/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_group_panel.h" #include "calls/calls_group_common.h" #include "calls/calls_group_members.h" #include "calls/calls_group_settings.h" #include "calls/calls_group_menu.h" #include "ui/platform/ui_platform_window_title.h" #include "ui/platform/ui_platform_utility.h" #include "ui/controls/call_mute_button.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/window.h" #include "ui/widgets/call_button.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_bar.h" #include "ui/layers/layer_manager.h" #include "ui/layers/generic_box.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/toasts/common_toasts.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" // Info::Profile::Value. #include "core/application.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "base/event_filter.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participants_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/add_participants_box.h" #include "boxes/peer_lists_box.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/timer_rpl.h" #include "app.h" #include "apiwrap.h" // api().kickParticipant. #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include #include #include namespace Calls::Group { namespace { constexpr auto kSpacePushToTalkDelay = crl::time(250); constexpr auto kRecordingAnimationDuration = crl::time(1200); constexpr auto kRecordingOpacity = 0.6; class InviteController final : public ParticipantsBoxController { public: InviteController( not_null peer, base::flat_set> alreadyIn); void prepare() override; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; base::unique_qptr rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) override; void itemDeselectedHook(not_null peer) override; [[nodiscard]] auto peersWithRows() const -> not_null>*>; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer> rowAdded() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasRowFor(not_null peer) const; private: [[nodiscard]] bool isAlreadyIn(not_null user) const; std::unique_ptr createRow( not_null participant) const override; not_null _peer; const base::flat_set> _alreadyIn; mutable base::flat_set> _inGroup; rpl::event_stream> _rowAdded; }; class InviteContactsController final : public AddParticipantsBoxController { public: InviteContactsController( not_null peer, base::flat_set> alreadyIn, not_null>*> inGroup, rpl::producer> discoveredInGroup); private: void prepareViewHook() override; std::unique_ptr createRow( not_null user) override; bool needsInviteLinkButton() override { return false; } const not_null>*> _inGroup; rpl::producer> _discoveredInGroup; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer StartsWhenText( rpl::producer date) { return std::move( date ) | rpl::map([](TimeId date) -> rpl::producer { const auto parsedDate = base::unixtime::parse(date); const auto dateDay = QDateTime(parsedDate.date(), QTime(0, 0)); const auto previousDay = QDateTime( parsedDate.date().addDays(-1), QTime(0, 0)); const auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const auto kDay = int64(24 * 60 * 60); const auto tillTomorrow = int64(now.secsTo(previousDay)); const auto tillToday = tillTomorrow + kDay; const auto tillAfter = tillToday + kDay; const auto time = parsedDate.time().toString( QLocale::system().timeFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat)); auto exact = tr::lng_group_call_starts_short_date( lt_date, rpl::single(langDayOfMonthFull(dateDay.date())), lt_time, rpl::single(time)); auto tomorrow = tr::lng_group_call_starts_short_tomorrow( lt_time, rpl::single(time)); auto today = tr::lng_group_call_starts_short_today( lt_time, rpl::single(time)); auto todayAndAfter = rpl::single( std::move(today) ) | rpl::then(base::timer_once( std::min(tillAfter, kDay) * crl::time(1000) ) | rpl::map([=] { return rpl::duplicate(exact); })) | rpl::flatten_latest(); auto tomorrowAndAfter = rpl::single( std::move(tomorrow) ) | rpl::then(base::timer_once( std::min(tillToday, kDay) * crl::time(1000) ) | rpl::map([=] { return rpl::duplicate(todayAndAfter); })) | rpl::flatten_latest(); auto full = rpl::single( rpl::duplicate(exact) ) | rpl::then(base::timer_once( tillTomorrow * crl::time(1000) ) | rpl::map([=] { return rpl::duplicate(tomorrowAndAfter); })) | rpl::flatten_latest(); if (tillTomorrow > 0) { return std::move(full); } else if (tillToday > 0) { return std::move(tomorrowAndAfter); } else if (tillAfter > 0) { return std::move(todayAndAfter); } else { return std::move(exact); } }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } [[nodiscard]] object_ptr CreateGradientLabel( QWidget *parent, rpl::producer text) { struct State { QBrush brush; QPainterPath path; }; auto result = object_ptr(parent); const auto raw = result.data(); const auto state = raw->lifetime().make_state(); std::move( text ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &text) { state->path = QPainterPath(); const auto &font = st::groupCallCountdownFont; state->path.addText(0, font->ascent, font->f, text); const auto width = font->width(text); raw->resize(width, font->height); auto gradient = QLinearGradient(QPoint(width, 0), QPoint()); gradient.setStops(QGradientStops{ { 0.