/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once template void deleteAndMark(T *&link) { delete link; link = reinterpret_cast(0x00000BAD); } template T *getPointerAndReset(T *&ptr) { T *result = nullptr; qSwap(result, ptr); return result; } struct NullType { }; // ordered set template based on QMap template class OrderedSet { typedef OrderedSet Self; typedef QMap Impl; typedef typename Impl::iterator IteratorImpl; typedef typename Impl::const_iterator ConstIteratorImpl; Impl impl_; public: inline bool operator==(const Self &other) const { return impl_ == other.impl_; } inline bool operator!=(const Self &other) const { return impl_ != other.impl_; } inline int size() const { return impl_.size(); } inline bool isEmpty() const { return impl_.isEmpty(); } inline void detach() { return impl_.detach(); } inline bool isDetached() const { return impl_.isDetached(); } inline void clear() { return impl_.clear(); } inline QList values() const { return impl_.keys(); } inline const T &first() const { return impl_.firstKey(); } inline const T &last() const { return impl_.lastKey(); } class const_iterator; class iterator { public: typedef typename IteratorImpl::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename IteratorImpl::difference_type difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef T &reference; explicit iterator(const IteratorImpl &impl) : impl_(impl) { } inline const T &operator*() const { return impl_.key(); } inline const T *operator->() const { return &impl_.key(); } inline bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return impl_ == other.impl_; } inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return impl_ != other.impl_; } inline iterator &operator++() { ++impl_; return *this; } inline iterator operator++(int) { return iterator(impl_++); } inline iterator &operator--() { --impl_; return *this; } inline iterator operator--(int) { return iterator(impl_--); } inline iterator operator+(int j) const { return iterator(impl_ + j); } inline iterator operator-(int j) const { return iterator(impl_ - j); } inline iterator &operator+=(int j) { impl_ += j; return *this; } inline iterator &operator-=(int j) { impl_ -= j; return *this; } friend class const_iterator; inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { return impl_ == other.impl_; } inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return impl_ != other.impl_; } private: IteratorImpl impl_; friend class OrderedSet; }; friend class iterator; class const_iterator { public: typedef typename IteratorImpl::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename IteratorImpl::difference_type difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef T &reference; explicit const_iterator(const ConstIteratorImpl &impl) : impl_(impl) { } inline const T &operator*() const { return impl_.key(); } inline const T *operator->() const { return &impl_.key(); } inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { return impl_ == other.impl_; } inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return impl_ != other.impl_; } inline const_iterator &operator++() { ++impl_; return *this; } inline const_iterator operator++(int) { return const_iterator(impl_++); } inline const_iterator &operator--() { --impl_; return *this; } inline const_iterator operator--(int) { return const_iterator(impl_--); } inline const_iterator operator+(int j) const { return const_iterator(impl_ + j); } inline const_iterator operator-(int j) const { return const_iterator(impl_ - j); } inline const_iterator &operator+=(int j) { impl_ += j; return *this; } inline const_iterator &operator-=(int j) { impl_ -= j; return *this; } friend class iterator; inline bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return impl_ == other.impl_; } inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return impl_ != other.impl_; } private: ConstIteratorImpl impl_; friend class OrderedSet; }; friend class const_iterator; // STL style inline iterator begin() { return iterator(impl_.begin()); } inline const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cbegin()); } inline const_iterator constBegin() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cbegin()); } inline