/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "scheme.h" #include "base/optional.h" #include "base/variant.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Export { struct Settings; namespace Data { using Utf8String = QByteArray; using PeerId = uint64; PeerId UserPeerId(int32 userId); PeerId ChatPeerId(int32 chatId); int32 BarePeerId(PeerId peerId); bool IsChatPeerId(PeerId peerId); bool IsUserPeerId(PeerId peerId); int PeerColorIndex(int32 bareId); int ApplicationColorIndex(int applicationId); int DomainApplicationId(const Utf8String &data); Utf8String ParseString(const MTPstring &data); Utf8String FillLeft(const Utf8String &data, int length, char filler); template inline auto NumberToString(Type value, int length = 0, char filler = '0') -> std::enable_if_t, Utf8String> { const auto result = std::to_string(value); return FillLeft( Utf8String(result.data(), int(result.size())), length, filler).replace(',', '.'); } struct UserpicsInfo { int count = 0; }; struct FileLocation { int dcId = 0; MTPInputFileLocation data; explicit operator bool() const { return dcId != 0; } }; bool RefreshFileReference(FileLocation &to, const FileLocation &from); struct File { enum class SkipReason { None, Unavailable, FileType, FileSize, DateLimits, }; FileLocation location; int size = 0; QByteArray content; QString suggestedPath; QString relativePath; SkipReason skipReason = SkipReason::None; }; struct Image { int width = 0; int height = 0; File file; }; std::pair WriteImageThumb( const QString &basePath, const QString &largePath, Fn convertSize, std::optional format = std::nullopt, std::optional quality = std::nullopt, const QString &postfix = "_thumb"); QString WriteImageThumb( const QString &basePath, const QString &largePath, int width, int height, const QString &postfix = "_thumb"); struct ContactInfo { int32 userId = 0; Utf8String firstName; Utf8String lastName; Utf8String phoneNumber; TimeId date = 0; Utf8String name() const; }; ContactInfo ParseContactInfo(const MTPUser &data); int ContactColorIndex(const ContactInfo &data); struct Photo { uint64 id = 0; TimeId date = 0; Image image; }; struct Document { uint64 id = 0; TimeId date = 0; File file; Image thumb; Utf8String name; Utf8String mime; int width = 0; int height = 0; Utf8String stickerEmoji; Utf8String songPerformer; Utf8String songTitle; int duration = 0; bool isSticker = false; bool isAnimated = false; bool isVideoMessage = false; bool isVoiceMessage = false; bool isVideoFile = false; bool isAudioFile = false; }; struct SharedContact { ContactInfo info; File vcard; }; struct GeoPoint { float64 latitude = 0.; float64 longitude = 0.; bool valid = false; }; struct Venue { GeoPoint point; Utf8String title; Utf8String address; }; struct Game { uint64 id = 0; Utf8String shortName; Utf8String title; Utf8String description; int32 botId = 0; }; struct Invoice { Utf8String title; Utf8String description; Utf8String currency; uint64 amount = 0; int32 receiptMsgId = 0; }; struct Poll { struct Answer { Utf8String text; QByteArray option; int votes = 0; bool my = false; }; uint64 id = 0; Utf8String question; std::vector answers; int totalVotes = 0; bool closed = false; }; struct UserpicsSlice { std::vector list; }; UserpicsSlice ParseUserpicsSlice( const MTPVector &data, int baseIndex); struct User { ContactInfo info; Utf8String username; int32 id; bool isBot = false; bool isSelf = false; bool isReplies = false; MTPInputUser input = MTP_inputUserEmpty(); Utf8String name() const; }; User ParseUser(const MTPUser &data); std::map ParseUsersList(const MTPVector &data); struct Chat { int32 id = 0; int32 migratedToChannelId = 0; Utf8String title; Utf8String username; bool isBroadcast = false; bool isSupergroup = false; MTPInputPeer input = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); }; Chat ParseChat(const MTPChat &data); std::map