/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_layout.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "base/zlib_help.h" #include "lang.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "application.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "passcodewidget.h" #include "intro/introwidget.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "layerwidget.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/contacts_box.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "autoupdater.h" #include "mediaview.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "settings/settings_widget.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_warning.h" #include "window/window_main_menu.h" #include "base/task_queue.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" ConnectingWidget::ConnectingWidget(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) : TWidget(parent) , _reconnect(this, QString()) { set(text, reconnect); connect(_reconnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onReconnect())); } void ConnectingWidget::set(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) { _text = text; _textWidth = st::linkFont->width(_text) + st::linkFont->spacew; int32 _reconnectWidth = 0; if (reconnect.isEmpty()) { _reconnect->hide(); } else { _reconnect->setText(reconnect); _reconnect->show(); _reconnect->move(st::connectingPadding.left() + _textWidth, st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top() + st::connectingPadding.top()); _reconnectWidth = _reconnect->width(); } resize(st::connectingPadding.left() + _textWidth + _reconnectWidth + st::connectingPadding.right() + st::boxRoundShadow.extend.right(), st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top() + st::connectingPadding.top() + st::normalFont->height + st::connectingPadding.bottom()); update(); } void ConnectingWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto sides = Ui::Shadow::Side::Top | Ui::Shadow::Side::Right; Ui::Shadow::paint(p, QRect(0, st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top(), width() - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.right(), height() - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top()), width(), st::boxRoundShadow, sides); auto parts = App::RectPart::Top | App::RectPart::TopRight | App::RectPart::Center | App::RectPart::Right; App::roundRect(p, QRect(-st::boxRadius, st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top(), width() - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.right() + st::boxRadius, height() - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top() + st::boxRadius), st::boxBg, BoxCorners, nullptr, parts); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::windowSubTextFg); p.drawText(st::connectingPadding.left(), st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top() + st::connectingPadding.top() + st::normalFont->ascent, _text); } void ConnectingWidget::onReconnect() { MTP::restart(); } MainWindow::MainWindow() { auto logo = Messenger::Instance().logo(); icon16 = logo.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon32 = logo.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon64 = logo.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); auto logoNoMargin = Messenger::Instance().logoNoMargin(); iconbig16 = logoNoMargin.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig32 = logoNoMargin.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig64 = logoNoMargin.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); resize(st::windowDefaultWidth, st::windowDefaultHeight); setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates)); _inactiveTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_inactiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onInactiveTimer())); subscribe(Global::RefSelfChanged(), [this] { updateGlobalMenu(); }); subscribe(Window::Theme::Background(), [this](const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &data) { themeUpdated(data); }); subscribe(Messenger::Instance().authSessionChanged(), [this] { checkAuthSession(); }); subscribe(Messenger::Instance().passcodedChanged(), [this] { updateGlobalMenu(); }); checkAuthSession(); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); } void MainWindow::checkAuthSession() { if (AuthSession::Exists()) { _controller = std::make_unique(this); } else { _controller = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::inactivePress(bool inactive) { _inactivePress = inactive; if (_inactivePress) { _inactiveTimer.start(200); } else { _inactiveTimer.stop(); } } bool MainWindow::inactivePress() const { return _inactivePress; } void MainWindow::onInactiveTimer() { inactivePress(false); } void MainWindow::initHook() { Platform::MainWindow::initHook(); QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); connect(windowHandle(), &QWindow::activeChanged, this, [this] { checkHistoryActivation(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } void MainWindow::firstShow() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN trayIconMenu = new Ui::PopupMenu(nullptr); trayIconMenu->deleteOnHide(false); #else // Q_OS_WIN trayIconMenu = new QMenu(this); #endif // else for Q_OS_WIN auto isLinux = (cPlatform() == dbipLinux32 || cPlatform() == dbipLinux64); auto notificationActionText = lang(Global::DesktopNotify() ? lng_disable_notifications_from_tray : lng_enable_notifications_from_tray); if (isLinux) { trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_open_from_tray), this, SLOT(showFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_minimize_to_tray), this, SLOT(minimizeToTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(notificationActionText, this, SLOT(toggleDisplayNotifyFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_quit_from_tray), this, SLOT(quitFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); } else { trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_minimize_to_tray), this, SLOT(minimizeToTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(notificationActionText, this, SLOT(toggleDisplayNotifyFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_quit_from_tray), this, SLOT(quitFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); } Global::RefWorkMode().setForced(Global::WorkMode().value(), true); psFirstShow(); updateTrayMenu(); createMediaView(); } void MainWindow::clearWidgetsHook() { auto wasMain = (_main != nullptr); _passcode.destroyDelayed(); _main.destroy(); _intro.destroy(); if (wasMain) { App::clearHistories(); } } QPixmap MainWindow::grabInner() { QPixmap result; if (_intro) { result = myGrab(_intro); } else if (_passcode) { result = myGrab(_passcode); } else if (_main) { result = myGrab(_main); } return result; } void MainWindow::clearPasscode() { if (!_passcode) return; auto bg = grabInner(); _passcode.destroy(); if (_intro) { _intro->showAnimated(bg, true); } else { t_assert(_main != nullptr); _main->showAnimated(bg, true); _main->checkStartUrl(); } } void MainWindow::setupPasscode() { auto animated = (_main || _intro); auto bg = animated ? grabInner() : QPixmap(); _passcode.create(bodyWidget()); updateControlsGeometry(); if (_main) _main->hide(); hideMediaview(); Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(true); if (_intro) _intro->hide(); if (animated) { _passcode->showAnimated(bg); } else { setInnerFocus(); } } void MainWindow::setupIntro() { if (_intro && !_intro->isHidden() && !_main) return; Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(true); auto animated = (_main || _passcode); auto bg = animated ? grabInner() : QPixmap(); clearWidgets(); _intro.create(bodyWidget()); updateControlsGeometry(); if (animated) { _intro->showAnimated(bg); } else { setInnerFocus(); } fixOrder(); updateConnectingStatus(); _delayedServiceMsgs.clear(); if (_serviceHistoryRequest) { MTP::cancel(_serviceHistoryRequest); _serviceHistoryRequest = 0; } } void MainWindow::serviceNotification(const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media, int32 date, bool force) { if (date <= 0) date = unixtime(); auto h = (_main && App::userLoaded(ServiceUserId)) ? App::history(ServiceUserId) : nullptr; if (!h || (!force && h->isEmpty())) { _delayedServiceMsgs.push_back(DelayedServiceMsg(message, media, date)); return sendServiceHistoryRequest(); } _main->serviceNotification(message, media, date); } void MainWindow::serviceNotificationLocal(QString text) { EntitiesInText entities; textParseEntities(text, _historyTextNoMonoOptions.flags, &entities); serviceNotification({ text, entities }); } void MainWindow::showDelayedServiceMsgs() { for (auto &delayed : base::take(_delayedServiceMsgs)) { serviceNotification(delayed.message, delayed.media, delayed.date, true); } } void MainWindow::sendServiceHistoryRequest() { if (!