/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "support/support_templates.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace Support { namespace details { namespace { constexpr auto kQueryLimit = 10; constexpr auto kWeightStep = 1000; struct Delta { std::vector added; std::vector changed; std::vector removed; std::map keys; explicit operator bool() const { return !added.empty() || !changed.empty() || !removed.empty(); } }; bool IsTemplatesFile(const QString &file) { return file.startsWith(qstr("tl_"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && file.endsWith(qstr(".txt"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } QString NormalizeQuestion(const QString &question) { auto result = QString(); result.reserve(question.size()); for (const auto ch : question) { if (ch.isLetterOrNumber()) { result.append(ch.toLower()); } } return result; } QString NormalizeKey(const QString &query) { return TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(query.trimmed().toLower()); } struct FileResult { TemplatesFile result; QStringList errors; }; enum class ReadState { None, Question, Keys, Value, Url, }; template void ReadByLine( const QByteArray &blob, StateChange &&stateChange, LineCallback &&lineCallback) { using State = ReadState; auto state = State::None; auto hadKeys = false; auto hadValue = false; for (const auto &utf : blob.split('\n')) { const auto line = QString::fromUtf8(utf).trimmed(); const auto match = QRegularExpression( qsl("^\\{([A-Z_]+)\\}$") ).match(line); if (match.hasMatch()) { const auto token = match.captured(1); if (state == State::Value) { hadKeys = hadValue = false; } const auto newState = [&] { if (token == qstr("VALUE")) { return hadValue ? State::None : State::Value; } else if (token == qstr("KEYS")) { return hadKeys ? State::None : State::Keys; } else if (token == qstr("QUESTION")) { return State::Question; } else if (token == qstr("URL")) { return State::Url; } else { return State::None; } }(); stateChange(state, newState); state = newState; lineCallback(state, line, true); } else { if (!line.isEmpty()) { if (state == State::Value) { hadValue = true; } else if (state == State::Keys) { hadKeys = true; } } lineCallback(state, line, false); } } } template QString ReadByLineGetUrl(const QByteArray &blob, Callback &&callback) { using State = ReadState; auto url = QString(); auto question = TemplatesQuestion(); const auto call = [&] { while (question.value.endsWith('\n')) { question.value.chop(1); } return callback(base::take(question)); }; ReadByLine(blob, [&](State was, State now) { if (was == State::Value) { call(); } }, [&](State state, const QString &line, bool stateChangeLine) { if (stateChangeLine) { return; } switch (state) { case State::Keys: if (!line.isEmpty()) { question.originalKeys.push_back(line); if (const auto norm = NormalizeKey(line); !norm.isEmpty()) { question.normalizedKeys.push_back(norm); } } break; case State::Value: if (!question.value.isEmpty()) { question.value += '\n'; } question.value += line; break; case State::Question: if (question.question.isEmpty()) { question.question = line; } break; case State::Url: if (url.isEmpty()) { url = line; } break; } }); call(); return url; } FileResult ReadFromBlob(const QByteArray &blob) { auto result = FileResult(); result.result.url = ReadByLineGetUrl(blob, [&](TemplatesQuestion &&q) { const auto normalized = NormalizeQuestion(q.question); if (!normalized.isEmpty()) { result.result.questions.emplace(normalized, std::move(q)); } }); return result; } FileResult ReadFile(const QString &path) { QFile f(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { auto result = FileResult(); result.errors.push_back( qsl("Couldn't open '%1' for reading!").arg(path)); return result; } const auto blob = f.readAll(); f.close(); return ReadFromBlob(blob); } void WriteWithOwnUrlAndKeys( QIODevice &device, const QByteArray &blob, const QString &url, const Delta &delta) { device.write("{URL}\n"); device.write(url.toUtf8()); device.write("\n\n"); using State = ReadState; auto question = QString(); auto normalized = QString(); auto ownKeysWritten = false; ReadByLine(blob, [&](State was, State now) { if (was == State::Value) { question = normalized = QString(); } }, [&](State state, const QString &line, bool stateChangeLine) { const auto writeLine = [&] { device.write(line.toUtf8()); device.write("\n", 1); }; switch (state) { case State::Keys: if (stateChangeLine) { writeLine(); ownKeysWritten = [&] { if (normalized.isEmpty()) { return false; } const auto i = delta.keys.find(normalized); if (i == end(delta.keys)) { return false; } device.write(i->second.join('\n').toUtf8()); device.write("\n", 1); return true; }(); } else if (!ownKeysWritten) { writeLine(); } break; case State::Value: writeLine(); break; case State::Question: writeLine(); if (!stateChangeLine && question.isEmpty()) { question = line; normalized = NormalizeQuestion(line); } break; case State::Url: break; } }); } struct FilesResult { TemplatesData result; TemplatesIndex index; QStringList errors; }; FilesResult ReadFiles(const QString &folder) { auto result = FilesResult(); const auto files = QDir(folder).entryList(QDir::Files); for (const auto &path : files) { if (!IsTemplatesFile(path)) { continue; } auto file = ReadFile(folder + '/' + path); if (!file.result.url.isEmpty() || !file.result.questions.empty()) { result.result.files[path] = std::move(file.result); } result.errors.append(std::move(file.errors)); } return result; } TemplatesIndex ComputeIndex(const TemplatesData &data) { using Id = TemplatesIndex::Id; using Term = TemplatesIndex::Term; auto uniqueFirst = std::map>(); auto uniqueFull = std::map>(); const auto pushString = [&]( const Id &id, const QString &string, int weight) { const auto list = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(string); for (const auto &word : list) { uniqueFirst[word[0]].emplace(id); uniqueFull[id].emplace(std::make_pair(word, weight)); } }; for (const auto &[path, file] : data.files) { for (const auto &[normalized, question] : file.questions) { const auto id = std::make_pair(path, normalized); for (const auto &key : question.normalizedKeys) { pushString(id, key, kWeightStep * kWeightStep); } pushString(id, question.question, kWeightStep); pushString(id, question.value, 1); } } auto result = TemplatesIndex(); for (const auto &[ch, unique] : uniqueFirst) { result.first.emplace(ch, unique | ranges::to_vector); } for (const auto &[id, unique] : uniqueFull) { result.full.emplace(id, unique | ranges::to_vector); } return result; } void ReplaceFileIndex( TemplatesIndex &result, TemplatesIndex &&source, const QString &path) { for (auto i = begin(result.full); i != end(result.full);) { if (i->first.first == path) { i = result.full.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } for (auto &[id, list] : source.full) { result.full.emplace(id, std::move(list)); } using Id = TemplatesIndex::Id; for (auto &[ch, list] : result.first) { auto i = ranges::lower_bound( list, std::make_pair(path, QString())); auto j = std::find_if(i, end(list), [&](const Id &id) { return id.first != path; }); list.erase(i, j); } for (auto &[ch, list] : source.first) { auto &to = result.first[ch]; to.insert( end(to), std::make_move_iterator(begin(list)), std::make_move_iterator(end(list))); ranges::sort(to); } } void MoveKeys(TemplatesFile &to, const TemplatesFile &from) { const auto &existing = from.questions; for (auto &[normalized, question] : to.questions) { if (const auto i = existing.find(normalized); i != end(existing)) { question.originalKeys = i->second.originalKeys; question.normalizedKeys = i->second.normalizedKeys; } } } Delta ComputeDelta(const TemplatesFile &was, const TemplatesFile &now) { auto result = Delta(); for (const auto &[normalized, question] : now.questions) { const auto i = was.questions.find(normalized); if (i == end(was.questions)) { result.added.push_back(&question); } else { result.keys.emplace(normalized, i->second.originalKeys); if (i->second.value != question.value) { result.changed.push_back(&question); } } } for (const auto &[normalized, question] : was.questions) { if (result.keys.find(normalized) == end(result.keys)) { result.removed.push_back(&question); } } return result; } QString FormatUpdateNotification(const QString &path, const Delta &delta) { auto result = qsl("Template file '%1' updated!