/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "mtproto/config_loader.h" #include "mtproto/dc_options.h" #include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h" #include "mtproto/special_config_request.h" namespace MTP { namespace internal { namespace { constexpr auto kEnumerateDcTimeout = 8000; // 8 seconds timeout for help_getConfig to work (then move to other dc) constexpr auto kSpecialRequestTimeoutMs = 6000; // 4 seconds timeout for it to work in a specially requested dc. } // namespace ConfigLoader::ConfigLoader(not_null instance, RPCDoneHandlerPtr onDone, RPCFailHandlerPtr onFail) : _instance(instance) , _doneHandler(onDone) , _failHandler(onFail) { _enumDCTimer.setCallback([this] { enumerate(); }); _specialEnumTimer.setCallback([this] { sendSpecialRequest(); }); } void ConfigLoader::load() { if (!_instance->isKeysDestroyer()) { sendRequest(_instance->mainDcId()); _enumDCTimer.callOnce(kEnumerateDcTimeout); } else { auto ids = _instance->dcOptions()->configEnumDcIds(); Assert(!ids.empty()); _enumCurrent = ids.front(); enumerate(); } } mtpRequestId ConfigLoader::sendRequest(ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) { return _instance->send(MTPhelp_GetConfig(), _doneHandler, _failHandler, shiftedDcId); } DcId ConfigLoader::specialToRealDcId(DcId specialDcId) { return Instance::Config::kTemporaryMainDc + specialDcId; } void ConfigLoader::terminateRequest() { if (_enumRequest) { _instance->cancel(base::take(_enumRequest)); } if (_enumCurrent) { _instance->killSession(MTP::configDcId(_enumCurrent)); } } void ConfigLoader::terminateSpecialRequest() { if (_specialEnumRequest) { _instance->cancel(base::take(_specialEnumRequest)); } if (_specialEnumCurrent) { _instance->killSession(_specialEnumCurrent); } } ConfigLoader::~ConfigLoader() { terminateRequest(); terminateSpecialRequest(); } void ConfigLoader::enumerate() { terminateRequest(); if (!_enumCurrent) { _enumCurrent = _instance->mainDcId(); } auto ids = _instance->dcOptions()->configEnumDcIds(); Assert(!ids.empty()); auto i = std::find(ids.cbegin(), ids.cend(), _enumCurrent); if (i == ids.cend() || (++i) == ids.cend()) { _enumCurrent = ids.front(); } else { _enumCurrent = *i; } _enumRequest = sendRequest(MTP::configDcId(_enumCurrent)); _enumDCTimer.callOnce(kEnumerateDcTimeout); createSpecialLoader(); } void ConfigLoader::createSpecialLoader() { if (Global::ConnectionType() != dbictAuto) { _specialLoader.reset(); return; } if (!_specialLoader || (!_specialEnumRequest && _specialEndpoints.empty())) { _specialLoader = std::make_unique([this](DcId dcId, const std::string &ip, int port) { addSpecialEndpoint(dcId, ip, port); }); _triedSpecialEndpoints.clear(); } } void ConfigLoader::addSpecialEndpoint(DcId dcId, const std::string &ip, int port) { auto endpoint = SpecialEndpoint { dcId, ip, port }; if (base::contains(_specialEndpoints, endpoint) || base::contains(_triedSpecialEndpoints, endpoint)) { return; } DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: Special endpoint received, '%1:%2'").arg(ip.c_str()).arg(port)); _specialEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); if (!_specialEnumTimer.isActive()) { _specialEnumTimer.callOnce(1); } } void ConfigLoader::sendSpecialRequest() { terminateSpecialRequest(); if (Global::ConnectionType() != dbictAuto) { _specialLoader.reset(); return; } if (_specialEndpoints.empty()) { createSpecialLoader(); return; } auto weak = base::make_weak_unique(this); auto index = rand_value() % uint32(_specialEndpoints.size()); auto endpoint = _specialEndpoints.begin() + index; _specialEnumCurrent = specialToRealDcId(endpoint->dcId); _instance->dcOptions()->constructAddOne(_specialEnumCurrent, MTPDdcOption::Flag::f_tcpo_only, endpoint->ip, endpoint->port); _specialEnumRequest = _instance->send(MTPhelp_GetConfig(), rpcDone([weak](const MTPConfig &result) { if (!weak) { return; } weak->specialConfigLoaded(result); }), _failHandler, _specialEnumCurrent); _triedSpecialEndpoints.push_back(*endpoint); _specialEndpoints.erase(endpoint); _specialEnumTimer.callOnce(kSpecialRequestTimeoutMs); } void ConfigLoader::specialConfigLoaded(const MTPConfig &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_config); auto &data = result.c_config(); if (data.vdc_options.v.empty()) { LOG(("MTP Error: config with empty dc_options received!")); return; } // We use special config only for dc options. // For everything else we wait for normal config from main dc. _instance->dcOptions()->setFromList(data.vdc_options); } } // namespace internal } // namespace MTP