/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "ui/userpic_view.h" #include "ui/layers/box_content.h" #include "base/timer.h" namespace style { struct PeerList; struct PeerListItem; struct MultiSelect; } // namespace style namespace Main { class Session; class SessionShow; } // namespace Main namespace Ui { class RippleAnimation; class RoundImageCheckbox; class MultiSelect; template class SlideWrap; class FlatLabel; struct ScrollToRequest; class PopupMenu; struct OutlineSegment; } // namespace Ui using PaintRoundImageCallback = Fn; [[nodiscard]] PaintRoundImageCallback PaintUserpicCallback( not_null peer, bool respectSavedMessagesChat); [[nodiscard]] PaintRoundImageCallback ForceRoundUserpicCallback( not_null peer); using PeerListRowId = uint64; [[nodiscard]] PeerListRowId UniqueRowIdFromString(const QString &d); class PeerListRow { public: enum class State { Active, Disabled, DisabledChecked, }; explicit PeerListRow(not_null peer); PeerListRow(not_null peer, PeerListRowId id); virtual ~PeerListRow(); void setDisabledState(State state) { _disabledState = state; } // Checked state is controlled by the box with multiselect, // not by the row itself, so there is no setChecked() method. // We can query the checked state from row, but before it is // added to the box it is always false. [[nodiscard]] bool checked() const; [[nodiscard]] bool special() const { return !_peer; } [[nodiscard]] not_null peer() const { Expects(!special()); return _peer; } [[nodiscard]] PeerListRowId id() const { return _id; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::PeerUserpicView &ensureUserpicView(); [[nodiscard]] virtual QString generateName(); [[nodiscard]] virtual QString generateShortName(); [[nodiscard]] virtual auto generatePaintUserpicCallback( bool forceRound) -> PaintRoundImageCallback; [[nodiscard]] virtual auto generateNameFirstLetters() const -> const base::flat_set &; [[nodiscard]] virtual auto generateNameWords() const -> const base::flat_set &; virtual void preloadUserpic(); void setCustomStatus(const QString &status, bool active = false); void clearCustomStatus(); // Box interface. virtual int paintNameIconGetWidth( Painter &p, Fn repaint, crl::time now, int nameLeft, int nameTop, int nameWidth, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected); virtual QSize rightActionSize() const { return QSize(); } virtual QMargins rightActionMargins() const { return QMargins(); } virtual bool rightActionDisabled() const { return false; } virtual void rightActionPaint( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) { } virtual void rightActionAddRipple( QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) { } virtual void rightActionStopLastRipple() { } [[nodiscard]] virtual float64 opacity() { return 1.; } // By default elements code falls back to a simple right action code. virtual int elementsCount() const; virtual QRect elementGeometry(int element, int outerWidth) const; virtual bool elementDisabled(int element) const; virtual bool elementOnlySelect(int element) const; virtual void elementAddRipple( int element, QPoint point, Fn updateCallback); virtual void elementsStopLastRipple(); virtual void elementsPaint( Painter &p, int outerWidth, bool selected, int selectedElement); virtual void refreshName(const style::PeerListItem &st); const Ui::Text::String &name() const { return _name; } virtual bool useForumLikeUserpic() const; enum class StatusType { Online, LastSeen, Custom, CustomActive, }; virtual void refreshStatus(); crl::time refreshStatusTime() const; void setAbsoluteIndex(int index) { _absoluteIndex = index; } int absoluteIndex() const { return _absoluteIndex; } bool disabled() const { return (_disabledState != State::Active); } bool isSearchResult() const { return _isSearchResult; } void setIsSearchResult(bool isSearchResult) { _isSearchResult = isSearchResult; } void setSavedMessagesChatStatus(QString savedMessagesStatus) { _savedMessagesStatus = savedMessagesStatus; } void setIsRepliesMessagesChat(bool isRepliesMessagesChat) { _isRepliesMessagesChat = isRepliesMessagesChat; } template void setChecked( bool checked, const style::RoundImageCheckbox &st, anim::type animated, UpdateCallback callback) { if (checked && !