const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cbegin()); } inline iterator end() { detach(); return iterator(impl_.end()); } inline const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cend()); } inline const_iterator constEnd() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cend()); } inline const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(impl_.cend()); } inline iterator erase(iterator it) { return iterator(impl_.erase(it.impl_)); } inline iterator insert(const T &value) { return iterator(impl_.insert(value, NullType())); } inline iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const T &value) { return iterator(impl_.insert(pos.impl_, value, NullType())); } inline int remove(const T &value) { return impl_.remove(value); } inline bool contains(const T &value) const { return impl_.contains(value); } // more Qt typedef iterator Iterator; typedef const_iterator ConstIterator; inline int count() const { return impl_.count(); } inline iterator find(const T &value) { return iterator(impl_.find(value)); } inline const_iterator find(const T &value) const { return const_iterator(impl_.constFind(value)); } inline const_iterator constFind(const T &value) const { return const_iterator(impl_.constFind(value)); } inline Self &unite(const Self &other) { impl_.unite(other.impl_); return *this; } // STL compatibility typedef typename Impl::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename Impl::size_type size_type; inline bool empty() const { return impl_.empty(); } }; // thanks Chromium see https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/the1/2004/05/07/how-would-you-get-the-count-of-an-array-in-c-2/ template char(&ArraySizeHelper(T(&array)[N]))[N]; #define arraysize(array) (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(array))) #define qsl(s) QStringLiteral(s) #define qstr(s) QLatin1String(s, sizeof(s) - 1) // using for_const instead of plain range-based for loop to ensure usage of const_iterator // it is important for the copy-on-write Qt containers // if you have "QVector v" then "for (T * const p : v)" will still call QVector::detach(), // while "for_const (T *p, v)" won't and "for_const (T *&p, v)" won't compile #define for_const(range_declaration, range_expression) for (range_declaration : std_::as_const(range_expression)) template inline QFlags qFlags(Enum v) { return QFlags(v); } //typedef unsigned char uchar; // Qt has uchar typedef qint16 int16; typedef quint16 uint16; typedef qint32 int32; typedef quint32 uint32; typedef qint64 int64; typedef quint64 uint64; static const int32 ScrollMax = INT_MAX; extern uint64 _SharedMemoryLocation[]; template T *SharedMemoryLocation() { static_assert(N < 4, "Only 4 shared memory locations!"); return reinterpret_cast(_SharedMemoryLocation + N); } // see https://github.com/boostcon/cppnow_presentations_2012/blob/master/wed/schurr_cpp11_tools_for_class_authors.pdf class str_const { // constexpr string public: template constexpr str_const(const char(&a)[N]) : _str(a), _size(N - 1) { } constexpr char operator[](std::size_t n) const { return (n < _size) ? _str[n] : throw std::out_of_range(""); } constexpr std::size_t size() const { return _size; } const char *c_str() const { return _str; } private: const char* const _str; const std::size_t _size; }; template inline void accumulate_max(T &a, const T &b) { if (a < b) a = b; } template inline void accumulate_min(T &a, const T &b) { if (a > b) a = b; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN typedef float float32; typedef double float64; #else typedef float float32; typedef double float64; #endif #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::exception; // we copy some parts of C++11/14/17 std:: library, because on OS X 10.6+ // version we can use C++11/14/17, but we can not use its library :( namespace std_ { template struct integral_constant { static constexpr T value = V; using value_type = T; using type = integral_constant; constexpr operator value_type() const noexcept { return (value); } constexpr value_type operator()() const noexcept { return (value); } }; using true_type = integral_constant; using