/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/username_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_peer_common.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/fields/special_fields.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include <QtGui/QGuiApplication> #include <QtGui/QClipboard> UsernameBox::UsernameBox(QWidget*, not_null<Main::Session*> session) : _session(session) , _font(st::normalFont) , _padding(st::usernamePadding) , _textCenterTop((_font->height - _font->height) / 2) , _api(&_session->mtp()) , _username( this, st::defaultInputField, rpl::single(qsl("@username")), session->user()->username, QString()) , _about( this, tr::lng_username_description(Ui::Text::RichLangValue), st::defaultBoxLabel) , _link(this, QString(), st::defaultLinkButton) , _checkTimer([=] { check(); }) { } void UsernameBox::prepare() { _goodText = _session->user()->username.isEmpty() ? QString() : tr::lng_username_available(tr::now); setTitle(tr::lng_username_title()); addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), [=] { save(); }); addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { closeBox(); }); connect(_username, &Ui::MaskedInputField::changed, [=] { changed(); }); connect(_username, &Ui::MaskedInputField::submitted, [=] { save(); }); _link->addClickHandler([=] { linkClick(); }); _about->resizeToWidth( st::boxWideWidth - _padding.left() - _padding.right()); _about->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { setDimensions( st::boxWideWidth, (_padding.top() + _username->height() + st::usernameSkip + height + 3 * _font->height + _padding.bottom())); }, lifetime()); updateLinkText(); } void UsernameBox::setInnerFocus() { _username->setFocusFast(); } void UsernameBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { BoxContent::paintEvent(e); Painter p(this); const auto textTop = _username->y() + _username->height() + ((st::usernameSkip - _font->height) / 2); p.setFont(_font); if (!_errorText.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::boxTextFgError); p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), textTop, width(), _errorText); } else if (!_goodText.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::boxTextFgGood); p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), textTop, width(), _goodText); } else { p.setPen(st::usernameDefaultFg); p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), textTop, width(), tr::lng_username_choose(tr::now)); } p.setPen(st::boxTextFg); const auto linkTop = _username->y() + _username->height() + st::usernameSkip + _about->height() + _font->height + _textCenterTop; if (_link->isHidden()) { p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), linkTop, width(), tr::lng_username_link_willbe(tr::now)); p.setPen(st::usernameDefaultFg); const auto link = _session->createInternalLinkFull(qsl("username")); p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), linkTop + _font->height + _textCenterTop, width(), link); } else { p.drawTextLeft( _padding.left(), linkTop, width(), tr::lng_username_link(tr::now)); } } void UsernameBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); _username->resize( width() - _padding.left() - _padding.right(), _username->height()); _username->moveToLeft(_padding.left(), _padding.top()); _about->moveToLeft( _padding.left(), _username->y() + _username->height() + st::usernameSkip); const auto linkTop = _about->y() + _about->height() + _font->height + _textCenterTop; _link->moveToLeft( _padding.left(), linkTop + _font->height + _textCenterTop); } void UsernameBox::save() { if (_saveRequestId) { return; } _sentUsername = getName(); _saveRequestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_UpdateUsername( MTP_string(_sentUsername) )).done([=](const MTPUser &result) { _saveRequestId = 0; _session->data().processUser(result); closeBox(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _saveRequestId = 0; updateFail(error.type()); }).send(); } void UsernameBox::check() { _api.request(base::take(_checkRequestId)).cancel(); const auto name = getName(); if (name.size() < Ui::EditPeer::kMinUsernameLength) { return; } _checkUsername = name; _checkRequestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_CheckUsername( MTP_string(name) )).done([=](const MTPBool &result) { _checkRequestId = 0; _errorText = (mtpIsTrue(result) || _checkUsername == _session->user()->username) ? QString() : tr::lng_username_occupied(tr::now); _goodText = _errorText.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_username_available(tr::now) : QString(); update(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _checkRequestId = 0; checkFail(error.type()); }).send(); } void UsernameBox::changed() { updateLinkText(); const auto name = getName(); if (name.isEmpty()) { if (!_errorText.isEmpty() || !_goodText.isEmpty()) { _errorText = _goodText = QString(); update(); } _checkTimer.cancel(); } else { const auto len = int(name.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const auto ch = name.at(i); if ((ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z') && (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z') && (ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '_' && (ch != '@' || i > 0)) { if (_errorText != tr::lng_username_bad_symbols(tr::now)) { _errorText = tr::lng_username_bad_symbols(tr::now); update(); } _checkTimer.cancel(); return; } } if (name.size() < Ui::EditPeer::kMinUsernameLength) { if (_errorText != tr::lng_username_too_short(tr::now)) { _errorText = tr::lng_username_too_short(tr::now); update(); } _checkTimer.cancel(); } else { if (!_errorText.isEmpty() || !_goodText.isEmpty()) { _errorText = _goodText = QString(); update(); } _checkTimer.callOnce(Ui::EditPeer::kUsernameCheckTimeout); } } } void UsernameBox::linkClick() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText( _session->createInternalLinkFull(getName())); Ui::Toast::Show( Ui::BoxShow(this).toastParent(), tr::lng_username_copied(tr::now)); } void UsernameBox::updateFail(const QString &error) { const auto self = _session->user(); if ((error == qstr("USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED")) || (_sentUsername == self->username)) { self->setName( TextUtilities::SingleLine(self->firstName), TextUtilities::SingleLine(self->lastName), TextUtilities::SingleLine(self->nameOrPhone), TextUtilities::SingleLine(_sentUsername)); closeBox(); } else if (error == qstr("USERNAME_INVALID")) { _username->setFocus(); _username->showError(); _errorText = tr::lng_username_invalid(tr::now); update(); } else if ((error == qstr("USERNAME_OCCUPIED")) || (error == qstr("USERNAMES_UNAVAILABLE"))) { _username->setFocus(); _username->showError(); _errorText = tr::lng_username_occupied(tr::now); update(); } else { _username->setFocus(); } } void UsernameBox::checkFail(const QString &error) { if (error == qstr("USERNAME_INVALID")) { _errorText = tr::lng_username_invalid(tr::now); update(); } else if ((error == qstr("USERNAME_OCCUPIED")) && (_checkUsername != _session->user()->username)) { _errorText = tr::lng_username_occupied(tr::now); update(); } else { _goodText = QString(); _username->setFocus(); } } QString UsernameBox::getName() const { return _username->text().replace('@', QString()).trimmed(); } void UsernameBox::updateLinkText() { const auto uname = getName(); _link->setText(_font->elided( _session->createInternalLinkFull(uname), st::boxWideWidth - _padding.left() - _padding.right())); if (uname.isEmpty()) { if (!_link->isHidden()) { _link->hide(); update(); } } else { if (_link->isHidden()) { _link->show(); update(); } } }