_main || !_main->started() || _delayedServiceMsgs.isEmpty() || _serviceHistoryRequest) return; UserData *user = App::userLoaded(ServiceUserId); if (!user) { auto userFlags = MTPDuser::Flag::f_first_name | MTPDuser::Flag::f_phone | MTPDuser::Flag::f_status | MTPDuser::Flag::f_verified; user = App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, MTP_user(MTP_flags(userFlags), MTP_int(ServiceUserId), MTPlong(), MTP_string("Telegram"), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTP_string("42777"), MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty(), MTP_userStatusRecently(), MTPint(), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTPstring()))); } _serviceHistoryRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetHistory(user->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(1), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), _main->rpcDone(&MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone), _main->rpcFail(&MainWidget::serviceHistoryFail)); } void MainWindow::setupMain(const MTPUser *self) { auto animated = (_intro || _passcode); auto bg = animated ? grabInner() : QPixmap(); clearWidgets(); t_assert(AuthSession::Exists()); _main.create(bodyWidget(), controller()); _main->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); if (animated) { _main->showAnimated(bg); } else { _main->activate(); } _main->start(self); fixOrder(); updateConnectingStatus(); } void MainWindow::showSettings() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); showSpecialLayer(Box()); } void MainWindow::showSpecialLayer(object_ptr layer) { if (_passcode) return; ensureLayerCreated(); _layerBg->showSpecialLayer(std::move(layer)); } void MainWindow::showMainMenu() { if (_passcode) return; if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); ensureLayerCreated(); _layerBg->showMainMenu(); } void MainWindow::ensureLayerCreated() { if (!_layerBg) { _layerBg.create(bodyWidget(), _controller.get()); if (_controller) { _controller->enableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::Layer); } } } void MainWindow::destroyLayerDelayed() { if (_layerBg) { _layerBg.destroyDelayed(); if (_controller) { _controller->disableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::Layer); } } } void MainWindow::ui_hideSettingsAndLayer(ShowLayerOptions options) { if (_layerBg) { _layerBg->hideAll(); if (options.testFlag(ForceFastShowLayer)) { destroyLayerDelayed(); } } } void MainWindow::mtpStateChanged(int32 dc, int32 state) { if (dc == MTP::maindc()) { updateConnectingStatus(); Global::RefConnectionTypeChanged().notify(); } } void MainWindow::updateConnectingStatus() { int32 state = MTP::dcstate(); if (state == MTP::ConnectingState || state == MTP::DisconnectedState || (state < 0 && state > -600)) { if (_main || getms() > 5000 || _connecting) { showConnecting(lang(lng_connecting)); } } else if (state < 0) { showConnecting(lng_reconnecting(lt_count, ((-state) / 1000) + 1), lang(lng_reconnecting_try_now)); QTimer::singleShot((-state) % 1000, this, SLOT(updateConnectingStatus())); } else { hideConnecting(); } } MainWidget *MainWindow::mainWidget() { return _main; } PasscodeWidget *MainWindow::passcodeWidget() { return _passcode; } void MainWindow::ui_showBox(object_ptr box, ShowLayerOptions options) { if (box) { ensureLayerCreated(); if (options.testFlag(KeepOtherLayers)) { if (options.testFlag(ShowAfterOtherLayers)) { _layerBg->prependBox(std::move(box)); } else { _layerBg->appendBox(std::move(box)); } } else { _layerBg->showBox(std::move(box)); } if (options.testFlag(ForceFastShowLayer)) { _layerBg->finishAnimation(); } } else { if (_layerBg) { _layerBg->hideTopLayer(); if (options.testFlag(ForceFastShowLayer) && !_layerBg->layerShown()) { destroyLayerDelayed(); } } hideMediaview(); } } bool MainWindow::ui_isLayerShown() { return _layerBg != nullptr; } void MainWindow::ui_showMediaPreview(DocumentData *document) { if (!document || ((!document->isAnimation() || !document->loaded()) && !document->sticker())) { return; } if (!_mediaPreview) { _mediaPreview.create(bodyWidget(), controller()); updateControlsGeometry(); } if (_mediaPreview->isHidden()) { fixOrder(); } _mediaPreview->showPreview(document); } void MainWindow::ui_showMediaPreview(PhotoData *photo) { if (!photo) return; if (!_mediaPreview) { _mediaPreview.create(bodyWidget(), controller()); updateControlsGeometry(); } if (_mediaPreview->isHidden()) { fixOrder(); } _mediaPreview->showPreview(photo); } void MainWindow::ui_hideMediaPreview() { if (!_mediaPreview) return; _mediaPreview->hidePreview(); } PeerData *MainWindow::ui_getPeerForMouseAction() { if (Ui::isMediaViewShown()) { return Platform::MainWindow::ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } else if (_main) { return _main->ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } return nullptr; } void MainWindow::showConnecting(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) { if (_connecting) { _connecting->set(text, reconnect); } else { _connecting.create(bodyWidget(), text, reconnect); _connecting->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); fixOrder(); } } void MainWindow::hideConnecting() { if (_connecting) { _connecting.destroyDelayed(); } } void MainWindow::themeUpdated(const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &data) { using Type = Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate::Type; // We delay animating theme warning because we want all other // subscribers to receive paltte changed notification before any // animations (that include pixmap caches with old palette values). if (data.type == Type::TestingTheme) { if (!_testingThemeWarning) { _testingThemeWarning.create(bodyWidget()); _testingThemeWarning->hide(); _testingThemeWarning->setGeometry(rect()); _testingThemeWarning->setHiddenCallback([this] { _testingThemeWarning.destroyDelayed(); }); } base::TaskQueue::Main().Put(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { if (_testingThemeWarning) { _testingThemeWarning->showAnimated(); } })); } else if (data.type == Type::RevertingTheme || data.type == Type::ApplyingTheme) { if (_testingThemeWarning) { if (_testingThemeWarning->isHidden()) { _testingThemeWarning.destroy(); } else { base::TaskQueue::Main().Put(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { if (_testingThemeWarning) { _testingThemeWarning->hideAnimated(); _testingThemeWarning = nullptr; } setInnerFocus(); })); } } } } bool MainWindow::doWeReadServerHistory() { updateIsActive(0); return isActive() && _main && !Ui::isLayerShown() && _main->doWeReadServerHistory(); } void MainWindow::checkHistoryActivation() { if (_main && doWeReadServerHistory()) { _main->markActiveHistoryAsRead(); } } void MainWindow::layerHidden() { destroyLayerDelayed(); hideMediaview(); setInnerFocus(); checkHistoryActivation(); } bool MainWindow::contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect) { if (_main && _main->contentOverlapped(globalRect)) return true; if (_layerBg && _layerBg->contentOverlapped(globalRect)) return true; return false; } void MainWindow::setInnerFocus() { if (_testingThemeWarning) { _testingThemeWarning->setFocus(); } else if (_layerBg && _layerBg->canSetFocus()) { _layerBg->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_passcode) { _passcode->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_main) { _main->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_intro) { _intro->setInnerFocus(); } } bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::KeyPress: case QEvent::TouchBegin: case QEvent::Wheel: psUserActionDone(); break; case QEvent::MouseMove: if (_main && _main->isIdle()) { psUserActionDone(); _main->checkIdleFinish(); } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: Ui::hideMediaPreview(); break; case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: // handle shortcuts ourselves return true; case QEvent::Shortcut: DEBUG_LOG(("Shortcut event catched: %1").arg(static_cast(e)->key().toString())); if (Shortcuts::launch(static_cast(e)->shortcutId())) { return true; } break; case QEvent::ApplicationActivate: if (object == QCoreApplication::instance()) { psUserActionDone(); App::CallDelayed(1, this, [this] { handleActiveChanged(); }); } break; case QEvent::FileOpen: if (object == QCoreApplication::instance()) { QString url = static_cast(e)->url().toEncoded().trimmed(); if (url.startsWith(qstr("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { cSetStartUrl(url.mid(0, 8192)); if (_main) { _main->checkStartUrl(); } } activate(); } break; case QEvent::WindowStateChange: if (object == this) { auto state = (windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized) ? Qt::WindowMinimized : ((windowState() & Qt::WindowMaximized) ? Qt::WindowMaximized : ((windowState() & Qt::WindowFullScreen) ? Qt::WindowFullScreen : Qt::WindowNoState)); handleStateChanged(state); } break; case QEvent::Move: case QEvent::Resize: if (object == this) { positionUpdated(); } break; } return Platform::MainWindow::eventFilter(object, e); } void MainWindow::updateTrayMenu(bool force) { if (!trayIconMenu || (cPlatform() == dbipWindows && !force)) return; auto iconMenu = trayIconMenu; auto actions = iconMenu->actions(); auto isLinux = (cPlatform() == dbipLinux32 || cPlatform() == dbipLinux64); if (isLinux) { auto minimizeAction = actions.at(1); minimizeAction->setDisabled(!isVisible()); } else { updateIsActive(0); auto active = isActive(); auto toggleAction = actions.at(0); disconnect(toggleAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(minimizeToTray())); disconnect(toggleAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showFromTray())); connect(toggleAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, active ? SLOT(minimizeToTray()) : SLOT(showFromTray())); toggleAction->setText(lang(active ? lng_minimize_to_tray : lng_open_from_tray)); // On macOS just remove trayIcon menu if the window is not active. // So we will activate the window on click instead of showing the menu. if (!active && (cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld)) { iconMenu = nullptr; } } auto notificationAction = actions.at(isLinux ? 2 : 1); auto notificationActionText = lang(Global::DesktopNotify() ? lng_disable_notifications_from_tray : lng_enable_notifications_from_tray); notificationAction->setText(notificationActionText); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN if (trayIcon && trayIcon->contextMenu() != iconMenu) { trayIcon->setContextMenu(iconMenu); } #endif // !Q_OS_WIN psTrayMenuUpdated(); } void MainWindow::onShowAddContact() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (App::self()) { Ui::show(Box(), KeepOtherLayers); } } void MainWindow::onShowNewGroup() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (App::self()) { Ui::show(Box(CreatingGroupGroup, false), KeepOtherLayers); } } void MainWindow::onShowNewChannel() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (_main) Ui::show(Box(CreatingGroupChannel, false), KeepOtherLayers); } void MainWindow::onLogout() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_sure_logout), lang(lng_settings_logout), st::attentionBoxButton, [] { App::logOut(); })); } void MainWindow::quitFromTray() { App::quit(); } void MainWindow::activate() { bool wasHidden = !isVisible(); setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); setVisible(true); psActivateProcess(); activateWindow(); updateIsActive(Global::OnlineFocusTimeout()); if (wasHidden) { if (_main) { _main->windowShown(); } } } void MainWindow::noIntro(Intro::Widget *was) { if (was == _intro) { _intro = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::noLayerStack(LayerStackWidget *was) { if (was == _layerBg) { _layerBg = nullptr; if (_controller) { _controller->disableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::Layer); } } } void MainWindow::layerFinishedHide(LayerStackWidget *was) { if (was == _layerBg) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(layerHidden())); } } void MainWindow::fixOrder() { if (_layerBg) _layerBg->raise(); if (_mediaPreview) _mediaPreview->raise(); if (_connecting) _connecting->raise(); if (_testingThemeWarning) _testingThemeWarning->raise(); } void MainWindow::showFromTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (reason != QSystemTrayIcon::Context) { App::CallDelayed(1, this, [this] { updateTrayMenu(); updateGlobalMenu(); }); activate(); Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } void MainWindow::toggleTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { updateIsActive(0); if ((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) && isActive()) return; if (reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Context) { updateTrayMenu(true); QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(psShowTrayMenu())); } else { if (isActive()) { minimizeToTray(); } else { showFromTray(reason); } } } void MainWindow::toggleDisplayNotifyFromTray() { if (App::passcoded()) { if (!isActive()) showFromTray(); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_passcode_need_unblock))); return; } if (!AuthSession::Exists()) { return; } bool soundNotifyChanged = false; Global::SetDesktopNotify(!Global::DesktopNotify()); if (Global::DesktopNotify()) { if (Global::RestoreSoundNotifyFromTray() && !Global::SoundNotify()) { Global::SetSoundNotify(true); Global::SetRestoreSoundNotifyFromTray(false); soundNotifyChanged = true; } } else { if (Global::SoundNotify()) { Global::SetSoundNotify(false); Global::SetRestoreSoundNotifyFromTray(true); soundNotifyChanged = true; } else { Global::SetRestoreSoundNotifyFromTray(false); } } Local::writeUserSettings(); AuthSession::Current().notifications().settingsChanged().notify(Window::Notifications::ChangeType::DesktopEnabled); if (soundNotifyChanged) { AuthSession::Current().notifications().settingsChanged().notify(Window::Notifications::ChangeType::SoundEnabled); } } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if (Sandbox::isSavingSession()) { e->accept(); App::quit(); } else { e->ignore(); if (!AuthSession::Exists() || !Ui::hideWindowNoQuit()) { App::quit(); } } } void MainWindow::updateControlsGeometry() { Platform::MainWindow::updateControlsGeometry(); auto body = bodyWidget()->rect(); if (_passcode) _passcode->setGeometry(body); if (_main) _main->setGeometry(body); if (_intro) _intro->setGeometry(body); if (_layerBg) _layerBg->setGeometry(body); if (_mediaPreview) _mediaPreview->setGeometry(body); if (_connecting) _connecting->moveToLeft(0, body.height() - _connecting->height()); if (_testingThemeWarning) _testingThemeWarning->setGeometry(body); } MainWindow::TempDirState MainWindow::tempDirState() { if (_clearManager && _clearManager->hasTask(Local::ClearManagerDownloads)) { return TempDirRemoving; } return QDir(cTempDir()).exists() ? TempDirExists : TempDirEmpty; } MainWindow::TempDirState MainWindow::localStorageState() { if (_clearManager && _clearManager->hasTask(Local::ClearManagerStorage)) { return TempDirRemoving; } return (Local::hasImages() || Local::hasStickers() || Local::hasWebFiles() || Local::hasAudios()) ? TempDirExists : TempDirEmpty; } void MainWindow::tempDirDelete(int task) { if (_clearManager) { if (_clearManager->addTask(task)) { return; } else { _clearManager->stop(); _clearManager = nullptr; } } _clearManager = new Local::ClearManager(); _clearManager->addTask(task); connect(_clearManager, SIGNAL(succeed(int,void*)), this, SLOT(onClearFinished(int,void*))); connect(_clearManager, SIGNAL(failed(int,void*)), this, SLOT(onClearFailed(int,void*))); _clearManager->start(); } void MainWindow::onClearFinished(int task, void *manager) { if (manager && manager == _clearManager) { _clearManager->stop(); _clearManager = nullptr; } emit tempDirCleared(task); } void MainWindow::onClearFailed(int task, void *manager) { if (manager && manager == _clearManager) { _clearManager->stop(); _clearManager = nullptr; } emit tempDirClearFailed(task); } void MainWindow::app_activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, Qt::MouseButton button) { handler->onClick(button); } void MainWindow::placeSmallCounter(QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, const QPoint &shift, style::color color) { QPainter p(&img); QString cnt = (count < 100) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 10, 1, 10, QChar('0')); int32 cntSize = cnt.size(); p.setBrush(bg->b); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int32 fontSize; if (size == 16) { fontSize = 8; } else if (size == 32) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 12 : 12; } else { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 22 : 22; } style::font f = { fontSize, 0, 0 }; int32 w = f->width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 16) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 2 : 1; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 4 : 3; } else if (size == 32) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 5 : 2; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 8 : 7; } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : 4; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 16 : 14; } p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(shift.x() + size - w - d * 2, shift.y() + size - f->height, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setFont(f->f); p.setPen(color->p); p.drawText(shift.x() + size - w - d, shift.y() + size - f->height + f->ascent, cnt); } QImage MainWindow::iconWithCounter(int size, int count, style::color bg, style::color fg, bool smallIcon) { bool layer = false; if (size < 0) { size = -size; layer = true; } if (layer) { if (size != 16 && size != 20 && size != 24) size = 32; QString cnt = (count < 1000) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); QImage result(size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32); int32 cntSize = cnt.size(); result.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter p(&result); p.setBrush(bg); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int32 fontSize; if (size == 16) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 11 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 11 : 8); } else if (size == 20) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 14 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 13 : 10); } else if (size == 24) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 17 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 16 : 12); } else { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 22 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 20 : 16); } style::font f = { fontSize, 0, 0 }; int32 w = f->width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 16) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 5 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 2 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 8 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 7 : 3); } else if (size == 20) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 2 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 10 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 9 : 5); } else if (size == 24) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 7 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 3 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 12 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 11 : 6); } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 4 : 2); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 16 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 14 : 8); } p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(size - w - d * 2, size - f->height, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setFont(f); p.setPen(fg); p.drawText(size - w - d, size - f->height + f->ascent, cnt); } return result; } else { if (size != 16 && size != 32) size = 64; } QImage img(smallIcon ? ((size == 16) ? iconbig16 : (size == 32 ? iconbig32 : iconbig64)) : ((size == 16) ? icon16 : (size == 32 ? icon32 : icon64))); if (!count) return img; if (smallIcon) { placeSmallCounter(img, size, count, bg, QPoint(), fg); } else { QPainter p(&img); p.drawPixmap(size / 2, size / 2, App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(iconWithCounter(-size / 2, count, bg, fg, false))); } return img; } void MainWindow::sendPaths() { if (App::passcoded()) return; hideMediaview(); Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(true); if (_main) { _main->activate(); } } void MainWindow::changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId) { if (_main) _main->changingMsgId(row, newId); Platform::MainWindow::changingMsgId(row, newId); } void MainWindow::updateIsActiveHook() { if (_main) _main->updateOnline(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { if (_clearManager) { _clearManager->stop(); _clearManager = nullptr; } delete trayIcon; delete trayIconMenu; } PreLaunchWindow *PreLaunchWindowInstance = nullptr; PreLaunchWindow::PreLaunchWindow(QString title) { Fonts::Start(); auto icon = Window::CreateIcon(); setWindowIcon(icon); setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); setWindowTitle(title.isEmpty() ? qsl("Telegram") : title); QPalette p(palette()); p.setColor(QPalette::Background, QColor(255, 255, 255)); setPalette(p); QLabel tmp(this); tmp.setText(qsl("Tmp")); _size = tmp.sizeHint().height(); int paddingVertical = (_size / 2); int paddingHorizontal = _size; int borderRadius = (_size / 5); setStyleSheet(qsl("QPushButton { padding: %1px %2px; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: %3px; }\nQPushButton#confirm:hover, QPushButton#cancel:hover { background-color: #e3f1fa; color: #2f9fea; }\nQPushButton#confirm { color: #2f9fea; }\nQPushButton#cancel { color: #aeaeae; }\nQLineEdit { border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; padding: 5px; }\nQLineEdit:focus { border: 2px solid #37a1de; padding: 4px; }").arg(paddingVertical).arg(paddingHorizontal).arg(borderRadius)); if (!PreLaunchWindowInstance) { PreLaunchWindowInstance = this; } } void PreLaunchWindow::activate() { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); setVisible(true); psActivateProcess(); activateWindow(); } PreLaunchWindow *PreLaunchWindow::instance() { return PreLaunchWindowInstance; } PreLaunchWindow::~PreLaunchWindow() { if (PreLaunchWindowInstance == this) { PreLaunchWindowInstance = nullptr; } } PreLaunchLabel::PreLaunchLabel(QWidget *parent) : QLabel(parent) { QFont labelFont(font()); labelFont.setFamily(Fonts::GetOverride(qsl("Open Sans Semibold"))); labelFont.setPixelSize(static_cast(parent)->basicSize()); setFont(labelFont); QPalette p(palette()); p.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(0, 0, 0)); setPalette(p); show(); }; void PreLaunchLabel::setText(const QString &text) { QLabel::setText(text); updateGeometry(); resize(sizeHint()); } PreLaunchInput::PreLaunchInput(QWidget *parent, bool password) : QLineEdit(parent) { QFont logFont(font()); logFont.setFamily(Fonts::GetOverride(qsl("Open Sans"))); logFont.setPixelSize(static_cast(parent)->basicSize()); setFont(logFont); QPalette p(palette()); p.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(0, 0, 0)); setPalette(p); QLineEdit::setTextMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); if (password) { setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); } show(); }; PreLaunchLog::PreLaunchLog(QWidget *parent) : QTextEdit(parent) { QFont logFont(font()); logFont.setFamily(Fonts::GetOverride(qsl("Open Sans"))); logFont.setPixelSize(static_cast(parent)->basicSize()); setFont(logFont); QPalette p(palette()); p.