''' This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org ''' import glob import re funcs = 0 types = 0; consts = 0 funcsNow = 0 enums = []; funcsDict = {}; funcsList = []; typesDict = {}; TypesDict = {}; typesList = []; boxed = {}; funcsText = ''; typesText = ''; dataTexts = ''; inlineMethods = ''; textSerialize = ''; forwards = ''; forwTypedefs = ''; out = open('mtpScheme.h', 'w') out.write('/*\n'); out.write('Created from \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/scheme.tl\' by \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/generate.py\' script\n\n'); out.write('WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\n'); out.write('This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n'); out.write('the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n'); out.write('\n'); out.write('Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n'); out.write('it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n'); out.write('the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n'); out.write('(at your option) any later version.\n'); out.write('\n'); out.write('It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n'); out.write('but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n'); out.write('MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n'); out.write('GNU General Public License for more details.\n'); out.write('\n'); out.write('Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n'); out.write('Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n'); out.write('*/\n'); out.write('#pragma once\n\n#include "mtpCoreTypes.h"\n'); with open('scheme.tl') as f: for line in f: nocomment = re.match(r'^(.*?)//', line) if (nocomment): line = nocomment.group(1); if (re.match(r'\-\-\-functions\-\-\-', line)): funcsNow = 1; continue; if (re.match(r'\-\-\-types\-\-\-', line)): funcsNow = 0; continue; if (re.match(r'^\s*$', line)): continue; nametype = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z\.0-9_]+)#([0-9a-f]+)([^=]*)=\s*([a-zA-Z\.<>0-9_]+);', line); if (not nametype): print('Bad line found: ' + line); continue; name = nametype.group(1); nameInd = name.find('.'); if (nameInd >= 0): Name = name[0:nameInd] + '_' + name[nameInd + 1:nameInd + 2].upper() + name[nameInd + 2:]; name = name.replace('.', '_'); else: Name = name[0:1].upper() + name[1:]; typeid = nametype.group(2); params = nametype.group(3); restype = nametype.group(4); if (restype.find('<') >= 0): templ = re.match(r'^([vV]ector<)([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>$', restype); if (templ): restype = templ.group(1) + 'MTP' + templ.group(2).replace('.', '_') + '>'; else: print('Bad template type: ' + restype); continue; resType = restype.replace('.', '_'); if (restype.find('.') >= 0): parts = re.match(r'([a-z]+)\.([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)', restype) if (parts): restype = parts.group(1) + '_' + parts.group(2)[0:1].lower() + parts.group(2)[1:]; else: print('Bad result type name with dot: ' + restype); continue; else: if (re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype)): restype = restype[:1].lower() + restype[1:]; else: print('Bad result type name: ' + restype); continue; boxed[resType] = restype; boxed[Name] = name; enums.append('\tmtpc_' + name + ' = 0x' + typeid); paramsList = params.strip().split(' '); prms = {}; conditions = {}; prmsList = []; isTemplate = hasFlags = hasTemplate = ''; for param in paramsList: if (re.match(r'^\s*$', param)): continue; templ = re.match(r'^{([A-Za-z]+):Type}$', param); if (templ): hasTemplate = templ.group(1); continue; pnametype = re.match(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*):([A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+|![a-zA-Z]+|\#|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\.[0-9]+\?[A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)$', param); if (not pnametype): print('Bad param found: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line); continue; pname = pnametype.group(1); ptypewide = pnametype.group(2); if (re.match(r'^!([a-zA-Z]+)$', ptypewide)): if ('!' + hasTemplate == ptypewide): isTemplate = pname; ptype = 'TQueryType'; else: print('Bad template param name: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line); continue; elif (ptypewide == '#'): hasFlags = pname; ptype = 'int'; else: ptype = ptypewide; if (ptype.find('?') >= 0): pmasktype = re.match(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\.([0-9]+)\?