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar1->c }, { .7, st::groupCallForceMutedBar2->c }, { 1.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar3->c } }); state->brush = QBrush(std::move(gradient)); raw->update(); }, raw->lifetime()); raw->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(raw); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto skip = st::groupCallWidth / 20; const auto available = parent->width() - 2 * skip; const auto full = raw->width(); if (available > 0 && full > available) { const auto scale = available / float64(full); const auto shift = raw->rect().center(); p.translate(shift); p.scale(scale, scale); p.translate(-shift); } p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(state->brush); p.drawPath(state->path); }, raw->lifetime()); return result; } [[nodiscard]] object_ptr CreateSectionSubtitle( QWidget *parent, rpl::producer text) { auto result = object_ptr( parent, st::searchedBarHeight); const auto raw = result.data(); raw->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { auto p = QPainter(raw); p.fillRect(clip, st::groupCallMembersBgOver); }, raw->lifetime()); const auto label = Ui::CreateChild( raw, std::move(text), st::groupCallBoxLabel); raw->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { const auto padding = st::groupCallInviteDividerPadding; const auto available = width - padding.left() - padding.right(); label->resizeToNaturalWidth(available); label->moveToLeft(padding.left(), padding.top(), width); }, label->lifetime()); return result; } InviteController::InviteController( not_null peer, base::flat_set> alreadyIn) : ParticipantsBoxController(CreateTag{}, nullptr, peer, Role::Members) , _peer(peer) , _alreadyIn(std::move(alreadyIn)) { SubscribeToMigration( _peer, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { _peer = channel; }); } void InviteController::prepare() { delegate()->peerListSetHideEmpty(true); ParticipantsBoxController::prepare(); delegate()->peerListSetAboveWidget(CreateSectionSubtitle( nullptr, tr::lng_group_call_invite_members())); delegate()->peerListSetAboveSearchWidget(CreateSectionSubtitle( nullptr, tr::lng_group_call_invite_members())); } void InviteController::rowClicked(not_null row) { delegate()->peerListSetRowChecked(row, !row->checked()); } base::unique_qptr InviteController::rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) { return nullptr; } void InviteController::itemDeselectedHook(not_null peer) { } bool InviteController::hasRowFor(not_null peer) const { return (delegate()->peerListFindRow(peer->id) != nullptr); } bool InviteController::isAlreadyIn(not_null user) const { return _alreadyIn.contains(user); } std::unique_ptr InviteController::createRow( not_null participant) const { const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (!user || user->isSelf() || user->isBot()) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(user); _rowAdded.fire_copy(user); _inGroup.emplace(user); if (isAlreadyIn(user)) { result->setDisabledState(PeerListRow::State::DisabledChecked); } return result; } auto InviteController::peersWithRows() const -> not_null>*> { return &_inGroup; } rpl::producer> InviteController::rowAdded() const { return _rowAdded.events(); } InviteContactsController::InviteContactsController( not_null peer, base::flat_set> alreadyIn, not_null>*> inGroup, rpl::producer> discoveredInGroup) : AddParticipantsBoxController(peer, std::move(alreadyIn)) , _inGroup(inGroup) , _discoveredInGroup(std::move(discoveredInGroup)) { } void InviteContactsController::prepareViewHook() { AddParticipantsBoxController::prepareViewHook(); delegate()->peerListSetAboveWidget(CreateSectionSubtitle( nullptr, tr::lng_contacts_header())); delegate()->peerListSetAboveSearchWidget(CreateSectionSubtitle( nullptr, tr::lng_group_call_invite_search_results())); std::move( _discoveredInGroup ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { if (auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id)) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); } }, _lifetime); } std::unique_ptr InviteContactsController::createRow( not_null user) { return _inGroup->contains(user) ? nullptr : AddParticipantsBoxController::createRow(user); } } // namespace Panel::Panel(not_null call) : _call(call) , _peer(call->peer()) , _layerBg(std::make_unique(_window->body())) #ifndef