/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "mtproto/details/mtproto_dump_to_text.h" #include "scheme-dump_to_text.h" #include "scheme.h" #include "zlib.h" namespace MTP::details { bool DumpToTextCore(DumpToTextBuffer &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons) { switch (mtpTypeId(cons)) { case mtpc_int: { MTPint value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { to.add(QString::number(value.v)).add(" [INT]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_long: { MTPlong value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { to.add(QString::number(value.v)).add(" [LONG]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_int128: { MTPint128 value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { to.add(QString::number(value.h)).add(" * 2^64 + ").add(QString::number(value.l)).add(" [INT128]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_int256: { MTPint256 value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { to.add(QString::number(value.h.h)).add(" * 2^192 + ").add(QString::number(value.h.l)).add(" * 2^128 + ").add(QString::number(value.l.h)).add(" * 2 ^ 64 + ").add(QString::number(value.l.l)).add(" [INT256]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_double: { MTPdouble value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { to.add(QString::number(value.v)).add(" [DOUBLE]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_string: { MTPstring value; if (value.read(from, end, cons)) { auto strUtf8 = value.v; auto str = QString::fromUtf8(strUtf8); if (str.toUtf8() == strUtf8) { to.add("\"").add(str.replace('\\', "\\\\").replace('"', "\\\"").replace('\n', "\\n")).add("\" [STRING]"); } else if (strUtf8.size() < 64) { to.add(Logs::mb(strUtf8.constData(), strUtf8.size()).str()).add(" [").add(QString::number(strUtf8.size())).add(" BYTES]"); } else { to.add(Logs::mb(strUtf8.constData(), 16).str()).add("... [").add(QString::number(strUtf8.size())).add(" BYTES]"); } return true; } } break; case mtpc_vector: { if (from < end) { int32 cnt = *(from++); to.add("[ vector<0x").add(QString::number(vcons, 16)).add(">"); if (cnt) { to.add("\n").addSpaces(level); for (int32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { to.add(" "); if (!DumpToTextType(to, from, end, vcons, level + 1)) { return false; } to.add(",\n").addSpaces(level); } } else { to.add(" "); } to.add("]"); return true; } } break; case mtpc_gzip_packed: { MTPstring packed; // read packed string as serialized mtp string type if (!packed.read(from, end)) { return false; } uint32 packedLen = packed.v.size(), unpackedChunk = packedLen; mtpBuffer result; // * 4 because of mtpPrime type result.resize(0); z_stream stream; stream.zalloc = nullptr; stream.zfree = nullptr; stream.opaque = nullptr; stream.avail_in = 0; stream.next_in = nullptr; int res = inflateInit2(&stream, 16 + MAX_WBITS); if (res != Z_OK) { return false; } stream.avail_in = packedLen; stream.next_in = reinterpret_cast(packed.v.data()); stream.avail_out = 0; while (!stream.avail_out) { result.resize(result.size() + unpackedChunk); stream.avail_out = unpackedChunk * sizeof(mtpPrime); stream.next_out = (Bytef*)&result[result.size() - unpackedChunk]; int res = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (res != Z_OK && res != Z_STREAM_END) { inflateEnd(&stream); return false; } } if (stream.avail_out & 0x03) { return false; } result.resize(result.size() - (stream.avail_out >> 2)); inflateEnd(&stream); if (result.empty()) { return false; } const mtpPrime *newFrom = result.constData(), *newEnd = result.constData() + result.size(); to.add("[GZIPPED] "); return DumpToTextType(to, newFrom, newEnd, 0, level); } break; default: { for (uint32 i = 1; i < mtpLayerMaxSingle; ++i) { if (cons == mtpLayers[i]) { to.add("[LAYER").add(QString::number(i + 1)).add("] "); return DumpToTextType(to, from, end, 0, level); } } if (cons == mtpc_invokeWithLayer) { if (from >= end) { return false; } int32 layer = *(from++); to.add("[LAYER").add(QString::number(layer)).add("] "); return DumpToTextType(to, from, end, 0, level); } } break; } return false; } QString DumpToText(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end) { DumpToTextBuffer to; [[maybe_unused]] bool result = DumpToTextType(to, from, end, mtpc_core_message); return QString::fromUtf8(to.p, to.size); } } // namespace MTP::details