/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "boxes/peer_list_box.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_common.h" class PeerData; class Painter; namespace Data { struct GroupCallParticipant; } // namespace Data namespace Ui { class RippleAnimation; } // namespace Ui namespace Calls::Group { enum class MembersRowStyle { Default, Narrow, Video, }; class MembersRow; class MembersRowDelegate { public: struct IconState { float64 speaking = 0.; float64 active = 0.; float64 muted = 0.; bool mutedByMe = false; bool raisedHand = false; bool invited = false; MembersRowStyle style = MembersRowStyle::Default; }; virtual bool rowIsMe(not_null participantPeer) = 0; virtual bool rowCanMuteMembers() = 0; virtual void rowUpdateRow(not_null row) = 0; virtual void rowScheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove( not_null row) = 0; virtual void rowPaintIcon( Painter &p, QRect rect, const IconState &state) = 0; virtual int rowPaintStatusIcon( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, not_null row, const IconState &state) = 0; virtual bool rowIsNarrow() = 0; virtual void rowShowContextMenu(not_null row) = 0; }; class MembersRow final : public PeerListRow { public: MembersRow( not_null delegate, not_null participantPeer); ~MembersRow(); enum class State { Active, Inactive, Muted, RaisedHand, Invited, }; void setAbout(const QString &about); void setSkipLevelUpdate(bool value); void updateState(const Data::GroupCallParticipant *participant); void updateLevel(float level); void updateBlobAnimation(crl::time now); void clearRaisedHandStatus(); [[nodiscard]] State state() const { return _state; } [[nodiscard]] bool sounding() const { return _sounding; } [[nodiscard]] bool speaking() const { return _speaking; } [[nodiscard]] bool mutedByMe() const { return _mutedByMe; } [[nodiscard]] crl::time speakingLastTime() const { return _speakingLastTime; } [[nodiscard]] int volume() const { return _volume; } [[nodiscard]] uint64 raisedHandRating() const { return _raisedHandRating; } void refreshName(const style::PeerListItem &st) override; void rightActionAddRipple( QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) override; void rightActionStopLastRipple() override; QSize rightActionSize() const override; bool rightActionDisabled() const override; QMargins rightActionMargins() const override; void rightActionPaint( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) override; PaintRoundImageCallback generatePaintUserpicCallback() override; void paintComplexUserpic( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int sizew, int sizeh, PanelMode mode, bool selected = false); void paintStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected) override; void paintComplexStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected, MembersRowStyle style); void paintMuteIcon( Painter &p, QRect iconRect, MembersRowStyle style = MembersRowStyle::Default); [[nodiscard]] MembersRowDelegate::IconState computeIconState( MembersRowStyle style = MembersRowStyle::Default) const; void showContextMenu(); private: struct BlobsAnimation; struct StatusIcon; int statusIconWidth(bool skipIcon) const; int statusIconHeight() const; void paintStatusIcon( Painter &p, int x, int y, const style::PeerListItem &st, const style::font &font, bool selected, bool skipIcon); void refreshStatus() override; void setSounding(bool sounding); void setSpeaking(bool speaking); void setState(State state); void setVolume(int volume); void ensureUserpicCache( std::shared_ptr &view, int size); void paintBlobs( Painter &p, int x, int y, int sizew, int sizeh, PanelMode mode); void paintScaledUserpic( Painter &p, std::shared_ptr &userpic, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int sizew, int sizeh, PanelMode mode); const not_null _delegate; State _state = State::Inactive; std::unique_ptr _actionRipple; std::unique_ptr _blobsAnimation; std::unique_ptr _statusIcon; Ui::Animations::Simple _speakingAnimation; // For gray-red/green icon. Ui::Animations::Simple _mutedAnimation; // For gray/red icon. Ui::Animations::Simple _activeAnimation; // For icon cross animation. QString _aboutText; crl::time _speakingLastTime = 0; uint64 _raisedHandRating = 0; int _volume = Group::kDefaultVolume; bool _sounding : 1; bool _speaking : 1; bool _raisedHandStatus : 1; bool _skipLevelUpdate : 1; bool _mutedByMe : 1; }; } // namespace Calls::Group