Q_OS_MAC , _controls(std::make_unique( _window->body(), st::groupCallTitle)) #endif // !Q_OS_MAC , _settings(widget(), st::groupCallSettings) , _mute(std::make_unique( widget(), Core::App().appDeactivatedValue(), Ui::CallMuteButtonState{ .text = (_call->scheduleDate() ? tr::lng_group_call_start_now(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_call_connecting(tr::now)), .type = (_call->scheduleDate() ? Ui::CallMuteButtonType::ScheduledCanStart : Ui::CallMuteButtonType::Connecting), })) , _hangup(widget(), st::groupCallHangup) { _layerBg->setStyleOverrides(&st::groupCallBox, &st::groupCallLayerBox); _settings->setColorOverrides(_mute->colorOverrides()); _layerBg->setHideByBackgroundClick(true); SubscribeToMigration( _peer, _window->lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { migrate(channel); }); setupRealCallViewers(); initWindow(); initWidget(); initControls(); initLayout(); showAndActivate(); setupJoinAsChangedToasts(); setupTitleChangedToasts(); setupAllowedToSpeakToasts(); } Panel::~Panel() { if (_menu) { _menu.destroy(); } } void Panel::setupRealCallViewers() { _call->real( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null real) { subscribeToChanges(real); }, _window->lifetime()); } bool Panel::isActive() const { return _window->isActiveWindow() && _window->isVisible() && !(_window->windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized); } void Panel::minimize() { _window->setWindowState(_window->windowState() | Qt::WindowMinimized); } void Panel::close() { _window->close(); } void Panel::showAndActivate() { if (_window->isHidden()) { _window->show(); } const auto state = _window->windowState(); if (state & Qt::WindowMinimized) { _window->setWindowState(state & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); } _window->raise(); _window->activateWindow(); _window->setFocus(); } void Panel::migrate(not_null channel) { _peer = channel; _peerLifetime.destroy(); subscribeToPeerChanges(); _title.destroy(); refreshTitle(); } void Panel::subscribeToPeerChanges() { Info::Profile::NameValue( _peer ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const TextWithEntities &name) { _window->setTitle(name.text); }, _peerLifetime); } void Panel::initWindow() { _window->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); _window->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); _window->setWindowIcon( QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(Image::Empty()->original(), Qt::ColorOnly))); _window->setTitleStyle(st::groupCallTitle); subscribeToPeerChanges(); base::install_event_filter(_window.get(), [=](not_null e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Close && handleClose()) { e->ignore(); return base::EventFilterResult::Cancel; } else if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) { if (static_cast(e.get())->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { _call->pushToTalk( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress, kSpacePushToTalkDelay); } } return base::EventFilterResult::Continue; }); _window->setBodyTitleArea([=](QPoint widgetPoint) { using Flag = Ui::WindowTitleHitTestFlag; const auto titleRect = QRect( 0, 0, widget()->width(), st::groupCallMembersTop); return (titleRect.contains(widgetPoint) && (!_menuToggle || !_menuToggle->geometry().contains(widgetPoint)) && (!_menu || !_menu->geometry().contains(widgetPoint)) && (!_recordingMark || !_recordingMark->geometry().contains(widgetPoint)) && (!_joinAsToggle || !_joinAsToggle->geometry().contains(widgetPoint))) ? (Flag::Move | Flag::Maximize) : Flag::None; }); } void Panel::initWidget() { widget()->setMouseTracking(true); widget()->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { paint(clip); }, widget()->lifetime()); widget()->sizeValue( ) | rpl::skip(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateControlsGeometry(); // title geometry depends on _controls->geometry, // which is not updated here yet. crl::on_main(widget(), [=] { refreshTitle(); }); }, widget()->lifetime()); } void Panel::endCall() { if (!