([A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)', ptype); if (not pmasktype or pmasktype.group(1) != hasFlags): print('Bad param found: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line); continue; ptype = pmasktype.group(3); conditions[pname] = pmasktype.group(2); elif (ptype.find('<') >= 0): templ = re.match(r'^([vV]ector<)([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>$', ptype); if (templ): ptype = templ.group(1) + 'MTP' + templ.group(2).replace('.', '_') + '>'; else: print('Bad template type: ' + ptype); continue; prmsList.append(pname); prms[pname] = ptype.replace('.', '_'); if (isTemplate == '' and resType == 'X'): print('Bad response type "X" in "' + name +'" in line: ' + line); continue; if funcsNow: if (isTemplate != ''): funcsText += '\ntemplate '; funcsText += '\nclass MTP' + name + ' { // RPC method \'' + nametype.group(1) + '\'\n'; # class funcsText += 'public:\n'; prmsStr = []; prmsInit = []; prmsNames = []; if (len(prms)): for paramName in prmsList: paramType = prms[paramName]; prmsInit.append('v' + paramName + '(_' + paramName + ')'); prmsNames.append('_' + paramName); if (paramName == isTemplate): ptypeFull = paramType; else: ptypeFull = 'MTP' + paramType; funcsText += '\t' + ptypeFull + ' v' + paramName + ';\n'; if (paramType in ['int', 'Int', 'bool', 'Bool']): prmsStr.append(ptypeFull + ' _' + paramName); else: prmsStr.append('const ' + ptypeFull + ' &_' + paramName); funcsText += '\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + name + '() {\n\t}\n'; # constructor funcsText += '\tMTP' + name + '(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons = mtpc_' + name + ') {\n\t\tread(from, end, cons);\n\t}\n'; # stream constructor if (len(prms)): funcsText += '\tMTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : ' + ', '.join(prmsInit) + ' {\n\t}\n'; if (len(conditions)): funcsText += '\n'; funcsText += '\tenum {\n'; for paramName in conditions.keys(): funcsText += '\t\tflag_' + paramName + ' = (1 << ' + conditions[paramName] + '),\n'; funcsText += '\t};\n'; funcsText += '\n'; for paramName in conditions.keys(): funcsText += '\tbool has_' + paramName + '() const { return v' + hasFlags + '.v & flag_' + paramName + '; }\n'; funcsText += '\n'; funcsText += '\tuint32 innerLength() const {\n'; # count size size = []; for k in prmsList: v = prms[k]; if (k in conditions.keys()): size.append('(has_' + k + '() ? v' + k + '.innerLength() : 0)'); else: size.append('v' + k + '.innerLength()'); if (not len(size)): size.append('0'); funcsText += '\t\treturn ' + ' + '.join(size) + ';\n'; funcsText += '\t}\n'; funcsText += '\tmtpTypeId type() const {\n\t\treturn mtpc_' + name + ';\n\t}\n'; # type id funcsText += '\tvoid read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons = mtpc_' + name + ') {\n'; # read method for k in prmsList: v = prms[k]; if (k in conditions.keys()): funcsText += '\t\tif (has_' + k + '()) { v' + k + '.read(from, end); } else { v' + k + ' = MTP' + v + '(); }\n'; else: funcsText += '\t\tv' + k + '.read(from, end);\n'; funcsText += '\t}\n'; funcsText += '\tvoid write(mtpBuffer &to) const {\n'; # write method for k in prmsList: v = prms[k]; if (k in conditions.keys()): funcsText += '\t\tif (has_' + k + '()) v' + k + '.write(to);\n'; else: funcsText += '\t\tv' + k + '.write(to);\n'; funcsText += '\t}\n'; if (isTemplate != ''): funcsText += '\n\ttypedef typename TQueryType::ResponseType ResponseType;\n'; else: funcsText += '\n\ttypedef MTP' + resType + ' ResponseType;\n'; # method return type funcsText += '};\n'; # class ending if (isTemplate != ''): funcsText += 'template \n'; funcsText += 'class MTP' + Name + ' : public MTPBoxed > {\n'; funcsText += 'public:\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '() {\n\t}\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '(const MTP' + name + ' &v) : MTPBoxed >(v) {\n\t}\n'; if (len(prms)): funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : MTPBoxed >(MTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsNames) + ')) {\n\t}\n'; funcsText += '};\n'; else: funcsText += 'class MTP' + Name + ' : public MTPBoxed {\n'; funcsText += 'public:\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '() {\n\t}\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '(const MTP' + name + ' &v) : MTPBoxed(v) {\n\t}\n'; funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons = 0) : MTPBoxed(from, end, cons) {\n\t}\n'; if (len(prms)): funcsText += '\tMTP' + Name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : MTPBoxed(MTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsNames) + ')) {\n\t}\n'; funcsText += '};\n'; funcs = funcs + 1; if (not restype in funcsDict): funcsList.append(restype); funcsDict[restype] = []; # TypesDict[restype] = resType; funcsDict[restype].append([name, typeid, prmsList, prms, hasFlags, conditions]); else: if (isTemplate != ''): print('Template types not allowed: "' + resType + '" in line: ' + line); continue; if (not restype in typesDict): typesList.append(restype); typesDict[restype] = []; TypesDict[restype] = resType; typesDict[restype].append([name, typeid, prmsList, prms, hasFlags, conditions]); consts = consts + 1; # text