/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/calls_group_common.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "api/api_send_progress.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "lang/lang_hardcoded.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participants_box.h" // SubscribeToMigration. #include "ui/toasts/common_toasts.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "base/global_shortcuts.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_media_devices.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_create_adm.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Calls { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxInvitePerSlice = 10; constexpr auto kCheckLastSpokeInterval = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kCheckJoinedTimeout = 4 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kUpdateSendActionEach = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kPlayConnectingEach = crl::time(1056) + 2 * crl::time(1000); [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr CreateMediaDevices() { const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); return Webrtc::CreateMediaDevices( settings.callInputDeviceId(), settings.callOutputDeviceId(), settings.callVideoInputDeviceId()); } [[nodiscard]] const Data::GroupCall::Participant *LookupParticipant( not_null peer, uint64 id, not_null participantPeer) { const auto call = peer->groupCall(); if (!id || !call || call->id() != id) { return nullptr; } const auto &participants = call->participants(); const auto i = ranges::find( participants, participantPeer, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); return (i != end(participants)) ? &*i : nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] double TimestampFromMsgId(mtpMsgId msgId) { return msgId / double(1ULL << 32); } } // namespace class GroupCall::LoadPartTask final : public tgcalls::BroadcastPartTask { public: LoadPartTask( base::weak_ptr call, int64 time, int64 period, Fn done); [[nodiscard]] int64 time() const { return _time; } [[nodiscard]] int32 scale() const { return _scale; } void done(tgcalls::BroadcastPart &&part); void cancel() override; private: const base::weak_ptr _call; const int64 _time = 0; const int32 _scale = 0; Fn _done; QMutex _mutex; }; [[nodiscard]] bool IsGroupCallAdmin( not_null peer, not_null participantPeer) { const auto user = participantPeer->asUser(); if (!user) { return false; } if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return chat->admins.contains(user) || (chat->creator == user->bareId()); } else if (const auto group = peer->asChannel()) { if (const auto mgInfo = group->mgInfo.get()) { if (mgInfo->creator == user) { return true; } const auto i = mgInfo->lastAdmins.find(user); if (i == mgInfo->lastAdmins.end()) { return false; } const auto &rights = i->second.rights; return rights.c_chatAdminRights().is_manage_call(); } } return false; } GroupCall::LoadPartTask::LoadPartTask( base::weak_ptr call, int64 time, int64 period, Fn done) : _call(std::move(call)) , _time(time ? time : (base::unixtime::now() * int64(1000))) , _scale([&] { switch (period) { case 1000: return 0; case 500: return 1; case 250: return 2; case 125: return 3; } Unexpected("Period in LoadPartTask."); }()) , _done(std::move(done)) { } void GroupCall::LoadPartTask::done(tgcalls::BroadcastPart &&part) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); if (_done) { base::take(_done)(std::move(part)); } } void GroupCall::LoadPartTask::cancel() { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); if (!_done) { return; } _done = nullptr; lock.unlock(); if (_call) { const auto that = this; crl::on_main(_call, [weak = _call, that] { if (const auto strong = weak.get()) { strong->broadcastPartCancel(that); } }); } } GroupCall::GroupCall( not_null delegate, Group::JoinInfo info, const MTPInputGroupCall &inputCall) : _delegate(delegate) , _peer(info.peer) , _history(_peer->owner().history(_peer)) , _api(&_peer->session().mtp()) , _joinAs(info.joinAs) , _possibleJoinAs(std::move(info.possibleJoinAs)) , _joinHash(info.joinHash) , _id(inputCall.c_inputGroupCall().vid().v) , _scheduleDate(info.scheduleDate) , _lastSpokeCheckTimer([=] { checkLastSpoke(); }) , _checkJoinedTimer([=] { checkJoined(); }) , _pushToTalkCancelTimer([=] { pushToTalkCancel(); }) , _connectingSoundTimer([=] { playConnectingSoundOnce(); }) , _mediaDevices(CreateMediaDevices()) { _muted.value( ) | rpl::combine_previous( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](MuteState previous, MuteState state) { if (_instance) { updateInstanceMuteState(); } if (_mySsrc && (!_initialMuteStateSent || state == MuteState::Active)) { _initialMuteStateSent = true; maybeSendMutedUpdate(previous); } }, _lifetime); _instanceState.value( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return _hadJoinedState; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](InstanceState state) { if (state == InstanceState::Disconnected) { playConnectingSound(); } else { stopConnectingSound(); } }, _lifetime); checkGlobalShortcutAvailability(); if (const auto real = lookupReal()) { subscribeToReal(real); if (!