_call->peer()->canManageGroupCall()) { _call->hangup(); return; } _layerBg->showBox(Box( LeaveBox, _call, false, BoxContext::GroupCallPanel)); } void Panel::initControls() { _mute->clicks( ) | rpl::filter([=](Qt::MouseButton button) { return (button == Qt::LeftButton); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_call->scheduleDate()) { if (_peer->canManageGroupCall()) { _call->startScheduledNow(); } else if (const auto real = _call->lookupReal()) { _call->toggleScheduleStartSubscribed( !real->scheduleStartSubscribed()); } return; } const auto oldState = _call->muted(); const auto newState = (oldState == MuteState::ForceMuted) ? MuteState::RaisedHand : (oldState == MuteState::RaisedHand) ? MuteState::RaisedHand : (oldState == MuteState::Muted) ? MuteState::Active : MuteState::Muted; _call->setMutedAndUpdate(newState); }, _mute->lifetime()); _hangup->setClickedCallback([=] { endCall(); }); _settings->setClickedCallback([=] { _layerBg->showBox(Box(SettingsBox, _call)); }); _settings->setText(tr::lng_group_call_settings()); const auto scheduleDate = _call->scheduleDate(); _hangup->setText(scheduleDate ? tr::lng_group_call_close() : tr::lng_group_call_leave()); if (scheduleDate) { auto changes = _call->real( ) | rpl::map([=](not_null real) { return real->scheduleDateValue(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); setupScheduledLabels(rpl::single( scheduleDate ) | rpl::then(rpl::duplicate(changes))); std::move(changes) | rpl::filter([](TimeId date) { return (date == 0); }) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _hangup->setText(tr::lng_group_call_leave()); setupMembers(); }, _callLifetime); } _call->stateValue( ) | rpl::filter([](State state) { return (state == State::HangingUp) || (state == State::Ended) || (state == State::FailedHangingUp) || (state == State::Failed); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { closeBeforeDestroy(); }, _callLifetime); _call->levelUpdates( ) | rpl::filter([=](const LevelUpdate &update) { return update.me; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const LevelUpdate &update) { _mute->setLevel(update.value); }, _callLifetime); _call->real( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null real) { setupRealMuteButtonState(real); }, _callLifetime); } void Panel::setupRealMuteButtonState(not_null real) { using namespace rpl::mappers; rpl::combine( _call->mutedValue() | MapPushToTalkToActive(), _call->instanceStateValue(), real->scheduleDateValue(), real->scheduleStartSubscribedValue(), Data::CanManageGroupCallValue(_peer) ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::filter( _2 != GroupCall::InstanceState::TransitionToRtc ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( MuteState mute, GroupCall::InstanceState state, TimeId scheduleDate, bool scheduleStartSubscribed, bool canManage) { using Type = Ui::CallMuteButtonType; _mute->setState(Ui::CallMuteButtonState{ .text = (scheduleDate ? (canManage ? tr::lng_group_call_start_now(tr::now) : scheduleStartSubscribed ? tr::lng_group_call_cancel_reminder(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_call_set_reminder(tr::now)) : state == GroupCall::InstanceState::Disconnected ? tr::lng_group_call_connecting(tr::now) : mute == MuteState::ForceMuted ? tr::lng_group_call_force_muted(tr::now) : mute == MuteState::RaisedHand ? tr::lng_group_call_raised_hand(tr::now) : mute == MuteState::Muted ? tr::lng_group_call_unmute(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_call_you_are_live(tr::now)), .subtext = (scheduleDate ? QString() : state == GroupCall::InstanceState::Disconnected ? QString() : mute == MuteState::ForceMuted ? tr::lng_group_call_raise_hand_tip(tr::now) : mute == MuteState::RaisedHand ? tr::lng_group_call_raised_hand_sub(tr::now) : mute == MuteState::Muted ? tr::lng_group_call_unmute_sub(tr::now) : QString()), .type = (scheduleDate ? (canManage ? Type::ScheduledCanStart : scheduleStartSubscribed ? Type::ScheduledNotify : Type::ScheduledSilent) : state == GroupCall::InstanceState::Disconnected ? Type::Connecting : mute == MuteState::ForceMuted ? Type::ForceMuted : mute == MuteState::RaisedHand ? Type::RaisedHand : mute == MuteState::Muted ? Type::Muted : Type::Active), }); }, _callLifetime); } void Panel::setupScheduledLabels(rpl::producer date) { using namespace rpl::mappers; _startsIn.create( widget(), tr::lng_group_call_starts_in(), st::groupCallStartsIn); date = std::move(date) | rpl::take_while(_1 != 0); _startsWhen.create( widget(), StartsWhenText(rpl::duplicate(date)), st::groupCallStartsWhen); _countdown = CreateGradientLabel(widget(), std::move( date ) | rpl::map([=](TimeId date) { _countdownData = std::make_shared(date); return _countdownData->text(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest()); const auto top = [=] { const auto muteTop = widget()->height() - st::groupCallMuteBottomSkip; const auto membersTop = st::groupCallMembersTop; const auto height = st::groupCallScheduledBodyHeight; return (membersTop + (muteTop - membersTop - height) / 2); }; rpl::combine( widget()->sizeValue(), _startsIn->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size, int width) { _startsIn->move( (size.width() - width) / 2, top() + st::groupCallStartsInTop); }, _startsIn->lifetime()); rpl::combine( widget()->sizeValue(), _startsWhen->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size, int width) { _startsWhen->move( (size.width() - width) / 