/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "intro/introwidget.h" #include "lang.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "langloaderplain.h" #include "intro/introstart.h" #include "intro/introphone.h" #include "intro/introcode.h" #include "intro/introsignup.h" #include "intro/intropwdcheck.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "application.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/text/text.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/effects/widget_fade_wrap.h" #include "ui/effects/slide_animation.h" #include "autoupdater.h" #include "window/window_slide_animation.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_intro.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace Intro { Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _back(this, object_ptr(this, st::introBackButton), st::introSlideDuration) , _settings(this, object_ptr(this, lang(lng_menu_settings), st::defaultBoxButton), st::introCoverDuration) , _next(this, QString(), st::introNextButton) { getData()->country = psCurrentCountry(); _back->entity()->setClickedCallback([this] { historyMove(Direction::Back); }); _back->hideFast(); _next->setClickedCallback([this] { getStep()->submit(); }); _settings->entity()->setClickedCallback([] { App::wnd()->showSettings(); }); if (cLang() == languageDefault) { auto systemLangId = Sandbox::LangSystem(); if (systemLangId != languageDefault) { LangLoaderPlain loader(qsl(":/langs/lang_") + LanguageCodes[systemLangId].c_str() + qsl(".strings"), langLoaderRequest(lng_switch_to_this)); QString text = loader.found().value(lng_switch_to_this); if (!text.isEmpty()) { _changeLanguage.create(this, object_ptr(this, text), st::introCoverDuration); _changeLanguage->entity()->setClickedCallback([this, systemLangId] { changeLanguage(systemLangId); }); } } } else { _changeLanguage.create(this, object_ptr(this, langOriginal(lng_switch_to_this)), st::introCoverDuration); _changeLanguage->entity()->setClickedCallback([this] { changeLanguage(languageDefault); }); } MTP::send(MTPhelp_GetNearestDc(), rpcDone(&Widget::gotNearestDC)); appendStep(new StartWidget(this, getData())); fixOrder(); show(); showControls(); getStep()->showFast(); cSetPasswordRecovered(false); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateLatest()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateFailed()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateReady()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); onCheckUpdateStatus(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void Widget::onCheckUpdateStatus() { if (Sandbox::updatingState() == Application::UpdatingReady) { if (_update) return; _update.create(this, object_ptr(this, lang(lng_menu_update).toUpper(), st::defaultBoxButton), st::introCoverDuration); if (!_a_show.animating()) _update->show(); _update->entity()->setClickedCallback([] { checkReadyUpdate(); App::restart(); }); } else { if (!_update) return; _update.destroy(); } updateControlsGeometry(); } #endif // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void Widget::changeLanguage(int32 languageId) { cSetLang(languageId); Local::writeSettings(); App::restart(); } void Widget::setInnerFocus() { if (getStep()->animating()) { setFocus(); } else { getStep()->setInnerFocus(); } } void Widget::historyMove(Direction direction) { if (getStep()->animating()) return; t_assert(_stepHistory.size() > 1); auto wasStep = getStep((direction == Direction::Back) ? 