false_type = integral_constant; template struct remove_reference { using type = T; }; template struct remove_reference { using type = T; }; template struct remove_reference { using type = T; }; template struct is_lvalue_reference : false_type { }; template struct is_lvalue_reference : true_type { }; template struct is_rvalue_reference : false_type { }; template struct is_rvalue_reference : true_type { }; template inline constexpr T &&forward(typename remove_reference::type &value) noexcept { return static_cast(value); } template inline constexpr T &&forward(typename remove_reference::type &&value) noexcept { static_assert(!is_lvalue_reference::value, "bad forward call"); return static_cast(value); } template inline constexpr typename remove_reference::type &&move(T &&value) noexcept { return static_cast::type&&>(value); } template struct add_const { using type = const T; }; template using add_const_t = typename add_const::type; template constexpr add_const_t &as_const(T& t) noexcept { return t; } template void as_const(const T&&) = delete; // This is not full unique_ptr, but at least with std interface. template class unique_ptr { public: constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept = default; unique_ptr(const unique_ptr &) = delete; unique_ptr &operator=(const unique_ptr &) = delete; constexpr unique_ptr(std::nullptr_t) { } unique_ptr &operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept { reset(); return (*this); } explicit unique_ptr(T *p) noexcept : _p(p) { } template unique_ptr(unique_ptr &&other) noexcept : _p(other.release()) { } template unique_ptr &operator=(unique_ptr &&other) noexcept { reset(other.release()); return (*this); } unique_ptr &operator=(unique_ptr &&other) noexcept { if (this != &other) { reset(other.release()); } return (*this); } void swap(unique_ptr &other) noexcept { std::swap(_p, other._p); } ~unique_ptr() noexcept { delete _p; } T &operator*() const { return (*get()); } T *operator->() const noexcept { return get(); } T *get() const noexcept { return _p; } explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return get() != nullptr; } T *release() noexcept { return getPointerAndReset(_p); } void reset(T *p = nullptr) noexcept { T *old = _p; _p = p; if (old) { delete old; } } private: T *_p = nullptr; }; template inline unique_ptr make_unique(Args&&... args) { return unique_ptr(new T(forward(args)...)); } template inline bool operator==(const unique_ptr &a, std::nullptr_t) noexcept { return !a; } template inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const unique_ptr &b) noexcept { return !b; } template inline bool operator!=(const unique_ptr &a, std::nullptr_t b) noexcept { return !(a == b); } template inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t a, const unique_ptr &b) noexcept { return !(a == b); } } // namespace std_ #include "logs.h" static volatile int *t_assert_nullptr = nullptr; inline void t_noop() {} inline void t_assert_fail(const char *message, const char *file, int32 line) { QString info(qsl("%1 %2:%3").arg(message).arg(file).arg(line)); LOG(("Assertion Failed! %1 %2:%3").arg(info)); SignalHandlers::setCrashAnnotation("Assertion", info); *t_assert_nullptr = 0; } #define t_assert_full(condition, message, file, line) ((!(condition)) ? t_assert_fail(message, file, line) : t_noop()) #define t_assert_c(condition, comment) t_assert_full(condition, "\"" #condition "\" (" comment ")", __FILE__, __LINE__) #define t_assert(condition) t_assert_full(condition, "\"" #condition "\"", __FILE__, __LINE__) class Exception : public exception { public: Exception(const QString &msg, bool isFatal = true) : _fatal(isFatal), _msg(msg.toUtf8()) { LOG(("Exception: %1").arg(msg)); } bool fatal() const { return _fatal; } virtual const char *what() const throw() { return _msg.constData(); } virtual ~Exception() throw() { } private: bool _fatal; QByteArray _msg; }; class MTPint; typedef int32 TimeId; TimeId myunixtime(); void unixtimeInit(); void unixtimeSet(TimeId servertime, bool force = false); TimeId unixtime(); TimeId fromServerTime(const MTPint &serverTime); uint64 msgid(); int32 reqid(); inline QDateTime date(int32 