/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "settings/settings_codes.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "lang/lang_cloud_manager.h" #include "lang/lang_instance.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h" #include "mtproto/dc_options.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_editor.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "facades.h" namespace Settings { auto GenerateCodes() { auto codes = std::map>(); codes.emplace(qsl("debugmode"), [](::Main::Session *session) { QString text = Logs::DebugEnabled() ? qsl("Do you want to disable DEBUG logs?") : qsl("Do you want to enable DEBUG logs?\n\n" "All network events will be logged."); Ui::show(Box(text, [] { Core::App().switchDebugMode(); })); }); codes.emplace(qsl("viewlogs"), [](::Main::Session *session) { File::ShowInFolder(cWorkingDir() + "log.txt"); }); codes.emplace(qsl("testmode"), [](::Main::Session *session) { auto text = cTestMode() ? qsl("Do you want to disable TEST mode?") : qsl("Do you want to enable TEST mode?\n\nYou will be switched to test cloud."); Ui::show(Box(text, [] { Core::App().switchTestMode(); })); }); if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled()) { codes.emplace(qsl("testupdate"), [](::Main::Session *session) { Core::UpdateChecker().test(); }); } codes.emplace(qsl("loadlang"), [](::Main::Session *session) { Lang::CurrentCloudManager().switchToLanguage({ qsl("#custom") }); }); codes.emplace(qsl("debugfiles"), [](::Main::Session *session) { if (!Logs::DebugEnabled()) { return; } if (DebugLogging::FileLoader()) { Global::RefDebugLoggingFlags() &= ~DebugLogging::FileLoaderFlag; } else { Global::RefDebugLoggingFlags() |= DebugLogging::FileLoaderFlag; } Ui::show(Box(DebugLogging::FileLoader() ? qsl("Enabled file download logging") : qsl("Disabled file download logging"))); }); codes.emplace(qsl("crashplease"), [](::Main::Session *session) { Unexpected("Crashed in Settings!"); }); codes.emplace(qsl("moderate"), [](::Main::Session *session) { auto text = Global::ModerateModeEnabled() ? qsl("Disable moderate mode?") : qsl("Enable moderate mode?"); Ui::show(Box(text, [] { Global::SetModerateModeEnabled(!Global::ModerateModeEnabled()); Local::writeUserSettings(); Ui::hideLayer(); })); }); codes.emplace(qsl("getdifference"), [](::Main::Session *session) { if (auto main = App::main()) { main->getDifference(); } }); codes.emplace(qsl("loadcolors"), [](::Main::Session *session) { FileDialog::GetOpenPath(Core::App().getFileDialogParent(), "Open palette file", "Palette (*.tdesktop-palette)", [](const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) { if (!result.paths.isEmpty()) { Window::Theme::Apply(result.paths.front()); } }); }); codes.emplace(qsl("videoplayer"), [](::Main::Session *session) { auto text = cUseExternalVideoPlayer() ? qsl("Use internal video player?") : qsl("Use external video player?"); Ui::show(Box(text, [] { cSetUseExternalVideoPlayer(!cUseExternalVideoPlayer()); Local::writeUserSettings(); Ui::hideLayer(); })); }); codes.emplace(qsl("endpoints"), [](::Main::Session *session) { FileDialog::GetOpenPath(Core::App().getFileDialogParent(), "Open DC endpoints", "DC Endpoints (*.tdesktop-endpoints)", [](const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) { if (!result.paths.isEmpty()) { if (!Core::App().dcOptions()->loadFromFile(result.paths.front())) { Ui::show(Box("Could not load endpoints :( Errors in 'log.txt'.")); } } }); }); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_REGISTER_CUSTOM_SCHEME codes.emplace(qsl("registertg"), [](::Main::Session *session) { Platform::RegisterCustomScheme(true); Ui::Toast::Show("Forced custom scheme register."); }); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_REGISTER_CUSTOM_SCHEME codes.emplace(qsl("export"), [](::Main::Session *session) { session->data().startExport(); }); auto audioFilters = qsl("Audio files (*.wav *.mp3);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); auto audioKeys = { qsl("msg_incoming"), qsl("call_incoming"), qsl("call_outgoing"), qsl("call_busy"), qsl("call_connect"), qsl("call_end"), }; for (auto &key : audioKeys) { codes.emplace(key, [=](::Main::Session *session) { if (!session) { return; } FileDialog::GetOpenPath(Core::App().getFileDialogParent(), "Open audio file", audioFilters, crl::guard(session, [=](const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) { if (Main::Session::Exists() && !result.paths.isEmpty()) { auto track = Media::Audio::Current().createTrack(); track->fillFromFile(result.paths.front()); if (track->failed()) { Ui::show(Box("Could not audio :( Errors in 'log.txt'.")); } else { session->settings().setSoundOverride(key, result.paths.front()); Local::writeUserSettings(); } } })); }); } codes.emplace(qsl("sounds_reset"), [](::Main::Session *session) { if (session) { session->settings().clearSoundOverrides(); Local::writeUserSettings(); Ui::show(Box("All sound overrides were reset.")); } }); return codes; } void CodesFeedString(::Main::Session *session, const QString &text) { static const auto codes = GenerateCodes(); static auto secret = QString(); secret += text.toLower(); int size = secret.size(), from = 0; while (size > from) { auto piece = secret.midRef(from); auto found = false; for (const auto &[key, method] : codes) { if (piece == key) { method(session); from = size; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; found = ranges::find_if(codes, [&](const auto &pair) { return pair.first.startsWith(piece); }) != end(codes); if (found) break; ++from; } secret = (size > from) ? secret.mid(from) : QString(); } } // namespace Settings