ParseChatsList(const MTPVector &data); struct Peer { PeerId id() const; Utf8String name() const; MTPInputPeer input() const; const User *user() const; const Chat *chat() const; std::variant data; }; std::map ParsePeersLists( const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats); struct PersonalInfo { User user; Utf8String bio; }; PersonalInfo ParsePersonalInfo(const MTPUserFull &data); struct TopPeer { Peer peer; float64 rating = 0.; }; struct ContactsList { std::vector list; std::vector correspondents; std::vector inlineBots; std::vector phoneCalls; }; ContactsList ParseContactsList(const MTPcontacts_Contacts &data); ContactsList ParseContactsList(const MTPVector &data); std::vector SortedContactsIndices(const ContactsList &data); bool AppendTopPeers(ContactsList &to, const MTPcontacts_TopPeers &data); struct Session { int applicationId = 0; Utf8String platform; Utf8String deviceModel; Utf8String systemVersion; Utf8String applicationName; Utf8String applicationVersion; TimeId created = 0; TimeId lastActive = 0; Utf8String ip; Utf8String country; Utf8String region; }; struct WebSession { Utf8String botUsername; Utf8String domain; Utf8String browser; Utf8String platform; TimeId created = 0; TimeId lastActive = 0; Utf8String ip; Utf8String region; }; struct SessionsList { std::vector list; std::vector webList; }; SessionsList ParseSessionsList(const MTPaccount_Authorizations &data); SessionsList ParseWebSessionsList(const MTPaccount_WebAuthorizations &data); struct UnsupportedMedia { }; struct Media { std::variant< v::null_t, Photo, Document, SharedContact, GeoPoint, Venue, Game, Invoice, Poll, UnsupportedMedia> content; TimeId ttl = 0; File &file(); const File &file() const; Image &thumb(); const Image &thumb() const; }; struct ParseMediaContext { PeerId selfPeerId = 0; int photos = 0; int audios = 0; int videos = 0; int files = 0; int contacts = 0; int32 botId = 0; }; Media ParseMedia( ParseMediaContext &context, const MTPMessageMedia &data, const QString &folder, TimeId date); struct ActionChatCreate { Utf8String title; std::vector userIds; }; struct ActionChatEditTitle { Utf8String title; }; struct ActionChatEditPhoto { Photo photo; }; struct ActionChatDeletePhoto { }; struct ActionChatAddUser { std::vector userIds; }; struct ActionChatDeleteUser { int32 userId = 0; }; struct ActionChatJoinedByLink { int32 inviterId = 0; }; struct ActionChannelCreate { Utf8String title; }; struct ActionChatMigrateTo { int32 channelId = 0; }; struct ActionChannelMigrateFrom { Utf8String title; int32 chatId = 0; }; struct ActionPinMessage { }; struct ActionHistoryClear { }; struct ActionGameScore { uint64 gameId = 0; int score = 0; }; struct ActionPaymentSent { Utf8String currency; uint64 amount = 0; }; struct ActionPhoneCall { enum class DiscardReason { Unknown, Missed, Disconnect, Hangup, Busy, }; DiscardReason discardReason = DiscardReason::Unknown; int duration = 0; }; struct ActionScreenshotTaken { }; struct ActionCustomAction { Utf8String message; }; struct ActionBotAllowed { Utf8String domain; }; struct ActionSecureValuesSent { enum class Type { PersonalDetails, Passport, DriverLicense, IdentityCard, InternalPassport, Address, UtilityBill, BankStatement, RentalAgreement, PassportRegistration, TemporaryRegistration, Phone, Email, }; std::vector types; }; struct ActionContactSignUp { }; struct ActionPhoneNumberRequest { }; struct ActionGeoProximityReached { PeerId fromId = 0; PeerId toId = 0; int distance = 0; bool fromSelf = false; bool toSelf = false; }; struct ServiceAction { std::variant< v::null_t, ActionChatCreate, ActionChatEditTitle, ActionChatEditPhoto, ActionChatDeletePhoto, ActionChatAddUser, ActionChatDeleteUser, ActionChatJoinedByLink, ActionChannelCreate, ActionChatMigrateTo, ActionChannelMigrateFrom, ActionPinMessage, ActionHistoryClear, ActionGameScore, ActionPaymentSent, ActionPhoneCall, ActionScreenshotTaken, ActionCustomAction, ActionBotAllowed, ActionSecureValuesSent, ActionContactSignUp, ActionPhoneNumberRequest, ActionGeoProximityReached> content; }; ServiceAction