serialization: types and funcs def addTextSerialize(lst, dct, dataLetter): result = ''; for restype in lst: v = dct[restype]; for data in v: name = data[0]; prmsList = data[2]; prms = data[3]; hasFlags = data[4]; conditions = data[5]; if len(result): result += '\n'; result += '\t\t\tcase mtpc_' + name + ':\n'; if (len(prms)): result += '\t\t\t\tif (stage) {\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t} else {\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("{ ' + name + '");\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; result += '\t\t\t\tswitch (stage) {\n'; stage = 0; for k in prmsList: v = prms[k]; result += '\t\t\t\tcase ' + str(stage) + ': to.add(" ' + k + ': "); ++stages.back(); '; if (k == hasFlags): result += 'if (start >= end) throw Exception("start >= end in flags"); else flags.back() = *start; '; if (k in conditions.keys()): result += 'if (flag & MTP' + dataLetter + name + '::flag_' + k + ') { '; result += 'types.push_back('; vtypeget = re.match(r'^[Vv]ector', v); if (vtypeget): if (not re.match(r'^[A-Z]', v)): result += 'mtpc_vector'; else: result += '0'; restype = vtypeget.group(1); try: if boxed[restype]: restype = 0; except KeyError: if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype): restype = 0; else: restype = v; try: if boxed[restype]: restype = 0; except KeyError: if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype): restype = 0; if (restype): try: conses = typesDict[restype]; if (len(conses) > 1): print('Complex bare type found: "' + restype + '" trying to serialize "' + k + '" of type "' + v + '"'); continue; if (vtypeget): result += '); vtypes.push_back('; result += 'mtpc_' + conses[0][0]; if (not vtypeget): result += '); vtypes.push_back(0'; except KeyError: if (vtypeget): result += '); vtypes.push_back('; result += 'mtpc_' + restype; if (not vtypeget): result += '); vtypes.push_back(0'; else: result += '0); vtypes.push_back(0'; result += '); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); '; if (k in conditions.keys()): result += '} else { to.add("[ SKIPPED BY BIT ' + conditions[k] + ' IN FIELD ' + hasFlags + ' ]"); } '; result += 'break;\n'; stage = stage + 1; result += '\t\t\t\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n'; result += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; else: result += '\t\t\t\tto.add("{ ' + name + ' }"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n'; result += '\t\t\tbreak;\n'; return result; textSerialize += addTextSerialize(typesList, typesDict, 'D') + '\n'; textSerialize += addTextSerialize(funcsList, funcsDict, ''); for restype in typesList: v = typesDict[restype]; resType = TypesDict[restype]; withData = 0; creatorsText = ''; constructsText = ''; constructsInline = ''; forwards += 'class MTP' + restype + ';\n'; forwTypedefs += 'typedef MTPBoxed MTP' + resType + ';\n'; withType = (len(v) > 1); switchLines = ''; friendDecl = ''; getters = ''; reader = ''; writer = ''; sizeList = []; sizeFast = ''; newFast = ''; sizeCases = ''; for data in v: name = data[0]; typeid = data[1]; prmsList = data[2]; prms = data[3]; hasFlags = data[4]; conditions = data[5]; dataText = ''; dataText += '\nclass MTPD' + name + ' : public mtpDataImpl {\n'; # data class dataText += 'public:\n'; sizeList = []; creatorParams = []; creatorParamsList = []; readText = ''; writeText = ''; dataText += '\tMTPD' + name + '() {\n\t}\n'; # default constructor switchLines += '\t\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': '; # for by-type-id type constructor if (len(prms)): switchLines += 'setData(new MTPD' + name + '()); '; withData = 1; getters += '\n\tMTPD' + name + ' &_' + name + '() {\n'; # splitting getter getters += '\t\tif (!data) throw mtpErrorUninitialized();\n'; if (withType): getters += '\t\tif (_type != mtpc_' + name + ') throw mtpErrorWrongTypeId(_type, mtpc_' + name + ');\n'; getters += '\t\tsplit();\n'; getters += '\t\treturn *(MTPD' + name + '*)data;\n'; getters += '\t}\n'; getters += '\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &c_' + name + '() const {\n'; # const getter getters += '\t\tif (!data) throw mtpErrorUninitialized();\n'; if (withType): getters += '\t\tif (_type != mtpc_' + name + ') throw mtpErrorWrongTypeId(_type, mtpc_' + name + ');\n'; getters += '\t\treturn *(const MTPD' + name + '*)data;\n'; getters += '\t}\n'; constructsText += '\texplicit MTP' + restype + '(MTPD' + name + ' *_data);\n'; # by-data type constructor constructsInline += 'inline MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '(MTPD' + name + ' *_data) : mtpDataOwner(_data)'; if (withType): constructsInline += ', _type(mtpc_' + name + ')'; constructsInline += ' {\n}\n'; dataText += '\tMTPD' + name + '('; # params constructor prmsStr = []; prmsInit = []; for paramName in prmsList: paramType = prms[paramName]; if (paramType in ['int', 'Int', 'bool', 'Bool']): prmsStr.append('MTP' + paramType + ' _' + paramName); creatorParams.append('MTP' + paramType + ' _' + paramName); else: prmsStr.append('const MTP' + paramType + ' &_' + paramName); creatorParams.append('const MTP' + paramType + ' &_' + paramName); creatorParamsList.append('_' + paramName); prmsInit.append('v' + paramName + '(_' + paramName + ')'); if (withType): readText += '\t\t'; writeText += '\t\t'; if (paramName in conditions.keys()): readText += '\tif (v.has_' + paramName + '()) { v.v' + paramName + '.read(from, end); } else { v.v' + paramName + ' = MTP' + paramType + '(); }\n'; writeText += '\tif (v.has_' + paramName + '()) v.v' + paramName + '.write(to);\n'; sizeList.append('(v.has_' + paramName + '() ? v.v' + paramName + '.innerLength() : 0)'); else: readText += '\tv.v' + paramName + '.read(from, end);\n'; writeText += '\tv.v' + paramName + '.write(to);\n'; sizeList.append('v.v' + paramName + '.innerLength()'); forwards += 'class MTPD' + name + ';\n'; # data class forward declaration dataText += ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : ' + ', '.join(prmsInit) + ' {\n\t}\n'; dataText += '\n'; for paramName in prmsList: # fields declaration paramType = prms[paramName]; dataText += '\tMTP' + paramType + ' v' + paramName + ';\n'; sizeCases += '\t\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': {\n'; sizeCases += '\t\t\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n'; sizeCases += '\t\t\treturn ' + ' + '.join(sizeList) + ';\n'; sizeCases += '\t\t}\n'; sizeFast = '\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n\treturn ' + ' + '.join(sizeList) + ';\n'; newFast = 'new MTPD' + name + '()'; else: sizeFast = '\treturn 0;\n'; switchLines += 'break;\n'; if (len(conditions)): dataText += '\n'; dataText += '\tenum {\n'; for paramName in conditions.keys(): dataText += '\t\tflag_' + paramName + ' = (1 << ' + conditions[paramName] + '),\n'; dataText += '\t};\n'; dataText += '\n'; for paramName in conditions.keys(): dataText += '\tbool has_' + paramName + '() const { return v' + hasFlags + '.v & flag_' + paramName + '; }\n'; dataText += '};\n'; # class ending if (len(prms)): dataTexts += dataText; # add data class friendDecl += '\tfriend MTP' + restype + ' MTP_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParams) + ');\n'; creatorsText += 'inline MTP' + restype + ' MTP_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParams) + ') {\n'; if (len(prms)): # creator with params creatorsText += '\treturn MTP' + restype + '(new MTPD' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParamsList) + '));\n'; else: if (withType): # creator by type creatorsText += '\treturn MTP' + restype + '(mtpc_' + name + ');\n'; else: # single creator creatorsText += '\treturn MTP' + restype + '();\n'; creatorsText += '}\n'; if (withType): reader += '\t\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': _type = cons; '; # read switch line if (len(prms)): reader += '{\n'; reader += '\t\t\tif (!data) setData(new MTPD' + name + '());\n'; reader += '\t\t\tMTPD' + name + ' &v(_' + name + '());\n'; reader += readText; reader += '\t\t} break;\n'; writer += '\t\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': {\n'; # write switch line writer += '\t\t\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n'; writer += writeText; writer += '\t\t} break;\n'; else: reader += 'break;\n'; else: if (len(prms)): reader += '\n\tif (!data) setData(new MTPD' + name + '());\n'; reader += '\tMTPD' + name + ' &v(_' + name + '());\n'; reader += readText; writer += '\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n'; writer += writeText; forwards += '\n'; typesText += '\nclass MTP' + restype; # type class declaration if (withData): typesText += ' : private mtpDataOwner'; # if has data fields typesText += ' {\n'; typesText += 'public:\n'; typesText += '\tMTP' + restype + '()'; # default constructor inits = []; if (withType): if (withData): inits.append('mtpDataOwner(0)'); inits.append('_type(0)'); else: if (withData): inits.append('mtpDataOwner(' + newFast + ')'); if (withData and not withType): typesText += ';\n'; inlineMethods += '\ninline MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '()'; if (inits): inlineMethods += ' : ' + ', '.join(inits); inlineMethods += ' {\n}\n'; else: if (inits): typesText += ' : ' + ', '.join(inits); typesText += ' {\n\t}\n'; inits = []; if (withData): inits.append('mtpDataOwner(0)'); if (withType): inits.append('_type(0)'); typesText += '\tMTP' + restype + '(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons'; if (not withType): typesText += ' = mtpc_' + name; typesText += ')'; # read constructor if (inits): typesText += ' : ' + ', '.join(inits); typesText += ' {\n\t\tread(from, end, cons);\n\t}\n'; if (withData): typesText += getters; typesText += '\n\tuint32 innerLength() const;\n'; # size method inlineMethods += '\ninline uint32 MTP' + restype + '::innerLength() const {\n'; if (withType and sizeCases): inlineMethods += '\tswitch (_type) {\n'; inlineMethods += sizeCases; inlineMethods += '\t}\n'; inlineMethods += '\treturn 0;\n'; else: inlineMethods += sizeFast; inlineMethods += '}\n'; typesText += '\tmtpTypeId type() const;\n'; # type id method inlineMethods += 'inline mtpTypeId MTP' + restype + '::type() const {\n'; if (withType): inlineMethods += '\tif (!