2, top() + st::groupCallStartsWhenTop); }, _startsWhen->lifetime()); rpl::combine( widget()->sizeValue(), _countdown->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size, int width) { _countdown->move( (size.width() - width) / 2, top() + st::groupCallCountdownTop); }, _startsWhen->lifetime()); } void Panel::setupMembers() { if (_members) { return; } _startsIn.destroy(); _countdown.destroy(); _startsWhen.destroy(); _members.create(widget(), _call); _members->desiredHeightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateMembersGeometry(); }, _members->lifetime()); _members->toggleMuteRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](MuteRequest request) { if (_call) { _call->toggleMute(request); } }, _callLifetime); _members->changeVolumeRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](VolumeRequest request) { if (_call) { _call->changeVolume(request); } }, _callLifetime); _members->kickParticipantRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null participantPeer) { kickParticipant(participantPeer); }, _callLifetime); const auto showBox = [=](object_ptr next) { _layerBg->showBox(std::move(next)); }; const auto showToast = [=](QString text) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = { text }, }); }; auto [shareLinkCallback, shareLinkLifetime] = ShareInviteLinkAction( _peer, showBox, showToast); auto shareLink = std::move(shareLinkCallback); _members->lifetime().add(std::move(shareLinkLifetime)); _members->addMembersRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_peer->isBroadcast() && _peer->asChannel()->hasUsername()) { shareLink(); } else { addMembers(); } }, _callLifetime); } void Panel::setupJoinAsChangedToasts() { _call->rejoinEvents( ) | rpl::filter([](RejoinEvent event) { return (event.wasJoinAs != event.nowJoinAs); }) | rpl::map([=] { return _call->stateValue() | rpl::filter([](State state) { return (state == State::Joined); }) | rpl::take(1); }) | rpl::flatten_latest() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = tr::lng_group_call_join_as_changed( tr::now, lt_name, Ui::Text::Bold(_call->joinAs()->name), Ui::Text::WithEntities), }); }, widget()->lifetime()); } void Panel::setupTitleChangedToasts() { _call->titleChanged( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return (_call->lookupReal() != nullptr); }) | rpl::map([=] { return _peer->groupCall()->title().isEmpty() ? _peer->name : _peer->groupCall()->title(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &title) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = tr::lng_group_call_title_changed( tr::now, lt_title, Ui::Text::Bold(title), Ui::Text::WithEntities), }); }, widget()->lifetime()); } void Panel::setupAllowedToSpeakToasts() { _call->allowedToSpeakNotifications( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (isActive()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = { tr::lng_group_call_can_speak_here(tr::now) }, }); } else { const auto real = _call->lookupReal(); const auto name = (real && !real->title().isEmpty()) ? real->title() : _peer->name; Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .text = tr::lng_group_call_can_speak( tr::now, lt_chat, Ui::Text::Bold(name), Ui::Text::WithEntities), }); } }, widget()->lifetime()); } void Panel::subscribeToChanges(not_null real) { const auto validateRecordingMark = [=](bool recording) { if (!recording && _recordingMark) { _recordingMark.destroy(); } else if (recording && !_recordingMark) { struct State { Ui::Animations::Simple animation; base::Timer timer; bool opaque = true; }; _recordingMark.create(widget()); _recordingMark->show(); const auto state = _recordingMark->lifetime().make_state(); const auto size = st::groupCallRecordingMark; const auto skip = st::groupCallRecordingMarkSkip; _recordingMark->resize(size + 2 * skip, size + 2 * skip); _recordingMark->setClickedCallback([=] { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = { tr::lng_group_call_is_recorded(tr::now) }, }); }); const auto animate = [=] { const auto opaque = state->opaque; state->opaque = !opaque; state->animation.start( [=] { _recordingMark->update(); }, opaque ? 1. : kRecordingOpacity, opaque ? kRecordingOpacity : 1., kRecordingAnimationDuration); }; state->timer.setCallback(animate); state->timer.callEach(kRecordingAnimationDuration); animate(); _recordingMark->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(_recordingMark.data()); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon); p.setOpacity(state->animation.value( state->opaque ? 