ParseServiceAction( ParseMediaContext &context, const MTPMessageAction &data, const QString &mediaFolder); struct TextPart { enum class Type { Text, Unknown, Mention, Hashtag, BotCommand, Url, Email, Bold, Italic, Code, Pre, TextUrl, MentionName, Phone, Cashtag, Underline, Strike, Blockquote, BankCard, }; Type type = Type::Text; Utf8String text; Utf8String additional; }; struct Message { int32 id = 0; int32 chatId = 0; TimeId date = 0; TimeId edited = 0; PeerId fromId = 0; PeerId peerId = 0; PeerId selfId = 0; PeerId forwardedFromId = 0; Utf8String forwardedFromName; TimeId forwardedDate = 0; bool forwarded = false; bool showForwardedAsOriginal = false; PeerId savedFromChatId = 0; Utf8String signature; int32 viaBotId = 0; int32 replyToMsgId = 0; PeerId replyToPeerId = 0; std::vector text; Media media; ServiceAction action; bool out = false; File &file(); const File &file() const; Image &thumb(); const Image &thumb() const; }; struct FileOrigin { int split = 0; MTPInputPeer peer; int32 messageId = 0; }; Message ParseMessage( ParseMediaContext &context, const MTPMessage &data, const QString &mediaFolder); std::map ParseMessagesList( PeerId selfId, const MTPVector &data, const QString &mediaFolder); struct DialogInfo { enum class Type { Unknown, Self, Replies, Personal, Bot, PrivateGroup, PrivateSupergroup, PublicSupergroup, PrivateChannel, PublicChannel, }; Type type = Type::Unknown; Utf8String name; Utf8String lastName; MTPInputPeer input = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); int32 topMessageId = 0; TimeId topMessageDate = 0; PeerId peerId = 0; MTPInputPeer migratedFromInput = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); int32 migratedToChannelId = 0; // User messages splits which contained that dialog. std::vector splits; // Filled after the whole dialogs list is accumulated. bool onlyMyMessages = false; bool isLeftChannel = false; QString relativePath; // Filled when requesting dialog messages. std::vector messagesCountPerSplit; }; struct DialogsInfo { DialogInfo *item(int index); const DialogInfo *item(int index) const; std::vector chats; std::vector left; }; DialogInfo::Type DialogTypeFromChat(const Chat &chat); DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo(const MTPmessages_Dialogs &data); DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo( const MTPInputPeer &singlePeer, const MTPVector &data); DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo( const MTPInputPeer &singlePeer, const MTPmessages_Chats &data); DialogsInfo ParseLeftChannelsInfo(const MTPmessages_Chats &data); bool AddMigrateFromSlice( DialogInfo &to, const DialogInfo &from, int splitIndex, int splitsCount); void FinalizeDialogsInfo(DialogsInfo &info, const Settings &settings); struct MessagesSlice { std::vector list; std::map peers; }; MessagesSlice ParseMessagesSlice( ParseMediaContext &context, const MTPVector &data, const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats, const QString &mediaFolder); MessagesSlice AdjustMigrateMessageIds(MessagesSlice slice); bool SingleMessageBefore( const MTPmessages_Messages &data, TimeId date); bool SingleMessageAfter( const MTPmessages_Messages &data, TimeId date); bool SkipMessageByDate(const Message &message, const Settings &settings); Utf8String FormatPhoneNumber(const Utf8String &phoneNumber); Utf8String FormatDateTime( TimeId date, QChar dateSeparator = QChar('.'), QChar timeSeparator = QChar(':'), QChar separator = QChar(' ')); Utf8String FormatMoneyAmount(uint64 amount, const Utf8String ¤cy); Utf8String FormatFileSize(int64 size); Utf8String FormatDuration(int64 seconds); } // namespace Data } // namespace Export