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(96, 96, 96)); setPalette(p); setReadOnly(true); setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame | QFrame::Plain); viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); document()->setDocumentMargin(0); show(); }; PreLaunchButton::PreLaunchButton(QWidget *parent, bool confirm) : QPushButton(parent) { setFlat(true); setObjectName(confirm ? "confirm" : "cancel"); QFont closeFont(font()); closeFont.setFamily(Fonts::GetOverride(qsl("Open Sans Semibold"))); closeFont.setPixelSize(static_cast(parent)->basicSize()); setFont(closeFont); setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); show(); }; void PreLaunchButton::setText(const QString &text) { QPushButton::setText(text); updateGeometry(); resize(sizeHint()); } PreLaunchCheckbox::PreLaunchCheckbox(QWidget *parent) : QCheckBox(parent) { setTristate(false); setCheckState(Qt::Checked); QFont closeFont(font()); closeFont.setFamily(Fonts::GetOverride(qsl("Open Sans Semibold"))); closeFont.setPixelSize(static_cast(parent)->basicSize()); setFont(closeFont); setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); show(); }; void PreLaunchCheckbox::setText(const QString &text) { QCheckBox::setText(text); updateGeometry(); resize(sizeHint()); } NotStartedWindow::NotStartedWindow() : _label(this) , _log(this) , _close(this) { _label.setText(qsl("Could not start Telegram Desktop!\nYou can see complete log below:")); _log.setPlainText(Logs::full()); connect(&_close, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); _close.setText(qsl("CLOSE")); QRect scr(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry()); move(scr.x() + (scr.width() / 6), scr.y() + (scr.height() / 6)); updateControls(); show(); } void NotStartedWindow::updateControls() { _label.show(); _log.show(); _close.show(); QRect scr(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry()); QSize s(scr.width() / 2, scr.height() / 2); if (s == size()) { resizeEvent(0); } else { resize(s); } } void NotStartedWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { deleteLater(); } void NotStartedWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int padding = _size; _label.setGeometry(padding, padding, width() - 2 * padding, _label.sizeHint().height()); _log.setGeometry(padding, padding * 2 + _label.sizeHint().height(), width() - 2 * padding, height() - 4 * padding - _label.height() - _close.height()); _close.setGeometry(width() - padding - _close.width(), height() - padding - _close.height(), _close.width(), _close.height()); } LastCrashedWindow::LastCrashedWindow() : _port(80) , _label(this) , _pleaseSendReport(this) , _yourReportName(this) , _minidump(this) , _report(this) , _send(this) , _sendSkip(this, false) , _networkSettings(this) , _continue(this) , _showReport(this) , _saveReport(this) , _getApp(this) , _includeUsername(this) , _reportText(QString::fromUtf8(Sandbox::LastCrashDump())) , _reportShown(false) , _reportSaved(false) , _sendingState(Sandbox::LastCrashDump().isEmpty() ? SendingNoReport : SendingUpdateCheck) , _updating(this) , _sendingProgress(0) , _sendingTotal(0) , _checkReply(0) , _sendReply(0) #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE , _updatingCheck(this) , _updatingSkip(this, false) #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE { excludeReportUsername(); if (!cAlphaVersion() && !cBetaVersion()) { // currently accept crash reports only from testers _sendingState = SendingNoReport; } if (_sendingState != SendingNoReport) { qint64 dumpsize = 0; QString dumpspath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/dumps"); #if defined Q_OS_MAC && !defined MAC_USE_BREAKPAD dumpspath += qsl("/completed"); #endif QString possibleDump = getReportField(qstr("minidump"), qstr("Minidump:")); if (!possibleDump.isEmpty()) { if (!possibleDump.startsWith('/')) { possibleDump = dumpspath + '/' + possibleDump; } if (!possibleDump.endsWith(qstr(".dmp"))) { possibleDump += qsl(".dmp"); } QFileInfo possibleInfo(possibleDump); if (possibleInfo.exists()) { _minidumpName = possibleInfo.fileName(); _minidumpFull = possibleInfo.absoluteFilePath(); dumpsize = possibleInfo.size(); } } if (_minidumpFull.isEmpty()) { QString maxDump, maxDumpFull; QDateTime maxDumpModified, workingModified = QFileInfo(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/working")).lastModified(); QFileInfoList list = QDir(dumpspath).entryInfoList(); for (int32 i = 0, l = list.size(); i < l; ++i) { QString name = list.at(i).fileName(); if (name.endsWith(qstr(".dmp"))) { QDateTime modified = list.at(i).lastModified(); if (maxDump.isEmpty() || qAbs(workingModified.secsTo(modified)) < qAbs(workingModified.secsTo(maxDumpModified))) { maxDump = name; maxDumpModified = modified; maxDumpFull = list.at(i).absoluteFilePath(); dumpsize = list.at(i).size(); } } } if (!maxDump.isEmpty() && qAbs(workingModified.secsTo(maxDumpModified)) < 10) { _minidumpName = maxDump; _minidumpFull = maxDumpFull; } } if (_minidumpName.isEmpty()) { // currently don't accept crash reports without dumps from google libraries _sendingState = SendingNoReport; } else { _minidump.setText(qsl("+ %1 (%2 KB)").arg(_minidumpName).arg(dumpsize / 1024)); } } if (_sendingState != SendingNoReport) { QString version = getReportField(qstr("version"), qstr("Version:")); QString current = cBetaVersion() ? qsl("-%1").arg(cBetaVersion()) : QString::number(AppVersion); if (version != current) { // currently don't accept crash reports from not current app version _sendingState = SendingNoReport; } } _networkSettings.setText(qsl("NETWORK SETTINGS")); connect(&_networkSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onNetworkSettings())); if (_sendingState == SendingNoReport) { _label.setText(qsl("Last time Telegram Desktop was not closed properly.")); } else { _label.setText(qsl("Last time Telegram Desktop crashed :(")); } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE _updatingCheck.setText(qsl("TRY AGAIN")); connect(&_updatingCheck, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdateRetry())); _updatingSkip.setText(qsl("SKIP")); connect(&_updatingSkip, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onUpdateSkip())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateChecking()), this, SLOT(onUpdateChecking())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateLatest()), this, SLOT(onUpdateLatest())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(onUpdateDownloading(qint64,qint64))); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateFailed()), this, SLOT(onUpdateFailed())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateReady()), this, SLOT(onUpdateReady())); switch (Sandbox::updatingState()) { case Application::UpdatingDownload: setUpdatingState(UpdatingDownload, true); setDownloadProgress(Sandbox::updatingReady(), Sandbox::updatingSize()); break; case Application::UpdatingReady: setUpdatingState(UpdatingReady, true); break; default: setUpdatingState(UpdatingCheck, true); break; } cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); #else // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE _updating.setText(qsl("Please check if there is a new version available.")); if (_sendingState != SendingNoReport) { _sendingState = SendingNone; } #endif // else for !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Please send us a crash report.")); _yourReportName.setText(qsl("Your Report Tag: %1\nYour User Tag: %2").arg(QString(_minidumpName).replace(".dmp", "")).arg(Sandbox::UserTag(), 0, 16)); _yourReportName.setCursor(style::cur_text); _yourReportName.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); _includeUsername.setText(qsl("Include username @%1 as your contact info").arg(_reportUsername)); _report.setPlainText(_reportTextNoUsername); _showReport.setText(qsl("VIEW REPORT")); connect(&_showReport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onViewReport())); _saveReport.setText(qsl("SAVE TO FILE")); connect(&_saveReport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSaveReport())); _getApp.setText(qsl("GET THE LATEST OFFICIAL VERSION OF TELEGRAM DESKTOP")); connect(&_getApp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onGetApp())); _send.setText(qsl("SEND CRASH REPORT")); connect(&_send, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSendReport())); _sendSkip.setText(qsl("SKIP")); connect(&_sendSkip, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onContinue())); _continue.setText(qsl("CONTINUE")); connect(&_continue, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onContinue())); QRect scr(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry()); move(scr.x() + (scr.width() / 6), scr.y() + (scr.height() / 6)); updateControls(); show(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onViewReport() { _reportShown = !