_peer->canManageGroupCall() && real->joinMuted()) { _muted = MuteState::ForceMuted; } } else { _peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( _peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall ) | rpl::map([=] { return lookupReal(); }) | rpl::filter([](Data::GroupCall *real) { return real != nullptr; }) | rpl::map([](Data::GroupCall *real) { return not_null{ real }; }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null real) { subscribeToReal(real); _realChanges.fire_copy(real); }, _lifetime); } if (_id) { join(inputCall); } else { start(info.scheduleDate); } _mediaDevices->audioInputId( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QString id) { _audioInputId = id; if (_instance) { _instance->setAudioInputDevice(id.toStdString()); } }, _lifetime); _mediaDevices->audioOutputId( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QString id) { _audioOutputId = id; if (_instance) { _instance->setAudioOutputDevice(id.toStdString()); } }, _lifetime); } GroupCall::~GroupCall() { destroyController(); } void GroupCall::subscribeToReal(not_null real) { real->scheduleDateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](TimeId date) { const auto was = _scheduleDate; _scheduleDate = date; if (was && !date) { join(inputCall()); } }, _lifetime); } void GroupCall::checkGlobalShortcutAvailability() { auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (!settings.groupCallPushToTalk()) { return; } else if (!base::GlobalShortcutsAllowed()) { settings.setGroupCallPushToTalk(false); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); } } void GroupCall::setState(State state) { if (_state.current() == State::Failed) { return; } else if (_state.current() == State::FailedHangingUp && state != State::Failed) { return; } if (_state.current() == state) { return; } _state = state; if (state == State::Joined) { stopConnectingSound(); if (const auto call = _peer->groupCall(); call && call->id() == _id) { call->setInCall(); } } if (false || state == State::Ended || state == State::Failed) { // Destroy controller before destroying Call Panel, // so that the panel hide animation is smooth. destroyController(); } switch (state) { case State::HangingUp: case State::FailedHangingUp: _delegate->groupCallPlaySound(Delegate::GroupCallSound::Ended); break; case State::Ended: _delegate->groupCallFinished(this); break; case State::Failed: _delegate->groupCallFailed(this); break; case State::Connecting: if (!_checkJoinedTimer.isActive()) { _checkJoinedTimer.callOnce(kCheckJoinedTimeout); } break; } } void GroupCall::playConnectingSound() { if (_connectingSoundTimer.isActive()) { return; } playConnectingSoundOnce(); _connectingSoundTimer.callEach(kPlayConnectingEach); } void GroupCall::stopConnectingSound() { _connectingSoundTimer.cancel(); } void GroupCall::playConnectingSoundOnce() { _delegate->groupCallPlaySound(Delegate::GroupCallSound::Connecting); } bool GroupCall::showChooseJoinAs() const { return (_possibleJoinAs.size() > 1) || (_possibleJoinAs.size() == 1 && !_possibleJoinAs.front()->isSelf()); } Data::GroupCall *GroupCall::lookupReal() const { const auto real = _peer->groupCall(); return (real && real->id() == _id) ? real : nullptr; } rpl::producer> GroupCall::real() const { if (const auto real = lookupReal()) { return rpl::single(not_null{ real }); } return _realChanges.events(); } void GroupCall::start(TimeId scheduleDate) { using Flag = MTPphone_CreateGroupCall::Flag; _createRequestId = _api.request(MTPphone_CreateGroupCall( MTP_flags(scheduleDate ? Flag::f_schedule_date : Flag(0)), _peer->input, MTP_int(openssl::RandomValue()), MTPstring(), // title MTP_int(scheduleDate) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _acceptFields = true; _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); _acceptFields = false; }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { LOG(("Call Error: Could not create, error: %1" ).arg(error.type())); hangup(); if (error.type() == u"GROUPCALL_ANONYMOUS_FORBIDDEN"_q) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .text = { tr::lng_group_call_no_anonymous(tr::now) }, }); } }).send(); } void GroupCall::join(const MTPInputGroupCall &inputCall) { inputCall.match([&](const MTPDinputGroupCall &data) { _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }); if (_scheduleDate) { setState(State::Waiting); return; } setState(State::Joining); if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { chat->setGroupCall(inputCall); } else if (const auto group = _peer->asChannel()) { group->setGroupCall(inputCall); } else { Unexpected("Peer type in GroupCall::join."); } rejoin(); using Update = Data::GroupCall::ParticipantUpdate; _peer->groupCall()->participantUpdated( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Update &update) { return (_instance != nullptr); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Update &update) { if (!update.now) { _instance->removeSsrcs({ update.was->ssrc }); } else { const auto &now = *update.now; const auto &was = update.was; const auto volumeChanged = was ? (was->volume != now.volume || was->mutedByMe != now.mutedByMe) : (now.volume != Group::kDefaultVolume || now.mutedByMe); if (volumeChanged) { _instance->setVolume( now.ssrc, (now.mutedByMe ? 0. : (now.volume / float64(Group::kDefaultVolume)))); } } }, _lifetime); addParticipantsToInstance(); _peer->session().updates().addActiveChat( _peerStream.events_starting_with_copy(_peer)); SubscribeToMigration(_peer, _lifetime, [=](not_null group) { _peer = group; _peerStream.fire_copy(group); }); } void GroupCall::rejoin() { rejoin(_joinAs); } void GroupCall::rejoinWithHash(const QString &hash) { if (!hash.isEmpty() && (muted() == MuteState::ForceMuted || muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand)) { _joinHash = hash; rejoin(); } } void GroupCall::setJoinAs(not_null as) { _joinAs = as; if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { chat->setGroupCallDefaultJoinAs(_joinAs->id); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { channel->setGroupCallDefaultJoinAs(_joinAs->id); } } void GroupCall::rejoin(not_null as) { if (state() != State::Joining && state() != State::Joined && state() != State::Connecting) { return; } _mySsrc = 0; _initialMuteStateSent = false; setState(State::Joining); ensureControllerCreated(); setInstanceMode(InstanceMode::None); applyMeInCallLocally(); LOG(("Call Info: Requesting join payload.")); setJoinAs(as); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); _instance->emitJoinPayload([=](tgcalls::GroupJoinPayload payload) { crl::on_main(weak, [=, payload = std::move(payload)]{ auto fingerprints = QJsonArray(); for (const auto &print : payload.fingerprints) { auto object = QJsonObject(); object.insert("hash", QString::fromStdString(print.hash)); object.insert("setup", QString::fromStdString(print.setup)); object.insert( "fingerprint", QString::fromStdString(print.fingerprint)); fingerprints.push_back(object); } auto root = QJsonObject(); const auto ssrc = payload.ssrc; root.insert("ufrag", QString::fromStdString(payload.ufrag)); root.insert("pwd", QString::fromStdString(payload.pwd)); root.insert("fingerprints", fingerprints); root.insert("ssrc", double(payload.ssrc)); LOG(("Call Info: Join payload received, joining with ssrc: %1." ).arg(ssrc)); const auto json = QJsonDocument(root).toJson( QJsonDocument::Compact); const auto wasMuteState = muted(); using Flag = MTPphone_JoinGroupCall::Flag; _api.request(MTPphone_JoinGroupCall( MTP_flags((wasMuteState != MuteState::Active ? Flag::f_muted : Flag(0)) | (_joinHash.isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_invite_hash)), inputCall(), _joinAs->input, MTP_string(_joinHash), MTP_dataJSON(MTP_bytes(json)) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &updates) { _mySsrc = ssrc; _mySsrcs.emplace(ssrc); setState((_instanceState.current() == InstanceState::Disconnected) ? State::Connecting : State::Joined); applyMeInCallLocally(); maybeSendMutedUpdate(wasMuteState); _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(updates); checkFirstTimeJoined(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto type = error.type(); LOG(("Call Error: Could not join, error: %1").arg(type)); if (type == u"GROUPCALL_SSRC_DUPLICATE_MUCH") { rejoin(); return; } hangup(); Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .text = { type == u"GROUPCALL_ANONYMOUS_FORBIDDEN"_q ? tr::lng_group_call_no_anonymous(tr::now) : type == u"GROUPCALL_PARTICIPANTS_TOO_MUCH"_q ? tr::lng_group_call_too_many(tr::now) : type == u"GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN"_q ? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now) : Lang::Hard::ServerError() }, }); }).send(); }); }); } [[nodiscard]] uint64 FindLocalRaisedHandRating( const std::vector &list) { const auto i = ranges::max_element( list, ranges::less(), &Data::GroupCallParticipant::raisedHandRating); return (i == end(list)) ? 1 : (i->raisedHandRating + 1); } void GroupCall::applyMeInCallLocally() { const auto call = _peer->groupCall(); if (!call || call->id() != _id) { return; } using Flag = MTPDgroupCallParticipant::Flag; const auto &participants = call->participants(); const auto i = ranges::find( participants, _joinAs, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); const auto date = (i != end(participants)) ? i->date : base::unixtime::now(); const auto lastActive = (i != end(participants)) ? i->lastActive : TimeId(0); const auto volume = (i != end(participants)) ? i->volume : Group::kDefaultVolume; const auto canSelfUnmute = (muted() != MuteState::ForceMuted) && (muted() != MuteState::RaisedHand); const auto raisedHandRating = (muted() != MuteState::RaisedHand) ? uint64(0) : (i != end(participants)) ? i->raisedHandRating : FindLocalRaisedHandRating(participants); const auto flags = (canSelfUnmute ? Flag::f_can_self_unmute : Flag(0)) | (lastActive ? Flag::f_active_date : Flag(0)) | (_mySsrc ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_left) | Flag::f_self | Flag::f_volume // Without flag the volume is reset to 100%. | Flag::f_volume_by_admin // Self volume can only be set by admin. | ((muted() != MuteState::Active) ? Flag::f_muted : Flag(0)) | (raisedHandRating > 0 ? Flag::f_raise_hand_rating : Flag(0)); call->applyLocalUpdate( MTP_updateGroupCallParticipants( inputCall(), MTP_vector( 1, MTP_groupCallParticipant( MTP_flags(flags), peerToMTP(_joinAs->id), MTP_int(date), MTP_int(lastActive), MTP_int(_mySsrc), MTP_int(volume), MTPstring(), // Don't update about text in local updates. MTP_long(raisedHandRating), MTPDataJSON())), MTP_int(0)).c_updateGroupCallParticipants()); } void GroupCall::applyParticipantLocally( not_null participantPeer, bool mute, std::optional volume) { const auto participant = LookupParticipant(_peer, _id, participantPeer); if (!participant || !participant->ssrc) { return; } const auto canManageCall = _peer->canManageGroupCall(); const auto isMuted = participant->muted || (mute && canManageCall); const auto canSelfUnmute = !canManageCall ? participant->canSelfUnmute : (!mute || IsGroupCallAdmin(_peer, participantPeer)); const auto isMutedByYou = mute && !canManageCall; const auto mutedCount = 0/*participant->mutedCount*/; using Flag = MTPDgroupCallParticipant::Flag; const auto flags = (canSelfUnmute ? Flag::f_can_self_unmute : Flag(0)) | Flag::f_volume // Without flag the volume is reset to 100%. | ((participant->applyVolumeFromMin && !volume) ? Flag::f_volume_by_admin : Flag(0)) | (participant->lastActive ? Flag::f_active_date : Flag(0)) | (isMuted ? Flag::f_muted : Flag(0)) | (isMutedByYou ? Flag::f_muted_by_you : Flag(0)) | (participantPeer == _joinAs ? Flag::f_self : Flag(0)) | (participant->raisedHandRating ? Flag::f_raise_hand_rating : Flag(0)); _peer->groupCall()->applyLocalUpdate( MTP_updateGroupCallParticipants( inputCall(), MTP_vector( 1, MTP_groupCallParticipant( MTP_flags(flags), peerToMTP(participantPeer->id), MTP_int(participant->date), MTP_int(participant->lastActive), MTP_int(participant->ssrc), MTP_int(volume.value_or(participant->volume)), MTPstring(), // Don't update about text in local updates. MTP_long(participant->raisedHandRating), MTPDataJSON())), MTP_int(0)).c_updateGroupCallParticipants()); } void GroupCall::hangup() { finish(FinishType::Ended); } void GroupCall::discard() { if (!