\n\n").arg(path); if (!delta.added.empty()) { result += qstr("-------- Added --------\n\n"); for (const auto question : delta.added) { result += qsl("Q: %1\nK: %2\nA: %3\n\n" ).arg(question->question ).arg(question->originalKeys.join(qsl(", ")) ).arg(question->value.trimmed()); } } if (!delta.changed.empty()) { result += qstr("-------- Modified --------\n\n"); for (const auto question : delta.changed) { result += qsl("Q: %1\nA: %2\n\n" ).arg(question->question ).arg(question->value.trimmed()); } } if (!delta.removed.empty()) { result += qstr("-------- Removed --------\n\n"); for (const auto question : delta.removed) { result += qsl("Q: %1\n\n").arg(question->question); } } return result; } QString UpdateFile( const QString &path, const QByteArray &content, const QString &url, const Delta &delta) { auto result = QString(); const auto full = cWorkingDir() + "TEMPLATES/" + path; const auto old = full + qstr(".old"); QFile(old).remove(); if (QFile(full).copy(old)) { result += qsl("(old file saved at '%1')" ).arg(path + qstr(".old")); QFile f(full); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { WriteWithOwnUrlAndKeys(f, content, url, delta); } else { result += qsl("\n\nError: could not open new file '%1'!" ).arg(full); } } else { result += qsl("Error: could not save old file '%1'!" ).arg(old); } return result; } int CountMaxKeyLength(const TemplatesData &data) { auto result = 0; for (const auto &[path, file] : data.files) { for (const auto &[normalized, question] : file.questions) { for (const auto &key : question.normalizedKeys) { accumulate_max(result, key.size()); } } } return result; } } // namespace } // namespace details using namespace details; struct Templates::Updates { QNetworkAccessManager manager; std::map requests; }; Templates::Templates(not_null session) : _session(session) { load(); Shortcuts::Requests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null request) { using Command = Shortcuts::Command; request->check( Command::SupportReloadTemplates ) && request->handle([=] { reload(); return true; }); }, _lifetime); } void Templates::reload() { _reloadToastSubscription = errors( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QStringList errors) { Ui::Toast::Show(errors.isEmpty() ? "Templates reloaded!" : ("Errors:\n\n" + errors.join("\n\n"))); }); load(); } void Templates::load() { if (_reloadAfterRead) { return; } else if (_reading.alive() || _updates) { _reloadAfterRead = true; return; } auto[left, right] = base::make_binary_guard(); _reading = std::move(left); crl::async([=, guard = std::move(right)]() mutable { auto result = ReadFiles(cWorkingDir() + "TEMPLATES"); result.index = ComputeIndex(result.result); crl::on_main([ =, result = std::move(result), guard = std::move(guard) ]() mutable { if (!guard.alive()) { return; } setData(std::move(result.result)); _index = std::move(result.index); _errors.fire(std::move(result.errors)); crl::on_main(this, [=] { if (base::take(_reloadAfterRead)) { reload(); } else { update(); } }); }); }); } void Templates::setData(TemplatesData &&data) { _data = std::move(data); _maxKeyLength = CountMaxKeyLength(_data); } void Templates::ensureUpdatesCreated() { if (_updates) { return; } _updates = std::make_unique(); QObject::connect( &_updates->manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, [=](QNetworkReply *reply) { updateRequestFinished(reply); }); } void Templates::update() { auto errors = QStringList(); const auto sendRequest = [&](const QString &path, const QString &url) { ensureUpdatesCreated(); if (_updates->requests.find(path) != end(_updates->requests)) { return; } _updates->requests.emplace( path, _updates->manager.get(QNetworkRequest(url))); }; for (const auto &[path, file] : _data.files) { if (!file.url.isEmpty()) { sendRequest(path, file.url); } } } void Templates::updateRequestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { reply->deleteLater(); const auto path = [&] { for (const auto &[file, sent] : _updates->requests) { if (sent == reply) { return file; } } return QString(); }(); if (path.isEmpty()) { return; } _updates->requests[path] = nullptr; if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { const auto message = qsl( "Error: template update failed, url '%1', error %2, %3" ).arg(reply->url().toDisplayString() ).arg(reply->error() ).arg(reply->errorString()); _session->data().serviceNotification({ message }); return; } LOG(("Got template from url '%1'" ).arg(reply->url().toDisplayString())); const auto content = reply->readAll(); crl::async([=, weak = base::make_weak(this)]{ auto result = ReadFromBlob(content); auto