_reportShown; updateControls(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onSaveReport() { QString to = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, qsl("Telegram Crash Report"), QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation) + qsl("/report.telegramcrash"), qsl("Telegram crash report (*.telegramcrash)")); if (!to.isEmpty()) { QFile file(to); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write(getCrashReportRaw()); _reportSaved = true; updateControls(); } } } QByteArray LastCrashedWindow::getCrashReportRaw() const { QByteArray result(Sandbox::LastCrashDump()); if (!_reportUsername.isEmpty() && _includeUsername.checkState() != Qt::Checked) { result.replace((qsl("Username: ") + _reportUsername).toUtf8(), "Username: _not_included_"); } return result; } void LastCrashedWindow::onGetApp() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(qsl("https://desktop.telegram.org")); } void LastCrashedWindow::excludeReportUsername() { QString prefix = qstr("Username:"); QStringList lines = _reportText.split('\n'); for (int32 i = 0, l = lines.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (lines.at(i).trimmed().startsWith(prefix)) { _reportUsername = lines.at(i).trimmed().mid(prefix.size()).trimmed(); lines.removeAt(i); break; } } _reportTextNoUsername = _reportUsername.isEmpty() ? _reportText : lines.join('\n'); } QString LastCrashedWindow::getReportField(const QLatin1String &name, const QLatin1String &prefix) { QStringList lines = _reportText.split('\n'); for (int32 i = 0, l = lines.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (lines.at(i).trimmed().startsWith(prefix)) { QString data = lines.at(i).trimmed().mid(prefix.size()).trimmed(); if (name == qstr("version")) { if (data.endsWith(qstr(" beta"))) { data = QString::number(-data.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[^\\d]")), "").toLongLong()); } else { data = QString::number(data.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[^\\d]")), "").toLongLong()); } } return data; } } return QString(); } void LastCrashedWindow::addReportFieldPart(const QLatin1String &name, const QLatin1String &prefix, QHttpMultiPart *multipart) { QString data = getReportField(name, prefix); if (!data.isEmpty()) { QHttpPart reportPart; reportPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant(qsl("form-data; name=\"%1\"").arg(name))); reportPart.setBody(data.toUtf8()); multipart->append(reportPart); } } void LastCrashedWindow::onSendReport() { if (_checkReply) { _checkReply->deleteLater(); _checkReply = nullptr; } if (_sendReply) { _sendReply->deleteLater(); _sendReply = nullptr; } App::setProxySettings(_sendManager); QString apiid = getReportField(qstr("apiid"), qstr("ApiId:")), version = getReportField(qstr("version"), qstr("Version:")); _checkReply = _sendManager.get(QNetworkRequest(qsl("https://tdesktop.com/crash.php?act=query_report&apiid=%1&version=%2&dmp=%3&platform=%4").arg(apiid).arg(version).arg(minidumpFileName().isEmpty() ? 0 : 1).arg(cPlatformString()))); connect(_checkReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(onSendingError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(_checkReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onCheckingFinished())); _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Sending crash report...")); _sendingState = SendingProgress; _reportShown = false; updateControls(); } QString LastCrashedWindow::minidumpFileName() { QFileInfo dmpFile(_minidumpFull); if (dmpFile.exists() && dmpFile.size() > 0 && dmpFile.size() < 20 * 1024 * 1024 && QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{1,64}\\.dmp$")).match(dmpFile.fileName()).hasMatch()) { return dmpFile.fileName(); } return QString(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onCheckingFinished() { if (!_checkReply || _sendReply) return; QByteArray result = _checkReply->readAll().trimmed(); _checkReply->deleteLater(); _checkReply = nullptr; LOG(("Crash report check for sending done, result: %1").arg(QString::fromUtf8(result))); if (result == "Old") { _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("This report is about some old version of Telegram Desktop.")); _sendingState = SendingTooOld; updateControls(); return; } else if (result == "Unofficial") { _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("You use some custom version of Telegram Desktop.")); _sendingState = SendingUnofficial; updateControls(); return; } else if (result != "Report") { _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Thank you for your report!")); _sendingState = SendingDone; updateControls(); SignalHandlers::restart(); return; } auto multipart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType); addReportFieldPart(qstr("platform"), qstr("Platform:"), multipart); addReportFieldPart(qstr("version"), qstr("Version:"), multipart); QHttpPart reportPart; reportPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("application/octet-stream")); reportPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"report\"; filename=\"report.telegramcrash\"")); reportPart.setBody(getCrashReportRaw()); multipart->append(reportPart); QString dmpName = minidumpFileName(); if (!dmpName.isEmpty()) { QFile file(_minidumpFull); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray minidump = file.readAll(); file.close(); QString zipName = QString(dmpName).replace(qstr(".dmp"), qstr(".zip")); zlib::FileToWrite minidumpZip; zip_fileinfo zfi = { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0 }; QByteArray dmpNameUtf = dmpName.toUtf8(); minidumpZip.openNewFile(dmpNameUtf.constData(), &zfi, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); minidumpZip.writeInFile(minidump.constData(), minidump.size()); minidumpZip.closeFile(); minidumpZip.close(); if (minidumpZip.error() == ZIP_OK) { QHttpPart dumpPart; dumpPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("application/octet-stream")); dumpPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant(qsl("form-data; name=\"dump\"; filename=\"%1\"").arg(zipName))); dumpPart.setBody(minidumpZip.result()); multipart->append(dumpPart); _minidump.setText(qsl("+ %1 (%2 KB)").arg(zipName).arg(minidumpZip.result().size() / 1024)); } } } _sendReply = _sendManager.post(QNetworkRequest(qsl("https://tdesktop.com/crash.php?act=report")), multipart); multipart->setParent(_sendReply); connect(_sendReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(onSendingError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(_sendReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onSendingFinished())); connect(_sendReply, SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(onSendingProgress(qint64,qint64))); updateControls(); } void LastCrashedWindow::updateControls() { int padding = _size, h = padding + _networkSettings.height() + padding; _label.show(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE h += _networkSettings.height() + padding; if (_updatingState == UpdatingFail && (_sendingState == SendingNoReport || _sendingState == SendingUpdateCheck)) { _networkSettings.show(); _updatingCheck.show(); _updatingSkip.show(); _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.hide(); _pleaseSendReport.hide(); _yourReportName.hide(); _includeUsername.hide(); _getApp.hide(); _showReport.hide(); _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); h += padding + _updatingCheck.height() + padding; } else { if (_updatingState == UpdatingCheck || _sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress) { _networkSettings.show(); } else { _networkSettings.hide(); } if (_updatingState == UpdatingNone || _updatingState == UpdatingLatest || _updatingState == UpdatingFail) { h += padding + _updatingCheck.height() + padding; if (_sendingState == SendingNoReport) { _pleaseSendReport.hide(); _yourReportName.hide(); _includeUsername.hide(); _getApp.hide(); _showReport.hide(); _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.show(); } else { h += _showReport.height() + padding + _yourReportName.height() + padding; _pleaseSendReport.show(); _yourReportName.show(); if (_reportUsername.isEmpty()) { _includeUsername.hide(); } else { h += _includeUsername.height() + padding; _includeUsername.show(); } if (_sendingState == SendingTooOld || _sendingState == SendingUnofficial) { QString verStr = getReportField(qstr("version"), qstr("Version:")); qint64 ver = verStr.isEmpty() ? 