time = -1) { QDateTime result; if (time >= 0) result.setTime_t(time); return result; } inline QDateTime date(const MTPint &time) { return date(fromServerTime(time)); } inline void mylocaltime(struct tm * _Tm, const time_t * _Time) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN localtime_s(_Tm, _Time); #else localtime_r(_Time, _Tm); #endif } namespace ThirdParty { void start(); void finish(); } bool checkms(); // returns true if time has changed uint64 getms(bool checked = false); class SingleTimer : public QTimer { // single shot timer with check Q_OBJECT public: SingleTimer(); void setSingleShot(bool); // is not available void start(); // is not available public slots: void start(int msec); void startIfNotActive(int msec); void adjust() { uint64 n = getms(true); if (isActive()) { if (n >= _finishing) { start(0); } else { start(_finishing - n); } } } private: uint64 _finishing; bool _inited; }; const static uint32 _md5_block_size = 64; class HashMd5 { public: HashMd5(const void *input = 0, uint32 length = 0); void feed(const void *input, uint32 length); int32 *result(); private: void init(); void finalize(); void transform(const uchar *block); bool _finalized; uchar _buffer[_md5_block_size]; uint32 _count[2]; uint32 _state[4]; uchar _digest[16]; }; int32 hashCrc32(const void *data, uint32 len); int32 *hashSha1(const void *data, uint32 len, void *dest); // dest - ptr to 20 bytes, returns (int32*)dest int32 *hashSha256(const void *data, uint32 len, void *dest); // dest - ptr to 32 bytes, returns (int32*)dest int32 *hashMd5(const void *data, uint32 len, void *dest); // dest = ptr to 16 bytes, returns (int32*)dest char *hashMd5Hex(const int32 *hashmd5, void *dest); // dest = ptr to 32 bytes, returns (char*)dest inline char *hashMd5Hex(const void *data, uint32 len, void *dest) { // dest = ptr to 32 bytes, returns (char*)dest return hashMd5Hex(HashMd5(data, len).result(), dest); } // good random (using openssl implementation) void memset_rand(void *data, uint32 len); template T rand_value() { T result; memset_rand(&result, sizeof(result)); return result; } inline void memset_rand_bad(void *data, uint32 len) { for (uchar *i = reinterpret_cast(data), *e = i + len; i != e; ++i) { *i = uchar(rand() & 0xFF); } } template inline void memsetrnd_bad(T &value) { memset_rand_bad(&value, sizeof(value)); } class ReadLockerAttempt { public: ReadLockerAttempt(QReadWriteLock *_lock) : success(_lock->tryLockForRead()), lock(_lock) { } ~ReadLockerAttempt() { if (success) { lock->unlock(); } } operator bool() const { return success; } private: bool success; QReadWriteLock *lock; }; inline QString fromUtf8Safe(const char *str, int32 size = -1) { if (!str || !size) return QString(); if (size < 0) size = int32(strlen(str)); QString result(QString::fromUtf8(str, size)); QByteArray back = result.toUtf8(); if (back.size() != size || memcmp(back.constData(), str, size)) return QString::fromLocal8Bit(str, size); return result; } inline QString fromUtf8Safe(const QByteArray &str) { return fromUtf8Safe(str.constData(), str.size()); } static const QRegularExpression::PatternOptions reMultiline(QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption | QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); template inline T snap(const T &v, const T &_min, const T &_max) { return (v < _min) ? _min : ((v > _max) ? _max : v); } template class ManagedPtr { public: ManagedPtr() : ptr(0) { } ManagedPtr(T *p) : ptr(p) { } T *operator->() const { return ptr; } T *v() const { return ptr; } protected: T *ptr; typedef ManagedPtr Parent; }; QString translitRusEng(const QString &rus); QString rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(const QString &from); enum DBISendKey { dbiskEnter = 0, dbiskCtrlEnter = 1, }; enum DBINotifyView { dbinvShowPreview = 0, dbinvShowName = 1, dbinvShowNothing = 2, }; enum DBIWorkMode { dbiwmWindowAndTray = 0, dbiwmTrayOnly = 1, dbiwmWindowOnly = 2, }; enum DBIConnectionType { dbictAuto = 0, dbictHttpAuto = 1, // not used dbictHttpProxy = 2, dbictTcpProxy = 3, }; enum DBIDefaultAttach { dbidaDocument = 0, dbidaPhoto = 1, }; struct ConnectionProxy { ConnectionProxy() : port(0) { } QString