/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/media/history_view_document.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "history/view/media/history_view_media_common.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/text/format_song_document_name.h" #include "ui/cached_round_corners.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "layout.h" // FullSelection #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_document_resolver.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_file_click_handler.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace HistoryView { namespace { constexpr auto kAudioVoiceMsgUpdateView = crl::time(100); [[nodiscard]] QString CleanTagSymbols(const QString &value) { auto result = QString(); const auto begin = value.begin(), end = value.end(); auto from = begin; for (auto ch = begin; ch != end; ++ch) { if (ch->isHighSurrogate() && (ch + 1) != end && (ch + 1)->isLowSurrogate() && QChar::surrogateToUcs4( ch->unicode(), (ch + 1)->unicode()) >= 0xe0000) { if (ch > from) { if (result.isEmpty()) { result.reserve(value.size()); } result.append(from, ch - from); } ++ch; from = ch + 1; } } if (from == begin) { return value; } else if (end > from) { result.append(from, end - from); } return result; } void PaintWaveform( Painter &p, const VoiceData *voiceData, int availableWidth, bool selected, bool outbg, float64 progress) { const auto wf = [&]() -> const VoiceWaveform* { if (!voiceData) { return nullptr; } if (voiceData->waveform.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } else if (voiceData->waveform.at(0) < 0) { return nullptr; } return &voiceData->waveform; }(); // Rescale waveform by going in waveform.size * bar_count 1D grid. const auto active = outbg ? (selected ? st::msgWaveformOutActiveSelected : st::msgWaveformOutActive) : (selected ? st::msgWaveformInActiveSelected : st::msgWaveformInActive); const auto inactive = outbg ? (selected ? st::msgWaveformOutInactiveSelected : st::msgWaveformOutInactive) : (selected ? st::msgWaveformInInactiveSelected : st::msgWaveformInInactive); const auto wfSize = wf ? wf->size() : ::Media::Player::kWaveformSamplesCount; const auto activeWidth = std::round(availableWidth * progress); const auto &barWidth = st::msgWaveformBar; const auto barCount = std::min( availableWidth / (barWidth + st::msgWaveformSkip), wfSize); const auto barNormValue = (wf ? voiceData->wavemax : 0) + 1; const auto maxDelta = st::msgWaveformMax - st::msgWaveformMin; const auto &bottom = st::msgWaveformMax; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); for (auto i = 0, barLeft = 0, sum = 0, maxValue = 0; i < wfSize; ++i) { const auto value = wf ? wf->at(i) : 0; if (sum + barCount < wfSize) { maxValue = std::max(maxValue, value); sum += barCount; continue; } // Draw bar. sum = sum + barCount - wfSize; if (sum < (barCount + 1) / 2) { maxValue = std::max(maxValue, value); } const auto barValue = ((maxValue * maxDelta) + (barNormValue / 2)) / barNormValue; const auto barHeight = st::msgWaveformMin + barValue; const auto barTop = bottom - barValue; if ((barLeft < activeWidth) && (barLeft + barWidth > activeWidth)) { const auto leftWidth = activeWidth - barLeft; const auto rightWidth = barWidth - leftWidth; p.fillRect(barLeft, barTop, leftWidth, barHeight, active); p.fillRect(activeWidth, barTop, rightWidth, barHeight, inactive); } else { const auto &color = (barLeft >= activeWidth) ? inactive : active; p.fillRect(barLeft, barTop, barWidth, barHeight, color); } barLeft += barWidth + st::msgWaveformSkip; maxValue = (sum < (barCount + 1) / 2) ? 0 : value; } } } // namespace Document::Document( not_null parent, not_null realParent, not_null document) : File(parent, realParent) , _data(document) { const auto item = parent->data(); auto caption = createCaption(); createComponents(!caption.isEmpty()); if (const auto named = Get()) { fillNamedFromData(named); } setDocumentLinks(_data, realParent); setStatusSize(Ui::FileStatusSizeReady); if (const auto captioned = Get()) { captioned->_caption = std::move(caption); } } Document::~Document() { if (_dataMedia) { _data->owner().keepAlive(base::take(_dataMedia)); _parent->checkHeavyPart(); } } float64 Document::dataProgress() const { ensureDataMediaCreated(); return _dataMedia->progress(); } bool Document::dataFinished() const { return !_data->loading() && (!