_checkbox) { createCheckbox(st, std::move(callback)); } setCheckedInternal(checked, animated); } void setCustomizedCheckSegments( std::vector segments); void setHidden(bool hidden) { _hidden = hidden; } [[nodiscard]] bool hidden() const { return _hidden; } void finishCheckedAnimation(); void invalidatePixmapsCache(); template void addRipple( const style::PeerListItem &st, MaskGenerator &&maskGenerator, QPoint point, UpdateCallback &&updateCallback); void stopLastRipple(); void paintRipple(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth); void paintUserpic( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int outerWidth); float64 checkedRatio(); void setNameFirstLetters(const base::flat_set &firstLetters) { _nameFirstLetters = firstLetters; } const base::flat_set &nameFirstLetters() const { return _nameFirstLetters; } virtual void lazyInitialize(const style::PeerListItem &st); virtual void paintStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected); protected: bool isInitialized() const { return _initialized; } explicit PeerListRow(PeerListRowId id); private: void createCheckbox( const style::RoundImageCheckbox &st, Fn updateCallback); void setCheckedInternal(bool checked, anim::type animated); void paintDisabledCheckUserpic( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int outerWidth) const; void setStatusText(const QString &text); PeerListRowId _id = 0; PeerData *_peer = nullptr; mutable Ui::PeerUserpicView _userpic; std::unique_ptr _ripple; std::unique_ptr _checkbox; Ui::Text::String _name; Ui::Text::String _status; Ui::PeerBadge _bagde; StatusType _statusType = StatusType::Online; crl::time _statusValidTill = 0; base::flat_set _nameFirstLetters; QString _savedMessagesStatus; int _absoluteIndex = -1; State _disabledState = State::Active; bool _hidden : 1 = false; bool _initialized : 1 = false; bool _isSearchResult : 1 = false; bool _isRepliesMessagesChat : 1 = false; }; enum class PeerListSearchMode { Disabled, Enabled, }; struct PeerListState; class PeerListDelegate { public: virtual void peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) = 0; virtual void peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::producer title) = 0; virtual void peerListSetHideEmpty(bool hide) = 0; virtual void peerListSetDescription(object_ptr description) = 0; virtual void peerListSetSearchNoResults(object_ptr noResults) = 0; virtual void peerListSetAboveWidget(object_ptr aboveWidget) = 0; virtual void peerListSetAboveSearchWidget(object_ptr aboveWidget) = 0; virtual void peerListSetBelowWidget(object_ptr belowWidget) = 0; virtual void peerListMouseLeftGeometry() = 0; virtual void peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode) = 0; virtual void peerListAppendRow(std::unique_ptr row) = 0; virtual void peerListAppendSearchRow(std::unique_ptr row) = 0; virtual void peerListAppendFoundRow(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListPrependRow(std::unique_ptr row) = 0; virtual void peerListPrependRowFromSearchResult(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListUpdateRow(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListRemoveRow(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListConvertRowToSearchResult(not_null row) = 0; virtual bool peerListIsRowChecked(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListSetRowChecked(not_null row, bool checked) = 0; virtual void peerListSetRowHidden(not_null row, bool hidden) = 0; virtual void peerListSetForeignRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked, anim::type animated) = 0; virtual not_null peerListRowAt(int index) = 0; virtual void peerListRefreshRows() = 0; virtual void peerListScrollToTop() = 0; virtual int peerListFullRowsCount() = 0; virtual PeerListRow *peerListFindRow(PeerListRowId id) = 0; virtual int peerListSearchRowsCount() = 0; virtual not_null peerListSearchRowAt(int index) = 0; virtual std::optional peerListLastRowMousePosition() = 0; virtual void peerListSortRows(Fn compare) = 0; virtual int peerListPartitionRows(Fn border) = 0; virtual std::shared_ptr peerListUiShow() = 0; template void peerListAddSelectedPeers(PeerDataRange &&range) { for (const auto peer : range) { peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch(peer); } peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch(); } template void peerListAddSelectedRows(PeerListRowRange &&range) { for (const auto row : range) { peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(row); } peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch(); } virtual void peerListShowRowMenu( not_null row, bool highlightRow, Fn)> destroyed = nullptr) = 0; virtual int peerListSelectedRowsCount() = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr peerListSaveState() const = 0; virtual void peerListRestoreState( std::unique_ptr state) = 0; virtual ~PeerListDelegate() = default; private: virtual void peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch(not_null peer) = 0; virtual void peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(not_null row) = 0; virtual void peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() = 0; }; class PeerListSearchDelegate { public: virtual void peerListSearchAddRow(not_null peer) = 0; virtual void peerListSearchAddRow(PeerListRowId id) = 0; virtual void peerListSearchRefreshRows() = 0; virtual ~PeerListSearchDelegate() = default; }; class PeerListSearchController { public: struct SavedStateBase { virtual ~SavedStateBase() = default; }; virtual void searchQuery(const QString &query) = 0; virtual bool isLoading() = 0; virtual bool loadMoreRows() = 0; virtual ~PeerListSearchController() = default; void setDelegate(not_null delegate) { _delegate = delegate; } virtual std::unique_ptr saveState() const { return nullptr; } virtual void restoreState( std::unique_ptr state) { } rpl::lifetime &lifetime() { return _lifetime; } protected: not_null delegate() const { return _delegate; } private: PeerListSearchDelegate *_delegate = nullptr; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; class PeerListController : public PeerListSearchDelegate { public: struct SavedStateBase { virtual ~SavedStateBase() = default; }; // Search works only with RowId == peer->id. PeerListController( std::unique_ptr searchController = {}); void setDelegate(not_null delegate) { _delegate = delegate; prepare(); } [[nodiscard]] not_null delegate() const { return _delegate; } void setStyleOverrides( const style::PeerList *listSt, const style::MultiSelect *selectSt = nullptr) { _listSt = listSt; _selectSt = selectSt; } const style::PeerList *listSt() const { return _listSt; } const style::MultiSelect *selectSt() const { return _selectSt; } const style::PeerList &computeListSt() const; const style::MultiSelect &computeSelectSt() const; virtual Main::Session &session() const = 0; virtual void prepare() = 0; virtual void showFinished() { } virtual void rowClicked(not_null row) = 0; virtual void rowRightActionClicked(not_null row) { } // By default elements code falls back to a simple right action code. virtual void rowElementClicked(not_null row, int element) { if (element == 1) { rowRightActionClicked(row); } } virtual void loadMoreRows() { } virtual void itemDeselectedHook(not_null peer) { } virtual bool isForeignRow(PeerListRowId itemId) { return false; } virtual bool handleDeselectForeignRow(PeerListRowId itemId) { return false; } virtual base::unique_qptr rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row); bool isSearchLoading() const { return _searchController ? _searchController->isLoading() : false; } virtual std::unique_ptr createSearchRow( not_null peer) { return nullptr; } virtual std::unique_ptr createSearchRow(PeerListRowId id); virtual std::unique_ptr createRestoredRow( not_null peer) { return nullptr; } virtual std::unique_ptr saveState() const; virtual void restoreState( std::unique_ptr state); [[nodiscard]] virtual int contentWidth() const; [[nodiscard]] virtual rpl::producer boxHeightValue() const; [[nodiscard]] virtual int descriptionTopSkipMin() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isRowSelected(not_null row) { return delegate()->peerListIsRowChecked(row); } virtual bool trackSelectedList() { return true; } virtual bool searchInLocal() { return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool hasComplexSearch() const; void search(const QString &query); void peerListSearchAddRow(not_null peer) override; void peerListSearchAddRow(PeerListRowId id) override; void peerListSearchRefreshRows() override; [[nodiscard]] virtual QString savedMessagesChatStatus() const { return QString(); } [[nodiscard]] virtual int customRowHeight() { Unexpected("PeerListController::customRowHeight."); } virtual void customRowPaint( Painter &p, crl::time now, not_null row, bool selected) { Unexpected("PeerListController::customRowPaint."); } [[nodiscard]] virtual bool customRowSelectionPoint( not_null row, int x, int y) { Unexpected("PeerListController::customRowSelectionPoint."); } [[nodiscard]] virtual Fn customRowRippleMaskGenerator() { Unexpected("PeerListController::customRowRippleMaskGenerator."); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::lifetime &lifetime() { return _lifetime; } virtual ~PeerListController() = default; protected: PeerListSearchController *searchController() const { return _searchController.get(); } void setDescriptionText(const QString &text); void setSearchNoResultsText(const QString &text); void setDescription(object_ptr