/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_video_bubble.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_video_track.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" namespace Calls { VideoBubble::VideoBubble( not_null parent, not_null track) : _content(parent) , _track(track) , _state(webrtc::VideoState::Inactive) { setup(); } void VideoBubble::setup() { _content.show(); applyDragMode(_dragMode); _content.paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { paint(); }, lifetime()); _track->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](webrtc::VideoState state) { setState(state); }, lifetime()); _track->renderNextFrame( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_track->frameSize().isEmpty()) { _track->markFrameShown(); } else { updateVisibility(); _content.update(); } }, lifetime()); } void VideoBubble::updateGeometry( DragMode mode, QRect boundingRect, QSize sizeMin, QSize sizeMax) { Expects(!boundingRect.isEmpty()); Expects(sizeMax.isEmpty() || !sizeMin.isEmpty()); Expects(sizeMax.isEmpty() || sizeMin.width() <= sizeMax.width()); Expects(sizeMax.isEmpty() || sizeMin.height() <= sizeMax.height()); if (sizeMin.isEmpty()) { sizeMin = boundingRect.size(); } if (sizeMax.isEmpty()) { sizeMax = sizeMin; } if (_dragMode != mode) { applyDragMode(mode); } if (_boundingRect != boundingRect) { applyBoundingRect(boundingRect); } if (_min != sizeMin || _max != sizeMax) { applySizeConstraints(sizeMin, sizeMax); } if (_geometryDirty && !_lastFrameSize.isEmpty()) { updateSizeToFrame(base::take(_lastFrameSize)); } } void VideoBubble::applyBoundingRect(QRect rect) { _boundingRect = rect; _geometryDirty = true; } void VideoBubble::applyDragMode(DragMode mode) { _dragMode = mode; if (_dragMode == DragMode::None) { _dragging = false; _content.setCursor(style::cur_default); } _content.setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, true/*(_dragMode == DragMode::None)*/); if (_dragMode == DragMode::SnapToCorners) { _corner = RectPart::BottomRight; } else { _corner = RectPart::None; _lastDraggableSize = _size; } _size = QSize(); _geometryDirty = true; } void VideoBubble::applySizeConstraints(QSize min, QSize max) { _min = min; _max = max; _geometryDirty = true; } void VideoBubble::paint() { Painter p(&_content); prepareFrame(); if (!_frame.isNull()) { const auto padding = st::boxRoundShadow.extend; const auto inner = _content.rect().marginsRemoved(padding); Ui::Shadow::paint(p, inner, _content.width(), st::boxRoundShadow); p.drawImage( inner, _frame, QRect(QPoint(), inner.size() * cIntRetinaFactor())); } _track->markFrameShown(); } void VideoBubble::prepareFrame() { const auto original = _track->frameSize(); if (original.isEmpty()) { _frame = QImage(); return; } const auto padding = st::boxRoundShadow.extend; const auto size = _content.rect().marginsRemoved(padding).size() * cIntRetinaFactor(); // Should we check 'original' and 'size' aspect ratios?.. const auto request = webrtc::FrameRequest{ .resize = size, .outer = size, }; const auto frame = _track->frame(request); if (_frame.width() < size.width() || _frame.height() < size.height()) { _frame = QImage( _max * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } Assert(_frame.width() >= frame.width() && _frame.height() >= frame.height()); const auto toPerLine = _frame.bytesPerLine(); const auto fromPerLine = frame.bytesPerLine(); const auto lineSize = frame.width() * 4; auto to = _frame.bits(); auto from = frame.bits(); const auto till = from + frame.height() * fromPerLine; for (; from != till; from += fromPerLine, to += toPerLine) { memcpy(to, from, lineSize); } Images::prepareRound( _frame, ImageRoundRadius::Large, RectPart::AllCorners, QRect(QPoint(), size)); } void VideoBubble::setState(webrtc::VideoState state) { if (state == webrtc::VideoState::Paused) { using namespace Images; static constexpr auto kRadius = 24; _pausedFrame = Images::BlurLargeImage(_track->frame({}), kRadius); if (_pausedFrame.isNull()) { state = webrtc::VideoState::Inactive; } } _state = state; updateVisibility(); } void VideoBubble::updateSizeToFrame(QSize frame) { Expects(!frame.isEmpty()); if (_lastFrameSize == frame) { return; } _lastFrameSize = frame; auto size = !_size.isEmpty() ? _size : (_dragMode == DragMode::None || _lastDraggableSize.isEmpty()) ? QSize() : _lastDraggableSize; if (size.isEmpty()) { size = frame.scaled((_min + _max) / 2, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } else { const auto area = size.width() * size.height(); const auto w = int(std::round(std::max( std::sqrt((frame.width() * area) / (frame.height() * 1.)), 1.))); const auto h = area / w; size = QSize(w, h); } size = QSize(std::max(1, size.width()), std::max(1, size.height())); setInnerSize(size); } void VideoBubble::setInnerSize(QSize size) { if (_size == size && !_geometryDirty) { return; } _geometryDirty = false; _size = size; const auto topLeft = [&] { switch (_corner) { case RectPart::None: return _boundingRect.topLeft() + QPoint( (_boundingRect.width() - size.width()) / 2, (_boundingRect.height() - size.height()) / 2); case RectPart::TopLeft: return _boundingRect.topLeft(); case RectPart::TopRight: return QPoint( _boundingRect.x() + _boundingRect.width() - size.width(), _boundingRect.y()); case RectPart::BottomRight: return QPoint( _boundingRect.x() + _boundingRect.width() - size.width(), _boundingRect.y() + _boundingRect.height() - size.height()); case RectPart::BottomLeft: return QPoint( _boundingRect.x(), _boundingRect.y() + _boundingRect.height() - size.height()); } Unexpected("Corner value in VideoBubble::setInnerSize."); }(); const auto inner = QRect(topLeft, size); _content.setGeometry(inner.marginsAdded(st::boxRoundShadow.extend)); } void VideoBubble::updateVisibility() { const auto size = _track->frameSize(); const auto visible = (_state != webrtc::VideoState::Inactive) && !size.isEmpty(); if (visible) { updateSizeToFrame(size); } _content.setVisible(visible); } } // namespace Calls