host; uint32 port; QString user, password; }; enum DBIScale { dbisAuto = 0, dbisOne = 1, dbisOneAndQuarter = 2, dbisOneAndHalf = 3, dbisTwo = 4, dbisScaleCount = 5, }; static const int MatrixRowShift = 40000; enum DBIEmojiTab { dbietRecent = -1, dbietPeople = 0, dbietNature = 1, dbietFood = 2, dbietActivity = 3, dbietTravel = 4, dbietObjects = 5, dbietSymbols = 6, dbietStickers = 666, }; static const int emojiTabCount = 8; inline DBIEmojiTab emojiTabAtIndex(int index) { return (index < 0 || index >= emojiTabCount) ? dbietRecent : DBIEmojiTab(index - 1); } enum DBIPlatform { dbipWindows = 0, dbipMac = 1, dbipLinux64 = 2, dbipLinux32 = 3, dbipMacOld = 4, }; enum DBIPeerReportSpamStatus { dbiprsNoButton = 0, // hidden, but not in the cloud settings yet dbiprsUnknown = 1, // contacts not loaded yet dbiprsShowButton = 2, // show report spam button, each show peer request setting from cloud dbiprsReportSent = 3, // report sent, but the report spam panel is not hidden yet dbiprsHidden = 4, // hidden in the cloud or not needed (bots, contacts, etc), no more requests dbiprsRequesting = 5, // requesting the cloud setting right now }; typedef enum { HitTestNone = 0, HitTestClient, HitTestSysButton, HitTestIcon, HitTestCaption, HitTestTop, HitTestTopRight, HitTestRight, HitTestBottomRight, HitTestBottom, HitTestBottomLeft, HitTestLeft, HitTestTopLeft, } HitTestType; inline QString strMakeFromLetters(const uint32 *letters, int32 len) { QString result; result.reserve(len); for (int32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result.push_back(QChar((((letters[i] << 16) & 0xFF) >> 8) | (letters[i] & 0xFF))); } return result; } class MimeType { public: enum TypeEnum { Unknown, WebP, }; MimeType(const QMimeType &type) : _typeStruct(type), _type(Unknown) { } MimeType(TypeEnum type) : _type(type) { } QStringList globPatterns() const; QString filterString() const; QString name() const; private: QMimeType _typeStruct; TypeEnum _type; }; MimeType mimeTypeForName(const QString &mime); MimeType mimeTypeForFile(const QFileInfo &file); MimeType mimeTypeForData(const QByteArray &data); #include inline int rowscount(int fullCount, int countPerRow) { return (fullCount + countPerRow - 1) / countPerRow; } inline int floorclamp(int value, int step, int lowest, int highest) { return qMin(qMax(value / step, lowest), highest); } inline int floorclamp(float64 value, int step, int lowest, int highest) { return qMin(qMax(static_cast(std::floor(value / step)), lowest), highest); } inline int ceilclamp(int value, int step, int lowest, int highest) { return qMax(qMin((value + step - 1) / step, highest), lowest); } inline int ceilclamp(float64 value, int32 step, int32 lowest, int32 highest) { return qMax(qMin(static_cast(std::ceil(value / step)), highest), lowest); } enum ForwardWhatMessages { ForwardSelectedMessages, ForwardContextMessage, ForwardPressedMessage, ForwardPressedLinkMessage }; enum ShowLayerOption { CloseOtherLayers = 0x00, KeepOtherLayers = 0x01, ShowAfterOtherLayers = 0x03, AnimatedShowLayer = 0x00, ForceFastShowLayer = 0x04, }; typedef QFlags ShowLayerOptions; static int32 FullArcLength = 360 * 16; static int32 QuarterArcLength = (FullArcLength / 4); static int32 MinArcLength = (FullArcLength / 360); static int32 AlmostFullArcLength = (FullArcLength - MinArcLength); template inline QSharedPointer MakeShared(Args&&... args) { return QSharedPointer(new T(std_::forward(args)...)); } // This pointer is used for global non-POD variables that are allocated // on demand by createIfNull(lambda) and are never automatically freed. template class NeverFreedPointer { public: explicit NeverFreedPointer() { } NeverFreedPointer(const NeverFreedPointer &other) = delete; NeverFreedPointer &operator=(const NeverFreedPointer &other) = delete; template void createIfNull(U creator) { if (isNull()) { reset(creator()); } } template void makeIfNull(Args&&... args) { if (isNull()) { reset(new T(std::forward(args)...)); } }; T *data() const { return _p; } T *release() { return getPointerAndReset(_p); } void reset(T *p = nullptr) { delete _p; _p = p; } bool isNull() const { return data() == nullptr; } void clear() { reset(); } T *operator->() const { return data(); } T &operator*() const { t_assert(!isNull()); return *data(); } explicit operator bool() const { return !isNull(); } private: T *_p = nullptr; }; // This pointer is used for static non-POD variables that are allocated // on first use by constructor and are never automatically freed. template class StaticNeverFreedPointer { public: explicit StaticNeverFreedPointer(T *p) : _p(p) { } StaticNeverFreedPointer(const StaticNeverFreedPointer &other) = delete; StaticNeverFreedPointer &operator=(const StaticNeverFreedPointer &other) = delete; T *data() const { return _p; } T *release() { return getPointerAndReset(_p); } void reset(T *p = nullptr) { delete _p; _p = p; } bool isNull() const { return data() == nullptr; } void clear() { reset(); } T *operator->() const { return data(); } T &operator*() const { t_assert(!isNull()); return *data(); } explicit operator bool() const { return !isNull(); } private: T *_p = nullptr; }; template inline void destroyImplementation(I *&ptr) { if (ptr) { ptr->destroy(); ptr = 0; } deleteAndMark(ptr); } class Composer; typedef void(*ComponentConstruct)(void *location, Composer *composer); typedef void(*ComponentDestruct)(void *location); typedef void(*ComponentMove)(void *location, void *waslocation); struct ComponentWrapStruct { // don't init any fields, because it is only created in // global scope, so it will be filled by zeros from the start ComponentWrapStruct() { } ComponentWrapStruct(int size, ComponentConstruct construct, ComponentDestruct destruct, ComponentMove move) : Size(size) , Construct(construct) , Destruct(destruct) , Move(move) { } int Size; ComponentConstruct Construct; ComponentDestruct Destruct; ComponentMove Move; }; template struct CeilDivideMinimumOne { static const int Result = ((Value / Denominator) + ((!Value || (Value % Denominator)) ? 1 : 0)); }; extern ComponentWrapStruct ComponentWraps[64]; extern QAtomicInt ComponentIndexLast; template struct BaseComponent { BaseComponent() { } BaseComponent(const BaseComponent &other) = delete; BaseComponent &operator=(const BaseComponent &other) = delete; BaseComponent(BaseComponent &&other) = delete; BaseComponent &operator=(BaseComponent &&other) = default; static int Index() { static QAtomicInt _index(0); if (int index = _index.loadAcquire()) { return index - 1; } while (true) { int last = ComponentIndexLast.loadAcquire(); if (ComponentIndexLast.testAndSetOrdered(last, last + 1)) { t_assert(last < 64); if (_index.testAndSetOrdered(0, last + 1)) { ComponentWraps[last] = ComponentWrapStruct( CeilDivideMinimumOne::Result * sizeof(uint64), Type::ComponentConstruct, Type::ComponentDestruct, Type::ComponentMove); } break; } } return _index.loadAcquire() - 1; } static uint64 Bit() { return (1ULL << Index()); } protected: static void ComponentConstruct(void *location, Composer *composer) { new (location) Type(); } static void ComponentDestruct(void *location) { ((Type*)location)->~Type(); } static void ComponentMove(void *location, void *waslocation) { *(Type*)location = std_::move(*(Type*)waslocation); } }; class ComposerMetadata { public: ComposerMetadata(uint64 mask) : size(0), last(64), _mask(mask) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { uint64 m = (1 << i); if (_mask & m) { int s = ComponentWraps[i].Size; if (s) { offsets[i] = size; size += s; } else { offsets[i] = -1; } } else if (_mask < m) { last = i; for (; i < 64; ++i) { offsets[i] = -1; } } else { offsets[i] = -1; } } } int size, last; int offsets[64]; bool equals(uint64 mask) const { return _mask == mask; } uint64 maskadd(uint64 mask) const { return _mask | mask; } uint64 maskremove(uint64 mask) const { return _mask & (~mask); } private: uint64 _mask; }; const ComposerMetadata *GetComposerMetadata(uint64 mask); class Composer { public: Composer(uint64 mask = 0) : _data(zerodata()) { if (mask) { const ComposerMetadata *meta = GetComposerMetadata(mask); int size = sizeof(meta) + meta->size; void *data = operator new(size); if (!data) { // terminate if we can't allocate memory throw "Can't allocate memory!"; } _data = data; _meta() = meta; for (int i = 0; i < meta->last; ++i) { int offset = meta->offsets[i]; if (offset >= 0) { try { ComponentWraps[i].Construct(_dataptrunsafe(offset), this); } catch (...) { while (i > 0) { --i; offset = meta->offsets[--i]; if (offset >= 0) { ComponentWraps[i].Destruct(_dataptrunsafe(offset)); } } throw; } } } } } Composer(const Composer &other) = delete; Composer &operator=(const Composer &other) = delete; ~Composer() { if (_data != zerodata()) { const ComposerMetadata *meta = _meta(); for (int i = 0; i < meta->last; ++i) { int offset = meta->offsets[i]; if (offset >= 0) { ComponentWraps[i].Destruct(_dataptrunsafe(offset)); } } operator delete(_data); } } template bool Has() const { return (_meta()->offsets[Type::Index()] >= 0); } template Type *Get() { return static_cast(_dataptr(_meta()->offsets[Type::Index()])); } template const Type *Get() const { return static_cast(_dataptr(_meta()->offsets[Type::Index()])); } protected: void UpdateComponents(uint64 mask = 0) { if (!_meta()->equals(mask)) { Composer tmp(mask); tmp.swap(*this); if (_data != zerodata() && tmp._data != zerodata()) { const ComposerMetadata *meta = _meta(), *wasmeta = tmp._meta(); for (int i = 0; i < meta->last; ++i) { int offset = meta->offsets[i], wasoffset = wasmeta->offsets[i]; if (offset >= 0 && wasoffset >= 0) { ComponentWraps[i].Move(_dataptrunsafe(offset), tmp._dataptrunsafe(wasoffset)); } } } } } void AddComponents(uint64 mask = 0) { UpdateComponents(_meta()->maskadd(mask)); } void RemoveComponents(uint64 mask = 0) { UpdateComponents(_meta()->maskremove(mask)); } private: static const ComposerMetadata *ZeroComposerMetadata; static void *zerodata() { return &ZeroComposerMetadata; } void *_dataptrunsafe(int skip) const { return (char*)_data + sizeof(_meta()) + skip; } void *_dataptr(int skip) const { return (skip >= 0) ? _dataptrunsafe(skip) : 0; } const ComposerMetadata *&_meta() const { return *static_cast(_data); } void *_data; void swap(Composer &other) { std::swap(_data, other._data); } }; template class SharedCallback { public: virtual R call(Args... args) const = 0; virtual ~SharedCallback() { } typedef QSharedPointer> Ptr; }; template class FunctionImplementation { public: virtual R call() = 0; virtual void destroy() { delete this; } virtual ~FunctionImplementation() {} }; template class NullFunctionImplementation : public FunctionImplementation { public: virtual R call() { return R(); } virtual void destroy() {} static NullFunctionImplementation SharedInstance; }; template NullFunctionImplementation NullFunctionImplementation::SharedInstance; template class FunctionCreator { public: FunctionCreator(FunctionImplementation *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} FunctionCreator(const FunctionCreator &other) : _ptr(other.create()) {} FunctionImplementation *create() const { return getPointerAndReset(_ptr); } ~FunctionCreator() { destroyImplementation(_ptr); } private: FunctionCreator &operator=(const FunctionCreator &other); mutable FunctionImplementation *_ptr; }; template class Function { public: typedef FunctionCreator Creator; static Creator Null() { return Creator(&NullFunctionImplementation::SharedInstance); } Function(const Creator &creator) : _implementation(creator.create()) {} R call() { return _implementation->call(); } ~Function() { destroyImplementation(_implementation); } private: Function(const Function &other); Function &operator=(const Function &other); FunctionImplementation *_implementation; }; template class WrappedFunction : public FunctionImplementation { public: typedef R(*Method)(); WrappedFunction(Method method) : _method(method) {} virtual R call() { return (*_method)(); } private: Method _method; }; template inline FunctionCreator func(R(*method)()) { return FunctionCreator(new WrappedFunction(method)); } template class ObjectFunction : public FunctionImplementation { public: typedef R(I::*Method)(); ObjectFunction(O *obj, Method method) : _obj(obj), _method(method) {} virtual R call() { return (_obj->*_method)(); } private: O *_obj; Method _method; }; template inline FunctionCreator func(O *obj, R(I::*method)()) { return FunctionCreator(new ObjectFunction(obj, method)); } template class Function1Implementation { public: virtual R call(A1 