_id) { _api.request(_createRequestId).cancel(); hangup(); return; } _api.request(MTPphone_DiscardGroupCall( inputCall() )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { // Here 'this' could be destroyed by updates, so we set Ended after // updates being handled, but in a guarded way. crl::on_main(this, [=] { hangup(); }); _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { hangup(); }).send(); } void GroupCall::rejoinAs(Group::JoinInfo info) { _possibleJoinAs = std::move(info.possibleJoinAs); if (info.joinAs == _joinAs) { return; } const auto event = Group::RejoinEvent{ .wasJoinAs = _joinAs, .nowJoinAs = info.joinAs, }; if (_scheduleDate) { setJoinAs(info.joinAs); _api.request(MTPphone_SaveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs( _peer->input, _joinAs->input )).send(); } else { setState(State::Joining); rejoin(info.joinAs); } _rejoinEvents.fire_copy(event); } void GroupCall::finish(FinishType type) { Expects(type != FinishType::None); const auto finalState = (type == FinishType::Ended) ? State::Ended : State::Failed; const auto hangupState = (type == FinishType::Ended) ? State::HangingUp : State::FailedHangingUp; const auto state = _state.current(); if (state == State::HangingUp || state == State::FailedHangingUp || state == State::Ended || state == State::Failed) { return; } if (!_mySsrc) { setState(finalState); return; } setState(hangupState); // We want to leave request still being sent and processed even if // the call is already destroyed. const auto session = &_peer->session(); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); session->api().request(MTPphone_LeaveGroupCall( inputCall(), MTP_int(_mySsrc) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { // Here 'this' could be destroyed by updates, so we set Ended after // updates being handled, but in a guarded way. crl::on_main(weak, [=] { setState(finalState); }); session->api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail(crl::guard(weak, [=](const MTP::Error &error) { setState(finalState); })).send(); } void GroupCall::startScheduledNow() { if (!lookupReal()) { return; } _api.request(MTPphone_StartScheduledGroupCall( inputCall() )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).send(); } void GroupCall::toggleScheduleStartSubscribed(bool subscribed) { if (!lookupReal()) { return; } _api.request(MTPphone_ToggleGroupCallStartSubscription( inputCall(), MTP_bool(subscribed) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).send(); } void GroupCall::setMuted(MuteState mute) { const auto set = [=] { const auto wasMuted = (muted() == MuteState::Muted) || (muted() == MuteState::PushToTalk); const auto wasRaiseHand = (muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand); _muted = mute; const auto nowMuted = (muted() == MuteState::Muted) || (muted() == MuteState::PushToTalk); const auto nowRaiseHand = (muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand); if (wasMuted != nowMuted || wasRaiseHand != nowRaiseHand) { applyMeInCallLocally(); } }; if (mute == MuteState::Active || mute == MuteState::PushToTalk) { _delegate->groupCallRequestPermissionsOrFail(crl::guard(this, set)); } else { set(); } } void GroupCall::setMutedAndUpdate(MuteState mute) { const auto was = muted(); // Active state is sent from _muted changes, // because it may be set delayed, after permissions request, not now. const auto send = _initialMuteStateSent && (mute != MuteState::Active); setMuted(mute); if (send) { maybeSendMutedUpdate(was); } } void GroupCall::handlePossibleCreateOrJoinResponse( const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { data.vcall().match([&](const MTPDgroupCall &data) { handlePossibleCreateOrJoinResponse(data); }, [&](const MTPDgroupCallDiscarded &data) { handlePossibleDiscarded(data); }); } void GroupCall::handlePossibleCreateOrJoinResponse( const MTPDgroupCall &data) { if (const auto date = data.vschedule_date()) { _scheduleDate = date->v; } else { _scheduleDate = 0; } if (_acceptFields) { if (!_instance && !_id) { join(MTP_inputGroupCall(data.vid(), data.vaccess_hash())); } return; } else if (_id != data.vid().v || !_instance) { return; } const auto streamDcId = MTP::BareDcId( data.vstream_dc_id().value_or_empty()); const auto params = data.vparams(); if (!params) { return; } params->match([&](const MTPDdataJSON &data) { auto error = QJsonParseError{ 0, QJsonParseError::NoError }; const auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson( data.vdata().v, &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { LOG(("API Error: " "Failed to parse group call params, error: %1." ).arg(error.errorString())); return; } else if (!document.isObject()) { LOG(("API Error: " "Not an object received in group call params.")); return; } const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { addParticipantsToInstance(); }); if (document.object().value("stream").toBool()) { if (!streamDcId) { LOG(("Api Error: Empty stream_dc_id in groupCall.")); } _broadcastDcId = streamDcId ? streamDcId : _peer->session().mtp().mainDcId(); setInstanceMode(InstanceMode::Stream); return; } const auto readString = []( const QJsonObject &object, const char *key) { return object.value(key).toString().toStdString(); }; const auto root = document.object().value("transport").toObject(); auto payload = tgcalls::GroupJoinResponsePayload(); payload.ufrag = readString(root, "ufrag"); payload.pwd = readString(root, "pwd"); const auto prints = root.value("fingerprints").toArray(); const auto candidates = root.value("candidates").toArray(); for (const auto &print : prints) { const auto object = print.toObject(); payload.fingerprints.push_back(tgcalls::GroupJoinPayloadFingerprint{ .hash = readString(object, "hash"), .setup = readString(object, "setup"), .fingerprint = readString(object, "fingerprint"), }); } for (const auto &candidate : candidates) { const auto object = candidate.toObject(); payload.candidates.push_back(tgcalls::GroupJoinResponseCandidate{ .port = readString(object, "port"), .protocol = readString(object, "protocol"), .network = readString(object, "network"), .generation = readString(object, "generation"), .id = readString(object, "id"), .component = readString(object, "component"), .foundation = readString(object, "foundation"), .priority = readString(object, "priority"), .ip = readString(object, "ip"), .type = readString(object, "type"), .tcpType = readString(object, "tcpType"), .relAddr = readString(object, "relAddr"), .relPort = readString(object, "relPort"), }); } setInstanceMode(InstanceMode::Rtc); _instance->setJoinResponsePayload(payload, {}); }); } void GroupCall::handlePossibleDiscarded(const MTPDgroupCallDiscarded &data) { if (data.vid().v == _id) { LOG(("Call Info: Hangup after groupCallDiscarded.")); _mySsrc = 0; hangup(); } } void GroupCall::addParticipantsToInstance() { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real || (_instanceMode == InstanceMode::None)) { return; } for (const auto &participant : real->participants()) { prepareParticipantForAdding(participant); } addPreparedParticipants(); } void GroupCall::prepareParticipantForAdding( const Data::GroupCallParticipant &participant) { _preparedParticipants.push_back(tgcalls::GroupParticipantDescription()); auto &added = _preparedParticipants.back(); added.audioSsrc = participant.ssrc; _unresolvedSsrcs.remove(added.audioSsrc); } void GroupCall::addPreparedParticipants() { _addPreparedParticipantsScheduled = false; if (!_preparedParticipants.empty()) { _instance->addParticipants(base::take(_preparedParticipants)); } if (const auto real = lookupReal()) { if (!_unresolvedSsrcs.empty()) { real->resolveParticipants(base::take(_unresolvedSsrcs)); } } } void GroupCall::addPreparedParticipantsDelayed() { if (_addPreparedParticipantsScheduled) { return; } _addPreparedParticipantsScheduled = true; crl::on_main(this, [=] { addPreparedParticipants(); }); } void GroupCall::handleUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update) { update.match([&](const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { handleUpdate(data); }, [&](const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &data) { handleUpdate(data); }, [](const auto &) { Unexpected("Type in Instance::applyGroupCallUpdateChecked."); }); } void GroupCall::handleUpdate(const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { data.vcall().match([](const MTPDgroupCall &) { }, [&](const MTPDgroupCallDiscarded &data) { handlePossibleDiscarded(data); }); } void GroupCall::handleUpdate(const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &data) { const auto callId = data.vcall().match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid().v; }); if (_id != callId) { return; } const auto state = _state.current(); if (state != State::Joined && state != State::Connecting) { return; } const auto handleOtherParticipants = [=]( const MTPDgroupCallParticipant &data) { if (data.is_min()) { // No real information about mutedByMe or my custom volume. return; } const auto participantPeer = _peer->owner().peer( peerFromMTP(data.vpeer())); const auto participant = LookupParticipant( _peer, _id, participantPeer); if (!participant) { return; } _otherParticipantStateValue.fire(Group::ParticipantState{ .peer = participantPeer, .volume = data.vvolume().value_or_empty(), .mutedByMe = data.is_muted_by_you(), }); }; for (const auto &participant : data.vparticipants().v) { participant.match([&](const MTPDgroupCallParticipant &data) { const auto isSelf = data.is_self() || (data.is_min() && peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()) == _joinAs->id); if (!isSelf) { handleOtherParticipants(data); return; } if (data.is_left()) { if (data.vsource().v == _mySsrc) { // I was removed from the call, rejoin. LOG(("Call Info: " "Rejoin after got 'left' with my ssrc.")); setState(State::Joining); rejoin(); } return; } else if (data.vsource().v != _mySsrc) { if (!_mySsrcs.contains(data.vsource().v)) { // I joined from another device, hangup. LOG(("Call Info: " "Hangup after '!left' with ssrc %1, my %2." ).arg(data.vsource().v ).arg(_mySsrc)); _mySsrc = 0; hangup(); } else { LOG(("Call Info: " "Some old 'self' with '!left' and ssrc %1, my %2." ).arg(data.vsource().v ).arg(_mySsrc)); } return; } if (data.is_muted() && !data.is_can_self_unmute()) { setMuted(data.vraise_hand_rating().value_or_empty() ? MuteState::RaisedHand : MuteState::ForceMuted); } else if (_instanceMode == InstanceMode::Stream) { LOG(("Call Info: Rejoin after unforcemute in stream mode.")); setState(State::Joining); rejoin(); } else if (muted() == MuteState::ForceMuted || muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand) { setMuted(MuteState::Muted); if (!_instanceTransitioning) { notifyAboutAllowedToSpeak(); } } else if (data.is_muted() && muted() != MuteState::Muted) { setMuted(MuteState::Muted); } }); } } void GroupCall::changeTitle(const QString &title) { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real || real->title() == title) { return; } _api.request(MTPphone_EditGroupCallTitle( inputCall(), MTP_string(title) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); _titleChanged.fire({}); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { }).send(); } void GroupCall::toggleRecording(bool enabled, const QString &title) { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real) { return; } const auto already = (real->recordStartDate() != 0); if (already == enabled) { return; } if (!enabled) { _recordingStoppedByMe = true; } using Flag = MTPphone_ToggleGroupCallRecord::Flag; _api.request(MTPphone_ToggleGroupCallRecord( MTP_flags((enabled ? Flag::f_start : Flag(0)) | (title.isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_title)), inputCall(), MTP_string(title) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); _recordingStoppedByMe = false; }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _recordingStoppedByMe = false; }).send(); } void GroupCall::ensureControllerCreated() { if (_instance) { return; } const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto myLevel = std::make_shared(); tgcalls::GroupInstanceDescriptor descriptor = { .threads = tgcalls::StaticThreads::getThreads(), .config = tgcalls::GroupConfig{ }, .networkStateUpdated = [=](tgcalls::GroupNetworkState networkState) { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { setInstanceConnected(networkState); }); }, .audioLevelsUpdated = [=](const tgcalls::GroupLevelsUpdate &data) { const auto &updates = data.updates; if (updates.empty()) { return; } else if (updates.size() == 1 && !updates.front().ssrc) { const auto &value = updates.front().value; // Don't send many 0 while we're muted. if (myLevel->level == value.level && myLevel->voice == value.voice) { return; } *myLevel = updates.front().value; } crl::on_main(weak, [=] { audioLevelsUpdated(data); }); }, .initialInputDeviceId = _audioInputId.toStdString(), .initialOutputDeviceId = _audioOutputId.toStdString(), .createAudioDeviceModule = Webrtc::AudioDeviceModuleCreator( settings.callAudioBackend()), .participantDescriptionsRequired = [=]( const std::vector &ssrcs) { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { requestParticipantsInformation(ssrcs); }); }, .requestBroadcastPart = [=]( int64_t time, int64_t period, std::function done) { auto result = std::make_shared( weak, time, period, std::move(done)); crl::on_main(weak, [=]() mutable { broadcastPartStart(std::move(result)); }); return result; } }; if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { auto callLogFolder = cWorkingDir() + qsl("DebugLogs"); auto callLogPath = callLogFolder + qsl("/last_group_call_log.txt"); auto callLogNative = QDir::toNativeSeparators(callLogPath); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN descriptor.config.logPath.data = callLogNative.toStdWString(); #else // Q_OS_WIN const auto callLogUtf = QFile::encodeName(callLogNative); descriptor.config.logPath.data.resize(callLogUtf.size()); ranges::copy(callLogUtf, descriptor.config.logPath.data.begin()); #endif // Q_OS_WIN QFile(callLogPath).remove(); QDir().mkpath(callLogFolder); } LOG(("Call Info: Creating group instance")); _instance = std::make_unique( std::move(descriptor)); updateInstanceMuteState(); updateInstanceVolumes(); //raw->setAudioOutputDuckingEnabled(settings.callAudioDuckingEnabled()); } void GroupCall::broadcastPartStart(std::shared_ptr task) { const auto raw = task.get(); const auto time = raw->time(); const auto scale = raw->scale(); const auto finish = [=](tgcalls::BroadcastPart &&part) { raw->done(std::move(part)); _broadcastParts.erase(raw); }; using Status = tgcalls::BroadcastPart::Status; const auto requestId = _api.request(MTPupload_GetFile( MTP_flags(0), MTP_inputGroupCallStream( inputCall(), MTP_long(time), MTP_int(scale)), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(128 * 1024) )).done([=]( const MTPupload_File &result, const MTP::Response &response) { result.match([&](const MTPDupload_file &data) { const auto size = data.vbytes().v.size(); auto bytes = std::vector(size); memcpy(bytes.data(), data.vbytes().v.constData(), size); finish({ .timestampMilliseconds = time, .responseTimestamp = TimestampFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId), .status = Status::Success, .oggData = std::move(bytes), }); }, [&](const MTPDupload_fileCdnRedirect &data) { LOG(("Voice Chat Stream Error: fileCdnRedirect received.")); finish({ .timestampMilliseconds = time, .responseTimestamp = TimestampFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId), .status = Status::ResyncNeeded, }); }); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { if (error.type() == u"GROUPCALL_JOIN_MISSING"_q || error.type() == u"GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN"_q) { for (const auto &[task, part] : _broadcastParts) { _api.request(part.requestId).cancel(); } setState(State::Joining); rejoin(); return; } const auto status = (MTP::IsFloodError(error) || error.type() == u"TIME_TOO_BIG"_q) ? Status::NotReady : Status::ResyncNeeded; finish({ .timestampMilliseconds = time, .responseTimestamp = TimestampFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId), .status = status, }); }).handleAllErrors().toDC( MTP::groupCallStreamDcId(_broadcastDcId) ).send(); _broadcastParts.emplace(raw, LoadingPart{ std::move(task), requestId }); } void GroupCall::broadcastPartCancel(not_null task) { const auto i = _broadcastParts.find(task); if (i != _broadcastParts.end()) { _api.request(i->second.requestId).cancel(); _broadcastParts.erase(i); } } void GroupCall::requestParticipantsInformation( const std::vector &ssrcs) { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real || (_instanceMode == InstanceMode::None)) { for (const auto ssrc : ssrcs) { _unresolvedSsrcs.emplace(ssrc); } return; } const auto &existing = real->participants(); for (const auto ssrc : ssrcs) { const auto participantPeer = real->participantPeerBySsrc(ssrc); if (!participantPeer) { _unresolvedSsrcs.emplace(ssrc); continue; } const auto i = ranges::find( existing, not_null{ participantPeer }, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); Assert(i != end(existing)); prepareParticipantForAdding(*i); } addPreparedParticipants(); } void GroupCall::updateInstanceMuteState() { Expects(_instance != nullptr); const auto state = muted(); _instance->setIsMuted(state != MuteState::Active && state != MuteState::PushToTalk); } void GroupCall::updateInstanceVolumes() { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real) { return; } const auto &participants = real->participants(); for (const auto &participant : participants) { const auto setVolume = participant.mutedByMe || (participant.volume != Group::kDefaultVolume); if (setVolume && participant.ssrc) { _instance->setVolume( participant.ssrc, (participant.mutedByMe ? 