/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/stickers/data_stickers_set.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" namespace Data { StickersSetThumbnailView::StickersSetThumbnailView( not_null owner) : _owner(owner) { } not_null StickersSetThumbnailView::owner() const { return _owner; } void StickersSetThumbnailView::set( not_null session, QByteArray content) { auto image = Images::Read({ .content = content }).image; if (image.isNull()) { _content = std::move(content); } else { _image = std::make_unique(std::move(image)); } session->notifyDownloaderTaskFinished(); } Image *StickersSetThumbnailView::image() const { return _image.get(); } QByteArray StickersSetThumbnailView::content() const { return _content; } StickersSetFlags ParseStickersSetFlags(const MTPDstickerSet &data) { using Flag = StickersSetFlag; return (data.is_archived() ? Flag::Archived : Flag()) | (data.is_official() ? Flag::Official : Flag()) | (data.is_masks() ? Flag::Masks : Flag()) | (data.is_emojis() ? Flag::Emoji : Flag()) | (data.vinstalled_date() ? Flag::Installed : Flag()) | (data.is_videos() ? Flag::Webm : Flag()) | (data.is_text_color() ? Flag::TextColor : Flag()) | (data.is_channel_emoji_status() ? Flag::ChannelStatus : Flag()); } StickersSet::StickersSet( not_null owner, uint64 id, uint64 accessHash, uint64 hash, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, int count, StickersSetFlags flags, TimeId installDate) : id(id) , accessHash(accessHash) , hash(hash) , title(title) , shortName(shortName) , count(count) , flags(flags) , installDate(installDate) , _owner(owner) { } StickersSet::~StickersSet() = default; Data::Session &StickersSet::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &StickersSet::session() const { return _owner->session(); } MTPInputStickerSet StickersSet::mtpInput() const { return (id && accessHash) ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(id), MTP_long(accessHash)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(shortName)); } StickerSetIdentifier StickersSet::identifier() const { return StickerSetIdentifier{ .id = id, .accessHash = accessHash, }; } StickersType StickersSet::type() const { return (flags & StickersSetFlag::Emoji) ? StickersType::Emoji : (flags & StickersSetFlag::Masks) ? StickersType::Masks : StickersType::Stickers; } bool StickersSet::textColor() const { return flags & StickersSetFlag::TextColor; } bool StickersSet::channelStatus() const { return flags & StickersSetFlag::ChannelStatus; } void StickersSet::setThumbnail(const ImageWithLocation &data) { Data::UpdateCloudFile( _thumbnail, data, _owner->cache(), Data::kImageCacheTag, [=](Data::FileOrigin origin) { loadThumbnail(); }); if (!data.bytes.isEmpty()) { if (_thumbnail.loader) { _thumbnail.loader->cancel(); } if (const auto view = activeThumbnailView()) { view->set(&_owner->session(), data.bytes); } } } bool StickersSet::hasThumbnail() const { return _thumbnail.location.valid(); } bool StickersSet::thumbnailLoading() const { return (_thumbnail.loader != nullptr); } bool StickersSet::thumbnailFailed() const { return (_thumbnail.flags & Data::CloudFile::Flag::Failed); } void StickersSet::loadThumbnail() { const auto autoLoading = false; const auto finalCheck = [=] { if (const auto active = activeThumbnailView()) { return !active->image() && active->content().isEmpty(); } return true; }; const auto done = [=](QByteArray result) { if (const auto active = activeThumbnailView()) { active->set(&_owner->session(), std::move(result)); } }; Data::LoadCloudFile( &_owner->session(), _thumbnail, Data::FileOriginStickerSet(id, accessHash), LoadFromCloudOrLocal, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag, finalCheck, done); } const ImageLocation &StickersSet::thumbnailLocation() const { return _thumbnail.location; } Storage::Cache::Key StickersSet::thumbnailBigFileBaseCacheKey() const { const auto &location = _thumbnail.location.file().data; if (const auto storage = std::get_if(&location)) { return storage->bigFileBaseCacheKey(); } return {}; } int StickersSet::thumbnailByteSize() const { return _thumbnail.byteSize; } DocumentData *StickersSet::lookupThumbnailDocument() const { if (thumbnailDocumentId) { const auto i = ranges::find( stickers, thumbnailDocumentId, &DocumentData::id); if (i != stickers.end()) { return *i; } } return !stickers.empty() ? stickers.front() : !covers.empty() ? covers.front() : nullptr; } std::shared_ptr StickersSet::createThumbnailView() { if (auto active = activeThumbnailView()) { return active; } auto view = std::make_shared(this); _thumbnailView = view; return view; } std::shared_ptr StickersSet::activeThumbnailView() { return _thumbnailView.lock(); } MTPInputStickerSet InputStickerSet(StickerSetIdentifier id) { return !id ? MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty() : id.id ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(id.id), MTP_long(id.accessHash)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(id.shortName)); } StickerSetIdentifier FromInputSet(const MTPInputStickerSet &id) { return id.match([](const MTPDinputStickerSetID &data) { return StickerSetIdentifier{ .id = data.vid().v, .accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v, }; }, [](const MTPDinputStickerSetShortName &data) { return StickerSetIdentifier{ .shortName = qs(data.vshort_name()) }; }, [](const auto &) { return StickerSetIdentifier(); }); } } // namespace Stickers