/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "info/profile/info_profile_cover.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "editor/photo_editor_layer_widget.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" #include "info/info_controller.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_peer_photo.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" namespace Info { namespace Profile { namespace { class SectionToggle : public Ui::AbstractCheckView { public: SectionToggle( const style::InfoToggle &st, bool checked, Fn updateCallback); QSize getSize() const override; void paint( Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) override; QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; bool checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const override; private: QSize rippleSize() const; const style::InfoToggle &_st; }; SectionToggle::SectionToggle( const style::InfoToggle &st, bool checked, Fn updateCallback) : AbstractCheckView(st.duration, checked, std::move(updateCallback)) , _st(st) { } QSize SectionToggle::getSize() const { return QSize(_st.size, _st.size); } void SectionToggle::paint( Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) { auto sqrt2 = sqrt(2.); auto vLeft = style::rtlpoint(left + _st.skip, 0, outerWidth).x() + 0.; auto vTop = top + _st.skip + 0.; auto vWidth = _st.size - 2 * _st.skip; auto vHeight = _st.size - 2 * _st.skip; auto vStroke = _st.stroke / sqrt2; constexpr auto kPointCount = 6; std::array pathV = { { { vLeft, vTop + (vHeight / 4.) + vStroke }, { vLeft + vStroke, vTop + (vHeight / 4.) }, { vLeft + (vWidth / 2.), vTop + (vHeight * 3. / 4.) - vStroke }, { vLeft + vWidth - vStroke, vTop + (vHeight / 4.) }, { vLeft + vWidth, vTop + (vHeight / 4.) + vStroke }, { vLeft + (vWidth / 2.), vTop + (vHeight * 3. / 4.) + vStroke }, } }; auto toggled = currentAnimationValue(); auto alpha = (toggled - 1.) * M_PI_2; auto cosalpha = cos(alpha); auto sinalpha = sin(alpha); auto shiftx = vLeft + (vWidth / 2.); auto shifty = vTop + (vHeight / 2.); for (auto &point : pathV) { auto x = point.x() - shiftx; auto y = point.y() - shifty; point.setX(shiftx + x * cosalpha - y * sinalpha); point.setY(shifty + y * cosalpha + x * sinalpha); } QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(pathV[0]); for (int i = 1; i != kPointCount; ++i) { path.lineTo(pathV[i]); } path.lineTo(pathV[0]); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.fillPath(path, _st.color); } QImage SectionToggle::prepareRippleMask() const { return Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(rippleSize()); } QSize SectionToggle::rippleSize() const { return getSize() + 2 * QSize( _st.rippleAreaPadding, _st.rippleAreaPadding); } bool SectionToggle::checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const { return QRect(QPoint(0, 0), rippleSize()).contains(position); } auto MembersStatusText(int count) { return tr::lng_chat_status_members(tr::now, lt_count_decimal, count); }; auto OnlineStatusText(int count) { return tr::lng_chat_status_online(tr::now, lt_count_decimal, count); }; auto ChatStatusText(int fullCount, int onlineCount, bool isGroup) { if (onlineCount > 1 && onlineCount <= fullCount) { return tr::lng_chat_status_members_online( tr::now, lt_members_count, MembersStatusText(fullCount), lt_online_count, OnlineStatusText(onlineCount)); } else if (fullCount > 0) { return isGroup ? tr::lng_chat_status_members( tr::now, lt_count_decimal, fullCount) : tr::lng_chat_status_subscribers( tr::now, lt_count_decimal, fullCount); } return isGroup ? tr::lng_group_status(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_status(tr::now); }; } // namespace SectionWithToggle *SectionWithToggle::setToggleShown( rpl::producer &&shown) { _toggle.create( this, QString(), st::infoToggleCheckbox, std::make_unique( st::infoToggle, false, [this] { _toggle->updateCheck(); })); _toggle->hide(); _toggle->lower(); _toggle->setCheckAlignment(style::al_right); widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int