1. : kRecordingOpacity)); p.drawEllipse(skip, skip, size, size); }, _recordingMark->lifetime()); } refreshTitleGeometry(); }; using namespace rpl::mappers; real->recordStartDateChanges( ) | rpl::map( _1 != 0 ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool recorded) { validateRecordingMark(recorded); Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = (recorded ? tr::lng_group_call_recording_started : _call->recordingStoppedByMe() ? tr::lng_group_call_recording_saved : tr::lng_group_call_recording_stopped)( tr::now, Ui::Text::RichLangValue), }); }, widget()->lifetime()); validateRecordingMark(real->recordStartDate() != 0); const auto showMenu = _peer->canManageGroupCall(); const auto showUserpic = !showMenu && _call->showChooseJoinAs(); if (showMenu) { _joinAsToggle.destroy(); if (!_menuToggle) { _menuToggle.create(widget(), st::groupCallMenuToggle); _menuToggle->show(); _menuToggle->setClickedCallback([=] { showMainMenu(); }); } } else if (showUserpic) { _menuToggle.destroy(); rpl::single( _call->joinAs() ) | rpl::then(_call->rejoinEvents( ) | rpl::map([](const RejoinEvent &event) { return event.nowJoinAs; })) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null joinAs) { auto joinAsToggle = object_ptr( widget(), joinAs, Ui::UserpicButton::Role::Custom, st::groupCallJoinAsToggle); _joinAsToggle.destroy(); _joinAsToggle = std::move(joinAsToggle); _joinAsToggle->show(); _joinAsToggle->setClickedCallback([=] { chooseJoinAs(); }); updateControlsGeometry(); }, widget()->lifetime()); } else { _menuToggle.destroy(); _joinAsToggle.destroy(); } updateControlsGeometry(); } void Panel::chooseJoinAs() { const auto context = ChooseJoinAsProcess::Context::Switch; const auto callback = [=](JoinInfo info) { _call->rejoinAs(info); }; const auto showBox = [=](object_ptr next) { _layerBg->showBox(std::move(next)); }; const auto showToast = [=](QString text) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = { text }, }); }; _joinAsProcess.start( _peer, context, showBox, showToast, callback, _call->joinAs()); } void Panel::showMainMenu() { if (_menu) { return; } _menu.create(widget(), st::groupCallDropdownMenu); FillMenu( _menu.data(), _peer, _call, [=] { chooseJoinAs(); }, [=](auto box) { _layerBg->showBox(std::move(box)); }); if (_menu->empty()) { _menu.destroy(); return; } const auto raw = _menu.data(); raw->setHiddenCallback([=] { raw->deleteLater(); if (_menu == raw) { _menu = nullptr; _menuToggle->setForceRippled(false); } }); raw->setShowStartCallback([=] { if (_menu == raw) { _menuToggle->setForceRippled(true); } }); raw->setHideStartCallback([=] { if (_menu == raw) { _menuToggle->setForceRippled(false); } }); _menuToggle->installEventFilter(_menu); const auto x = st::groupCallMenuPosition.x(); const auto y = st::groupCallMenuPosition.y(); if (_menuToggle->x() > widget()->width() / 2) { _menu->moveToRight(x, y); _menu->showAnimated(Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::TopRight); } else { _menu->moveToLeft(x, y); _menu->showAnimated(Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::TopLeft); } } void Panel::addMembers() { const auto real = _call->lookupReal(); if (!real) { return; } auto alreadyIn = _peer->owner().invitedToCallUsers(real->id()); for (const auto &participant : real->participants()) { if (const auto user = participant.peer->asUser()) { alreadyIn.emplace(user); } } alreadyIn.emplace(_peer->session().user()); auto controller = std::make_unique( _peer, alreadyIn); controller->setStyleOverrides( &st::groupCallInviteMembersList, &st::groupCallMultiSelect); auto contactsController = std::make_unique( _peer, std::move(alreadyIn), controller->peersWithRows(), controller->rowAdded()); contactsController->setStyleOverrides( &st::groupCallInviteMembersList, &st::groupCallMultiSelect); const auto weak = base::make_weak(_call.get()); const auto invite = [=](const std::vector> &users) { const auto call = weak.get(); if (!call) { return; } const auto result = call->inviteUsers(users); if (const auto user = std::get_if>(&result)) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = tr::lng_group_call_invite_done_user( tr::now, lt_user, Ui::Text::Bold((*user)->firstName), Ui::Text::WithEntities), }); } else if (const auto count = std::get_if(&result)) { if (*count > 0) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = widget(), .text = tr::lng_group_call_invite_done_many( tr::now, lt_count, *count, Ui::Text::RichLangValue), }); } } else { Unexpected("Result in GroupCall::inviteUsers."); } }; const auto inviteWithAdd = [=]( const std::vector> &users, const std::vector> &nonMembers, Fn finish) { _peer->session().api().addChatParticipants( _peer, nonMembers, [=](bool) { invite(users); finish(); }); }; const auto inviteWithConfirmation = [=]( const std::vector> &users, const std::vector> &nonMembers, Fn finish) { if (nonMembers.empty()) { invite(users); finish(); return; } const auto name = _peer->name; const auto text = (nonMembers.size() == 