/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "editor/editor_crop.h" #include "styles/style_editor.h" namespace Editor { namespace { constexpr auto kETL = Qt::TopEdge | Qt::LeftEdge; constexpr auto kETR = Qt::TopEdge | Qt::RightEdge; constexpr auto kEBL = Qt::BottomEdge | Qt::LeftEdge; constexpr auto kEBR = Qt::BottomEdge | Qt::RightEdge; constexpr auto kEAll = Qt::TopEdge | Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::BottomEdge | Qt::RightEdge; std::tuple RectEdges(const QRectF &r) { return { r.left(), r.top(), r.left() + r.width(), r.top() + r.height() }; } QPoint PointOfEdge(Qt::Edges e, const QRectF &r) { switch(e) { case kETL: return QPoint(r.x(), r.y()); case kETR: return QPoint(r.x() + r.width(), r.y()); case kEBL: return QPoint(r.x(), r.y() + r.height()); case kEBR: return QPoint(r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height()); default: return QPoint(); } } QSizeF FlipSizeByRotation(const QSizeF &size, int angle) { return (((angle / 90) % 2) == 1) ? size.transposed() : size; } } // namespace Crop::Crop( not_null parent, const PhotoModifications &modifications, const QSize &imageSize, EditorData data) : RpWidget(parent) , _pointSize(st::photoEditorCropPointSize) , _pointSizeH(_pointSize / 2.) , _innerMargins(QMarginsF(_pointSizeH, _pointSizeH, _pointSizeH, _pointSizeH) .toMargins()) , _offset(_innerMargins.left(), _innerMargins.top()) , _edgePointMargins(_pointSizeH, _pointSizeH, -_pointSizeH, -_pointSizeH) , _imageSize(imageSize) , _data(std::move(data)) , _cropOriginal(modifications.crop.isValid() ? modifications.crop : QRectF(QPoint(), _imageSize)) , _angle(modifications.angle) , _flipped(modifications.flipped) , _keepAspectRatio(_data.keepAspectRatio) { setMouseTracking(true); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Painter p(this); p.fillPath(_painterPath, st::photoCropFadeBg); paintPoints(p); }, lifetime()); } void Crop::applyTransform( const QRect &geometry, int angle, bool flipped, const QSizeF &scaledImageSize) { if (geometry.isEmpty()) { return; } setGeometry(geometry); _innerRect = QRectF(_offset, FlipSizeByRotation(scaledImageSize, angle)); _ratio.w = scaledImageSize.width() / float64(_imageSize.width()); _ratio.h = scaledImageSize.height() / float64(_imageSize.height()); _flipped = flipped; _angle = angle; const auto cropHolder = QRectF(QPointF(), scaledImageSize); const auto cropHolderCenter = cropHolder.center(); auto matrix = QMatrix() .translate(cropHolderCenter.x(), cropHolderCenter.y()) .scale(flipped ? -1 : 1, 1) .rotate(angle) .translate(-cropHolderCenter.x(), -cropHolderCenter.y()); const auto cropHolderRotated = matrix.mapRect(cropHolder); auto cropPaint = matrix .scale(_ratio.w, _ratio.h) .mapRect(_cropOriginal) .translated( -cropHolderRotated.x() + _offset.x(), -cropHolderRotated.y() + _offset.y()); // Check boundaries. const auto min = float64(st::photoEditorCropMinSize); if ((cropPaint.width() < min) || (cropPaint.height() < min)) { cropPaint.setWidth(std::max(min, cropPaint.width())); cropPaint.setHeight(std::max(min, cropPaint.height())); const auto p = cropPaint.center().toPoint(); setCropPaint(std::move(cropPaint)); computeDownState(p); performMove(p); clearDownState(); convertCropPaintToOriginal(); } else { setCropPaint(std::move(cropPaint)); } } void Crop::paintPoints(Painter &p) { p.save(); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::photoCropPointFg); for (const auto &r : ranges::views::values(_edges)) { p.drawRect(r); } p.restore(); } void Crop::setCropPaint(QRectF &&rect) { _cropPaint = std::move(rect); updateEdges(); _painterPath.clear(); _painterPath.addRect(_innerRect); if (_data.cropType == EditorData::CropType::Ellipse) { _painterPath.addEllipse(_cropPaint); } else { _painterPath.addRect(_cropPaint); } } void Crop::convertCropPaintToOriginal() { const auto cropHolder = QMatrix() .scale(_ratio.w, _ratio.h) .mapRect(QRectF(QPointF(), FlipSizeByRotation(_imageSize, _angle))); const auto cropHolderCenter = cropHolder.center(); const auto matrix = QMatrix() .translate(cropHolderCenter.x(), cropHolderCenter.y()) .rotate(-_angle) .scale((_flipped ? -1 : 1) * 1. / _ratio.w, 1. / _ratio.h) .translate(-cropHolderCenter.x(), -cropHolderCenter.y()); const auto cropHolderRotated = matrix.mapRect(cropHolder); _cropOriginal = matrix .mapRect(QRectF(_cropPaint).translated(-_offset)) .translated( -cropHolderRotated.x(), -cropHolderRotated.y()); } void