0 : verStr.toLongLong(); if (!ver || (ver == AppVersion) || (ver < 0 && (-ver / 1000) == AppVersion)) { h += _getApp.height() + padding; _getApp.show(); h -= _yourReportName.height() + padding; // hide report name _yourReportName.hide(); if (!_reportUsername.isEmpty()) { h -= _includeUsername.height() + padding; _includeUsername.hide(); } } else { _getApp.hide(); } _showReport.hide(); _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.show(); } else { _getApp.hide(); if (_reportShown) { h += (_pleaseSendReport.height() * 12.5) + padding + (_minidumpName.isEmpty() ? 0 : (_minidump.height() + padding)); _report.show(); if (_minidumpName.isEmpty()) { _minidump.hide(); } else { _minidump.show(); } if (_reportSaved || _sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _saveReport.hide(); } else { _saveReport.show(); } _showReport.hide(); } else { _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); if (_sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _showReport.hide(); } else { _showReport.show(); } } if (_sendingState == SendingTooMany || _sendingState == SendingDone) { _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.show(); } else { if (_sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _send.hide(); } else { _send.show(); } _sendSkip.show(); _continue.hide(); } } } } else { _getApp.hide(); _pleaseSendReport.hide(); _yourReportName.hide(); _includeUsername.hide(); _showReport.hide(); _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.hide(); } _updatingCheck.hide(); if (_updatingState == UpdatingCheck || _updatingState == UpdatingDownload) { h += padding + _updatingSkip.height() + padding; _updatingSkip.show(); } else { _updatingSkip.hide(); } } #else // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE h += _networkSettings.height() + padding; h += padding + _send.height() + padding; if (_sendingState == SendingNoReport) { _pleaseSendReport.hide(); _yourReportName.hide(); _includeUsername.hide(); _showReport.hide(); _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.show(); _networkSettings.hide(); } else { h += _showReport.height() + padding + _yourReportName.height() + padding; _pleaseSendReport.show(); _yourReportName.show(); if (_reportUsername.isEmpty()) { _includeUsername.hide(); } else { h += _includeUsername.height() + padding; _includeUsername.show(); } if (_reportShown) { h += (_pleaseSendReport.height() * 12.5) + padding + (_minidumpName.isEmpty() ? 0 : (_minidump.height() + padding)); _report.show(); if (_minidumpName.isEmpty()) { _minidump.hide(); } else { _minidump.show(); } _showReport.hide(); if (_reportSaved || _sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _saveReport.hide(); } else { _saveReport.show(); } } else { _report.hide(); _minidump.hide(); _saveReport.hide(); if (_sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _showReport.hide(); } else { _showReport.show(); } } if (_sendingState == SendingDone) { _send.hide(); _sendSkip.hide(); _continue.show(); _networkSettings.hide(); } else { if (_sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _send.hide(); } else { _send.show(); } _sendSkip.show(); if (_sendingState == SendingFail) { _networkSettings.show(); } else { _networkSettings.hide(); } _continue.hide(); } } _getApp.show(); h += _networkSettings.height() + padding; #endif // else for !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE QRect scr(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry()); QSize s(2 * padding + QFontMetrics(_label.font()).width(qsl("Last time Telegram Desktop was not closed properly.")) + padding + _networkSettings.width(), h); if (s == size()) { resizeEvent(0); } else { resize(s); } } void LastCrashedWindow::onNetworkSettings() { auto &p = Sandbox::PreLaunchProxy(); NetworkSettingsWindow *box = new NetworkSettingsWindow(this, p.host, p.port ? p.port : 80, p.user, p.password); connect(box, SIGNAL(saved(QString, quint32, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(onNetworkSettingsSaved(QString, quint32, QString, QString))); box->show(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onNetworkSettingsSaved(QString host, quint32 port, QString username, QString password) { Sandbox::RefPreLaunchProxy().host = host; Sandbox::RefPreLaunchProxy().port = port ? port : 80; Sandbox::RefPreLaunchProxy().user = username; Sandbox::RefPreLaunchProxy().password = password; #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE if ((_updatingState == UpdatingFail && (_sendingState == SendingNoReport || _sendingState == SendingUpdateCheck)) || (_updatingState == UpdatingCheck)) { Sandbox::stopUpdate(); cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); } else #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE if (_sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress) { onSendReport(); } activate(); } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void LastCrashedWindow::setUpdatingState(UpdatingState state, bool force) { if (_updatingState != state || force) { _updatingState = state; switch (state) { case UpdatingLatest: _updating.setText(qsl("Latest version is installed.")); if (_sendingState == SendingNoReport) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(onContinue())); } else { _sendingState = SendingNone; } break; case UpdatingReady: if (checkReadyUpdate()) { cSetRestartingUpdate(true); App::quit(); return; } else { setUpdatingState(UpdatingFail); return; } break; case UpdatingCheck: _updating.setText(qsl("Checking for updates...")); break; case UpdatingFail: _updating.setText(qsl("Update check failed :(")); break; } updateControls(); } } void LastCrashedWindow::setDownloadProgress(qint64 ready, qint64 total) { qint64 readyTenthMb = (ready * 10 / (1024 * 1024)), totalTenthMb = (total * 10 / (1024 * 1024)); QString readyStr = QString::number(readyTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(readyTenthMb % 10); QString totalStr = QString::number(totalTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(totalTenthMb % 10); QString res = qsl("Downloading update {ready} / {total} MB..").replace(qstr("{ready}"), readyStr).replace(qstr("{total}"), totalStr); if (_newVersionDownload != res) { _newVersionDownload = res; _updating.setText(_newVersionDownload); updateControls(); } } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateRetry() { cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateSkip() { if (_sendingState == SendingNoReport) { onContinue(); } else { if (_updatingState == UpdatingCheck || _updatingState == UpdatingDownload) { Sandbox::stopUpdate(); setUpdatingState(UpdatingFail); } _sendingState = SendingNone; updateControls(); } } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateChecking() { setUpdatingState(UpdatingCheck); } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateLatest() { setUpdatingState(UpdatingLatest); } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateDownloading(qint64 ready, qint64 total) { setUpdatingState(UpdatingDownload); setDownloadProgress(ready, total); } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateReady() { setUpdatingState(UpdatingReady); } void LastCrashedWindow::onUpdateFailed() { setUpdatingState(UpdatingFail); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void LastCrashedWindow::onContinue() { if (SignalHandlers::restart() == SignalHandlers::CantOpen) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else if (!Global::started()) { Sandbox::launch(); } close(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onSendingError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e) { LOG(("Crash report sending error: %1").arg(e)); _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Sending crash report failed :(")); _sendingState = SendingFail; if (_checkReply) { _checkReply->deleteLater(); _checkReply = nullptr; } if (_sendReply) { _sendReply->deleteLater(); _sendReply = nullptr; } updateControls(); } void LastCrashedWindow::onSendingFinished() { if (_sendReply) { QByteArray result = _sendReply->readAll(); LOG(("Crash report sending done, result: %1").arg(QString::fromUtf8(result))); _sendReply->deleteLater(); _sendReply = nullptr; _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Thank you for your report!")); _sendingState = SendingDone; updateControls(); SignalHandlers::restart(); } } void LastCrashedWindow::onSendingProgress(qint64 uploaded, qint64 total) { if (_sendingState != SendingProgress && _sendingState != SendingUploading) return; _sendingState = SendingUploading; if (total < 0) { _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Sending crash report %1 KB...").arg(uploaded / 1024)); } else { _pleaseSendReport.setText(qsl("Sending crash report %1 / %2 KB...").arg(uploaded / 1024).arg(total / 1024)); } updateControls(); } void LastCrashedWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { deleteLater(); } void LastCrashedWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int padding = _size; _label.move(padding, padding + (_networkSettings.height() - _label.height()) / 2); _send.move(width() - padding - _send.width(), height() - padding - _send.height()); if (_sendingState == SendingProgress || _sendingState == SendingUploading) { _sendSkip.move(width() - padding - _sendSkip.width(), height() - padding - _sendSkip.height()); } else { _sendSkip.move(width() - padding - _send.width() - padding - _sendSkip.width(), height() - padding - _sendSkip.height()); } _updating.move(padding, padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + (_networkSettings.height() - _updating.height()) / 2); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE _pleaseSendReport.move(padding, padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding + (_showReport.height() - _pleaseSendReport.height()) / 2); _showReport.move(padding * 2 + _pleaseSendReport.width(), padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding); _yourReportName.move(padding, _showReport.y() + _showReport.height() + padding); _includeUsername.move(padding, _yourReportName.y() + _yourReportName.height() + padding); _getApp.move((width() - _getApp.width()) / 2, _showReport.y() + _showReport.height() + padding); if (_sendingState == SendingFail || _sendingState == SendingProgress) { _networkSettings.move(padding * 2 + _pleaseSendReport.width(), padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding); } else { _networkSettings.move(padding * 2 + _updating.width(), padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height()); } if (_updatingState == UpdatingCheck || _updatingState == UpdatingDownload) { _updatingCheck.move(width() - padding - _updatingCheck.width(), height() - padding - _updatingCheck.height()); _updatingSkip.move(width() - padding - _updatingSkip.width(), height() - padding - _updatingSkip.height()); } else { _updatingCheck.move(width() - padding - _updatingCheck.width(), height() - padding - _updatingCheck.height()); _updatingSkip.move(width() - padding - _updatingCheck.width() - padding - _updatingSkip.width(), height() - padding - _updatingSkip.height()); } #else // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE _getApp.move((width() - _getApp.width()) / 2, _updating.y() + _updating.height() + padding); _pleaseSendReport.move(padding, padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding + _getApp.height() + padding + (_showReport.height() - _pleaseSendReport.height()) / 2); _showReport.move(padding * 2 + _pleaseSendReport.width(), padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding + _getApp.height() + padding); _yourReportName.move(padding, _showReport.y() + _showReport.height() + padding); _includeUsername.move(padding, _yourReportName.y() + _yourReportName.height() + padding); _networkSettings.move(padding * 2 + _pleaseSendReport.width(), padding * 2 + _networkSettings.height() + _networkSettings.height() + padding + _getApp.height() + padding); #endif // else for !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE if (_reportUsername.isEmpty()) { _report.setGeometry(padding, _yourReportName.y() + _yourReportName.height() + padding, width() - 2 * padding, _pleaseSendReport.height() * 12.5); } else { _report.setGeometry(padding, _includeUsername.y() + _includeUsername.height() + padding, width() - 2 * padding, _pleaseSendReport.height() * 12.5); } _minidump.move(padding, _report.y() + _report.height() + padding); _saveReport.move(_showReport.x(), _showReport.y()); _continue.move(width() - padding - _continue.width(), height() - padding - _continue.height()); } NetworkSettingsWindow::NetworkSettingsWindow(QWidget *parent, QString host, quint32 port, QString username, QString password) : PreLaunchWindow(qsl("HTTP Proxy Settings")) , _hostLabel(this) , _portLabel(this) , _usernameLabel(this) , _passwordLabel(this) , _hostInput(this) , _portInput(this) , _usernameInput(this) , _passwordInput(this, true) , _save(this) , _cancel(this, false) , _parent(parent) { setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); _hostLabel.setText(qsl("Hostname")); _portLabel.setText(qsl("Port")); _usernameLabel.setText(qsl("Username")); _passwordLabel.setText(qsl("Password")); _save.setText(qsl("SAVE")); connect(&_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSave())); _cancel.setText(qsl("CANCEL")); connect(&_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); _hostInput.setText(host); _portInput.setText(QString::number(port)); _usernameInput.setText(username); _passwordInput.setText(password); QRect scr(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry()); move(scr.x() + (scr.width() / 6), scr.y() + (scr.height() / 6)); updateControls(); show(); _hostInput.setFocus(); _hostInput.setCursorPosition(_hostInput.text().size()); } void NetworkSettingsWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int padding = _size; _hostLabel.move(padding, padding); _hostInput.setGeometry(_hostLabel.x(), _hostLabel.y() + _hostLabel.height(), 2 * _hostLabel.width(), _hostInput.height()); _portLabel.move(padding + _hostInput.width() + padding, padding); _portInput.setGeometry(_portLabel.x(), _portLabel.y() + _portLabel.height(), width() - padding - _portLabel.x(), _portInput.height()); _usernameLabel.move(padding, _hostInput.y() + _hostInput.height() + padding); _usernameInput.setGeometry(_usernameLabel.x(), _usernameLabel.y() + _usernameLabel.height(), (width() - 3 * padding) / 2, _usernameInput.height()); _passwordLabel.move(padding + _usernameInput.width() + padding, _usernameLabel.y()); _passwordInput.setGeometry(_passwordLabel.x(), _passwordLabel.y() + _passwordLabel.height(), width() - padding - _passwordLabel.x(), _passwordInput.height()); _save.move(width() - padding - _save.width(), height() - padding - _save.height()); _cancel.move(_save.x() - padding - _cancel.width(), _save.y()); } void NetworkSettingsWindow::onSave() { QString host = _hostInput.text().trimmed(), port = _portInput.text().trimmed(), username = _usernameInput.text().trimmed(), password = _passwordInput.text().trimmed(); if (!port.isEmpty() && !port.toUInt()) { _portInput.setFocus(); return; } else if (!host.isEmpty() && port.isEmpty()) { _portInput.setFocus(); return; } emit saved(host, port.toUInt(), username, password); close(); } void NetworkSettingsWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { } void NetworkSettingsWindow::updateControls() { _hostInput.updateGeometry(); _hostInput.resize(_hostInput.sizeHint()); _portInput.updateGeometry(); _portInput.resize(_portInput.sizeHint()); _usernameInput.updateGeometry(); _usernameInput.resize(_usernameInput.sizeHint()); _passwordInput.updateGeometry(); _passwordInput.resize(_passwordInput.sizeHint()); int padding = _size; int w = 2 * padding + _hostLabel.width() * 2 + padding + _portLabel.width() * 2 + padding; int h = padding + _hostLabel.height() + _hostInput.height() + padding + _usernameLabel.height() + _usernameInput.height() + padding + _save.height() + padding; if (w == width() && h == height()) { resizeEvent(0); } else { setGeometry(_parent->x() + (_parent->width() - w) / 2, _parent->y() + (_parent->height() - h) / 2, w, h); } }