/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "scheme.h" #include "base/flags.h" inline MTPbool MTP_bool(bool v) { return v ? MTP_boolTrue() : MTP_boolFalse(); } inline bool mtpIsTrue(const MTPBool &v) { return v.type() == mtpc_boolTrue; } inline bool mtpIsFalse(const MTPBool &v) { return !mtpIsTrue(v); } // we must validate that MTProto scheme flags don't intersect with client side flags // and define common bit operators which allow use Type_ClientFlag together with Type::Flag #define DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(Type) \ static_assert(Type::Flags(Type::Flag::MAX_FIELD) < static_cast(Type##_ClientFlag::MIN_FIELD), \ "MTProto flags conflict with client side flags!"); \ namespace base {\ template<>\ struct extended_flags {\ using type = Type::Flag;\ };\ } // we use the same flags field for some additional client side flags enum class MTPDmessage_ClientFlag : uint32 { // message has links for "shared links" indexing f_has_text_links = (1U << 30), // message is a group migrate (group -> supergroup) service message f_is_group_migrate = (1U << 29), // message needs initDimensions() + resize() + paint() f_pending_init_dimensions = (1U << 28), // message needs resize() + paint() f_pending_resize = (1U << 27), // message needs paint() f_pending_paint = (1U << 26), // message is attached to previous one when displaying the history f_attach_to_previous = (1U << 25), // message is attached to next one when displaying the history f_attach_to_next = (1U << 24), // message was sent from inline bot, need to re-set media when sent f_from_inline_bot = (1U << 23), // message has a switch inline keyboard button, need to return to inline f_has_switch_inline_button = (1U << 22), // message is generated on the client side and should be unread f_clientside_unread = (1U << 21), // update this when adding new client side flags MIN_FIELD = (1U << 21), }; DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDmessage) enum class MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag : uint32 { // none (zero) markup f_zero = (1U << 30), // markup just wants a text reply f_force_reply = (1U << 29), // markup keyboard is inline f_inline = (1U << 28), // markup has a switch inline keyboard button f_has_switch_inline_button = (1U << 27), // update this when adding new client side flags MIN_FIELD = (1U << 27), }; DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup) enum class MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag : uint32 { // old value for sticker set is not yet loaded flag f_not_loaded__old = (1U << 31), // sticker set is not yet loaded f_not_loaded = (1U << 30), // sticker set is one of featured (should be saved locally) f_featured = (1U << 29), // sticker set is an unread featured set f_unread = (1U << 28), // special set like recent or custom stickers f_special = (1U << 27), // update this when adding new client side flags MIN_FIELD = (1U << 27), }; DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDstickerSet) //enum class MTPDuser_ClientFlag : uint32 { // // forbidden constructor received // f_inaccessible = (1U << 31), // // // update this when adding new client side flags // MIN_FIELD = (1U << 31), //}; //DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDuser) enum class MTPDchat_ClientFlag : uint32 { // forbidden constructor received f_forbidden = (1U << 31), // update this when adding new client side flags MIN_FIELD = (1U << 31), }; DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDchat) enum class MTPDchannel_ClientFlag : uint32 { // forbidden constructor received f_forbidden = (1U << 31), // update this when adding new client side flags MIN_FIELD = (1U << 31), }; DEFINE_MTP_CLIENT_FLAGS(MTPDchannel) extern const MTPReplyMarkup MTPnullMarkup; extern const MTPVector MTPnullEntities; extern const MTPMessageFwdHeader MTPnullFwdHeader;