0 : 1); if (direction == Direction::Back) { _stepHistory.pop_back(); wasStep->cancelled(); } else if (direction == Direction::Replace) { _stepHistory.removeAt(_stepHistory.size() - 2); } getStep()->prepareShowAnimated(wasStep); if (wasStep->hasCover() != getStep()->hasCover()) { _nextTopFrom = wasStep->contentTop() + st::introStepHeight; _controlsTopFrom = wasStep->hasCover() ? st::introCoverHeight : 0; _coverShownAnimation.start([this] { updateControlsGeometry(); }, 0., 1., st::introCoverDuration, wasStep->hasCover() ? anim::linear : anim::easeOutCirc); } if (direction == Direction::Forward || direction == Direction::Replace) { wasStep->finished(); } if (direction == Direction::Back || direction == Direction::Replace) { delete base::take(wasStep); } if (getStep()->hasBack()) { _back->showAnimated(); } else { _back->hideAnimated(); } if (getStep()->hasCover()) { _settings->hideAnimated(); if (_update) _update->hideAnimated(); if (_changeLanguage) _changeLanguage->showAnimated(); } else { _settings->showAnimated(); if (_update) _update->showAnimated(); if (_changeLanguage) _changeLanguage->hideAnimated(); } _next->setText(getStep()->nextButtonText()); if (_resetAccount) _resetAccount->hideAnimated(); getStep()->showAnimated(direction); fixOrder(); } void Widget::fixOrder() { _next->raise(); if (_update) _update->raise(); _settings->raise(); _back->raise(); } void Widget::moveToStep(Step *step, Direction direction) { appendStep(step); _back->raise(); _settings->raise(); if (_update) { _update->raise(); } historyMove(direction); } void Widget::appendStep(Step *step) { _stepHistory.push_back(step); step->setGeometry(calculateStepRect()); step->setGoCallback([this](Step *step, Direction direction) { if (direction == Direction::Back) { historyMove(direction); } else { moveToStep(step, direction); } }); step->setShowResetCallback([this] { showResetButton(); }); } void Widget::showResetButton() { if (!_resetAccount) { auto entity = object_ptr(this, lang(lng_signin_reset_account), st::introResetButton); _resetAccount.create(this, std::move(entity), st::introErrorDuration); _resetAccount->hideFast(); _resetAccount->entity()->setClickedCallback([this] { resetAccount(); }); updateControlsGeometry(); } _resetAccount->showAnimated(); } void Widget::resetAccount() { if (_resetRequest) return; Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_signin_sure_reset), lang(lng_signin_reset), st::attentionBoxButton, base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { if (_resetRequest) return; _resetRequest = MTP::send(MTPaccount_DeleteAccount(MTP_string("Forgot password")), rpcDone(&Widget::resetDone), rpcFail(&Widget::resetFail)); }))); } void Widget::resetDone(const MTPBool &result) { Ui::hideLayer(); moveToStep(new SignupWidget(this, getData()), Direction::Replace); } bool Widget::resetFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; _resetRequest = 0; auto type = error.type(); if (type.startsWith(qstr("2FA_CONFIRM_WAIT_"))) { int seconds = type.mid(qstr("2FA_CONFIRM_WAIT_").size()).toInt(); int days = (seconds + 59) / 86400; int hours = ((seconds + 59) % 86400) / 3600; int minutes = ((seconds + 59) % 3600) / 60; QString when; if (days > 0) { when = lng_signin_reset_in_days(lt_count_days, days, lt_count_hours, hours, lt_count_minutes, minutes); } else if (hours > 0) { when = lng_signin_reset_in_hours(lt_count_hours, hours, lt_count_minutes, minutes); } else { when = lng_signin_reset_in_minutes(lt_count_minutes, minutes); } Ui::show(Box(lng_signin_reset_wait(lt_phone_number, App::formatPhone(getData()->phone), lt_when, when))); } else if (type == qstr("2FA_RECENT_CONFIRM")) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_signin_reset_cancelled))); } else { Ui::hideLayer(); getStep()->showError(lang(lng_server_error)); } return true; } void Widget::gotNearestDC(const MTPNearestDc &result) { auto &nearest = result.c_nearestDc(); DEBUG_LOG(("Got nearest dc, country: %1, nearest: %2, this: %3").arg(qs(nearest.vcountry)).arg(nearest.vnearest_dc.v).arg(nearest.vthis_dc.v)); Messenger::Instance().suggestMainDcId(nearest.vnearest_dc.v); auto nearestCountry = qs(nearest.vcountry); if (getData()->country != nearestCountry) { getData()->country = nearestCountry; getData()->updated.notify(); } } void Widget::showControls() { getStep()->show(); _next->show(); _next->setText(getStep()->nextButtonText()); auto hasCover = getStep()->hasCover(); _settings->toggleFast(!hasCover); if (_update) _update->toggleFast(!hasCover); if (_changeLanguage) _changeLanguage->toggleFast(hasCover); _back->toggleFast(getStep()->hasBack()); } void Widget::hideControls() { getStep()->hide(); _next->hide(); _settings->hideFast(); if (_update) _update->hideFast(); if (_changeLanguage) _changeLanguage->hideFast(); _back->hideFast(); } void Widget::showAnimated(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back) { _showBack = back; (_showBack ? _cacheOver : _cacheUnder) = bgAnimCache; _a_show.finish(); showControls(); (_showBack ? _cacheUnder : _cacheOver) = myGrab(this); hideControls(); _a_show.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, 0., 1., st::slideDuration, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); show(); } void Widget::animationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { _cacheUnder = _cacheOver = QPixmap(); showControls(); getStep()->activate(); } } void Widget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { bool trivial = (rect() == e->rect()); setMouseTracking(true); if (_coverShownAnimation.animating()) { _coverShownAnimation.step(getms()); } QPainter p(this); if (!trivial) { p.setClipRect(e->rect()); } p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::windowBg); auto progress = _a_show.current(getms(), 1.); if (_a_show.animating()) { auto coordUnder = _showBack ? anim::interpolate(-st::slideShift, 0, progress) : anim::interpolate(0, -st::slideShift, progress); auto coordOver = _showBack ? anim::interpolate(0, width(), progress) : anim::interpolate(width(), 0, progress); auto shadow = _showBack ? (1. - progress) : progress; if (coordOver > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, coordOver, height()), _cacheUnder, QRect(-coordUnder * cRetinaFactor(), 0, coordOver * cRetinaFactor(), height() * cRetinaFactor())); p.setOpacity(shadow); p.fillRect(0, 0, coordOver, height(), st::slideFadeOutBg); p.setOpacity(1); } p.drawPixmap(coordOver, 0, _cacheOver); p.setOpacity(shadow); st::slideShadow.fill(p, QRect(coordOver - st::slideShadow.width(), 0, st::slideShadow.width(), height())); } } QRect Widget::calculateStepRect() const { auto stepInnerTop = (height() - st::introHeight) / 2; accumulate_max(stepInnerTop, st::introStepTopMin); auto nextTop = stepInnerTop + st::introStepHeight; auto additionalHeight = st::introStepHeightAdd; auto stepWidth = width(); auto stepHeight = nextTop + additionalHeight; return QRect(0, 0, stepWidth, stepHeight); } void Widget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { auto stepRect = calculateStepRect(); for_const (auto step, _stepHistory) { step->setGeometry(stepRect); } updateControlsGeometry(); } void Widget::moveControls() { } void Widget::updateControlsGeometry() { auto shown = _coverShownAnimation.current(1.); auto controlsTopTo = getStep()->hasCover() ? st::introCoverHeight : 0; auto controlsTop = anim::interpolate(_controlsTopFrom, controlsTopTo, shown); _settings->moveToRight(st::introSettingsSkip, controlsTop + st::introSettingsSkip); if (_update) { _update->moveToRight(st::introSettingsSkip + _settings->width() + st::introSettingsSkip, _settings->y()); } _back->moveToLeft(0, controlsTop); auto nextTopTo = getStep()->contentTop() + st::introStepHeight; auto nextTop = anim::interpolate(_nextTopFrom, nextTopTo, shown); _next->moveToLeft((width() - _next->width()) / 2, nextTop); if (_changeLanguage) { _changeLanguage->moveToLeft((width() - _changeLanguage->width()) / 2, _next->y() + _next->height() + _changeLanguage->height()); } if (_resetAccount) { _resetAccount->moveToLeft((width() - _resetAccount->width()) / 2, height() - st::introResetBottom - _resetAccount->height()); } } void Widget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (_a_show.animating() || getStep()->animating()) return; if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { if (getStep()->hasBack()) { historyMove(Direction::Back); } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { getStep()->submit(); } } Widget::~Widget() { for (auto step : base::take(_stepHistory)) { delete step; } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->noIntro(this); } QString Widget::Step::nextButtonText() const { return lang(lng_intro_next); } void Widget::Step::finish(const MTPUser &user, QImage photo) { if (user.type() != mtpc_user || !user.c_user().is_self()) { // No idea what to do here. // We could've reset intro and MTP, but this really should not happen. Ui::show(Box("Internal error: bad user.is_self() after sign in.")); return; } Messenger::Instance().authSessionCreate(user.c_user().vid.v); Local::writeMtpData(); App::wnd()->setupMain(&user); // "this" is already deleted here by creating the main widget. if (!photo.isNull()) { App::app()->uploadProfilePhoto(photo, AuthSession::CurrentUserId()); } } void Widget::Step::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); paintAnimated(p, e->rect()); } void Widget::Step::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateLabelsPosition(); } void Widget::Step::updateLabelsPosition() { myEnsureResized(_description->entity()); if (hasCover()) { _title->moveToLeft((width() - _title->width()) / 2, contentTop() + st::introCoverTitleTop); _description->moveToLeft((width() - _description->width()) / 2, contentTop() + st::introCoverDescriptionTop); } else { _title->moveToLeft(contentLeft() + st::buttonRadius, contentTop() + st::introTitleTop); _description->moveToLeft(contentLeft() + st::buttonRadius, contentTop() + st::introDescriptionTop); } if (_error) { if (_errorCentered) { _error->entity()->resizeToWidth(width()); } myEnsureResized(_error->entity()); auto errorLeft = _errorCentered ? 0 : (contentLeft() + st::buttonRadius); auto errorTop = contentTop() + (_errorBelowLink ? st::introErrorBelowLinkTop : st::introErrorTop); _error->moveToLeft(errorLeft, errorTop); } } void Widget::Step::setTitleText(QString richText) { _title->setRichText(richText); updateLabelsPosition(); } void Widget::Step::setDescriptionText(QString richText) { _description->entity()->setRichText(richText); updateLabelsPosition(); } void Widget::Step::showFinished() { _a_show.finish(); _coverAnimation = CoverAnimation(); _slideAnimation.reset(); prepareCoverMask(); activate(); } bool Widget::Step::paintAnimated(Painter &p, QRect clip) { if (_slideAnimation) { _slideAnimation->paintFrame(p, (width() - st::introStepWidth) / 2, contentTop(), width(), getms()); if (!_slideAnimation->animating()) { showFinished(); return false; } return true; } auto guard = base::scope_guard([this, &p] { if (hasCover()) paintCover(p, 0); }); auto dt = _a_show.current(getms(), 1.); if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (_coverAnimation.title) { showFinished(); } if (!QRect(0, contentTop(), width(), st::introStepHeight).intersects(clip)) { return true; } return false; } auto progress = (hasCover() ? anim::easeOutCirc(1., dt) : anim::linear(1., dt)); auto arrivingAlpha = progress; auto departingAlpha = 1. - progress; auto showCoverMethod = progress; auto hideCoverMethod = progress; auto coverTop = (hasCover() ? anim::interpolate(-st::introCoverHeight, 0, showCoverMethod) : anim::interpolate(0, -st::introCoverHeight, hideCoverMethod)); paintCover(p, coverTop); guard.dismiss(); auto positionReady = hasCover() ? showCoverMethod : hideCoverMethod; _coverAnimation.title->paintFrame(p, positionReady, departingAlpha, arrivingAlpha); _coverAnimation.description->paintFrame(p, positionReady, departingAlpha, arrivingAlpha); paintContentSnapshot(p, _coverAnimation.contentSnapshotWas, departingAlpha, showCoverMethod); paintContentSnapshot(p, _coverAnimation.contentSnapshotNow, arrivingAlpha, 1. - hideCoverMethod); return true; } void Widget::Step::fillSentCodeData(const MTPauth_SentCodeType &type) { switch (type.type()) { case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeApp: { getData()->codeByTelegram = true; getData()->codeLength = type.c_auth_sentCodeTypeApp().vlength.v; } break; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeSms: { getData()->codeByTelegram = false; getData()->codeLength = type.c_auth_sentCodeTypeSms().vlength.v; } break; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeCall: { getData()->codeByTelegram = false; getData()->codeLength = type.c_auth_sentCodeTypeCall().vlength.v; } break; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeFlashCall: LOG(("Error: should not be flashcall!")); break; } } void Widget::Step::showDescription() { _description->showAnimated(); } void Widget::Step::hideDescription() { _description->hideAnimated(); } void Widget::Step::paintContentSnapshot(Painter &p, const QPixmap &snapshot, float64 alpha, float64 howMuchHidden) { if (!snapshot.isNull()) { auto contentTop = anim::interpolate(height() - (snapshot.height() / cIntRetinaFactor()), height(), howMuchHidden); if (contentTop < height()) { p.setOpacity(alpha); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(contentLeft(), contentTop), snapshot, QRect(0, 0, snapshot.width(), (height() - contentTop) * cIntRetinaFactor())); } } } void Widget::Step::prepareCoverMask() { if (!_coverMask.isNull()) return; auto maskWidth = cIntRetinaFactor(); auto maskHeight = st::introCoverHeight * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto mask = QImage(maskWidth, maskHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); auto maskInts = reinterpret_cast(mask.bits()); t_assert(mask.depth() == (sizeof(uint32) << 3)); auto maskIntsPerLineAdded = (mask.bytesPerLine() >> 2) - maskWidth; t_assert(maskIntsPerLineAdded >= 0); auto realHeight = static_cast(maskHeight - 1); for (auto y = 0; y != maskHeight; ++y) { auto color = anim::color(st::introCoverTopBg, st::introCoverBottomBg, y / realHeight); auto colorInt = anim::getPremultiplied(color); for (auto x = 0; x != maskWidth; ++x) { *maskInts++ = colorInt; } maskInts += maskIntsPerLineAdded; } _coverMask = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(mask)); } void Widget::Step::paintCover(Painter &p, int top) { auto coverHeight = top + st::introCoverHeight; if (coverHeight > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, width(), coverHeight), _coverMask, QRect(0, -top * cIntRetinaFactor(), _coverMask.width(), coverHeight * cIntRetinaFactor())); } auto left = 0; auto right = 0; if (width() < st::introCoverMaxWidth) { auto iconsMaxSkip = st::introCoverMaxWidth - st::introCoverLeft.width() - st::introCoverRight.width(); auto iconsSkip = st::introCoverIconsMinSkip + (iconsMaxSkip - st::introCoverIconsMinSkip) * (width() - st::introStepWidth) / (st::introCoverMaxWidth - st::introStepWidth); auto outside = iconsSkip + st::introCoverLeft.width() + st::introCoverRight.width() - width(); left = -outside / 2; right = -outside - left; } if (top < 0) { auto shown = float64(coverHeight) / st::introCoverHeight; auto leftShown = qRound(shown * (left + st::introCoverLeft.width())); left = leftShown - st::introCoverLeft.width(); auto rightShown = qRound(shown * (right + st::introCoverRight.width())); right = rightShown - st::introCoverRight.width(); } st::introCoverLeft.paint(p, left, coverHeight - st::introCoverLeft.height(), width()); st::introCoverRight.paint(p, width() - right - st::introCoverRight.width(), coverHeight - st::introCoverRight.height(), width()); auto planeLeft = (width() - st::introCoverIcon.width()) / 2 - st::introCoverIconLeft; auto planeTop = top + st::introCoverIconTop; if (top < 0 && !