1) ? tr::lng_group_call_add_to_group_one( tr::now, lt_user, nonMembers.front()->shortName(), lt_group, name) : (nonMembers.size() < users.size()) ? tr::lng_group_call_add_to_group_some(tr::now, lt_group, name) : tr::lng_group_call_add_to_group_all(tr::now, lt_group, name); const auto shared = std::make_shared>(); const auto finishWithConfirm = [=] { if (*shared) { (*shared)->closeBox(); } finish(); }; auto box = Box( ConfirmBox, TextWithEntities{ text }, tr::lng_participant_invite(), [=] { inviteWithAdd(users, nonMembers, finishWithConfirm); }); *shared = box.data(); _layerBg->showBox(std::move(box)); }; auto initBox = [=, controller = controller.get()]( not_null box) { box->setTitle(tr::lng_group_call_invite_title()); box->addButton(tr::lng_group_call_invite_button(), [=] { const auto rows = box->collectSelectedRows(); const auto users = ranges::views::all( rows ) | ranges::views::transform([](not_null peer) { return not_null(peer->asUser()); }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto nonMembers = ranges::views::all( users ) | ranges::views::filter([&](not_null user) { return !controller->hasRowFor(user); }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto finish = [box = Ui::MakeWeak(box)]() { if (box) { box->closeBox(); } }; inviteWithConfirmation(users, nonMembers, finish); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); }; auto controllers = std::vector>(); controllers.push_back(std::move(controller)); controllers.push_back(std::move(contactsController)); _layerBg->showBox(Box(std::move(controllers), initBox)); } void Panel::kickParticipant(not_null participantPeer) { _layerBg->showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { box->addRow( object_ptr( box.get(), (!participantPeer->isUser() ? tr::lng_group_call_remove_channel( tr::now, lt_channel, participantPeer->name) : (_peer->isBroadcast() ? tr::lng_profile_sure_kick_channel : tr::lng_profile_sure_kick)( tr::now, lt_user, participantPeer->asUser()->firstName)), st::groupCallBoxLabel), style::margins( st::boxRowPadding.left(), st::boxPadding.top(), st::boxRowPadding.right(), st::boxPadding.bottom())); box->addButton(tr::lng_box_remove(), [=] { box->closeBox(); kickParticipantSure(participantPeer); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } void Panel::kickParticipantSure(not_null participantPeer) { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { chat->session().api().kickParticipant(chat, participantPeer); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { const auto currentRestrictedRights = [&] { const auto user = participantPeer->asUser(); if (!channel->mgInfo || !user) { return ChannelData::EmptyRestrictedRights(participantPeer); } const auto i = channel->mgInfo->lastRestricted.find(user); return (i != channel->mgInfo->lastRestricted.cend()) ? i->second.rights : ChannelData::EmptyRestrictedRights(participantPeer); }(); channel->session().api().kickParticipant( channel, participantPeer, currentRestrictedRights); } } void Panel::initLayout() { initGeometry(); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC _controls->raise(); Ui::Platform::TitleControlsLayoutChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { // _menuToggle geometry depends on _controls arrangement. crl::on_main(widget(), [=] { updateControlsGeometry(); }); }, widget()->lifetime()); #endif // !Q_OS_MAC } void Panel::showControls() { Expects(_call != nullptr); widget()->showChildren(); } void Panel::closeBeforeDestroy() { _window->close(); _callLifetime.destroy(); } void Panel::initGeometry() { const auto center = Core::App().getPointForCallPanelCenter(); const auto rect = QRect(0, 0, st::groupCallWidth, st::groupCallHeight); _window->setGeometry(rect.translated(center - rect.center())); _window->setMinimumSize(rect.size()); _window->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); } QRect Panel::computeTitleRect() const { const auto skip = st::groupCallTitleTop; const auto remove = skip + (_menuToggle ? (_menuToggle->width() + st::groupCallMenuTogglePosition.x()) : 0) + (_joinAsToggle ? (_joinAsToggle->width() + st::groupCallMenuTogglePosition.x()) : 0); const auto width = widget()->width(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC return QRect(70, 0, width - remove - 70, 28); #else // Q_OS_MAC const auto controls = _controls->geometry(); const auto right = controls.x() + controls.width() + skip; return (controls.center().x() < width / 2) ? QRect(right, 0, width - right - remove, controls.height()) : QRect(remove, 0, controls.x() - skip - remove, controls.height()); #endif // !Q_OS_MAC } void Panel::updateControlsGeometry() { if (widget()->size().isEmpty()) { return; } const auto muteTop = widget()->height() - st::groupCallMuteBottomSkip; const auto buttonsTop = widget()->height() - st::groupCallButtonBottomSkip; const auto muteSize = _mute->innerSize().width(); const auto fullWidth = muteSize + 2 * _settings->width() + 2 * st::groupCallButtonSkip; _mute->moveInner({ (widget()->width() - muteSize) / 2, muteTop }); _settings->moveToLeft((widget()->width() - fullWidth) / 2, buttonsTop); _hangup->moveToRight((widget()->width() - fullWidth) / 2, buttonsTop); updateMembersGeometry(); refreshTitle(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC const auto controlsOnTheLeft = true; #else // Q_OS_MAC const auto controlsOnTheLeft = _controls->geometry().center().x() < widget()->width() / 2; #endif // Q_OS_MAC const auto menux = st::groupCallMenuTogglePosition.x(); const auto menuy = st::groupCallMenuTogglePosition.y(); if (controlsOnTheLeft) { if (_menuToggle) { _menuToggle->moveToRight(menux, menuy); } else if (_joinAsToggle) { _joinAsToggle->moveToRight(menux, menuy); } } else { if (_menuToggle) { _menuToggle->moveToLeft(menux, menuy); } else if (_joinAsToggle) { _joinAsToggle->moveToLeft(menux, menuy); } } } void Panel::updateMembersGeometry() { if (!_members) { return; } const auto muteTop = widget()->height() - st::groupCallMuteBottomSkip; const auto membersTop = st::groupCallMembersTop; const auto availableHeight = muteTop - membersTop - st::groupCallMembersMargin.bottom(); const auto desiredHeight = _members->desiredHeight(); const auto membersWidthAvailable = widget()->width() - st::groupCallMembersMargin.left() - st::groupCallMembersMargin.right(); const auto membersWidthMin = st::groupCallWidth - st::groupCallMembersMargin.left() - st::groupCallMembersMargin.right(); const auto membersWidth = std::clamp( membersWidthAvailable, membersWidthMin, st::groupCallMembersWidthMax); _members->setGeometry( (widget()->width() - membersWidth) / 2, membersTop, membersWidth, std::min(desiredHeight, availableHeight)); } void Panel::refreshTitle() { if (!_title) { auto text = rpl::combine( Info::Profile::NameValue(_peer), rpl::single( QString() ) | rpl::then(_call->real( ) | rpl::map([=](not_null real) { return real->titleValue(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest()) ) | rpl::map([=]( const TextWithEntities &name, const QString &title) { return title.isEmpty() ? name.text : title; }) | rpl::after_next([=] { refreshTitleGeometry(); }); _title.create( widget(), rpl::duplicate(text), st::groupCallTitleLabel); _title->show(); _title->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); } refreshTitleGeometry(); if (!_subtitle) { _subtitle.create( widget(), rpl::single( _call->scheduleDate() ) | rpl::then( _call->real( ) | rpl::map([=](not_null real) { return real->scheduleDateValue(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest() ) | rpl::map([=](TimeId scheduleDate) { if (scheduleDate) { return tr::lng_group_call_scheduled_status(); } else if (!_members) { setupMembers(); } return tr::lng_group_call_members( lt_count_decimal, _members->fullCountValue() | rpl::map([](int value) { return (value > 0) ? float64(value) : 1.; })); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(), st::groupCallSubtitleLabel); _subtitle->show(); _subtitle->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); } const auto middle = _title ? (_title->x() + _title->width() / 2) : (widget()->width() / 2); const auto top = _title ? st::groupCallSubtitleTop : st::groupCallTitleTop; _subtitle->moveToLeft( (widget()->width() - _subtitle->width()) / 2, top); } void Panel::refreshTitleGeometry() { if (!_title) { return; } const auto fullRect = computeTitleRect(); const auto recordingWidth = 2 * st::groupCallRecordingMarkSkip + st::groupCallRecordingMark; const auto titleRect = _recordingMark ? QRect( fullRect.x(), fullRect.y(), fullRect.width() - _recordingMark->width(), fullRect.height()) : fullRect; const auto best = _title->naturalWidth(); const auto from = (widget()->width() - best) / 2; const auto top = st::groupCallTitleTop; const auto left = titleRect.x(); if (from >= left && from + best <= left + titleRect.width()) { _title->resizeToWidth(best); _title->moveToLeft(from, top); } else if (titleRect.width() < best) { _title->resizeToWidth(titleRect.width()); _title->moveToLeft(left, top); } else if (from < left) { _title->resizeToWidth(best); _title->moveToLeft(left, top); } else { _title->resizeToWidth(best); _title->moveToLeft(left + titleRect.width() - best, top); } if (_recordingMark) { const auto markTop = top + st::groupCallRecordingMarkTop; _recordingMark->move( _title->x() + _title->width(), markTop - st::groupCallRecordingMarkSkip); } } void Panel::paint(QRect clip) { Painter p(widget()); auto region = QRegion(clip); for (const auto rect : region) { p.fillRect(rect, st::groupCallBg); } } bool Panel::handleClose() { if (_call) { _window->hide(); return true; } return false; } not_null Panel::widget() const { return _window->body(); } } // namespace Calls::Group