/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "api/api_user_privacy.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_peer_id.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "settings/settings_premium.h" // Settings::ShowPremium. namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxRules = 3; // Allow users, disallow users, Option. using TLInputRules = MTPVector; using TLRules = MTPVector; TLInputRules RulesToTL(const UserPrivacy::Rule &rule) { using Exceptions = UserPrivacy::Exceptions; const auto collectInputUsers = [](const Exceptions &exceptions) { const auto &peers = exceptions.peers; auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(peers.size()); for (const auto &peer : peers) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { result.push_back(user->inputUser); } } return result; }; const auto collectInputChats = [](const Exceptions &exceptions) { const auto &peers = exceptions.peers; auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(peers.size()); for (const auto &peer : peers) { if (!peer->isUser()) { result.push_back(peerToBareMTPInt(peer->id)); } } return result; }; using Option = UserPrivacy::Option; auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(kMaxRules); if (!rule.ignoreAlways) { const auto users = collectInputUsers(rule.always); const auto chats = collectInputChats(rule.always); if (!users.empty()) { result.push_back( MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers( MTP_vector(users))); } if (!chats.empty()) { result.push_back( MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants( MTP_vector(chats))); } if (rule.always.premiums && (rule.option != Option::Everyone)) { result.push_back(MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowPremium()); } } if (!rule.ignoreNever) { const auto users = collectInputUsers(rule.never); const auto chats = collectInputChats(rule.never); if (!users.empty()) { result.push_back( MTP_inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers( MTP_vector(users))); } if (!chats.empty()) { result.push_back( MTP_inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants( MTP_vector(chats))); } } result.push_back([&] { switch (rule.option) { case Option::Everyone: return MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowAll(); case Option::Contacts: return MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts(); case Option::CloseFriends: return MTP_inputPrivacyValueAllowCloseFriends(); case Option::Nobody: return MTP_inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll(); } Unexpected("Option value in Api::UserPrivacy::RulesToTL."); }()); return MTP_vector(std::move(result)); } UserPrivacy::Rule TLToRules(const TLRules &rules, Data::Session &owner) { // This is simplified version of privacy rules interpretation. // But it should be fine for all the apps // that use the same subset of features. using Option = UserPrivacy::Option; auto result = UserPrivacy::Rule(); auto optionSet = false; const auto setOption = [&](Option option) { if (optionSet) { return; } optionSet = true; result.option = option; }; auto &always = result.always.peers; auto &never = result.never.peers; const auto feed = [&](const MTPPrivacyRule &rule) { rule.match([&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowAll &) { setOption(Option::Everyone); }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowContacts &) { setOption(Option::Contacts); }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowCloseFriends &) { setOption(Option::CloseFriends); }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowPremium &) { result.always.premiums = true; }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowUsers &data) { const auto &users = data.vusers().v; always.reserve(always.size() + users.size()); for (const auto &userId : users) { const auto user = owner.user(UserId(userId.v)); if (!base::contains(never, user) && !base::contains(always, user)) { always.emplace_back(user); } } }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueAllowChatParticipants &data) { const auto &chats = data.vchats().v; always.reserve(always.size() + chats.size()); for (const auto &chatId : chats) { const auto chat = owner.chatLoaded(chatId); const auto peer = chat ? static_cast(chat) : owner.channelLoaded(chatId); if (peer && !base::contains(never, peer) && !base::contains(always, peer)) { always.emplace_back(peer); } } }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueDisallowContacts &) { // Not supported }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueDisallowAll &) { setOption(Option::Nobody); }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueDisallowUsers &data) { const auto &users = data.vusers().v; never.reserve(never.size() + users.size()); for (const auto &userId : users) { const auto user = owner.user(UserId(userId.v)); if (!base::contains(always, user) && !base::contains(never, user)) { never.emplace_back(user); } } }, [&](const MTPDprivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants &data) { const auto &chats = data.vchats().v; never.reserve(never.size() + chats.size()); for (const auto &chatId : chats) { const auto chat = owner.chatLoaded(chatId); const auto peer = chat ? static_cast(chat) : owner.channelLoaded(chatId); if (peer && !base::contains(always, peer) && !base::contains(never, peer)) { never.emplace_back(peer); } } }); }; for (const auto &rule : rules.v) { feed(rule); } feed(MTP_privacyValueDisallowAll()); // Disallow by default. return result; } MTPInputPrivacyKey KeyToTL(UserPrivacy::Key key) { using Key = UserPrivacy::Key; switch (key) { case Key::Calls: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall(); case Key::Invites: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite(); case Key::PhoneNumber: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber(); case Key::AddedByPhone: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone(); case Key::LastSeen: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp(); case Key::CallsPeer2Peer: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P(); case Key::Forwards: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyForwards(); case Key::ProfilePhoto: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto(); case Key::Voices: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyVoiceMessages(); case Key::About: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyAbout(); case Key::Birthday: return MTP_inputPrivacyKeyBirthday(); } Unexpected("Key in Api::UserPrivacy::KetToTL."); } std::optional TLToKey(mtpTypeId type) { using Key = UserPrivacy::Key; switch (type) { case mtpc_privacyKeyPhoneNumber: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber: return Key::PhoneNumber; case mtpc_privacyKeyAddedByPhone: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone: return Key::AddedByPhone; case mtpc_privacyKeyStatusTimestamp: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp: return Key::LastSeen; case mtpc_privacyKeyChatInvite: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite: return Key::Invites; case mtpc_privacyKeyPhoneCall: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall: return Key::Calls; case mtpc_privacyKeyPhoneP2P: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P: return Key::CallsPeer2Peer; case mtpc_privacyKeyForwards: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyForwards: return Key::Forwards; case mtpc_privacyKeyProfilePhoto: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto: return Key::ProfilePhoto; case mtpc_privacyKeyVoiceMessages: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyVoiceMessages: return Key::Voices; case mtpc_privacyKeyAbout: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyAbout: return Key::About; case mtpc_privacyKeyBirthday: case mtpc_inputPrivacyKeyBirthday: return Key::Birthday; } return std::nullopt; } } // namespace UserPrivacy::UserPrivacy(not_null api) : _session(&api->session()) , _api(&api->instance()) { } void UserPrivacy::save( Key key, const UserPrivacy::Rule &rule) { const auto tlKey = KeyToTL(key); const auto keyTypeId = tlKey.type(); const auto it = _privacySaveRequests.find(keyTypeId); if (it != _privacySaveRequests.cend()) { _api.request(it->second).cancel(); _privacySaveRequests.erase(it); } const auto requestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_SetPrivacy( tlKey, RulesToTL(rule) )).done([=](const MTPaccount_PrivacyRules &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDaccount_privacyRules &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); _privacySaveRequests.remove(keyTypeId); apply(keyTypeId, data.vrules(), true); }); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto message = error.type(); if (message == u"PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED"_q) { Settings::ShowPremium(_session, QString()); } _privacySaveRequests.remove(keyTypeId); }).send(); _privacySaveRequests.emplace(keyTypeId, requestId); } void UserPrivacy::apply( mtpTypeId type, const TLRules &rules, bool allLoaded) { if (const auto key = TLToKey(type)) { if (!allLoaded) { reload(*key); return; } pushPrivacy(*key, rules); if ((*key) == Key::LastSeen) { _session->api().updatePrivacyLastSeens(); } } } void UserPrivacy::reload(Key key) { if (_privacyRequestIds.contains(key)) { return; } const auto requestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_GetPrivacy( KeyToTL(key) )).done([=](const MTPaccount_PrivacyRules &result) { _privacyRequestIds.erase(key); result.match([&](const MTPDaccount_privacyRules &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); pushPrivacy(key, data.vrules()); }); }).fail([=] { _privacyRequestIds.erase(key); }).send(); _privacyRequestIds.emplace(key, requestId); } void UserPrivacy::pushPrivacy(Key key, const TLRules &rules) { const auto &saved = (_privacyValues[key] = TLToRules(rules, _session->data())); const auto i = _privacyChanges.find(key); if (i != end(_privacyChanges)) { i->second.fire_copy(saved); } } auto UserPrivacy::value(Key key) -> rpl::producer { if (const auto i = _privacyValues.find(key); i != end(_privacyValues)) { return _privacyChanges[key].events_starting_with_copy(i->second); } else { return _privacyChanges[key].events(); } } } // namespace Api