_type) throw mtpErrorUninitialized();\n'; inlineMethods += '\treturn _type;\n'; else: inlineMethods += '\treturn mtpc_' + v[0][0] + ';\n'; inlineMethods += '}\n'; typesText += '\tvoid read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons'; # read method if (not withType): typesText += ' = mtpc_' + name; typesText += ');\n'; inlineMethods += 'inline void MTP' + restype + '::read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons) {\n'; if (withData): if (withType): inlineMethods += '\tif (cons != _type) setData(0);\n'; else: inlineMethods += '\tif (cons != mtpc_' + v[0][0] + ') throw mtpErrorUnexpected(cons, "MTP' + restype + '");\n'; if (withType): inlineMethods += '\tswitch (cons) {\n' inlineMethods += reader; inlineMethods += '\t\tdefault: throw mtpErrorUnexpected(cons, "MTP' + restype + '");\n'; inlineMethods += '\t}\n'; else: inlineMethods += reader; inlineMethods += '}\n'; typesText += '\tvoid write(mtpBuffer &to) const;\n'; # write method inlineMethods += 'inline void MTP' + restype + '::write(mtpBuffer &to) const {\n'; if (withType): inlineMethods += '\tswitch (_type) {\n'; inlineMethods += writer; inlineMethods += '\t}\n'; else: inlineMethods += writer; inlineMethods += '}\n'; typesText += '\n\ttypedef void ResponseType;\n'; # no response types declared typesText += '\nprivate:\n'; # private constructors if (withType): # by-type-id constructor typesText += '\texplicit MTP' + restype + '(mtpTypeId type);\n'; inlineMethods += 'inline MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '(mtpTypeId type) : '; if (withData): inlineMethods += 'mtpDataOwner(0), '; inlineMethods += '_type(type)'; inlineMethods += ' {\n'; inlineMethods += '\tswitch (type) {\n'; # type id check inlineMethods += switchLines; inlineMethods += '\t\tdefault: throw mtpErrorBadTypeId(type, "MTP' + restype + '");\n\t}\n'; inlineMethods += '}\n'; # by-type-id constructor end if (withData): typesText += constructsText; inlineMethods += constructsInline; if (friendDecl): typesText += '\n' + friendDecl; if (withType): typesText += '\n\tmtpTypeId _type;\n'; # type field var typesText += '};\n'; # type class ended inlineMethods += creatorsText; typesText += 'typedef MTPBoxed MTP' + resType + ';\n'; # boxed type definition textSerializeFull = '\nvoid mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\tQVector types, vtypes;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\tQVector stages, flags;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\ttypes.reserve(20); vtypes.reserve(20); stages.reserve(20); flags.reserve(20);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\ttypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(cons)); vtypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(vcons)); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0);\n\n'; textSerializeFull += '\tconst mtpPrime *start = from;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\tmtpTypeId type = cons, vtype = vcons;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\tint32 stage = 0, flag = 0;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\ttry {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\twhile (!types.isEmpty()) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\ttype = types.back();\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tvtype = vtypes.back();\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tstage = stages.back();\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tflag = flags.back();\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tif (!type) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tif (from >= end) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tthrow Exception("from >= end");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t} else if (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tthrow Exception("unknown type on stage > 0");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\ttypes.back() = type = *from;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tstart = ++from;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t}\n\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tint32 lev = level + types.size() - 1;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tswitch (type) {\n' + textSerialize + '\n'; # manual types added here textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tcase mtpc_rpc_result:\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tif (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t} else {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("{ rpc_result");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tswitch (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 0: to.add(" req_msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 1: to.add(" result: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tbreak;\n\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tcase mtpc_msg_container:\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tif (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t} else {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("{ msg_container");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tswitch (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 0: to.add(" messages: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_vector); vtypes.push_back(mtpc_core_message); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tbreak;\n\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tcase mtpc_core_message: {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tif (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t} else {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("{ core_message");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tswitch (stage) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 0: to.add(" msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 1: to.add(" seq_no: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 2: to.add(" bytes: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tcase 3: to.add(" body: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\t} break;\n\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tdefault:\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\tmtpTextSerializeCore(to, from, end, type, lev, vtype);\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t\ttypes.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\tbreak;\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t} catch (Exception &e) {\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\tto.add("[ERROR] ");\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\tto.add("(").add(e.what()).add("), cons: 0x").add(mtpWrapNumber(type, 16));\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\tif (vtype) to.add(", vcons: 0x").add(mtpWrapNumber(vtype));\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t\tto.add(", ").add(mb(start, (end - start) * sizeof(mtpPrime)).str());\n'; textSerializeFull += '\t}\n'; textSerializeFull += '}\n'; out.write('\n// Type id constants\nenum {\n' + ',\n'.join(enums) + '\n};\n'); out.write('\n// Type forward declarations\n' + forwards); out.write('\n// Boxed types definitions\n' + forwTypedefs); out.write('\n// Type classes definitions\n' + typesText); out.write('\n// Type constructors with data\n' + dataTexts); out.write('\n// RPC methods\n' + funcsText); out.write('\n// Inline methods definition\n' + inlineMethods); out.write('\n// Human-readable text serialization\n#if (defined _DEBUG || defined _WITH_DEBUG)\n\nvoid mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons);\n\n#endif\n'); outCpp = open('mtpScheme.cpp', 'w'); outCpp.write('/*\n'); outCpp.write('Created from \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/scheme.tl\' by \'/SourceFiles/mtproto/generate.py\' script\n\n'); outCpp.write('WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\n'); outCpp.write('This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n'); outCpp.write('the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n'); outCpp.write('\n'); outCpp.write('Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n'); outCpp.write('it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n'); outCpp.write('the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n'); outCpp.write('(at your option) any later version.\n'); outCpp.write('\n'); outCpp.write('It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n'); outCpp.write('but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n'); outCpp.write('MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n'); outCpp.write('GNU General Public License for more details.\n'); outCpp.write('\n'); outCpp.write('Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n'); outCpp.write('Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n'); outCpp.write('*/\n'); outCpp.write('#include "stdafx.h"\n#include "mtpScheme.h"\n\n'); outCpp.write('#if (defined _DEBUG || defined _WITH_DEBUG)\n\n'); outCpp.write(textSerializeFull + '\n#endif\n'); print('Done, written {0} constructors, {1} functions.'.format(consts, funcs)); print('Done, written {0} constructors, {1} functions.'.format(consts, funcs));