_data->uploading() || _data->waitingForAlbum()); } bool Document::dataLoaded() const { ensureDataMediaCreated(); return _dataMedia->loaded(); } void Document::createComponents(bool caption) { uint64 mask = 0; if (_data->isVoiceMessage()) { mask |= HistoryDocumentVoice::Bit(); } else { mask |= HistoryDocumentNamed::Bit(); if (_data->hasThumbnail()) { if (!_data->isSong() && !Data::IsExecutableName(_data->filename())) { _data->loadThumbnail(_realParent->fullId()); mask |= HistoryDocumentThumbed::Bit(); } } } if (caption) { mask |= HistoryDocumentCaptioned::Bit(); } UpdateComponents(mask); if (const auto thumbed = Get()) { thumbed->_linksavel = std::make_shared( _data, _realParent->fullId()); thumbed->_linkopenwithl = std::make_shared( _data, _realParent->fullId()); thumbed->_linkcancell = std::make_shared( _data, crl::guard(this, [=](FullMsgId id) { _parent->delegate()->elementCancelUpload(id); }), _realParent->fullId()); } if (const auto voice = Get()) { voice->_seekl = std::make_shared( _data, [](FullMsgId) {}); } } void Document::fillNamedFromData(HistoryDocumentNamed *named) { const auto nameString = named->_name = CleanTagSymbols( Ui::Text::FormatSongNameFor(_data).string()); named->_namew = st::semiboldFont->width(nameString); } QSize Document::countOptimalSize() { const auto item = _parent->data(); auto captioned = Get(); if (_parent->media() != this && !_realParent->groupId()) { if (captioned) { RemoveComponents(HistoryDocumentCaptioned::Bit()); captioned = nullptr; } } else if (captioned && captioned->_caption.hasSkipBlock()) { captioned->_caption.updateSkipBlock( _parent->skipBlockWidth(), _parent->skipBlockHeight()); } auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout; if (thumbed) { const auto &location = _data->thumbnailLocation(); auto tw = style::ConvertScale(location.width()); auto th = style::ConvertScale(location.height()); if (tw > th) { thumbed->_thumbw = (tw * st.thumbSize) / th; } else { thumbed->_thumbw = st.thumbSize; } } auto maxWidth = st::msgFileMinWidth; const auto tleft = st.padding.left() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.right(); const auto tright = st.padding.left(); if (thumbed) { accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + documentMaxStatusWidth(_data) + tright); } else { auto unread = _data->isVoiceMessage() ? (st::mediaUnreadSkip + st::mediaUnreadSize) : 0; accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + documentMaxStatusWidth(_data) + unread + _parent->skipBlockWidth() + st::msgPadding.right()); } if (auto named = Get()) { accumulate_max(maxWidth, tleft + named->_namew + tright); accumulate_min(maxWidth, st::msgMaxWidth); } auto minHeight = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom(); const auto msgsigned = item->Get(); const auto views = item->Get(); if (!captioned && ((msgsigned && !msgsigned->isAnonymousRank) || (views && (views->views.count >= 0 || views->replies.count > 0)) || _parent->displayEditedBadge())) { minHeight += st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y(); } if (!isBubbleTop()) { minHeight -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } if (captioned) { auto captionw = maxWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); minHeight += captioned->_caption.countHeight(captionw); if (isBubbleBottom()) { minHeight += st::msgPadding.bottom(); } } return { maxWidth, minHeight }; } QSize Document::countCurrentSize(int newWidth) { const auto captioned = Get(); if (!captioned) { return File::countCurrentSize(newWidth); } accumulate_min(newWidth, maxWidth()); const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout; auto newHeight = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom(); if (!isBubbleTop()) { newHeight -= st::msgFileTopMinus; } auto captionw = newWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); newHeight += captioned->_caption.countHeight(captionw); if (isBubbleBottom()) { newHeight += st::msgPadding.bottom(); } return { newWidth, newHeight }; } void Document::draw( Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms) const { draw(p, width(), selection, ms, LayoutMode::Full); } void Document::draw( Painter &p, int width, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms, LayoutMode mode) const { if (width < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) return; ensureDataMediaCreated(); const auto cornerDownload = downloadInCorner(); if (!_dataMedia->canBePlayed()) { _dataMedia->automaticLoad(_realParent->fullId(), _realParent); } bool loaded = dataLoaded(), displayLoading = _data->displayLoading(); bool selected = (selection == FullSelection); int captionw = width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); if (displayLoading) { ensureAnimation(); if (!