/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "passcodewidget.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "pspecific.h" namespace ShortcutCommands { using Handler = bool(*)(); bool lock_telegram() { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { if (App::passcoded()) { w->passcodeWidget()->onSubmit(); return true; } else if (Global::LocalPasscode()) { w->setupPasscode(true); return true; } } return false; } bool minimize_telegram() { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmTrayOnly) { w->minimizeToTray(); } else { w->setWindowState(Qt::WindowMinimized); } } return true; } bool close_telegram() { if (!Ui::hideWindowNoQuit()) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->close(); } } return true; } bool quit_telegram() { App::quit(); return true; } //void start_stop_recording() { //} //void cancel_recording() { //} bool media_play() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->play(); return true; } return false; } bool media_pause() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->pause(); return true; } return false; } bool media_playpause() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->playPause(); return true; } return false; } bool media_stop() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->stop(); return true; } return false; } bool media_previous() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->previous(); return true; } return false; } bool media_next() { if (Media::Player::exists()) { Media::Player::instance()->next(); return true; } return false; } bool search() { if (auto m = App::main()) { return m->cmd_search(); } return false; } bool previous_chat() { if (auto m = App::main()) { return m->cmd_previous_chat(); } return false; } bool next_chat() { if (auto m = App::main()) { return m->cmd_next_chat(); } return false; } // other commands here } // namespace ShortcutCommands inline bool qMapLessThanKey(const ShortcutCommands::Handler &a, const ShortcutCommands::Handler &b) { return a < b; } namespace Shortcuts { // inspired by https://github.com/sindresorhus/strip-json-comments QByteArray _stripJsonComments(const QByteArray &json) { enum InsideComment { InsideCommentNone, InsideCommentSingleLine, InsideCommentMultiLine, }; InsideComment insideComment = InsideCommentNone; bool insideString = false; QByteArray result; const char *b = json.cbegin(), *e = json.cend(), *offset = b; for (const char *ch = offset; ch != e; ++ch) { char currentChar = *ch; char nextChar = (ch + 1 == e) ? 0 : *(ch + 1); if (insideComment == InsideCommentNone && currentChar == '"') { bool escaped = ((ch > b) && *(ch - 1) == '\\') && ((ch - 1 < b) || *(ch - 2) != '\\'); if (!escaped) { insideString = !insideString; } } if (insideString) { continue; } if (insideComment == InsideCommentNone && currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '/') { if (ch > offset) { if (result.isEmpty()) result.reserve(json.size() - 2); result.append(offset, ch - offset); offset = ch; } insideComment = InsideCommentSingleLine; ++ch; } else if (insideComment == InsideCommentSingleLine && currentChar == '\r' && nextChar == '\n') { if (ch > offset) { offset = ch; } ++ch; insideComment = InsideCommentNone; } else if (insideComment == InsideCommentSingleLine && currentChar == '\n') { if (ch > offset) { offset = ch; } insideComment = InsideCommentNone; } else if (insideComment == InsideCommentNone && currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '*') { if (ch > offset) { if (result.isEmpty()) result.reserve(json.size() - 2); result.append(offset, ch - offset); offset = ch; } insideComment = InsideCommentMultiLine; ++ch; } else if (insideComment == InsideCommentMultiLine && currentChar == '*' && nextChar == '/') { if (ch > offset) { offset = ch; } ++ch; insideComment = InsideCommentNone; } } if (insideComment == InsideCommentNone && e > offset && !result.isEmpty()) { result.append(offset, e - offset); } return result.isEmpty() ? json : result; } struct DataStruct; DataStruct *DataPtr = nullptr; namespace { void createCommand(const QString &command, ShortcutCommands::Handler handler); QKeySequence setShortcut(const QString &keys, const QString &command); void destroyShortcut(QShortcut *shortcut); } // namespace struct DataStruct { DataStruct() { t_assert(DataPtr == nullptr); DataPtr = this; if (autoRepeatCommands.isEmpty()) { autoRepeatCommands.insert(qsl("media_previous")); autoRepeatCommands.insert(qsl("media_next")); autoRepeatCommands.insert(qsl("next_chat")); autoRepeatCommands.insert(qsl("previous_chat")); } if (mediaCommands.isEmpty()) { mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_play")); mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_playpause")); mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_play")); mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_stop")); mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_previous")); mediaCommands.insert(qsl("media_next")); } #define