description) { delegate()->peerListSetDescription(std::move(description)); } void setSearchNoResults(object_ptr noResults) { delegate()->peerListSetSearchNoResults(std::move(noResults)); } void sortByName(); private: PeerListDelegate *_delegate = nullptr; std::unique_ptr _searchController = nullptr; const style::PeerList *_listSt = nullptr; const style::MultiSelect *_selectSt = nullptr; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; struct PeerListState { PeerListState() = default; PeerListState(PeerListState &&other) = delete; PeerListState &operator=(PeerListState &&other) = delete; std::unique_ptr controllerState; std::vector> list; std::vector> filterResults; QString searchQuery; }; class PeerListContent : public Ui::RpWidget { public: PeerListContent( QWidget *parent, not_null controller); struct SkipResult { int shouldMoveTo = 0; int reallyMovedTo = 0; }; SkipResult selectSkip(int direction); void selectSkipPage(int height, int direction); enum class Mode { Default, Custom, }; void setMode(Mode mode); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer selectedIndexValue() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasSelection() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasPressed() const; void clearSelection(); void searchQueryChanged(QString query); bool submitted(); // Interface for the controller. void appendRow(std::unique_ptr row); void appendSearchRow(std::unique_ptr row); void appendFoundRow(not_null row); void prependRow(std::unique_ptr row); void prependRowFromSearchResult(not_null row); PeerListRow *findRow(PeerListRowId id); std::optional lastRowMousePosition() const; void updateRow(not_null row) { updateRow(row, RowIndex()); } void removeRow(not_null row); void convertRowToSearchResult(not_null row); int fullRowsCount() const; not_null rowAt(int index) const; int searchRowsCount() const; not_null searchRowAt(int index) const; void setDescription(object_ptr description); void setSearchLoading(object_ptr loading); void setSearchNoResults(object_ptr noResults); void setAboveWidget(object_ptr widget); void setAboveSearchWidget(object_ptr widget); void setBelowWidget(object_ptr width); void setHideEmpty(bool hide); void refreshRows(); void mouseLeftGeometry(); void setSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode); void changeCheckState( not_null row, bool checked, anim::type animated); void setRowHidden( not_null row, bool hidden); template void reorderRows(ReorderCallback &&callback) { callback(_rows.begin(), _rows.end()); for (auto &searchEntity : _searchIndex) { callback(searchEntity.second.begin(), searchEntity.second.end()); } refreshIndices(); if (!_hiddenRows.empty()) { callback(_filterResults.begin(), _filterResults.end()); } update(); } std::unique_ptr saveState() const; void restoreState(std::unique_ptr state); void showRowMenu( not_null row, bool highlightRow, Fn)> destroyed); auto scrollToRequests() const { return _scrollToRequests.events(); } ~PeerListContent(); protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; void visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void enterEventHook(QEnterEvent *e) override; void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) override; private: void refreshIndices(); void removeRowAtIndex(std::vector> &from, int index); void handleNameChanged(not_null peer); void invalidatePixmapsCache(); struct RowIndex { RowIndex() { } explicit RowIndex(int value) : value(value) { } int value = -1; }; friend inline bool operator==(RowIndex a, RowIndex b) { return (a.value == b.value); } friend inline bool operator!=(RowIndex a, RowIndex b) { return !(a == b); } struct Selected { Selected() { } Selected(RowIndex index, int element) : index(index) , element(element) { } Selected(int index, int element) : index(index) , element(element) { } RowIndex index; int element = 0; }; friend inline bool operator==(Selected a, Selected b) { return (a.index == b.index) && (a.element == b.element); } friend inline bool operator!=(Selected a, Selected b) { return !