/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "statistics/view/linear_chart_view.h" #include "data/data_statistics.h" #include "statistics/statistics_common.h" #include "ui/effects/animation_value_f.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_statistics.h" namespace Statistic { namespace { constexpr auto kAlphaDuration = float64(350); float64 Ratio(const LinearChartView::CachedLineRatios &ratios, int id) { return (id == 1) ? ratios.first : ratios.second; } void PaintChartLine( QPainter &p, int lineIndex, const PaintContext &c, const LinearChartView::CachedLineRatios &ratios) { const auto &line = c.chartData.lines[lineIndex]; auto chartPoints = QPolygonF(); const auto localStart = std::max(0, int(c.xIndices.min)); const auto localEnd = std::min( int(c.chartData.xPercentage.size() - 1), int(c.xIndices.max)); const auto ratio = Ratio(ratios, line.id); for (auto i = localStart; i <= localEnd; i++) { if (line.y[i] < 0) { continue; } const auto xPoint = c.rect.width() * ((c.chartData.xPercentage[i] - c.xPercentageLimits.min) / (c.xPercentageLimits.max - c.xPercentageLimits.min)); const auto yPercentage = (line.y[i] * ratio - c.heightLimits.min) / float64(c.heightLimits.max - c.heightLimits.min); const auto yPoint = (1. - yPercentage) * c.rect.height(); chartPoints << QPointF(xPoint, yPoint); } p.setPen(QPen(line.color, st::statisticsChartLineWidth)); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawPolyline(chartPoints); } } // namespace LinearChartView::LinearChartView(bool isDouble) : _cachedLineRatios(CachedLineRatios{ isDouble ? 0 : 1, isDouble ? 0 : 1 }) { } LinearChartView::~LinearChartView() = default; void LinearChartView::paint(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c) { const auto cacheToken = LinearChartView::CacheToken( c.xIndices, c.xPercentageLimits, c.heightLimits, c.rect.size()); const auto opacity = p.opacity(); const auto imageSize = c.rect.size() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto cacheScale = 1. / style::DevicePixelRatio(); auto &caches = (c.footer ? _footerCaches : _mainCaches); for (auto i = 0; i < c.chartData.lines.size(); i++) { const auto &line = c.chartData.lines[i]; p.setOpacity(alpha(line.id)); if (!p.opacity()) { continue; } auto &cache = caches[line.id]; const auto isSameToken = (cache.lastToken == cacheToken); if ((isSameToken && cache.hq) || (p.opacity() < 1. && !isEnabled(line.id))) { p.drawImage(c.rect.topLeft(), cache.image); continue; } cache.hq = isSameToken; auto image = QImage(); image = QImage( imageSize * (isSameToken ? 1. : cacheScale), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); image.fill(Qt::transparent); { auto imagePainter = QPainter(&image); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(imagePainter); if (!isSameToken) { imagePainter.scale(cacheScale, cacheScale); } PaintChartLine(imagePainter, i, c, _cachedLineRatios); } if (!isSameToken) { image = image.scaled( imageSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation); } p.drawImage(c.rect.topLeft(), image); cache.lastToken = cacheToken; cache.image = std::move(image); } p.setOpacity(opacity); } void LinearChartView::paintSelectedXIndex( QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c, int selectedXIndex, float64 progress) { if (selectedXIndex < 0) { return; } auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); auto o = ScopedPainterOpacity(p, progress); p.setBrush(st::boxBg); const auto r = st::statisticsDetailsDotRadius; const auto i = selectedXIndex; const auto isSameToken = (_selectedPoints.lastXIndex == selectedXIndex) && (_selectedPoints.lastHeightLimits.min == c.heightLimits.min) && (_selectedPoints.lastHeightLimits.max == c.heightLimits.max) && (_selectedPoints.lastXLimits.min == c.xPercentageLimits.min) && (_selectedPoints.lastXLimits.max == c.xPercentageLimits.max); auto linePainted = false; for (const auto &line : c.chartData.lines) { const auto lineAlpha = alpha(line.id); const auto useCache = isSameToken || (lineAlpha < 1. && !isEnabled(line.id)); if (!useCache) { // Calculate. const auto r = Ratio(_cachedLineRatios, line.id); const auto xPoint = c.rect.width() * ((c.chartData.xPercentage[i] - c.xPercentageLimits.min) / (c.xPercentageLimits.max - c.xPercentageLimits.min)); const auto