_animation->radial.animating()) { _animation->radial.start(dataProgress()); } } const auto showPause = updateStatusText(); const auto radial = isRadialAnimation(); const auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = (mode == LayoutMode::Full) ? (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout) : (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); const auto nameleft = st.padding.left() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.right(); const auto nametop = st.nameTop - topMinus; const auto nameright = st.padding.left(); const auto statustop = st.statusTop - topMinus; const auto linktop = st.linkTop - topMinus; const auto bottom = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom() - topMinus; const auto rthumb = style::rtlrect(st.padding.left(), st.padding.top() - topMinus, st.thumbSize, st.thumbSize, width); const auto innerSize = st::msgFileLayout.thumbSize; const auto inner = QRect(rthumb.x() + (rthumb.width() - innerSize) / 2, rthumb.y() + (rthumb.height() - innerSize) / 2, innerSize, innerSize); const auto radialOpacity = radial ? _animation->radial.opacity() : 1.; if (thumbed) { auto inWebPage = (_parent->media() != this); auto roundRadius = inWebPage ? ImageRoundRadius::Small : ImageRoundRadius::Large; QPixmap thumb; if (const auto normal = _dataMedia->thumbnail()) { thumb = normal->pixSingle(thumbed->_thumbw, 0, st.thumbSize, st.thumbSize, roundRadius); } else if (const auto blurred = _dataMedia->thumbnailInline()) { thumb = blurred->pixBlurredSingle(thumbed->_thumbw, 0, st.thumbSize, st.thumbSize, roundRadius); } p.drawPixmap(rthumb.topLeft(), thumb); if (selected) { auto overlayCorners = inWebPage ? Ui::SelectedOverlaySmallCorners : Ui::SelectedOverlayLargeCorners; Ui::FillRoundRect(p, rthumb, p.textPalette().selectOverlay, overlayCorners); } if (radial || (!loaded && !_data->loading()) || _data->waitingForAlbum()) { const auto backOpacity = (loaded && !_data->uploading()) ? radialOpacity : 1.; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (selected) { p.setBrush(st::msgDateImgBgSelected); } else { p.setBrush(st::msgDateImgBg); } p.setOpacity(backOpacity * p.opacity()); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } const auto icon = [&] { if (_data->waitingForAlbum()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileThumbWaitingSelected : st::historyFileThumbWaiting); } else if (radial || _data->loading()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileThumbCancelSelected : st::historyFileThumbCancel); } return &(selected ? st::historyFileThumbDownloadSelected : st::historyFileThumbDownload); }(); const auto previous = [&]() -> const style::icon* { if (_data->waitingForAlbum()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileThumbCancelSelected : st::historyFileThumbCancel); } return nullptr; }(); p.setOpacity(backOpacity); if (previous && radialOpacity > 0. && radialOpacity < 1.) { PaintInterpolatedIcon(p, *icon, *previous, radialOpacity, inner); } else { icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } p.setOpacity(1.); if (radial) { QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine))); _animation->radial.draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, selected ? st::historyFileThumbRadialFgSelected : st::historyFileThumbRadialFg); } } if (_data->status != FileUploadFailed) { const auto &lnk = (_data->loading() || _data->uploading()) ? thumbed->_linkcancell : dataLoaded() ? thumbed->_linkopenwithl : thumbed->_linksavel; bool over = ClickHandler::showAsActive(lnk); p.setFont(over ? st::semiboldFont->underline() : st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected : st::msgFileThumbLinkOutFg) : (selected ? st::msgFileThumbLinkInFgSelected : st::msgFileThumbLinkInFg)); p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, linktop, width, thumbed->_link, thumbed->_linkw); } } else { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); const auto coverDrawn = _data->isSongWithCover() && DrawThumbnailAsSongCover(p, _dataMedia, inner, selected); if (!coverDrawn) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setBrush(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgFileOutBgSelected : st::msgFileInBgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgFileOutBg : st::msgFileInBg)); p.drawEllipse(inner); } const auto icon = [&] { if (_data->waitingForAlbum()) { if (_data->isSongWithCover()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileSongWaitingSelected : st::historyFileSongWaiting); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutWaitingSelected : st::historyFileOutWaiting) : (selected ? st::historyFileInWaitingSelected : st::historyFileInWaiting)); } else if (!cornerDownload && (_data->loading() || _data->uploading())) { if (_data->isSongWithCover()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileSongCancelSelected : st::historyFileSongCancel); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutCancelSelected : st::historyFileOutCancel) : (selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel)); } else if (showPause) { if (_data->isSongWithCover()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileSongPauseSelected : st::historyFileSongPause); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutPauseSelected : st::historyFileOutPause) : (selected ? st::historyFileInPauseSelected : st::historyFileInPause)); } else if (loaded || _dataMedia->canBePlayed()) { if (_dataMedia->canBePlayed()) { if (_data->isSongWithCover()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileSongPlaySelected : st::historyFileSongPlay); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutPlaySelected : st::historyFileOutPlay) : (selected ? st::historyFileInPlaySelected : st::historyFileInPlay)); } else if (_data->isImage()) { return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutImageSelected : st::historyFileOutImage) : (selected ? st::historyFileInImageSelected : st::historyFileInImage)); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutDocumentSelected : st::historyFileOutDocument) : (selected ? st::historyFileInDocumentSelected : st::historyFileInDocument)); } if (_data->isSongWithCover()) { return &(selected ? st::historyFileSongDownloadSelected : st::historyFileSongDownload); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutDownloadSelected : st::historyFileOutDownload) : (selected ? st::historyFileInDownloadSelected : st::historyFileInDownload)); }(); const auto previous = [&]() -> const style::icon* { if (_data->waitingForAlbum()) { return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutCancelSelected : st::historyFileOutCancel) : (selected ? st::historyFileInCancelSelected : st::historyFileInCancel)); } return nullptr; }(); if (previous && radialOpacity > 0. && radialOpacity < 1.) { PaintInterpolatedIcon(p, *icon, *previous, radialOpacity, inner); } else { icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } if (radial && !cornerDownload) { QRect rinner(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine, st::msgFileRadialLine))); auto fg = outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutRadialFgSelected : st::historyFileOutRadialFg) : (selected ? st::historyFileInRadialFgSelected : st::historyFileInRadialFg); _animation->radial.draw(p, rinner, st::msgFileRadialLine, fg); } drawCornerDownload(p, selected, mode); } auto namewidth = width - nameleft - nameright; auto statuswidth = namewidth; auto voiceStatusOverride = QString(); if (const auto voice = Get()) { ensureDataMediaCreated(); if (const auto voiceData = _data->voice()) { if (voiceData->waveform.isEmpty()) { if (loaded) { Local::countVoiceWaveform(_dataMedia.get()); } } } const auto progress = [&] { if (!outbg && !voice->_playback && _realParent->hasUnreadMediaFlag()) { return 1.; } if (voice->seeking()) { return voice->seekingCurrent(); } else if (voice->_playback) { return voice->_playback->progress.current(); } return 0.; }(); if (voice->seeking()) { voiceStatusOverride = Ui::FormatPlayedText( std::round(progress * voice->_lastDurationMs) / 1000, voice->_lastDurationMs / 1000); } p.save(); p.translate(nameleft, st.padding.top() - topMinus); PaintWaveform(p, _data->voice(), namewidth + st::msgWaveformSkip, selected, outbg, progress); p.restore(); } else if (auto named = Get()) { p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileNameOutFgSelected : st::historyFileNameOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyFileNameInFgSelected : st::historyFileNameInFg)); if (namewidth < named->_namew) { p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, nametop, width, st::semiboldFont->elided(named->_name, namewidth, Qt::ElideMiddle)); } else { p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, nametop, width, named->_name, named->_namew); } } auto statusText = voiceStatusOverride.isEmpty() ? _statusText : voiceStatusOverride; auto status = outbg ? (selected ? st::mediaOutFgSelected : st::mediaOutFg) : (selected ? st::mediaInFgSelected : st::mediaInFg); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(status); p.drawTextLeft(nameleft, statustop, width, statusText); if (_realParent->hasUnreadMediaFlag()) { auto w = st::normalFont->width(statusText); if (w + st::mediaUnreadSkip + st::mediaUnreadSize <= statuswidth) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(outbg ? (selected ? st::msgFileOutBgSelected : st::msgFileOutBg) : (selected ? st::msgFileInBgSelected : st::msgFileInBg)); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(nameleft + w + st::mediaUnreadSkip, statustop + st::mediaUnreadTop, st::mediaUnreadSize, st::mediaUnreadSize, width)); } } } if (auto captioned = Get()) { p.setPen(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyTextOutFgSelected : st::historyTextOutFg) : (selected ? st::historyTextInFgSelected : st::historyTextInFg)); captioned->_caption.draw(p, st::msgPadding.left(), bottom, captionw, style::al_left, 0, -1, selection); } } bool Document::hasHeavyPart() const { return (_dataMedia != nullptr); } void Document::unloadHeavyPart() { _dataMedia = nullptr; } void Document::ensureDataMediaCreated() const { if (_dataMedia) { return; } _dataMedia = _data->createMediaView(); if (Get() || _data->isSongWithCover()) { _dataMedia->thumbnailWanted(_realParent->fullId()); } history()->owner().registerHeavyViewPart(_parent); } bool Document::downloadInCorner() const { return _data->isAudioFile() && _data->canBeStreamed() && !_data->inappPlaybackFailed() && IsServerMsgId(_realParent->id); } void Document::drawCornerDownload(Painter &p, bool selected, LayoutMode mode) const { if (dataLoaded() || _data->loadedInMediaCache() || !downloadInCorner()) { return; } auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout(); auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; const auto thumbed = false; const auto &st = (mode == LayoutMode::Full) ? (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout) : (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); const auto shift = st::historyAudioDownloadShift; const auto size = st::historyAudioDownloadSize; const auto inner = style::rtlrect(st.padding.left() + shift, st.padding.top() - topMinus + shift, size, size, width()); auto pen = (selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutBgSelected : st::msgInBgSelected) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg))->p; pen.setWidth(st::lineWidth); p.setPen(pen); if (selected) { p.setBrush(outbg ? st::msgFileOutBgSelected : st::msgFileInBgSelected); } else { p.setBrush(outbg ? st::msgFileOutBg : st::msgFileInBg); } { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } const auto icon = [&] { if (_data->loading()) { return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyAudioOutCancelSelected : st::historyAudioOutCancel) : (selected ? st::historyAudioInCancelSelected : st::historyAudioInCancel)); } return &(outbg ? (selected ? st::historyAudioOutDownloadSelected : st::historyAudioOutDownload) : (selected ? st::historyAudioInDownloadSelected : st::historyAudioInDownload)); }(); icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); if (_animation && _animation->radial.animating()) { const auto rinner = inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::historyAudioRadialLine, st::historyAudioRadialLine, st::historyAudioRadialLine, st::historyAudioRadialLine)); auto fg = outbg ? (selected ? st::historyFileOutRadialFgSelected : st::historyFileOutRadialFg) : (selected ? st::historyFileInRadialFgSelected : st::historyFileInRadialFg); _animation->radial.draw(p, rinner, st::historyAudioRadialLine, fg); } } TextState Document::cornerDownloadTextState( QPoint point, StateRequest request, LayoutMode mode) const { auto result = TextState(_parent); if (dataLoaded() || _data->loadedInMediaCache() || !downloadInCorner()) { return result; } auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; const auto thumbed = false; const auto &st = (mode == LayoutMode::Full) ? (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout) : (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); const auto shift = st::historyAudioDownloadShift; const auto size = st::historyAudioDownloadSize; const auto inner = style::rtlrect(st.padding.left() + shift, st.padding.top() - topMinus + shift, size, size, width()); if (inner.contains(point)) { result.link = _data->loading() ? _cancell : _savel; } return result; } TextState Document::textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { return textState(point, { width(), height() }, request, LayoutMode::Full); } TextState Document::textState( QPoint point, QSize layout, StateRequest request, LayoutMode mode) const { const auto width = layout.width(); const auto height = layout.height(); auto result = TextState(_parent); if (width < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) { return result; } ensureDataMediaCreated(); bool loaded = dataLoaded(); bool showPause = updateStatusText(); const auto topMinus = isBubbleTop() ? 