(a == b); } struct SelectedSaved { SelectedSaved(PeerListRowId id, Selected old) : id(id), old(old) { } PeerListRowId id = 0; Selected old; }; void setSelected(Selected selected); void setPressed(Selected pressed); void setContexted(Selected contexted); void restoreSelection(); SelectedSaved saveSelectedData(Selected from); Selected restoreSelectedData(SelectedSaved from); void selectByMouse(QPoint globalPosition); void loadProfilePhotos(); void checkScrollForPreload(); void updateRow(not_null row, RowIndex hint); void updateRow(RowIndex row); int getRowTop(RowIndex row) const; PeerListRow *getRow(RowIndex element); RowIndex findRowIndex( not_null row, RowIndex hint = RowIndex()); QRect getElementRect( not_null row, RowIndex index, int element) const; bool showRowMenu( RowIndex index, PeerListRow *row, QPoint globalPos, bool highlightRow, Fn)> destroyed = nullptr); crl::time paintRow(Painter &p, crl::time now, RowIndex index); void addRowEntry(not_null row); void addToSearchIndex(not_null row); bool addingToSearchIndex() const; void removeFromSearchIndex(not_null row); void setSearchQuery(const QString &query, const QString &normalizedQuery); bool showingSearch() const { return !_hiddenRows.empty() || !_searchQuery.isEmpty(); } int shownRowsCount() const { return showingSearch() ? _filterResults.size() : _rows.size(); } template bool enumerateShownRows(Callback callback); template bool enumerateShownRows(int from, int to, Callback callback); int rowsTop() const; int labelHeight() const; void clearSearchRows(); void clearAllContent(); void handleMouseMove(QPoint globalPosition); void mousePressReleased(Qt::MouseButton button); void initDecorateWidget(Ui::RpWidget *widget); const style::PeerList &_st; not_null _controller; PeerListSearchMode _searchMode = PeerListSearchMode::Disabled; Mode _mode = Mode::Default; int _rowHeight = 0; int _visibleTop = 0; int _visibleBottom = 0; Selected _selected; Selected _pressed; Selected _contexted; rpl::variable _selectedIndex = -1; bool _mouseSelection = false; std::optional _lastMousePosition; Qt::MouseButton _pressButton = Qt::LeftButton; rpl::event_stream _scrollToRequests; std::vector> _rows; std::map> _rowsById; std::map>> _rowsByPeer; std::map>> _searchIndex; QString _searchQuery; QString _normalizedSearchQuery; QString _mentionHighlight; std::vector> _filterResults; base::flat_set> _hiddenRows; int _aboveHeight = 0; int _belowHeight = 0; bool _hideEmpty = false; object_ptr _aboveWidget = { nullptr }; object_ptr _aboveSearchWidget = { nullptr }; object_ptr _belowWidget = { nullptr }; object_ptr _description = { nullptr }; object_ptr _searchNoResults = { nullptr }; object_ptr _searchLoading = { nullptr }; object_ptr _loadingAnimation = { nullptr }; std::vector> _searchRows; base::Timer _repaintByStatus; base::unique_qptr _contextMenu; }; class PeerListContentDelegate : public PeerListDelegate { public: void setContent(PeerListContent *content) { _content = content; } void peerListSetHideEmpty(bool hide) override { _content->setHideEmpty(hide); } void peerListAppendRow( std::unique_ptr row) override { _content->appendRow(std::move(row)); } void peerListAppendSearchRow( std::unique_ptr row) override { _content->appendSearchRow(std::move(row)); } void peerListAppendFoundRow( not_null row) override { _content->appendFoundRow(row); } void peerListPrependRow( std::unique_ptr row) override { _content->prependRow(std::move(row)); } void peerListPrependRowFromSearchResult( not_null row) override { _content->prependRowFromSearchResult(row); } PeerListRow *peerListFindRow(PeerListRowId id) override { return _content->findRow(id); } std::optional peerListLastRowMousePosition() override { return _content->lastRowMousePosition(); } void peerListUpdateRow(not_null row) override { _content->updateRow(row); } void peerListRemoveRow(not_null row) override { _content->removeRow(row); } void peerListConvertRowToSearchResult( not_null row) override { _content->convertRowToSearchResult(row); } void peerListSetRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked) override { _content->changeCheckState(row, checked, anim::type::normal); } void peerListSetRowHidden( not_null row, bool hidden) override { _content->setRowHidden(row, hidden); } void peerListSetForeignRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked, anim::type animated) override { } int peerListFullRowsCount() override { return _content->fullRowsCount(); } not_null peerListRowAt(int index) override { return _content->rowAt(index); } int peerListSearchRowsCount() override { return _content->searchRowsCount(); } not_null peerListSearchRowAt(int index) override { return _content->searchRowAt(index); } void peerListRefreshRows() override { _content->refreshRows(); } void peerListSetDescription(object_ptr description) override { _content->setDescription(std::move(description)); } void peerListSetSearchNoResults(object_ptr noResults) override { _content->setSearchNoResults(std::move(noResults)); } void peerListSetAboveWidget(object_ptr aboveWidget) override { _content->setAboveWidget(std::move(aboveWidget)); } void