/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_top_bar.h" #include "ui/effects/cross_line.h" #include "ui/paint/blobs_linear.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_userpics.h" // Ui::GroupCallUser. #include "ui/chat/group_call_bar.h" // Ui::GroupCallBarContent. #include "ui/layers/generic_box.h" #include "ui/wrap/padding_wrap.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "calls/calls_call.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "calls/calls_signal_bars.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_menu.h" // Group::LeaveBox. #include "history/view/history_view_group_call_tracker.h" // ContentByCall. #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "boxes/abstract_box.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "app.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" // style::GroupCallUserpics #include "styles/style_layers.h" namespace Calls { enum class BarState { Connecting, Active, Muted, ForceMuted, }; namespace { constexpr auto kMaxUsersInBar = 3; constexpr auto kUpdateDebugTimeoutMs = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kSwitchStateDuration = 120; constexpr auto kMinorBlobAlpha = 76. / 255.; constexpr auto kHideBlobsDuration = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kBlobLevelDuration = crl::time(250); constexpr auto kBlobUpdateInterval = crl::time(100); auto BarStateFromMuteState( MuteState state, GroupCall::InstanceState instanceState, TimeId scheduledDate) { return scheduledDate ? BarState::ForceMuted : (instanceState == GroupCall::InstanceState::Disconnected) ? BarState::Connecting : (state == MuteState::ForceMuted || state == MuteState::RaisedHand) ? BarState::ForceMuted : (state == MuteState::Muted) ? BarState::Muted : BarState::Active; }; auto LinearBlobs() { return std::vector{ { .segmentsCount = 5, .minRadius = 0., .maxRadius = (float)st::groupCallMajorBlobMaxRadius, .idleRadius = (float)st::groupCallMinorBlobIdleRadius, .speedScale = .3, .alpha = 1., }, { .segmentsCount = 7, .minRadius = 0., .maxRadius = (float)st::groupCallMinorBlobMaxRadius, .idleRadius = (float)st::groupCallMinorBlobIdleRadius, .speedScale = .7, .alpha = kMinorBlobAlpha, }, { .segmentsCount = 8, .minRadius = 0., .maxRadius = (float)st::groupCallMinorBlobMaxRadius, .idleRadius = (float)st::groupCallMinorBlobIdleRadius, .speedScale = .7, .alpha = kMinorBlobAlpha, }, }; } auto Colors() { using Vector = std::vector; using Colors = anim::gradient_colors; return base::flat_map{ { BarState::ForceMuted, Colors(QGradientStops{ { 0.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar1->c }, { .35, st::groupCallForceMutedBar2->c }, { 1.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar3->c } }) }, { BarState::Active, Colors(Vector{ st::groupCallLive1->c, st::groupCallLive2->c }) }, { BarState::Muted, Colors(Vector{ st::groupCallMuted1->c, st::groupCallMuted2->c }) }, { BarState::Connecting, Colors(st::callBarBgMuted->c) }, }; } class DebugInfoBox : public Ui::BoxContent { public: DebugInfoBox(QWidget*, base::weak_ptr call); protected: void prepare() override; private: void updateText(); base::weak_ptr _call; QPointer _text; base::Timer _updateTextTimer; }; DebugInfoBox::DebugInfoBox(QWidget*, base::weak_ptr call) : _call(call) { } void DebugInfoBox::prepare() { setTitle(rpl::single(qsl("Call Debug"))); addButton(tr::lng_close(), [this] { closeBox(); }); _text = setInnerWidget( object_ptr>( this, object_ptr(this, st::callDebugLabel), st::callDebugPadding))->entity(); _text->setSelectable(true); updateText(); _updateTextTimer.setCallback([this] { updateText(); }); _updateTextTimer.callEach(kUpdateDebugTimeoutMs); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::boxMaxListHeight); } void DebugInfoBox::updateText() { if (auto call = _call.get()) { _text->setText(call->getDebugLog()); } } } // namespace struct TopBar::User { Ui::GroupCallUser data; }; class Mute final : public Ui::IconButton { public: Mute(QWidget *parent, const style::IconButton &st) : Ui::IconButton(parent, st) , _st(st) , _crossLineMuteAnimation(st::callTopBarMuteCrossLine) { resize(_st.width, _st.height); installEventFilter(this); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _crossLineMuteAnimation.invalidate(); }, lifetime()); } void setProgress(float64 progress) { if (_progress == progress) { return; } _progress = progress; update(); } void setRippleColorOverride(const style::color *colorOverride) { _rippleColorOverride = colorOverride; } protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Paint) { Painter p(this); paintRipple( p, _st.rippleAreaPosition.x(), _st.rippleAreaPosition.y(), _rippleColorOverride ? &(*_rippleColorOverride)->c : nullptr); _crossLineMuteAnimation.paint(p, _st.iconPosition, _progress); return true; } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } private: float64 _progress = 0.; const style::IconButton &_st; Ui::CrossLineAnimation _crossLineMuteAnimation; const style::color *_rippleColorOverride = nullptr; }; TopBar::TopBar( QWidget *parent, const base::weak_ptr &call) : TopBar(parent, call, nullptr) { } TopBar::TopBar( QWidget *parent, const base::weak_ptr &call) : TopBar(parent, nullptr, call) { } TopBar::TopBar( QWidget *parent, const base::weak_ptr &call, const base::weak_ptr &groupCall) : RpWidget(parent) , _call(call) , _groupCall(groupCall) , _userpics(call ? nullptr : std::make_unique( st::groupCallTopBarUserpics, rpl::single(true), [=] { updateUserpics(); })) , _durationLabel(_call ? object_ptr(this, st::callBarLabel) : object_ptr(nullptr)) , _signalBars(_call ? object_ptr(this, _call.get(), st::callBarSignalBars) : object_ptr(nullptr)) , _fullInfoLabel(this, st::callBarInfoLabel) , _shortInfoLabel(this, st::callBarInfoLabel) , _hangupLabel(_call ? object_ptr( this, st::callBarLabel, tr::lng_call_bar_hangup(tr::now).toUpper()) : object_ptr(nullptr)) , _mute(this, st::callBarMuteToggle) , _info(this) , _hangup(this, st::callBarHangup) , _gradients(Colors(), QPointF(), QPointF()) , _updateDurationTimer([=] { updateDurationText(); }) { initControls(); resize(width(), st::callBarHeight); } void TopBar::initControls() { _mute->setClickedCallback([=] { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { call->setMuted(!call->muted()); } else if (const auto group = _groupCall.get()) { if (group->muted() == MuteState::ForceMuted || group->muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand) { Ui::Toast::Show(tr::lng_group_call_force_muted_sub(tr::now)); } else { group->setMuted((group->muted() == MuteState::Muted) ? MuteState::Active : MuteState::Muted); } } }); const auto mapToState = [](bool muted) { return muted ? MuteState::Muted : MuteState::Active; }; const auto fromState = _mute->lifetime().make_state( BarStateFromMuteState( _call ? mapToState(_call->muted()) : _groupCall->muted(), GroupCall::InstanceState::Connected, _call ? TimeId(0) : _groupCall->scheduleDate())); using namespace rpl::mappers; auto muted = _call ? rpl::combine( _call->mutedValue() | rpl::map(mapToState), rpl::single(GroupCall::InstanceState::Connected), rpl::single(TimeId(0)) ) | rpl::type_erased() : rpl::combine( (_groupCall->mutedValue() | MapPushToTalkToActive() | rpl::distinct_until_changed() | rpl::type_erased()), _groupCall->instanceStateValue(), rpl::single( _groupCall->scheduleDate() ) | rpl::then(_groupCall->real( ) | rpl::map([](not_null call) { return call->scheduleDateValue(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest()) ) | rpl::filter(_2 != GroupCall::InstanceState::TransitionToRtc); std::move( muted ) | rpl::map( BarStateFromMuteState ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](BarState state) { _isGroupConnecting = (state == BarState::Connecting); setMuted(state != BarState::Active); update(); const auto isForceMuted = (state == BarState::ForceMuted); if (isForceMuted) { _mute->clearState(); } _mute->setPointerCursor(!isForceMuted); const auto to = 1.; const auto from = _switchStateAnimation.animating() ? (to - _switchStateAnimation.value(0.)) : 0.; const auto fromMuted = *fromState; const auto toMuted = state; *fromState = state; const auto crossFrom = (fromMuted != BarState::Active) ? 1. : 0.; const auto crossTo = (toMuted != BarState::Active) ? 1. : 0.; auto animationCallback = [=](float64 value) { if (_groupCall) { _groupBrush = QBrush( _gradients.gradient(fromMuted, toMuted, value)); update(); } const auto crossProgress = (crossFrom == crossTo) ? crossTo : anim::interpolateF(crossFrom, crossTo, value); _mute->setProgress(crossProgress); }; _switchStateAnimation.stop(); const auto duration = (to - from) * kSwitchStateDuration; _switchStateAnimation.start( std::move(animationCallback), from, to, duration); }, _mute->lifetime()); if (const auto group = _groupCall.get()) { subscribeToMembersChanges(group); _isGroupConnecting.value( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool isConnecting) { _mute->setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, isConnecting); updateInfoLabels(); }, lifetime()); } if (const auto call = _call.get()) { call->user()->session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Name ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { // _user may change for the same Panel. return (_call != nullptr) && (update.peer == _call->user()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateInfoLabels(); }, lifetime()); } setInfoLabels(); _info->setClickedCallback([=] { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { if (Logs::DebugEnabled() && (_info->clickModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { Ui::show(Box(_call)); } else { Core::App().calls().showInfoPanel(call); } } else if (const auto group = _groupCall.get()) { Core::App().calls().showInfoPanel(group); } }); _hangup->setClickedCallback([this] { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { call->hangup(); } else if (const auto group = _groupCall.get()) { if (!group->peer()->canManageGroupCall()) { group->hangup(); } else { Ui::show(Box( Group::LeaveBox, group, false, Group::BoxContext::MainWindow)); } } }); updateDurationText(); } void TopBar::initBlobsUnder( QWidget *blobsParent, rpl::producer barGeometry) { const auto group = _groupCall.get(); if (!group) { return; } struct State { Ui::Paint::LinearBlobs paint = { LinearBlobs(), kBlobLevelDuration, 1., Ui::Paint::LinearBlob::Direction::TopDown }; Ui::Animations::Simple hideAnimation; Ui::Animations::Basic animation; base::Timer levelTimer; crl::time hideLastTime = 0; crl::time lastTime = 0; float lastLevel = 0.; float levelBeforeLast = 0.; }; _blobs = base::make_unique_q(blobsParent); const auto state = _blobs->lifetime().make_state(); state->levelTimer.setCallback([=] { state->levelBeforeLast = state->lastLevel; state->lastLevel = 0.; if (state->levelBeforeLast == 0.) { state->paint.setLevel(0.); state->levelTimer.cancel(); } }); state->animation.init([=](crl::time now) { if (const auto last = state->hideLastTime; (last > 0) && (now - last >= kHideBlobsDuration)) { state->animation.stop(); return false; } state->paint.updateLevel(now - state->lastTime); state->lastTime = now; _blobs->update(); return true; }); group->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Calls::GroupCall::State state) { if (state == Calls::GroupCall::State::HangingUp) { _blobs->hide(); } }, lifetime()); auto hideBlobs = rpl::combine( rpl::single(anim::Disabled()) | rpl::then(anim::Disables()), Core::App().appDeactivatedValue(), group->instanceStateValue() ) | rpl::map([]( bool animDisabled, bool hide, GroupCall::InstanceState instanceState) { return (instanceState == GroupCall::InstanceState::Disconnected) || animDisabled || hide; }); std::move( hideBlobs ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool hide) { if (hide) { state->paint.setLevel(0.); } state->hideLastTime = hide ? crl::now() : 0; if (!hide && !state->animation.animating()) { state->animation.start(); } if (hide) { state->levelTimer.cancel(); } else { state->lastLevel = 0.; } const auto from = hide ? 0. : 1.; const auto to = hide ? 1. : 0.; state->hideAnimation.start([=](float64) { _blobs->update(); }, from, to, kHideBlobsDuration); }, lifetime()); std::move( barGeometry ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect rect) { _blobs->resize( rect.width(), (int)state->paint.maxRadius()); _blobs->moveToLeft(rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height()); }, lifetime()); shownValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool shown) { _blobs->setVisible(shown); }, lifetime()); _blobs->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { const auto hidden = state->hideAnimation.value( state->hideLastTime ? 1. : 0.); if (hidden == 1.) { return; } Painter p(_blobs); if (hidden > 0.) { p.setOpacity(1. - hidden); } const auto top = -_blobs->height() * hidden; const auto width = _blobs->width(); p.translate(0, top); state->paint.paint(p, _groupBrush, width); }, _blobs->lifetime()); group->levelUpdates( ) | rpl::filter([=](const LevelUpdate &update) { return !state->hideLastTime && (update.value > state->lastLevel); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const LevelUpdate &update) { if (state->lastLevel == 0.) { state->levelTimer.callEach(kBlobUpdateInterval); } state->lastLevel = update.value; state->paint.setLevel(update.value); }, _blobs->lifetime()); _blobs->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _blobs->show(); if (!state->hideLastTime) { state->animation.start(); } } void TopBar::subscribeToMembersChanges(not_null call) { const auto peer = call->peer(); peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall ) | rpl::map([=] { return peer->groupCall(); }) | rpl::filter([=](Data::GroupCall *real) { const auto call = _groupCall.get(); return call && real && (real->id() == call->id()); }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::before_next([=](not_null real) { real->titleValue() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateInfoLabels(); }, lifetime()); }) | rpl::map([=](not_null real) { return HistoryView::GroupCallTracker::ContentByCall( real, st::groupCallTopBarUserpics.size); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Ui::GroupCallBarContent &content) { if (_users.size() != content.users.size()) { return true; } for (auto i = 0, count = int(_users.size()); i != count; ++i) { if (_users[i].userpicKey != content.users[i].userpicKey || _users[i].id != content.users[i].id) { return true; } } return false; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Ui::GroupCallBarContent &content) { _users = content.users; for (auto &user : _users) { user.speaking = false; } _userpics->update(_users, !isHidden()); }, lifetime()); _userpics->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { _userpicsWidth = width; updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); call->peer()->session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Name ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { // _peer may change for the same Panel. const auto call = _groupCall.get(); return (call != nullptr) && (update.peer == call->peer()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateInfoLabels(); }, lifetime()); } void TopBar::updateUserpics() { update(_mute->width(), 0, _userpics->maxWidth(), height()); } void TopBar::updateInfoLabels() { setInfoLabels(); updateControlsGeometry(); } void TopBar::setInfoLabels() { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { const auto user = call->user(); const auto fullName = user->name; const auto shortName = user->firstName; _fullInfoLabel->setText(fullName); _shortInfoLabel->setText(shortName); } else if (const auto group = _groupCall.get()) { const auto peer = group->peer(); const auto real = peer->groupCall(); const auto name = peer->name; const auto text = _isGroupConnecting.current() ? tr::lng_group_call_connecting(tr::now) : (real && real->id() == group->id() && !real->title().isEmpty()) ? real->title() : name; _fullInfoLabel->setText(text); _shortInfoLabel->setText(text); } } void TopBar::setMuted(bool mute) { _mute->setRippleColorOverride(&st::shadowFg); _hangup->setRippleColorOverride(&st::shadowFg); _muted = mute; } void TopBar::updateDurationText() { if (!_call || !_durationLabel) { return; } auto wasWidth = _durationLabel->width(); auto durationMs = _call->getDurationMs(); auto durationSeconds = durationMs / 1000; startDurationUpdateTimer(durationMs); _durationLabel->setText(Ui::FormatDurationText(durationSeconds)); if (_durationLabel->width() != wasWidth) { updateControlsGeometry(); } } void TopBar::startDurationUpdateTimer(crl::time currentDuration) { auto msTillNextSecond = 1000 - (currentDuration % 1000); _updateDurationTimer.callOnce(msTillNextSecond + 5); } void TopBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); } void TopBar::updateControlsGeometry() { auto left = 0; _mute->moveToLeft(left, 0); left += _mute->width(); if (_durationLabel) { _durationLabel->moveToLeft(left, st::callBarLabelTop); left += _durationLabel->width() + st::callBarSkip; } if (_userpicsWidth) { const auto single = st::groupCallTopBarUserpics.size; const auto skip = anim::interpolate( 0, st::callBarSkip, std::min(_userpicsWidth, single) / float64(single)); left += _userpicsWidth + skip; } if (_signalBars) { _signalBars->moveToLeft(left, (height() - _signalBars->height()) / 2); left += _signalBars->width() + st::callBarSkip; } auto right = st::callBarRightSkip; if (_hangupLabel) { _hangupLabel->moveToRight(right, st::callBarLabelTop); right += _hangupLabel->width(); } else { //right -= st::callBarRightSkip; } right += st::callBarHangup.width; _hangup->setGeometryToRight(0, 0, right, height()); _info->setGeometryToLeft( _mute->width(), 0, width() - _mute->width() - _hangup->width(), height()); auto fullWidth = _fullInfoLabel->naturalWidth(); auto showFull = (left + fullWidth + right <= width()); _fullInfoLabel->setVisible(showFull); _shortInfoLabel->setVisible(!showFull); auto setInfoLabelGeometry = [this, left, right](auto &&infoLabel) { auto minPadding = qMax(left, right); auto infoWidth = infoLabel->naturalWidth(); auto infoLeft = (width() - infoWidth) / 2; if (infoLeft < minPadding) { infoLeft = left; infoWidth = width() - left - right; } infoLabel->setGeometryToLeft(infoLeft, st::callBarLabelTop, infoWidth, st::callBarInfoLabel.style.font->height); }; setInfoLabelGeometry(_fullInfoLabel); setInfoLabelGeometry(_shortInfoLabel); _gradients.set_points( QPointF(0, st::callBarHeight / 2), QPointF(width(), st::callBarHeight / 2)); } void TopBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto brush = _groupCall ? _groupBrush : (_muted ? st::callBarBgMuted : st::callBarBg); p.fillRect(e->rect(), std::move(brush)); if (_userpicsWidth) { const auto size = st::groupCallTopBarUserpics.size; const auto top = (height() - size) / 2; _userpics->paint(p, _mute->width(), top, size); } } TopBar::~TopBar() = default; } // namespace Calls