_hasCover) { auto deltaLeft = -qRound(float64(st::introPlaneWidth / st::introPlaneHeight) * top); // auto deltaTop = top; planeLeft += deltaLeft; // planeTop += top; } st::introCoverIcon.paint(p, planeLeft, planeTop, width()); } int Widget::Step::contentLeft() const { return (width() - st::introNextButton.width) / 2; } int Widget::Step::contentTop() const { auto result = height() - st::introStepHeight - st::introStepHeightAdd; if (_hasCover) { auto added = 1. - snap(float64(height() - st::windowMinHeight) / (st::introStepHeightFull - st::windowMinHeight), 0., 1.); result += qRound(added * st::introStepHeightAdd); } return result; } void Widget::Step::setErrorCentered(bool centered) { _errorCentered = centered; _error.destroy(); } void Widget::Step::setErrorBelowLink(bool below) { _errorBelowLink = below; if (_error) { updateLabelsPosition(); } } void Widget::Step::showError(const QString &text) { _errorText = text; if (_errorText.isEmpty()) { if (_error) _error->hideAnimated(); } else { if (!_error) { _error.create(this, object_ptr(this, _errorCentered ? st::introErrorCentered : st::introError), st::introErrorDuration); _error->hideFast(); } _error->entity()->setText(text); updateLabelsPosition(); _error->showAnimated(); } } Widget::Step::Step(QWidget *parent, Data *data, bool hasCover) : TWidget(parent) , _data(data) , _hasCover(hasCover) , _title(this, _hasCover ? st::introCoverTitle : st::introTitle) , _description(this, object_ptr(this, _hasCover ? st::introCoverDescription : st::introDescription), st::introErrorDuration) { hide(); subscribe(Window::Theme::Background(), [this](const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &update) { if (update.paletteChanged()) { if (!_coverMask.isNull()) { _coverMask = QPixmap(); prepareCoverMask(); } } }); } void Widget::Step::prepareShowAnimated(Step *after) { setInnerFocus(); if (hasCover() || after->hasCover()) { _coverAnimation = prepareCoverAnimation(after); prepareCoverMask(); } else { auto leftSnapshot = after->prepareSlideAnimation(); auto rightSnapshot = prepareSlideAnimation(); _slideAnimation = std::make_unique(); _slideAnimation->setSnapshots(std::move(leftSnapshot), std::move(rightSnapshot)); _slideAnimation->setOverflowHidden(false); } } Widget::Step::CoverAnimation Widget::Step::prepareCoverAnimation(Step *after) { auto result = CoverAnimation(); result.title = Ui::FlatLabel::CrossFade(after->_title, _title, st::introBg); result.description = Ui::FlatLabel::CrossFade(after->_description->entity(), _description->entity(), st::introBg, after->_description->pos(), _description->pos()); result.contentSnapshotWas = after->prepareContentSnapshot(); result.contentSnapshotNow = prepareContentSnapshot(); return result; } QPixmap Widget::Step::prepareContentSnapshot() { auto otherTop = _description->y() + _description->height(); auto otherRect = myrtlrect(contentLeft(), otherTop, st::introStepWidth, height() - otherTop); return myGrab(this, otherRect); } QPixmap Widget::Step::prepareSlideAnimation() { auto grabLeft = (width() - st::introStepWidth) / 2; auto grabTop = contentTop(); return myGrab(this, QRect(grabLeft, grabTop, st::introStepWidth, st::introStepHeight)); } void Widget::Step::showAnimated(Direction direction) { show(); hideChildren(); if (_slideAnimation) { auto slideLeft = (direction == Direction::Back); _slideAnimation->start(slideLeft, [this] { update(0, contentTop(), width(), st::introStepHeight); }, st::introSlideDuration); } else { _a_show.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::introCoverDuration); } } void Widget::Step::setGoCallback(base::lambda callback) { _goCallback = std::move(callback); } void Widget::Step::setShowResetCallback(base::lambda callback) { _showResetCallback = std::move(callback); } void Widget::Step::showFast() { show(); showFinished(); } bool Widget::Step::animating() const { return (_slideAnimation && _slideAnimation->animating()) || _a_show.animating(); } bool Widget::Step::hasCover() const { return _hasCover; } bool Widget::Step::hasBack() const { return false; } void Widget::Step::activate() { _title->show(); _description->show(); if (!_errorText.isEmpty()) { _error->showFast(); } } void Widget::Step::cancelled() { } void Widget::Step::finished() { hide(); } Widget::Step::CoverAnimation::~CoverAnimation() = default; Widget::Step::~Step() = default; } // namespace Intro