newValue) { _toggle->setGeometry(0, 0, newValue, height()); }, _toggle->lifetime()); std::move( shown ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](bool shown) { if (_toggle->isHidden() == shown) { _toggle->setVisible(shown); _toggleShown.fire_copy(shown); } }, lifetime()); return this; } void SectionWithToggle::toggle(bool toggled, anim::type animated) { if (_toggle) { _toggle->setChecked(toggled); if (animated == anim::type::instant) { _toggle->finishAnimating(); } } } bool SectionWithToggle::toggled() const { return _toggle ? _toggle->checked() : false; } rpl::producer SectionWithToggle::toggledValue() const { if (_toggle) { return _toggle->checkedValue(); } return nullptr; } rpl::producer SectionWithToggle::toggleShownValue() const { return _toggleShown.events_starting_with( _toggle && !_toggle->isHidden()); } int SectionWithToggle::toggleSkip() const { return (!_toggle || _toggle->isHidden()) ? 0 : st::infoToggleCheckbox.checkPosition.x() + _toggle->checkRect().width(); } Cover::Cover( QWidget *parent, not_null peer, not_null controller) : Cover(parent, peer, controller, NameValue( peer ) | rpl::map([=](const TextWithEntities &name) { return name.text; })) { } Cover::Cover( QWidget *parent, not_null peer, not_null controller, rpl::producer title) : SectionWithToggle( parent, st::infoProfilePhotoTop + st::infoProfilePhoto.size.height() + st::infoProfilePhotoBottom) , _peer(peer) , _userpic( this, controller, _peer, Ui::UserpicButton::Role::OpenPhoto, st::infoProfilePhoto) , _name(this, st::infoProfileNameLabel) , _status( this, _peer->isMegagroup() ? st::infoProfileMegagroupStatusLabel : st::infoProfileStatusLabel) , _refreshStatusTimer([this] { refreshStatusText(); }) { _peer->updateFull(); _name->setSelectable(true); _name->setContextCopyText(tr::lng_profile_copy_fullname(tr::now)); if (!_peer->isMegagroup()) { _status->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); } initViewers(std::move(title)); setupChildGeometry(); _userpic->uploadPhotoRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _peer->session().api().peerPhoto().upload( _peer, _userpic->takeResultImage()); }, _userpic->lifetime()); } void Cover::setupChildGeometry() { using namespace rpl::mappers; rpl::combine( toggleShownValue(), widthValue(), _2 ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int newWidth) { _userpic->moveToLeft( st::infoProfilePhotoLeft, st::infoProfilePhotoTop, newWidth); refreshNameGeometry(newWidth); refreshStatusGeometry(newWidth); }, lifetime()); } Cover *Cover::setOnlineCount(rpl::producer &&count) { std::move( count ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int count) { _onlineCount = count; refreshStatusText(); }, lifetime()); return this; } void Cover::initViewers(rpl::producer title) { using Flag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; std::move( title ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &title) { _name->setText(title); refreshNameGeometry(width()); }, lifetime()); _peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( _peer, Flag::OnlineStatus | Flag::Members ) | rpl::start_with_next( [=] { refreshStatusText(); }, lifetime()); if (!_peer->isUser()) { _peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( _peer, Flag::Rights ) | rpl::start_with_next( [=] { refreshUploadPhotoOverlay(); }, lifetime()); } else if (_peer->isSelf()) { refreshUploadPhotoOverlay(); } BadgeValue( _peer ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Badge badge) { setBadge(badge); }, lifetime()); } void Cover::refreshUploadPhotoOverlay() { _userpic->switchChangePhotoOverlay([&] { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return chat->canEditInformation(); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { return channel->canEditInformation(); } return _peer->isSelf(); }()); } void Cover::setBadge(Badge badge) { if (_badge == badge) { return; } _badge = badge; _verifiedCheck.destroy(); _scamFakeBadge.destroy(); switch (_badge) { case Badge::Verified: case Badge::Premium: { const auto