peerListSetAboveSearchWidget(object_ptr aboveWidget) override { _content->setAboveSearchWidget(std::move(aboveWidget)); } void peerListSetBelowWidget(object_ptr belowWidget) override { _content->setBelowWidget(std::move(belowWidget)); } void peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode) override { _content->setSearchMode(mode); } void peerListMouseLeftGeometry() override { _content->mouseLeftGeometry(); } void peerListSortRows( Fn compare) override { _content->reorderRows([&]( auto &&begin, auto &&end) { std::stable_sort(begin, end, [&](auto &&a, auto &&b) { return compare(*a, *b); }); }); } int peerListPartitionRows( Fn border) override { auto result = 0; _content->reorderRows([&]( auto &&begin, auto &&end) { auto edge = std::stable_partition(begin, end, [&]( auto &¤t) { return border(*current); }); result = (edge - begin); }); return result; } std::unique_ptr peerListSaveState() const override { return _content->saveState(); } void peerListRestoreState( std::unique_ptr state) override { _content->restoreState(std::move(state)); } void peerListShowRowMenu( not_null row, bool highlightRow, Fn)> destroyed = nullptr) override; protected: not_null content() const { return _content; } private: PeerListContent *_content = nullptr; }; class PeerListContentDelegateSimple : public PeerListContentDelegate { public: void peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) override { } void peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::producer title) override { } bool peerListIsRowChecked(not_null row) override { return false; } int peerListSelectedRowsCount() override { return 0; } void peerListScrollToTop() override { } void peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch( not_null peer) override { Unexpected("...DelegateSimple::peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch"); } void peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(not_null row) override { Unexpected("...DelegateSimple::peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch"); } void peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() override { Unexpected("...DelegateSimple::peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch"); } void peerListSetDescription( object_ptr description) override { description.destroy(); } std::shared_ptr peerListUiShow() override { Unexpected("...DelegateSimple::peerListUiShow"); } }; class PeerListContentDelegateShow : public PeerListContentDelegateSimple { public: explicit PeerListContentDelegateShow( std::shared_ptr show); std::shared_ptr peerListUiShow() override; private: std::shared_ptr _show; }; class PeerListBox : public Ui::BoxContent , public PeerListContentDelegate { public: PeerListBox( QWidget*, std::unique_ptr controller, Fn)> init); [[nodiscard]] std::vector collectSelectedIds(); [[nodiscard]] std::vector> collectSelectedRows(); void peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) override { setTitle(std::move(title)); } void peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::producer title) override { setAdditionalTitle(std::move(title)); } void peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode) override; void peerListSetRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked) override; void peerListSetForeignRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked, anim::type animated) override; bool peerListIsRowChecked(not_null row) override; int peerListSelectedRowsCount() override; void peerListScrollToTop() override; std::shared_ptr peerListUiShow() override; void setAddedTopScrollSkip(int skip); void showFinished() override; protected: void prepare() override; void setInnerFocus() override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: void peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch( not_null peer) override { addSelectItem(peer, anim::type::instant); } void peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(not_null row) override { addSelectItem(row, anim::type::instant); } void peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() override; void addSelectItem( not_null peer, anim::type animated); void addSelectItem( not_null row, anim::type animated); void addSelectItem( uint64 itemId, const QString &text, PaintRoundImageCallback paintUserpic, anim::type animated); void createMultiSelect(); int getTopScrollSkip() const; void updateScrollSkips(); void searchQueryChanged(const QString &query); object_ptr> _select = { nullptr }; const std::shared_ptr _show; std::unique_ptr _controller; Fn _init; bool _scrollBottomFixed = false; int _addedTopScrollSkip = 0; };