { getData()->callStatus = CallStatus::Waiting; getData()->callTimeout = d.vtimeout().value_or(60); } else { getData()->callStatus = CallStatus::Disabled; getData()->callTimeout = 0; } getData()->codeByTelegram = false; updateDescText(); } void CodeWidget::noTelegramCodeFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isFloodError(error)) { _noTelegramCodeRequestId = 0; showCodeError(tr::lng_flood_error()); return; } _noTelegramCodeRequestId = 0; if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { // internal server error showCodeError(rpl::single(error.type() + ": " + error.description())); } else { showCodeError(rpl::single(Lang::Hard::ServerError())); } } } // namespace details } // namespace Intro