/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "types.h" #include #include namespace anim { typedef float64 (*transition)(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 linear(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 sineInOut(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 halfSine(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeOutBack(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeInCirc(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeOutCirc(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeInCubic(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeOutCubic(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeInQuint(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); float64 easeOutQuint(const float64 &delta, const float64 &dt); class fvalue { // float animated value public: fvalue() { } fvalue(const float64 &from) : _cur(from), _from(from), _delta(0) { } fvalue(const float64 &from, const float64 &to) : _cur(from), _from(from), _delta(to - from) { } void start(const float64 &to) { _from = _cur; _delta = to - _from; } void restart() { _delta = _from + _delta - _cur; _from = _cur; } const float64 ¤t() const { return _cur; } float64 to() const { return _from + _delta; } fvalue &update(const float64 &dt, transition func) { _cur = _from + (*func)(_delta, dt); return *this; } void finish() { _cur = _from + _delta; _from = _cur; _delta = 0; } private: float64 _cur, _from, _delta; }; class ivalue { // int animated value public: ivalue() { } ivalue(int32 from) : _cur(from), _from(float64(from)), _delta(0) { } ivalue(int32 from, int32 to) : _cur(from), _from(float64(from)), _delta(float64(to - from)) { } void start(int32 to) { _from = float64(_cur); _delta = float64(to) - _from; } void restart() { _delta = _from + _delta - float64(_cur); _from = float64(_cur); } int32 current() const { return _cur; } int32 to() const { return _from + _delta; } ivalue &update(const float64 &dt, transition func) { _cur = qRound(_from + (*func)(_delta, dt)); return *this; } void finish() { _cur = qRound(_from + _delta); _from = _cur; _delta = 0; } private: int32 _cur; float64 _from, _delta; }; class cvalue { // QColor animated value public: cvalue() { } cvalue(const QColor &from) : _cur(from), _from_r(from.redF()), _from_g(from.greenF()), _from_b(from.blueF()), _from_a(from.alphaF()), _delta_r(0), _delta_g(0), _delta_b(0), _delta_a(0) { } cvalue(const QColor &from, const QColor &to) : _cur(from) , _from_r(from.redF()), _from_g(from.greenF()), _from_b(from.blueF()), _from_a(from.alphaF()) , _delta_r(to.redF() - from.redF()), _delta_g(to.greenF() - from.greenF()), _delta_b(to.blueF() - from.blueF()), _delta_a(to.alphaF() - from.alphaF()) { } void start(const QColor &to) { _from_r = _cur.redF(); _from_g = _cur.greenF(); _from_b = _cur.blueF(); _from_a = _cur.alphaF(); _delta_r = to.redF() - _from_r; _delta_g = to.greenF() - _from_g; _delta_b = to.blueF() - _from_b; _delta_a = to.alphaF() - _from_a; } void restart() { _delta_r = _from_r + _delta_r - _cur.redF(); _delta_g = _from_g + _delta_g - _cur.greenF(); _delta_b = _from_b + _delta_b - _cur.blueF(); _delta_a = _from_a + _delta_a - _cur.alphaF(); _from_r = _cur.redF(); _from_g = _cur.greenF(); _from_b = _cur.blueF(); _from_a = _cur.alphaF(); } const QColor ¤t() const { return _cur; } QColor to() const { QColor result; result.setRedF(_from_r + _delta_r); result.setGreenF(_from_g + _delta_g); result.setBlueF(_from_b + _delta_b); result.setAlphaF(_from_a + _delta_a); return result; } cvalue &update(const float64 &dt, transition func) { _cur.setRedF(_from_r + (*func)(_delta_r, dt)); _cur.setGreenF(_from_g + (*func)(_delta_g, dt)); _cur.setBlueF(_from_b + (*func)(_delta_b, dt)); _cur.setAlphaF(_from_a + (*func)(_delta_a, dt)); return *this; } void finish() { _cur.setRedF(_from_r + _delta_r); _cur.setGreenF(_from_g + _delta_g); _cur.setBlueF(_from_b + _delta_b); _cur.setAlphaF(_from_a + _delta_a); _from_r = _cur.redF(); _from_g = _cur.greenF(); _from_b = _cur.blueF(); _from_a = _cur.alphaF(); _delta_r = _delta_g = _delta_b = _delta_a = 0; } private: QColor _cur; float64 _from_r, _from_g, _from_b, _from_a, _delta_r, _delta_g, _delta_b, _delta_a; }; void startManager(); void stopManager(); }; class Animation; class AnimationCallbacks { public: virtual void start() { } virtual void step(Animation *a, uint64 ms, bool timer) = 0; virtual ~AnimationCallbacks() { } }; class Animation { public: Animation(AnimationCallbacks *cb) : _cb(cb), _animating(false) { } void start(); void stop(); void step(uint64 ms, bool timer = false) { _cb->step(this, ms, timer); } void step() { step(getms(), false); } bool animating() const { return _animating; } ~Animation() { if (_animating) stop(); delete _cb; } private: AnimationCallbacks *_cb; bool _animating; }; template class AnimationCallbacksRelative : public AnimationCallbacks { public: typedef void (Type::*Method)(float64, bool); AnimationCallbacksRelative(Type *obj, Method method) : _started(0), _obj(obj), _method(method) { } void start() { _started = float64(getms()); } void step(Animation *a, uint64 ms, bool timer) { (_obj->*_method)(ms - _started, timer); } private: float64 _started; Type *_obj; Method _method; }; template AnimationCallbacks *animation(Type *obj, typename AnimationCallbacksRelative::Method method) { return new AnimationCallbacksRelative(obj, method); } template class AnimationCallbacksAbsolute : public AnimationCallbacks { public: typedef void (Type::*Method)(uint64, bool); AnimationCallbacksAbsolute(Type *obj, Method method) : _obj(obj), _method(method) { } void step(Animation *a, uint64 ms, bool timer) { (_obj->*_method)(ms, timer); } private: Type *_obj; Method _method; }; template AnimationCallbacks *animation(Type *obj, typename AnimationCallbacksAbsolute::Method method) { return new AnimationCallbacksAbsolute(obj, method); } template class AnimationCallbacksRelativeWithParam : public AnimationCallbacks { public: typedef void (Type::*Method)(Param, float64, bool); AnimationCallbacksRelativeWithParam(Param param, Type *obj, Method method) : _started(0), _param(param), _obj(obj), _method(method) { } void start() { _started = float64(getms()); } void step(Animation *a, uint64 ms, bool timer) { (_obj->*_method)(_param, ms - _started, timer); } private: float64 _started; Param _param; Type *_obj; Method _method; }; template AnimationCallbacks *animation(Param param, Type *obj, typename AnimationCallbacksRelativeWithParam::Method method) { return new AnimationCallbacksRelativeWithParam(param, obj, method); } template class AnimationCallbacksAbsoluteWithParam : public AnimationCallbacks { public: typedef void (Type::*Method)(Param, uint64, bool); AnimationCallbacksAbsoluteWithParam(Param param, Type *obj, Method method) : _param(param), _obj(obj), _method(method) { } void step(Animation *a, uint64 ms, bool timer) { (_obj->*_method)(_param, ms, timer); } private: Param _param; Type *_obj; Method _method; }; template AnimationCallbacks *animation(Param param, Type *obj, typename AnimationCallbacksAbsoluteWithParam::Method method) { return new AnimationCallbacksAbsoluteWithParam(param, obj, method); } class AnimationManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: AnimationManager() : _timer(this), _iterating(false) { _timer.setSingleShot(false); connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout())); } void start(Animation *obj) { if (_iterating) { _starting.insert(obj, NullType()); if (!_stopping.isEmpty()) { _stopping.remove(obj); } } else { if (_objects.isEmpty()) { _timer.start(AnimationTimerDelta); } _objects.insert(obj, NullType()); } } void stop(Animation *obj) { if (_iterating) { _stopping.insert(obj, NullType()); if (!_starting.isEmpty()) { _starting.insert(obj, NullType()); } } else { AnimatingObjects::iterator i = _objects.find(obj); if (i != _objects.cend()) { _objects.erase(i); if (_objects.isEmpty()) { _timer.stop(); } } } } public slots: void timeout() { _iterating = true; uint64 ms = getms(); for (AnimatingObjects::const_iterator i = _objects.begin(), e = _objects.end(); i != e; ++i) { i.key()->step(ms, true); } _iterating = false; if (!_starting.isEmpty()) { for (AnimatingObjects::iterator i = _starting.begin(), e = _starting.end(); i != e; ++i) { _objects.insert(i.key(), NullType()); } _starting.clear(); } if (!_stopping.isEmpty()) { for (AnimatingObjects::iterator i = _stopping.begin(), e = _stopping.end(); i != e; ++i) { _objects.remove(i.key()); } _stopping.clear(); } if (!_objects.size()) { _timer.stop(); } } private: typedef QMap AnimatingObjects; AnimatingObjects _objects, _starting, _stopping; QTimer _timer; bool _iterating; }; class HistoryItem; class FileLocation; class AnimatedGif : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: AnimatedGif() : QObject() , msg(0) , file(0) , access(false) , reader(0) , w(0) , h(0) , frame(0) , framesCount(0) , duration(0) , _a_frames(animation(this, &AnimatedGif::step_frame)) { } void step_frame(float64 ms, bool timer); void start(HistoryItem *row, const FileLocation &file); void stop(bool onItemRemoved = false); bool isNull() const { return !reader; } ~AnimatedGif() { stop(true); } const QPixmap ¤t(int32 width = 0, int32 height = 0, bool rounded = false); signals: void updated(); public: HistoryItem *msg; QImage img; FileLocation *file; bool access; QImageReader *reader; int32 w, h, frame; private: QVector frames; QVector images; QVector delays; int32 framesCount, duration; Animation _a_frames; }; enum ClipState { ClipPlaying, ClipStopped, }; class ClipReader { public: ClipReader(const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data); void start(int32 framew, int32 frameh, bool rounded); const QPixmap ¤t(int32 framew, int32 frameh); ClipState state() const; ~ClipReader(); private: ClipState _state; FileLocation *_location; QByteArray _data; int32 _width, _height; bool _rounded; QPixmap _current; bool _currentDisplayed; };