/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/history_view_context_menu.h" #include "history/view/history_view_list_widget.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history_item_text.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_groups.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace HistoryView { namespace { void AddToggleGroupingAction( not_null menu, not_null peer) { if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { const auto grouped = (channel->feed() != nullptr); //menu->addAction( // #feed // lang(grouped ? lng_feed_ungroup : lng_feed_group), // [=] { Window::ToggleChannelGrouping(channel, !grouped); }); } } void SavePhotoToFile(not_null photo) { if (!photo->date || !photo->loaded()) { return; } FileDialog::GetWritePath( lang(lng_save_photo), qsl("JPEG Image (*.jpg);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(), filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg")), base::lambda_guarded(&Auth(), [=](const QString &result) { if (!result.isEmpty()) { photo->full->pix().toImage().save(result, "JPG"); } })); } void CopyImage(not_null photo) { if (!photo->date || !photo->loaded()) { return; } QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(photo->full->pix()); } void ShowStickerPackInfo(not_null document) { if (const auto sticker = document->sticker()) { if (sticker->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) { App::main()->stickersBox(sticker->set); } } } void ToggleFavedSticker(not_null document) { const auto unfave = Stickers::IsFaved(document); MTP::send( MTPmessages_FaveSticker( document->mtpInput(), MTP_bool(unfave)), rpcDone([=](const MTPBool &result) { Stickers::SetFaved(document, !unfave); })); } void AddPhotoActions( not_null menu, not_null photo) { menu->addAction( lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed( st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, &Auth(), [=] { SavePhotoToFile(photo); })); menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_image), [=] { CopyImage(photo); }); } void OpenGif(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(document, item); } } } } void ShowInFolder(not_null document) { const auto filepath = document->filepath( DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { File::ShowInFolder(filepath); } } void AddSaveDocumentAction( not_null menu, not_null document) { menu->addAction( lang(document->isVideoFile() ? lng_context_save_video : (document->isVoiceMessage() ? lng_context_save_audio : (document->isAudioFile() ? lng_context_save_audio_file : (document->sticker() ? lng_context_save_image : lng_context_save_file)))), App::LambdaDelayed( st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, &Auth(), [=] { DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(document, true); })); } void AddDocumentActions( not_null menu, not_null document, FullMsgId contextId) { if (document->loading()) { menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), [=] { document->cancel(); }); return; } if (document->loaded() && document->isGifv()) { if (!cAutoPlayGif()) { menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_open_gif), [=] { OpenGif(contextId); }); } } if (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) { menu->addAction( lang(document->isStickerSetInstalled() ? lng_context_pack_info : lng_context_pack_add), [=] { ShowStickerPackInfo(document); }); menu->addAction( lang(Stickers::IsFaved(document) ? lng_faved_stickers_remove : lng_faved_stickers_add), [=] { ToggleFavedSticker(document); }); } if (!document->filepath( DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) { menu->addAction( lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), [=] { ShowInFolder(document); }); } AddSaveDocumentAction(menu, document); } void CopyPostLink(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (item->hasDirectLink()) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(item->directLink()); } } } void AddPostLinkAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request) { const auto item = request.item; if (!item || !item->hasDirectLink() || request.pointState == PointState::Outside) { return; } else if (request.link && !request.link->copyToClipboardContextItemText().isEmpty()) { return; } const auto itemId = item->fullId(); menu->addAction( lang(item->history()->peer->isMegagroup() ? lng_context_copy_link : lng_context_copy_post_link), [=] { CopyPostLink(itemId); }); } MessageIdsList ExtractIdsList(const SelectedItems &items) { return ranges::view::all( items ) | ranges::view::transform([](const auto &item) { return item.msgId; }) | ranges::to_vector; } bool AddForwardSelectedAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { if (!request.overSelection || request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } if (ranges::find_if(request.selectedItems, [](const auto &item) { return !item.canForward; }) != end(request.selectedItems)) { return false; } menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_selected), [=] { const auto weak = make_weak(list); auto items = ExtractIdsList(request.selectedItems); Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox(std::move(items), [=] { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->cancelSelection(); } }); }); return true; } bool AddForwardMessageAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { const auto item = request.item; if (!request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } else if (!item || !item->allowsForward()) { return false; } const auto asGroup = (request.pointState != PointState::GroupPart); if (asGroup) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { if (ranges::find_if(group->items, [](auto item) { return !item->allowsForward(); }) != end(group->items)) { return false; } } } const auto itemId = item->fullId(); menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox(asGroup ? Auth().data().itemOrItsGroup(item) : MessageIdsList{ 1, itemId }); } }); return true; } void AddForwardAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { AddForwardSelectedAction(menu, request, list); AddForwardMessageAction(menu, request, list); } bool AddDeleteSelectedAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { if (!request.overSelection || request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } if (ranges::find_if(request.selectedItems, [](const auto &item) { return !item.canDelete; }) != end(request.selectedItems)) { return false; } menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_selected), [=] { const auto weak = make_weak(list); auto items = ExtractIdsList(request.selectedItems); const auto box = Ui::show(Box(std::move(items))); box->setDeleteConfirmedCallback([=] { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->cancelSelection(); } }); }); return true; } bool AddDeleteMessageAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { const auto item = request.item; if (!request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } else if (!item || !item->canDelete()) { return false; } const auto asGroup = (request.pointState != PointState::GroupPart); if (asGroup) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { if (ranges::find_if(group->items, [](auto item) { return !IsServerMsgId(item->id) || !item->canDelete(); }) != end(group->items)) { return false; } } } const auto itemId = item->fullId(); menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (asGroup) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { Ui::show(Box( Auth().data().itemsToIds(group->items))); return; } } if (const auto message = item->toHistoryMessage()) { if (message->uploading()) { App::main()->cancelUploadLayer(item); return; } } const auto suggestModerateActions = true; Ui::show(Box(item, suggestModerateActions)); } }); return true; } void AddDeleteAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { if (!AddDeleteSelectedAction(menu, request, list)) { AddDeleteMessageAction(menu, request, list); } } bool AddClearSelectionAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { if (!request.overSelection || request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_clear_selection), [=] { list->cancelSelection(); }); return true; } bool AddSelectMessageAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { const auto item = request.item; if (request.overSelection && !request.selectedItems.empty()) { return false; } else if (!item || !IsServerMsgId(item->id) || item->serviceMsg()) { return false; } const auto itemId = item->fullId(); const auto asGroup = (request.pointState != PointState::GroupPart); menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (asGroup) { list->selectItemAsGroup(item); } else { list->selectItem(item); } } }); return true; } void AddSelectionAction( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { if (!AddClearSelectionAction(menu, request, list)) { AddSelectMessageAction(menu, request, list); } } void AddMessageActions( not_null menu, const ContextMenuRequest &request, not_null list) { AddPostLinkAction(menu, request); AddForwardAction(menu, request, list); AddDeleteAction(menu, request, list); AddSelectionAction(menu, request, list); } void AddCopyLinkAction( not_null menu, const ClickHandlerPtr &link) { if (!link) { return; } const auto action = link->copyToClipboardContextItemText(); if (action.isEmpty()) { return; } const auto text = link->copyToClipboardText(); menu->addAction( action, [=] { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(text); }); } } // namespace base::unique_qptr FillContextMenu( not_null list, const ContextMenuRequest &request) { auto result = base::make_unique_q(nullptr); const auto link = request.link; const auto view = request.view; const auto item = request.item; const auto itemId = item ? item->fullId() : FullMsgId(); const auto rawLink = link.get(); const auto linkPhoto = dynamic_cast(rawLink); const auto linkDocument = dynamic_cast(rawLink); const auto linkPeer = dynamic_cast(rawLink); const auto photo = linkPhoto ? linkPhoto->photo().get() : nullptr; const auto document = linkDocument ? linkDocument->document().get() : nullptr; const auto isVideoLink = document ? document->isVideoFile() : false; const auto isVoiceLink = document ? document->isVoiceMessage() : false; const auto isAudioLink = document ? document->isAudioFile() : false; const auto hasSelection = !request.selectedItems.empty() || !request.selectedText.text.isEmpty(); if (request.overSelection) { const auto text = lang(request.selectedItems.empty() ? lng_context_copy_selected : lng_context_copy_selected_items); result->addAction(text, [=] { SetClipboardWithEntities(list->getSelectedText()); }); } if (linkPhoto) { AddPhotoActions(result, photo); } else if (linkDocument) { AddDocumentActions(result, document, itemId); } else if (linkPeer) { const auto peer = linkPeer->peer(); if (peer->isChannel() && peer->asChannel()->feed() != nullptr && (list->delegate()->listContext() == Context::Feed)) { Window::PeerMenuAddMuteAction(peer, [&]( const QString &text, base::lambda handler) { return result->addAction(text, handler); }); AddToggleGroupingAction(result, linkPeer->peer()); } } else if (!request.overSelection && view && !hasSelection) { auto media = view->media(); const auto mediaHasTextForCopy = media && media->hasTextForCopy(); if (media) { if (media->type() == MediaTypeWebPage && static_cast(media)->attach()) { media = static_cast(media)->attach(); } if (media->type() == MediaTypeSticker) { if (const auto document = media->getDocument()) { AddDocumentActions(result, document, view->data()->fullId()); } } } if (!link && (view->hasVisibleText() || mediaHasTextForCopy)) { const auto asGroup = (request.pointState != PointState::GroupPart); result->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_text), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (asGroup) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { SetClipboardWithEntities(HistoryGroupText(group)); return; } } SetClipboardWithEntities(HistoryItemText(item)); } }); } } AddCopyLinkAction(result, link); AddMessageActions(result, request, list); return result; } } // namespace HistoryView