one = TemplatesData(); one.files.emplace(path, std::move(result.result)); auto index = ComputeIndex(one); crl::on_main(weak,[ =, one = std::move(one), errors = std::move(result.errors), index = std::move(index) ]() mutable { auto &existing = _data.files.at(path); auto &parsed = one.files.at(path); MoveKeys(parsed, existing); ReplaceFileIndex(_index, ComputeIndex(one), path); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { _errors.fire(std::move(errors)); } if (const auto delta = ComputeDelta(existing, parsed)) { const auto text = FormatUpdateNotification( path, delta); const auto copy = UpdateFile( path, content, existing.url, delta); const auto full = text + copy; _session->data().serviceNotification({ full }); } _data.files.at(path) = std::move(one.files.at(path)); _updates->requests.erase(path); checkUpdateFinished(); }); }); } void Templates::checkUpdateFinished() { if (!_updates || !_updates->requests.empty()) { return; } _updates = nullptr; if (base::take(_reloadAfterRead)) { reload(); } } auto Templates::matchExact(QString query) const -> std::optional { if (query.isEmpty() || query.size() > _maxKeyLength) { return {}; } query = NormalizeKey(query); for (const auto &[path, file] : _data.files) { for (const auto &[normalized, question] : file.questions) { for (const auto &key : question.normalizedKeys) { if (key == query) { return QuestionByKey{ question, key }; } } } } return {}; } auto Templates::matchFromEnd(QString query) const -> std::optional { if (query.size() > _maxKeyLength) { query = query.mid(query.size() - _maxKeyLength); } const auto size = query.size(); auto queries = std::vector(); queries.reserve(size); for (auto i = 0; i != size; ++i) { queries.push_back(NormalizeKey(query.mid(size - i - 1))); } auto result = std::optional(); for (const auto &[path, file] : _data.files) { for (const auto &[normalized, question] : file.questions) { for (const auto &key : question.normalizedKeys) { if (key.size() <= queries.size() && queries[key.size() - 1] == key && (!result || result->key.size() <= key.size())) { result = QuestionByKey{ question, key }; } } } } return result; } Templates::~Templates() = default; auto Templates::query(const QString &text) const -> std::vector { const auto words = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(text); const auto questions = [&](const QString &word) { const auto i = _index.first.find(word[0]); return (i == end(_index.first)) ? 0 : i->second.size(); }; const auto best = ranges::min_element(words, std::less<>(), questions); if (best == std::end(words)) { return {}; } const auto narrowed = _index.first.find((*best)[0]); if (narrowed == end(_index.first)) { return {}; } using Id = TemplatesIndex::Id; using Term = TemplatesIndex::Term; const auto questionById = [&](const Id &id) { return _data.files.at(id.first).questions.at(id.second); }; const auto computeWeight = [&](const Id &id) { auto result = 0; const auto full = _index.full.find(id); for (const auto &word : words) { const auto from = ranges::lower_bound( full->second, word, std::less<>(), [](const Term &term) { return term.first; }); const auto till = std::find_if( from, end(full->second), [&](const Term &term) { return !term.first.startsWith(word); }); const auto weight = std::max_element( from, till, [](const Term &a, const Term &b) { return a.second < b.second; }); if (weight == till) { return 0; } result += weight->second * (weight->first == word ? 2 : 1); } return result; }; using Pair = std::pair; const auto pairById = [&](const Id &id) { return std::make_pair(id, computeWeight(id)); }; const auto sorter = [](const Pair &a, const Pair &b) { // weight DESC filename DESC question ASC if (a.second > b.second) { return true; } else if (a.second < b.second) { return false; } else if (a.first.first > b.first.first) { return true; } else if (a.first.first < b.first.first) { return false; } else { return (a.first.second < b.first.second); } }; const auto good = narrowed->second | ranges::view::transform( pairById ) | ranges::view::filter([](const Pair &pair) { return pair.second > 0; }) | ranges::to_vector | ranges::action::stable_sort(sorter); return good | ranges::view::transform([&](const Pair &pair) { return questionById(pair.first); }) | ranges::view::take(kQueryLimit) | ranges::to_vector; } } // namespace Support