0 : st::msgFileTopMinus; const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = (mode == LayoutMode::Full) ? (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout) : (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); const auto nameleft = st.padding.left() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.right(); const auto nametop = st.nameTop - topMinus; const auto nameright = st.padding.left(); const auto statustop = st.statusTop - topMinus; const auto linktop = st.linkTop - topMinus; const auto bottom = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom() - topMinus; const auto rthumb = style::rtlrect(st.padding.left(), st.padding.top() - topMinus, st.thumbSize, st.thumbSize, width); const auto innerSize = st::msgFileLayout.thumbSize; const auto inner = QRect(rthumb.x() + (rthumb.width() - innerSize) / 2, rthumb.y() + (rthumb.height() - innerSize) / 2, innerSize, innerSize); if (const auto thumbed = Get()) { if ((_data->loading() || _data->uploading()) && rthumb.contains(point)) { result.link = _cancell; return result; } if (_data->status != FileUploadFailed) { if (style::rtlrect(nameleft, linktop, thumbed->_linkw, st::semiboldFont->height, width).contains(point)) { result.link = (_data->loading() || _data->uploading()) ? thumbed->_linkcancell : dataLoaded() ? thumbed->_linkopenwithl : thumbed->_linksavel; return result; } } } else { if (const auto state = cornerDownloadTextState(point, request, mode); state.link) { return state; } if ((_data->loading() || _data->uploading()) && inner.contains(point) && !downloadInCorner()) { result.link = _cancell; return result; } } if (const auto voice = Get()) { auto namewidth = width - nameleft - nameright; auto waveformbottom = st.padding.top() - topMinus + st::msgWaveformMax + st::msgWaveformMin; if (QRect(nameleft, nametop, namewidth, waveformbottom - nametop).contains(point)) { const auto state = ::Media::Player::instance()->getState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()) && !::Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (!voice->seeking()) { voice->setSeekingStart((point.x() - nameleft) / float64(namewidth)); } result.link = voice->_seekl; return result; } } } auto painth = layout.height(); if (const auto captioned = Get()) { if (point.y() >= bottom) { result = TextState(_parent, captioned->_caption.getState( point - QPoint(st::msgPadding.left(), bottom), width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), request.forText())); return result; } auto captionw = width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); painth -= captioned->_caption.countHeight(captionw); if (isBubbleBottom()) { painth -= st::msgPadding.bottom(); } } if (QRect(0, 0, width, painth).contains(point) && (!_data->loading() || downloadInCorner()) && !_data->uploading() && !_data->isNull()) { if (loaded || _dataMedia->canBePlayed()) { result.link = _openl; } else { result.link = _savel; } return result; } return result; } void Document::updatePressed(QPoint point) { // LayoutMode should be passed here. if (auto voice = Get()) { if (voice->seeking()) { const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayout : st::msgFileLayout; const auto nameleft = st.padding.left() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.right(); const auto nameright = st.padding.left(); voice->setSeekingCurrent(std::clamp( (point.x() - nameleft) / float64(width() - nameleft - nameright), 0., 1.)); history()->owner().requestViewRepaint(_parent); } } } TextSelection Document::adjustSelection( TextSelection selection, TextSelectType type) const { if (const auto captioned = Get()) { return captioned->_caption.adjustSelection(selection, type); } return selection; } uint16 Document::fullSelectionLength() const { if (const auto captioned = Get()) { return captioned->_caption.length(); } return 0; } bool Document::hasTextForCopy() const { return Has(); } TextForMimeData Document::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const { if (const auto captioned = Get()) { const