0. : (participant.volume / float64(Group::kDefaultVolume)))); } } } void GroupCall::audioLevelsUpdated(const tgcalls::GroupLevelsUpdate &data) { Expects(!data.updates.empty()); auto check = false; auto checkNow = false; const auto now = crl::now(); for (const auto &[ssrcOrZero, value] : data.updates) { const auto ssrc = ssrcOrZero ? ssrcOrZero : _mySsrc; const auto level = value.level; const auto voice = value.voice; const auto me = (ssrc == _mySsrc); _levelUpdates.fire(LevelUpdate{ .ssrc = ssrc, .value = level, .voice = voice, .me = me }); if (level <= kSpeakLevelThreshold) { continue; } if (me && voice && (!_lastSendProgressUpdate || _lastSendProgressUpdate + kUpdateSendActionEach < now)) { _lastSendProgressUpdate = now; _peer->session().sendProgressManager().update( _history, Api::SendProgressType::Speaking); } check = true; const auto i = _lastSpoke.find(ssrc); if (i == _lastSpoke.end()) { _lastSpoke.emplace(ssrc, Data::LastSpokeTimes{ .anything = now, .voice = voice ? now : 0, }); checkNow = true; } else { if ((i->second.anything + kCheckLastSpokeInterval / 3 <= now) || (voice && i->second.voice + kCheckLastSpokeInterval / 3 <= now)) { checkNow = true; } i->second.anything = now; if (voice) { i->second.voice = now; } } } if (checkNow) { checkLastSpoke(); } else if (check && !_lastSpokeCheckTimer.isActive()) { _lastSpokeCheckTimer.callEach(kCheckLastSpokeInterval / 2); } } void GroupCall::checkLastSpoke() { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real) { return; } auto hasRecent = false; const auto now = crl::now(); auto list = base::take(_lastSpoke); for (auto i = list.begin(); i != list.end();) { const auto [ssrc, when] = *i; if (when.anything + kCheckLastSpokeInterval >= now) { hasRecent = true; ++i; } else { i = list.erase(i); } real->applyLastSpoke(ssrc, when, now); } _lastSpoke = std::move(list); if (!hasRecent) { _lastSpokeCheckTimer.cancel(); } else if (!_lastSpokeCheckTimer.isActive()) { _lastSpokeCheckTimer.callEach(kCheckLastSpokeInterval / 3); } } void GroupCall::checkJoined() { if (state() != State::Connecting || !_id || !_mySsrc) { return; } _api.request(MTPphone_CheckGroupCall( inputCall(), MTP_int(_mySsrc) )).done([=](const MTPBool &result) { if (!mtpIsTrue(result)) { LOG(("Call Info: Rejoin after FALSE in checkGroupCall.")); rejoin(); } else if (state() == State::Connecting) { _checkJoinedTimer.callOnce(kCheckJoinedTimeout); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { LOG(("Call Info: Rejoin after error '%1' in checkGroupCall." ).arg(error.type())); rejoin(); }).send(); } void GroupCall::setInstanceConnected( tgcalls::GroupNetworkState networkState) { const auto inTransit = networkState.isTransitioningFromBroadcastToRtc; const auto instanceState = !networkState.isConnected ? InstanceState::Disconnected : inTransit ? InstanceState::TransitionToRtc : InstanceState::Connected; const auto connected = (instanceState != InstanceState::Disconnected); if (_instanceState.current() == instanceState && _instanceTransitioning == inTransit) { return; } const auto nowCanSpeak = connected && _instanceTransitioning && !inTransit && (muted() == MuteState::Muted); _instanceTransitioning = inTransit; _instanceState = instanceState; if (state() == State::Connecting && connected) { setState(State::Joined); } else if (state() == State::Joined && !connected) { setState(State::Connecting); } if (nowCanSpeak) { notifyAboutAllowedToSpeak(); } if (!_hadJoinedState && state() == State::Joined) { checkFirstTimeJoined(); } } void GroupCall::checkFirstTimeJoined() { if (_hadJoinedState || state() != State::Joined) { return; } _hadJoinedState = true; applyGlobalShortcutChanges(); _delegate->groupCallPlaySound(Delegate::GroupCallSound::Started); } void GroupCall::notifyAboutAllowedToSpeak() { if (!_hadJoinedState) { return; } _delegate->groupCallPlaySound( Delegate::GroupCallSound::AllowedToSpeak); _allowedToSpeakNotifications.fire({}); } void GroupCall::setInstanceMode(InstanceMode mode) { Expects(_instance != nullptr); _instanceMode = mode; using Mode = tgcalls::GroupConnectionMode; _instance->setConnectionMode([&] { switch (_instanceMode) { case InstanceMode::None: return Mode::GroupConnectionModeNone; case InstanceMode::Rtc: return Mode::GroupConnectionModeRtc; case InstanceMode::Stream: return Mode::GroupConnectionModeBroadcast; } Unexpected("Mode in GroupCall::setInstanceMode."); }(), true); } void GroupCall::maybeSendMutedUpdate(MuteState previous) { // Send Active <-> !Active or ForceMuted <-> RaisedHand changes. const auto now = muted(); if ((previous == MuteState::Active && now == MuteState::Muted) || (now == MuteState::Active && (previous == MuteState::Muted || previous == MuteState::PushToTalk))) { sendSelfUpdate(SendUpdateType::Mute); } else if ((now == MuteState::ForceMuted && previous == MuteState::RaisedHand) || (now == MuteState::RaisedHand && previous == MuteState::ForceMuted)) { sendSelfUpdate(SendUpdateType::RaiseHand); } } void GroupCall::sendSelfUpdate(SendUpdateType type) { _api.request(_updateMuteRequestId).cancel(); using Flag = MTPphone_EditGroupCallParticipant::Flag; _updateMuteRequestId = _api.request(MTPphone_EditGroupCallParticipant( MTP_flags((type == SendUpdateType::RaiseHand) ? Flag::f_raise_hand : (muted() != MuteState::Active) ? Flag::f_muted : Flag(0)), inputCall(), _joinAs->input, MTP_int(100000), // volume MTP_bool(muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _updateMuteRequestId = 0; _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _updateMuteRequestId = 0; if (error.type() == u"GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN"_q) { LOG(("Call Info: Rejoin after error '%1' in editGroupCallMember." ).arg(error.type())); rejoin(); } }).send(); } void GroupCall::setCurrentAudioDevice(bool input, const QString &deviceId) { if (input) { _mediaDevices->switchToAudioInput(deviceId); } else { _mediaDevices->switchToAudioOutput(deviceId); } } void GroupCall::toggleMute(const Group::MuteRequest &data) { if (data.locallyOnly) { applyParticipantLocally(data.peer, data.mute, std::nullopt); } else { editParticipant(data.peer, data.mute, std::nullopt); } } void GroupCall::changeVolume(const Group::VolumeRequest &data) { if (data.locallyOnly) { applyParticipantLocally(data.peer, false, data.volume); } else { editParticipant(data.peer, false, data.volume); } } void GroupCall::editParticipant( not_null participantPeer, bool mute, std::optional volume) { const auto participant = LookupParticipant(_peer, _id, participantPeer); if (!participant) { return; } applyParticipantLocally(participantPeer, mute, volume); using Flag = MTPphone_EditGroupCallParticipant::Flag; const auto flags = (mute ? Flag::f_muted : Flag(0)) | (volume.has_value() ? Flag::f_volume : Flag(0)); _api.request(MTPphone_EditGroupCallParticipant( MTP_flags(flags), inputCall(), participantPeer->input, MTP_int(std::clamp(volume.value_or(0), 1, Group::kMaxVolume)), MTPBool() )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { if (error.type() == u"GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN"_q) { LOG(("Call Info: Rejoin after error '%1' in editGroupCallMember." ).arg(error.type())); rejoin(); } }).send(); } std::variant> GroupCall::inviteUsers( const std::vector> &users) { const auto real = lookupReal(); if (!real) { return 0; } const auto owner = &_peer->owner(); const auto &invited = owner->invitedToCallUsers(_id); const auto &participants = real->participants(); auto &&toInvite = users | ranges::views::filter([&]( not_null user) { return !invited.contains(user) && !ranges::contains( participants, user, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); }); auto count = 0; auto slice = QVector(); auto result = std::variant>(0); slice.reserve(kMaxInvitePerSlice); const auto sendSlice = [&] { count += slice.size(); _api.request(MTPphone_InviteToGroupCall( inputCall(), MTP_vector(slice) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).send(); slice.clear(); }; for (const auto user : users) { if (!count && slice.empty()) { result = user; } owner->registerInvitedToCallUser(_id, _peer, user); slice.push_back(user->inputUser); if (slice.size() == kMaxInvitePerSlice) { sendSlice(); } } if (count != 0 || slice.size() != 1) { result = int(count + slice.size()); } if (!slice.empty()) { sendSlice(); } return result; } auto GroupCall::ensureGlobalShortcutManager() -> std::shared_ptr { if (!_shortcutManager) { _shortcutManager = base::CreateGlobalShortcutManager(); } return _shortcutManager; } void GroupCall::applyGlobalShortcutChanges() { auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (!settings.groupCallPushToTalk() || settings.groupCallPushToTalkShortcut().isEmpty() || !base::GlobalShortcutsAvailable() || !base::GlobalShortcutsAllowed()) { _shortcutManager = nullptr; _pushToTalk = nullptr; return; } ensureGlobalShortcutManager(); const auto shortcut = _shortcutManager->shortcutFromSerialized( settings.groupCallPushToTalkShortcut()); if (!shortcut) { settings.setGroupCallPushToTalkShortcut(QByteArray()); settings.setGroupCallPushToTalk(false); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); _shortcutManager = nullptr; _pushToTalk = nullptr; return; } if (_pushToTalk) { if (shortcut->serialize() == _pushToTalk->serialize()) { return; } _shortcutManager->stopWatching(_pushToTalk); } _pushToTalk = shortcut; _shortcutManager->startWatching(_pushToTalk, [=](bool pressed) { pushToTalk( pressed, Core::App().settings().groupCallPushToTalkDelay()); }); } void GroupCall::pushToTalk(bool pressed, crl::time delay) { if (muted() == MuteState::ForceMuted || muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand || muted() == MuteState::Active) { return; } else if (pressed) { _pushToTalkCancelTimer.cancel(); setMuted(MuteState::PushToTalk); } else if (delay) { _pushToTalkCancelTimer.callOnce(delay); } else { pushToTalkCancel(); } } void GroupCall::pushToTalkCancel() { _pushToTalkCancelTimer.cancel(); if (muted() == MuteState::PushToTalk) { setMuted(MuteState::Muted); } } auto GroupCall::otherParticipantStateValue() const -> rpl::producer { return _otherParticipantStateValue.events(); } //void GroupCall::setAudioVolume(bool input, float level) { // if (_instance) { // if (input) { // _instance->setInputVolume(level); // } else { // _instance->setOutputVolume(level); // } // } //} void GroupCall::setAudioDuckingEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_instance) { //_instance->setAudioOutputDuckingEnabled(enabled); } } void GroupCall::handleRequestError(const MTP::Error &error) { //if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_not_available(tr::now, lt_user, _user->name))); //} else if (error.type() == qstr("PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED")) { // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_outdated(tr::now, lt_user, _user->name))); //} else if (error.type() == qstr("CALL_PROTOCOL_LAYER_INVALID")) { // Ui::show(Box(Lang::Hard::CallErrorIncompatible().replace("{user}", _user->name))); //} //finish(FinishType::Failed); } void GroupCall::handleControllerError(const QString &error) { if (error == u"ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE"_q) { //Ui::show(Box( // Lang::Hard::CallErrorIncompatible().replace( // "{user}", // _user->name))); } else if (error == u"ERROR_AUDIO_IO"_q) { //Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_audio_io(tr::now))); } //finish(FinishType::Failed); } MTPInputGroupCall GroupCall::inputCall() const { Expects(_id != 0); return MTP_inputGroupCall( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)); } void GroupCall::destroyController() { if (_instance) { //_instance->stop([](tgcalls::FinalState) { //}); DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: Destroying call controller..")); _instance.reset(); DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: Call controller destroyed.")); } } } // namespace Calls