a1) = 0; virtual void destroy() { delete this; } virtual ~Function1Implementation() {} }; template class NullFunction1Implementation : public Function1Implementation { public: virtual R call(A1 a1) { return R(); } virtual void destroy() {} static NullFunction1Implementation SharedInstance; }; template NullFunction1Implementation NullFunction1Implementation::SharedInstance; template class Function1Creator { public: Function1Creator(Function1Implementation *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} Function1Creator(const Function1Creator &other) : _ptr(other.create()) {} Function1Implementation *create() const { return getPointerAndReset(_ptr); } ~Function1Creator() { destroyImplementation(_ptr); } private: Function1Creator &operator=(const Function1Creator &other); mutable Function1Implementation *_ptr; }; template class Function1 { public: typedef Function1Creator Creator; static Creator Null() { return Creator(&NullFunction1Implementation::SharedInstance); } Function1(const Creator &creator) : _implementation(creator.create()) {} R call(A1 a1) { return _implementation->call(a1); } ~Function1() { _implementation->destroy(); } private: Function1(const Function1 &other); Function1 &operator=(const Function1 &other); Function1Implementation *_implementation; }; template class WrappedFunction1 : public Function1Implementation { public: typedef R(*Method)(A1); WrappedFunction1(Method method) : _method(method) {} virtual R call(A1 a1) { return (*_method)(a1); } private: Method _method; }; template inline Function1Creator func(R(*method)(A1)) { return Function1Creator(new WrappedFunction1(method)); } template class ObjectFunction1 : public Function1Implementation { public: typedef R(I::*Method)(A1); ObjectFunction1(O *obj, Method method) : _obj(obj), _method(method) {} virtual R call(A1 a1) { return (_obj->*_method)(a1); } private: O *_obj; Method _method; }; template Function1Creator func(O *obj, R(I::*method)(A1)) { return Function1Creator(new ObjectFunction1(obj, method)); } template class Function2Implementation { public: virtual R call(A1 a1, A2 a2) = 0; virtual void destroy() { delete this; } virtual ~Function2Implementation() {} }; template class NullFunction2Implementation : public Function2Implementation { public: virtual R call(A1 a1, A2 a2) { return R(); } virtual void destroy() {} static NullFunction2Implementation SharedInstance; }; template NullFunction2Implementation NullFunction2Implementation::SharedInstance; template class Function2Creator { public: Function2Creator(Function2Implementation *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} Function2Creator(const Function2Creator &other) : _ptr(other.create()) {} Function2Implementation *create() const { return getPointerAndReset(_ptr); } ~Function2Creator() { destroyImplementation(_ptr); } private: Function2Creator &operator=(const Function2Creator &other); mutable Function2Implementation *_ptr; }; template class Function2 { public: typedef Function2Creator Creator; static Creator Null() { return Creator(&NullFunction2Implementation::SharedInstance); } Function2(const Creator &creator) : _implementation(creator.create()) {} R call(A1 a1, A2 a2) { return _implementation->call(a1, a2); } ~Function2() { destroyImplementation(_implementation); } private: Function2(const Function2 &other); Function2 &operator=(const Function2 &other); Function2Implementation *_implementation; }; template class WrappedFunction2 : public Function2Implementation { public: typedef R(*Method)(A1, A2); WrappedFunction2(Method method) : _method(method) {} virtual R call(A1 a1, A2 a2) { return (*_method)(a1, a2); } private: Method _method; }; template Function2Creator func(R(*method)(A1, A2)) { return Function2Creator(new WrappedFunction2(method)); } template class ObjectFunction2 : public Function2Implementation { public: typedef R(I::*Method)(A1, A2); ObjectFunction2(O *obj, Method method) : _obj(obj), _method(method) {} virtual R call(A1 a1, A2 a2) { return (_obj->*_method)(a1, a2); } private: O *_obj; Method _method; }; template Function2Creator func(O *obj, R(I::*method)(A1, A2)) { return Function2Creator(new ObjectFunction2(obj, method)); }