DeclareAlias(keys, command) setShortcut(qsl(keys), qsl(#command)) #define DeclareCommand(keys, command) createCommand(qsl(#command), ShortcutCommands::command); DeclareAlias(keys, command) DeclareCommand("ctrl+w", close_telegram); DeclareAlias("ctrl+f4", close_telegram); DeclareCommand("ctrl+l", lock_telegram); DeclareCommand("ctrl+m", minimize_telegram); DeclareCommand("ctrl+q", quit_telegram); //DeclareCommand("ctrl+r", start_stop_recording); //DeclareCommand("ctrl+shift+r", cancel_recording); //DeclareCommand("media record", start_stop_recording); DeclareCommand("media play", media_play); DeclareCommand("media pause", media_pause); DeclareCommand("toggle media play/pause", media_playpause); DeclareCommand("media stop", media_stop); DeclareCommand("media previous", media_previous); DeclareCommand("media next", media_next); DeclareCommand("ctrl+f", search); DeclareAlias("search", search); DeclareAlias("find", search); DeclareCommand("ctrl+pgdown", next_chat); DeclareAlias("alt+down", next_chat); DeclareCommand("ctrl+pgup", previous_chat); DeclareAlias("alt+up", previous_chat); if (cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) { DeclareAlias("meta+tab", next_chat); DeclareAlias("meta+shift+tab", previous_chat); DeclareAlias("meta+backtab", previous_chat); } else { DeclareAlias("ctrl+tab", next_chat); DeclareAlias("ctrl+shift+tab", previous_chat); DeclareAlias("ctrl+backtab", previous_chat); } // other commands here #undef DeclareCommand #undef DeclareAlias } QStringList errors; QMap commands; QMap commandnames; QMap sequences; QMap handlers; QSet mediaShortcuts; QSet autoRepeatCommands; QSet mediaCommands; }; namespace { void createCommand(const QString &command, ShortcutCommands::Handler handler) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); t_assert(!command.isEmpty()); DataPtr->commands.insert(command, handler); DataPtr->commandnames.insert(handler, command); } QKeySequence setShortcut(const QString &keys, const QString &command) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); t_assert(!command.isEmpty()); if (keys.isEmpty()) return QKeySequence(); QKeySequence seq(keys, QKeySequence::PortableText); if (seq.isEmpty()) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Could not derive key sequence '%1'!").arg(keys)); } else { auto it = DataPtr->commands.constFind(command); if (it == DataPtr->commands.cend()) { LOG(("Warning: could not find shortcut command handler '%1'").arg(command)); } else { auto shortcut = std_::make_unique(seq, App::wnd(), nullptr, nullptr, Qt::ApplicationShortcut); if (!DataPtr->autoRepeatCommands.contains(command)) { shortcut->setAutoRepeat(false); } auto isMediaShortcut = DataPtr->mediaCommands.contains(command); if (isMediaShortcut) { shortcut->setEnabled(false); } int shortcutId = shortcut->id(); if (!shortcutId) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Could not create shortcut '%1'!").arg(keys)); } else { auto seqIt = DataPtr->sequences.find(seq); if (seqIt == DataPtr->sequences.cend()) { seqIt = DataPtr->sequences.insert(seq, shortcut.release()); } else { auto oldShortcut = seqIt.value(); seqIt.value() = shortcut.release(); destroyShortcut(oldShortcut); } DataPtr->handlers.insert(shortcutId, it.value()); if (isMediaShortcut) { DataPtr->mediaShortcuts.insert(seqIt.value()); } } } } return seq; } QKeySequence removeShortcut(const QString &keys) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); if (keys.isEmpty()) return QKeySequence(); QKeySequence seq(keys, QKeySequence::PortableText); if (seq.isEmpty()) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Could not derive key sequence '%1'!").arg(keys)); } else { auto seqIt = DataPtr->sequences.find(seq); if (seqIt != DataPtr->sequences.cend()) { auto shortcut = seqIt.value(); DataPtr->sequences.erase(seqIt); destroyShortcut(shortcut); } } return seq; } void destroyShortcut(QShortcut *shortcut) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); DataPtr->handlers.remove(shortcut->id()); DataPtr->mediaShortcuts.remove(shortcut); delete shortcut; } } // namespace void start() { t_assert(Global::started()); new DataStruct(); // write default shortcuts to a file if they are not there already bool defaultValid = false; QFile defaultFile(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/shortcuts-default.json")); if (defaultFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QJsonParseError error = { 0, QJsonParseError::NoError }; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(_stripJsonComments(defaultFile.readAll()), &error); defaultFile.close(); if (error.error == QJsonParseError::NoError && doc.isArray()) { QJsonArray shortcuts(doc.array()); if (!shortcuts.isEmpty() && (*shortcuts.constBegin()).isObject()) { QJsonObject versionObject((*shortcuts.constBegin()).toObject()); QJsonObject::const_iterator version = versionObject.constFind(qsl("version")); if (version != versionObject.constEnd() && (*version).isString() && (*version).toString() == QString::number(AppVersion)) { defaultValid = true; } } } } if (!defaultValid && defaultFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { const char *defaultHeader = "\ // This is a list of default shortcuts for Telegram Desktop\n\ // Please don't modify it, its content is not used in any way\n\ // You can place your own shortcuts in the 'shortcuts-custom.json' file\n\n"; defaultFile.write(defaultHeader); QJsonArray shortcuts; QJsonObject version; version.insert(qsl("version"), QString::number(AppVersion)); shortcuts.push_back(version); for (auto i = DataPtr->sequences.cbegin(), e = DataPtr->sequences.cend(); i != e; ++i) { auto h = DataPtr->handlers.constFind(i.value()->id()); if (h != DataPtr->handlers.cend()) { auto n = DataPtr->commandnames.constFind(h.value()); if (n != DataPtr->commandnames.cend()) { QJsonObject entry; entry.insert(qsl("keys"), i.key().toString().toLower()); entry.insert(qsl("command"), n.value()); shortcuts.append(entry); } } } QJsonDocument doc; doc.setArray(shortcuts); defaultFile.write(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented)); defaultFile.close(); } // read custom shortcuts from file if it exists or write an empty custom shortcuts file QFile customFile(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/shortcuts-custom.json")); if (customFile.exists()) { if (customFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QJsonParseError error = { 0, QJsonParseError::NoError }; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(_stripJsonComments(customFile.readAll()), &error); customFile.close(); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Failed to parse! Error: %2").arg(error.errorString())); } else if (!doc.isArray()) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Failed to parse! Error: array expected")); } else { QJsonArray shortcuts = doc.array(); int limit = ShortcutsCountLimit; for (QJsonArray::const_iterator i = shortcuts.constBegin(), e = shortcuts.constEnd(); i != e; ++i) { if (!(*i).isObject()) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Bad entry! Error: object expected")); } else { QKeySequence seq; QJsonObject entry((*i).toObject()); QJsonObject::const_iterator keys = entry.constFind(qsl("keys")), command = entry.constFind(qsl("command")); if (keys == entry.constEnd() || command == entry.constEnd() || !(*keys).isString() || (!(*command).isString() && !(*command).isNull())) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Bad entry! {\"keys\": \"...\", \"command\": [ \"...\" | null ]} expected")); } else if ((*command).isNull()) { seq = removeShortcut((*keys).toString()); } else { seq = setShortcut((*keys).toString(), (*command).toString()); } if (!--limit) { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Too many entries! Limit is %1").arg(ShortcutsCountLimit)); break; } } } } } else { DataPtr->errors.push_back(qsl("Could not read the file!")); } if (!DataPtr->errors.isEmpty()) { DataPtr->errors.push_front(qsl("While reading file '%1'...").arg(customFile.fileName())); } } else if (customFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { const char *customContent = "\ // This is a list of your own shortcuts for Telegram Desktop\n\ // You can see full list of commands in the 'shortcuts-default.json' file\n\ // Place a null value instead of a command string to switch the shortcut off\n\n\ [\n\ // {\n\ // \"command\": \"close_telegram\",\n\ // \"keys\": \"ctrl+f4\"\n\ // },\n\ // {\n\ // \"command\": \"quit_telegram\",\n\ // \"keys\": \"ctrl+q\"\n\ // }\n\ ]\n"; customFile.write(customContent); customFile.close(); } } const QStringList &errors() { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); return DataPtr->errors; } bool launch(int shortcutId) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); auto it = DataPtr->handlers.constFind(shortcutId); if (it == DataPtr->handlers.cend()) { return false; } return (*it.value())(); } bool launch(const QString &command) { t_assert(DataPtr != nullptr); auto it = DataPtr->commands.constFind(command); if (it == DataPtr->commands.cend()) { return false; } return (*it.value())(); } void enableMediaShortcuts() { if (!DataPtr) return; for_const (auto shortcut, DataPtr->mediaShortcuts) { shortcut->setEnabled(true); } Platform::SetWatchingMediaKeys(true); } void disableMediaShortcuts() { if (!DataPtr) return; for_const (auto shortcut, DataPtr->mediaShortcuts) { shortcut->setEnabled(false); } Platform::SetWatchingMediaKeys(false); } void finish() { delete DataPtr; DataPtr = nullptr; } } // namespace Shortcuts