auto &caption = captioned->_caption; return captioned->_caption.toTextForMimeData(selection); } return TextForMimeData(); } bool Document::uploading() const { return _data->uploading(); } void Document::setStatusSize(int newSize, qint64 realDuration) const { auto duration = _data->isSong() ? _data->song()->duration : (_data->isVoiceMessage() ? _data->voice()->duration : -1); File::setStatusSize(newSize, _data->size, duration, realDuration); if (auto thumbed = Get()) { if (_statusSize == Ui::FileStatusSizeReady) { thumbed->_link = tr::lng_media_download(tr::now).toUpper(); } else if (_statusSize == Ui::FileStatusSizeLoaded) { thumbed->_link = tr::lng_media_open_with(tr::now).toUpper(); } else if (_statusSize == Ui::FileStatusSizeFailed) { thumbed->_link = tr::lng_media_download(tr::now).toUpper(); } else if (_statusSize >= 0) { thumbed->_link = tr::lng_media_cancel(tr::now).toUpper(); } else { thumbed->_link = tr::lng_media_open_with(tr::now).toUpper(); } thumbed->_linkw = st::semiboldFont->width(thumbed->_link); } } bool Document::updateStatusText() const { auto showPause = false; auto statusSize = 0; auto realDuration = 0; if (_data->status == FileDownloadFailed || _data->status == FileUploadFailed) { statusSize = Ui::FileStatusSizeFailed; } else if (_data->uploading()) { statusSize = _data->uploadingData->offset; } else if (_data->loading()) { statusSize = _data->loadOffset(); } else if (dataLoaded()) { statusSize = Ui::FileStatusSizeLoaded; } else { statusSize = Ui::FileStatusSizeReady; } if (_data->isVoiceMessage()) { const auto state = ::Media::Player::instance()->getState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()) && !::Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (auto voice = Get()) { bool was = (voice->_playback != nullptr); voice->ensurePlayback(this); if (!was || state.position != voice->_playback->position) { auto prg = state.length ? std::clamp( float64(state.position) / state.length, 0., 1.) : 0.; if (voice->_playback->position < state.position) { voice->_playback->progress.start(prg); } else { voice->_playback->progress = anim::value(0., prg); } voice->_playback->position = state.position; voice->_playback->progressAnimation.start(); } voice->_lastDurationMs = static_cast((state.length * 1000LL) / state.frequency); // Bad :( } statusSize = -1 - (state.position / state.frequency); realDuration = (state.length / state.frequency); showPause = ::Media::Player::ShowPauseIcon(state.state); } else { if (auto voice = Get()) { voice->checkPlaybackFinished(); } } if (!showPause && (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()))) { showPause = ::Media::Player::instance()->isSeeking(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); } } else if (_data->isAudioFile()) { const auto state = ::Media::Player::instance()->getState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()) && !::Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { statusSize = -1 - (state.position / state.frequency); realDuration = (state.length / state.frequency); showPause = ::Media::Player::ShowPauseIcon(state.state); } else { } if (!showPause && (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()))) { showPause = ::Media::Player::instance()->isSeeking(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); } } if (statusSize != _statusSize) { setStatusSize(statusSize, realDuration); } return showPause; } QMargins Document::bubbleMargins() const { if (!Has()) { return st::msgPadding; } const auto padding = st::msgFileThumbLayout.padding; return QMargins(padding.left(), padding.top(), padding.left(), padding.bottom()); } bool Document::hideForwardedFrom() const { return _data->isSong(); } QSize Document::sizeForGroupingOptimal(int maxWidth) const { const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); auto height = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom(); if (const auto captioned = Get()) { auto captionw = maxWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); height += captioned->_caption.countHeight(captionw); } return { maxWidth, height }; } QSize Document::sizeForGrouping(int width) const { const auto thumbed = Get(); const auto &st = (thumbed ? st::msgFileThumbLayoutGrouped : st::msgFileLayoutGrouped); auto height = st.padding.top() + st.thumbSize + st.padding.bottom(); if (const auto captioned = Get()) { auto captionw = width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(); height += captioned->_caption.countHeight(captionw); } return { maxWidth(), height }; } void Document::drawGrouped( Painter &p, const QRect &clip, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms, const QRect &geometry, RectParts sides, RectParts corners, float64 highlightOpacity, not_null cacheKey, not_null cache) const { p.translate(geometry.topLeft()); draw( p, geometry.width(), selection, ms, LayoutMode::Grouped); p.translate(-geometry.topLeft()); } TextState Document::getStateGrouped( const QRect &geometry, RectParts sides, QPoint point, StateRequest request) const { point -= geometry.topLeft(); return textState( point, geometry.size(), request, LayoutMode::Grouped); } bool Document::voiceProgressAnimationCallback(crl::time now) { if (anim::Disabled()) { now += (2 * kAudioVoiceMsgUpdateView); } if (const auto voice = Get()) { if (voice->_playback) { const auto dt = (now - voice->_playback->progressAnimation.started()) / float64(2 * kAudioVoiceMsgUpdateView); if (dt >= 1.) { voice->_playback->progressAnimation.stop(); voice->_playback->progress.finish(); } else { voice->_playback->progress.update(qMin(dt, 1.), anim::linear); } history()->owner().requestViewRepaint(_parent); return (dt < 1.); } } return false; } void Document::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) { if (auto voice = Get()) { if (pressed && p == voice->_seekl && !voice->seeking()) { voice->startSeeking(); } else if (!pressed && voice->seeking()) { const auto type = AudioMsgId::Type::Voice; const auto state = ::Media::Player::instance()->getState(type); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(_data, _realParent->fullId(), state.id.externalPlayId()) && state.length) { const auto currentProgress = voice->seekingCurrent(); ::Media::Player::instance()->finishSeeking( AudioMsgId::Type::Voice, currentProgress); voice->ensurePlayback(this); voice->_playback->position = 0; voice->_playback->progress = anim::value(currentProgress, currentProgress); } voice->stopSeeking(); } } File::clickHandlerPressedChanged(p, pressed); } void Document::refreshParentId(not_null realParent) { File::refreshParentId(realParent); const auto fullId = realParent->fullId(); if (auto thumbed = Get()) { if (thumbed->_linksavel) { thumbed->_linksavel->setMessageId(fullId); thumbed->_linkcancell->setMessageId(fullId); } } if (auto voice = Get()) { if (voice->_seekl) { voice->_seekl->setMessageId(fullId); } } } void Document::parentTextUpdated() { auto caption = (_parent->media() == this || _realParent->groupId()) ? createCaption() : Ui::Text::String(); if (!caption.isEmpty()) { AddComponents(HistoryDocumentCaptioned::Bit()); auto captioned = Get(); captioned->_caption = std::move(caption); } else { RemoveComponents(HistoryDocumentCaptioned::Bit()); } history()->owner().requestViewResize(_parent); } TextWithEntities Document::getCaption() const { if (const auto captioned = Get()) { return captioned->_caption.toTextWithEntities(); } return TextWithEntities(); } Ui::Text::String Document::createCaption() { const auto timestampLinksDuration = (_data->isSong() || _data->isVoiceMessage()) ? _data->getDuration() : 0; const auto timestampLinkBase = timestampLinksDuration ? DocumentTimestampLinkBase(_data, _realParent->fullId()) : QString(); return File::createCaption( _realParent, timestampLinksDuration, timestampLinkBase); } bool DrawThumbnailAsSongCover( Painter &p, const std::shared_ptr &dataMedia, const QRect &rect, const bool selected) { if (!dataMedia) { return false; } QPixmap cover; const auto ow = rect.width(); const auto oh = rect.height(); const auto r = ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse; const auto c = RectPart::AllCorners; const auto color = &st::songCoverOverlayFg; const auto aspectRatio = Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding; const auto scaled = [&](not_null image) -> std::pair { const auto size = image->size().scaled(ow, oh, aspectRatio); return { size.width(), size.height() }; }; if (const auto normal = dataMedia->thumbnail()) { const auto &[w, h] = scaled(normal); cover = normal->pixSingle(w, h, ow, oh, r, c, color); } else if (const auto blurred = dataMedia->thumbnailInline()) { const auto &[w, h] = scaled(blurred); cover = blurred->pixBlurredSingle(w, h, ow, oh, r, c, color); } else { return false; } if (selected) { auto selectedCover = Images::prepareColored( p.textPalette().selectOverlay, cover.toImage()); cover = QPixmap::fromImage( std::move(selectedCover), Qt::ColorOnly); } p.drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), cover); return true; } } // namespace HistoryView