Crop::updateEdges() { const auto &s = _pointSize; const auto &m = _edgePointMargins; const auto &r = _cropPaint; for (const auto &e : { kETL, kETR, kEBL, kEBR }) { _edges[e] = QRectF(PointOfEdge(e, r), QSize(s, s)) + m; } } Qt::Edges Crop::mouseState(const QPoint &p) { for (const auto &[e, r] : _edges) { if (r.contains(p)) { return e; } } if (_cropPaint.contains(p)) { return kEAll; } return Qt::Edges(); } void Crop::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { computeDownState(e->pos()); } void Crop::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { clearDownState(); convertCropPaintToOriginal(); } void Crop::computeDownState(const QPoint &p) { const auto edge = mouseState(p); const auto &inner = _innerRect; const auto &crop = _cropPaint; const auto [iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom] = RectEdges(inner); const auto [cLeft, cTop, cRight, cBottom] = RectEdges(crop); _down = InfoAtDown{ .rect = crop, .edge = edge, .point = (p - PointOfEdge(edge, crop)), .cropRatio = (_cropOriginal.width() / _cropOriginal.height()), .borders = InfoAtDown::Borders{ .left = iLeft - cLeft, .right = iRight - cRight, .top = iTop - cTop, .bottom = iBottom - cBottom, } }; if (_keepAspectRatio && (edge != kEAll)) { const auto hasLeft = (edge & Qt::LeftEdge); const auto hasTop = (edge & Qt::TopEdge); const auto xSign = hasLeft ? -1 : 1; const auto ySign = hasTop ? -1 : 1; auto &xSide = (hasLeft ? _down.borders.left : _down.borders.right); auto &ySide = (hasTop ? _down.borders.top : _down.borders.bottom); const auto min = std::abs(std::min(xSign * xSide, ySign * ySide)); const auto xIsMin = ((xSign * xSide) < (ySign * ySide)); xSide = xSign * min; ySide = ySign * min; if (!xIsMin) { xSide *= _down.cropRatio; } else { ySide /= _down.cropRatio; } } } void Crop::clearDownState() { _down = InfoAtDown(); } void Crop::performCrop(const QPoint &pos) { const auto &crop = _down.rect; const auto &pressedEdge = _down.edge; const auto hasLeft = (pressedEdge & Qt::LeftEdge); const auto hasTop = (pressedEdge & Qt::TopEdge); const auto hasRight = (pressedEdge & Qt::RightEdge); const auto hasBottom = (pressedEdge & Qt::BottomEdge); const auto diff = [&] { auto diff = pos - PointOfEdge(pressedEdge, crop) - _down.point; const auto xFactor = hasLeft ? 1 : -1; const auto yFactor = hasTop ? 1 : -1; const auto &borders = _down.borders; const auto &cropRatio = _down.cropRatio; if (_keepAspectRatio) { const auto diffSign = xFactor * yFactor; diff = (cropRatio != 1.) ? QPoint(diff.x(), (1. / cropRatio) * diff.x() * diffSign) // For square/circle. : ((diff.x() * xFactor) < (diff.y() * yFactor)) ? QPoint(diff.x(), diff.x() * diffSign) : QPoint(diff.y() * diffSign, diff.y()); } const auto &minSize = st::photoEditorCropMinSize; const auto xMin = int(xFactor * crop.width() - xFactor * minSize * ((cropRatio > 1.) ? cropRatio : 1.)); const auto yMin = int(yFactor * crop.height() - yFactor * minSize * ((cropRatio < 1.) ? (1. / cropRatio) : 1.)); const auto x = std::clamp( diff.x(), hasLeft ? borders.left : xMin, hasLeft ? xMin : borders.right); const auto y = std::clamp( diff.y(), hasTop ? borders.top : yMin, hasTop ? yMin : borders.bottom); return QPoint(x, y); }(); setCropPaint(crop - QMargins( hasLeft ? diff.x() : 0, hasTop ? diff.y() : 0, hasRight ? -diff.x() : 0, hasBottom ? -diff.y() : 0)); } void Crop::performMove(const QPoint &pos) { const auto &inner = _down.rect; const auto &b = _down.borders; const auto diffX = std::clamp(pos.x() - _down.point.x(), b.left, b.right); const auto diffY = std::clamp(pos.y() - _down.point.y(), b.top, b.bottom); setCropPaint(inner.translated(diffX, diffY)); } void Crop::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { const auto pos = e->pos(); const auto pressedEdge = _down.edge; if (pressedEdge) { if (pressedEdge == kEAll) { performMove(pos); } else if (pressedEdge) { performCrop(pos); } update(); } const auto edge = pressedEdge ? pressedEdge : mouseState(pos); const auto cursor = ((edge == kETL) || (edge == kEBR)) ? style::cur_sizefdiag : ((edge == kETR) || (edge == kEBL)) ? style::cur_sizebdiag : (edge == kEAll) ? style::cur_sizeall : style::cur_default; setCursor(cursor); } style::margins Crop::cropMargins() const { return _innerMargins; } QRect Crop::saveCropRect() { const auto savedCrop = _cropOriginal.toRect(); return (!savedCrop.topLeft().isNull() || (savedCrop.size() != _imageSize)) ? savedCrop : QRect(); } } // namespace Editor