icon = (_badge == Badge::Verified) ? &st::infoVerifiedCheck : &st::infoPremiumStar; _verifiedCheck.create(this); _verifiedCheck->show(); _verifiedCheck->resize(icon->size()); _verifiedCheck->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([icon, check = _verifiedCheck.data()] { Painter p(check); icon->paint(p, 0, 0, check->width()); }, _verifiedCheck->lifetime()); } break; case Badge::Scam: case Badge::Fake: { const auto fake = (_badge == Badge::Fake); const auto size = Ui::ScamBadgeSize(fake); const auto skip = st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x(); _scamFakeBadge.create(this); _scamFakeBadge->show(); _scamFakeBadge->resize( size.width() + 2 * skip, size.height() + 2 * skip); _scamFakeBadge->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, badge = _scamFakeBadge.data()]{ Painter p(badge); Ui::DrawScamBadge( fake, p, badge->rect().marginsRemoved({ skip, skip, skip, skip }), badge->width(), st::attentionButtonFg); }, _scamFakeBadge->lifetime()); } break; } refreshNameGeometry(width()); } void Cover::refreshStatusText() { auto hasMembersLink = [&] { if (auto megagroup = _peer->asMegagroup()) { return megagroup->canViewMembers(); } return false; }(); auto statusText = [&]() -> TextWithEntities { using namespace Ui::Text; auto currentTime = base::unixtime::now(); if (auto user = _peer->asUser()) { const auto result = Data::OnlineTextFull(user, currentTime); const auto showOnline = Data::OnlineTextActive(user, currentTime); const auto updateIn = Data::OnlineChangeTimeout(user, currentTime); if (showOnline) { _refreshStatusTimer.callOnce(updateIn); } return showOnline ? PlainLink(result) : TextWithEntities{ .text = result }; } else if (auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { if (!chat->amIn()) { return tr::lng_chat_status_unaccessible({}, WithEntities); } auto fullCount = std::max( chat->count, int(chat->participants.size())); return { .text = ChatStatusText(fullCount, _onlineCount, true) }; } else if (auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { auto fullCount = qMax(channel->membersCount(), 1); auto result = ChatStatusText( fullCount, _onlineCount, channel->isMegagroup()); return hasMembersLink ? PlainLink(result) : TextWithEntities{ .text = result }; } return tr::lng_chat_status_unaccessible(tr::now, WithEntities); }(); _status->setMarkedText(statusText); if (hasMembersLink) { _status->setLink(1, std::make_shared([=] { _showSection.fire(Section::Type::Members); })); } refreshStatusGeometry(width()); } Cover::~Cover() { } void Cover::refreshNameGeometry(int newWidth) { auto nameLeft = st::infoProfileNameLeft; auto nameTop = st::infoProfileNameTop; auto nameWidth = newWidth - nameLeft - st::infoProfileNameRight - toggleSkip(); if (_verifiedCheck) { nameWidth -= st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x() + _verifiedCheck->width(); } else if (_scamFakeBadge) { nameWidth -= st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x() + _scamFakeBadge->width(); } _name->resizeToNaturalWidth(nameWidth); _name->moveToLeft(nameLeft, nameTop, newWidth); if (_verifiedCheck) { const auto checkLeft = nameLeft + _name->width() + st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x(); const auto checkTop = nameTop + st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.y(); _verifiedCheck->moveToLeft(checkLeft, checkTop, newWidth); } else if (_scamFakeBadge) { const auto skip = st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x(); const auto badgeLeft = nameLeft + _name->width() + st::infoVerifiedCheckPosition.x() - skip; const auto badgeTop = nameTop + (_name->height() - _scamFakeBadge->height()) / 2; _scamFakeBadge->moveToLeft(badgeLeft, badgeTop, newWidth); } } void Cover::refreshStatusGeometry(int newWidth) { auto statusWidth = newWidth - st::infoProfileStatusLeft - st::infoProfileStatusRight - toggleSkip(); _status->resizeToWidth(statusWidth); _status->moveToLeft( st::infoProfileStatusLeft, st::infoProfileStatusTop, newWidth); } } // namespace Profile } // namespace Info