yPercentage = (line.y[i] * r - c.heightLimits.min) / float64(c.heightLimits.max - c.heightLimits.min); const auto yPoint = (1. - yPercentage) * c.rect.height(); _selectedPoints.points[line.id] = QPointF(xPoint, yPoint) + c.rect.topLeft(); } if (!linePainted) { const auto lineRect = QRectF( c.rect.x() + begin(_selectedPoints.points)->second.x() - (st::lineWidth / 2.), c.rect.y(), st::lineWidth, c.rect.height()); p.fillRect(lineRect, st::windowSubTextFg); linePainted = true; } // Paint. auto o = ScopedPainterOpacity(p, lineAlpha * p.opacity()); p.setPen(QPen(line.color, st::statisticsChartLineWidth)); p.drawEllipse(_selectedPoints.points[line.id], r, r); } _selectedPoints.lastXIndex = selectedXIndex; _selectedPoints.lastHeightLimits = c.heightLimits; _selectedPoints.lastXLimits = c.xPercentageLimits; } int LinearChartView::findXIndexByPosition( const Data::StatisticalChart &chartData, const Limits &xPercentageLimits, const QRect &rect, float64 x) { if (x < rect.x()) { return 0; } else if (x > (rect.x() + rect.width())) { return chartData.xPercentage.size() - 1; } const auto pointerRatio = std::clamp( (x - rect.x()) / rect.width(), 0., 1.); const auto rawXPercentage = anim::interpolateF( xPercentageLimits.min, xPercentageLimits.max, pointerRatio); const auto it = ranges::lower_bound( chartData.xPercentage, rawXPercentage); const auto left = rawXPercentage - (*(it - 1)); const auto right = (*it) - rawXPercentage; const auto nearestXPercentageIt = ((right) > (left)) ? (it - 1) : it; return std::distance( begin(chartData.xPercentage), nearestXPercentageIt); } void LinearChartView::setEnabled(int id, bool enabled, crl::time now) { const auto it = _entries.find(id); if (it == end(_entries)) { _entries[id] = Entry{ .enabled = enabled, .startedAt = now }; } else if (it->second.enabled != enabled) { auto &entry = it->second; entry.enabled = enabled; entry.startedAt = now - kAlphaDuration * (enabled ? entry.alpha : (1. - entry.alpha)); } _isFinished = false; } bool LinearChartView::isFinished() const { return _isFinished; } bool LinearChartView::isEnabled(int id) const { const auto it = _entries.find(id); return (it == end(_entries)) ? true : it->second.enabled; } float64 LinearChartView::alpha(int id) const { const auto it = _entries.find(id); return (it == end(_entries)) ? 1. : it->second.alpha; } AbstractChartView::HeightLimits LinearChartView::heightLimits( Data::StatisticalChart &chartData, Limits xIndices) { if (!_cachedLineRatios.first) { // Double Linear calculation. if (chartData.lines.size() != 2) { _cachedLineRatios.first = 1.; _cachedLineRatios.second = 1.; } else { const auto firstMax = chartData.lines.front().maxValue; const auto secondMax = chartData.lines.back().maxValue; if (firstMax > secondMax) { _cachedLineRatios.first = 1.; _cachedLineRatios.second = firstMax / float64(secondMax); } else { _cachedLineRatios.first = secondMax / float64(firstMax); _cachedLineRatios.second = 1.; } } } auto minValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); auto maxValue = 0; auto minValueFull = std::numeric_limits::max(); auto maxValueFull = 0; for (auto &l : chartData.lines) { if (!isEnabled(l.id)) { continue; } const auto r = Ratio(_cachedLineRatios, l.id); const auto lineMax = l.segmentTree.rMaxQ(xIndices.min, xIndices.max); const auto lineMin = l.segmentTree.rMinQ(xIndices.min, xIndices.max); maxValue = std::max(int(lineMax * r), maxValue); minValue = std::min(int(lineMin * r), minValue); maxValueFull = std::max(int(l.maxValue * r), maxValueFull); minValueFull = std::min(int(l.minValue * r), minValueFull); } return { .full = Limits{ float64(minValueFull), float64(maxValueFull) }, .ranged = Limits{ float64(minValue), float64(maxValue) }, }; } void LinearChartView::tick(crl::time now) { auto finishedCount = 0; auto idsToRemove = std::vector(); for (auto &[id, entry] : _entries) { if (!entry.startedAt) { continue; } const auto progress = (now - entry.startedAt) / kAlphaDuration; entry.alpha = std::clamp( entry.enabled ? progress : (1. - progress), 0., 1.); if (entry.alpha == 1.) { idsToRemove.push_back(id); } if (progress >= 1.) { finishedCount++; } } _isFinished = (finishedCount == _entries.size()); for (const auto &id : idsToRemove) { _entries.remove(id); } } } // namespace Statistic