/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "types.h" class Application; class Window; class MainWidget; class SettingsWidget; class ApiWrap; class Font; class Color; class FileUploader; #include "history.h" typedef QMap HistoryItemsMap; typedef QHash VideoItems; typedef QHash AudioItems; typedef QHash DocumentItems; typedef QHash WebPageItems; enum RoundCorners { MaskCorners = 0x00, // for images BlackCorners, ServiceCorners, ServiceSelectedCorners, SelectedOverlayCorners, DateCorners, DateSelectedCorners, ForwardCorners, MediaviewSaveCorners, EmojiHoverCorners, StickerHoverCorners, InShadowCorners, // for photos without bg InSelectedShadowCorners, MessageInCorners, // with shadow MessageInSelectedCorners, MessageOutCorners, MessageOutSelectedCorners, ButtonHoverCorners, RoundCornersCount }; namespace App { Application *app(); Window *wnd(); MainWidget *main(); SettingsWidget *settings(); bool passcoded(); FileUploader *uploader(); ApiWrap *api(); void showSettings(); void logOut(); bool loggedOut(); QString formatPhone(QString phone); inline bool isChat(const PeerId &peer) { return peer & 0x100000000L; } PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer_id); PeerId peerFromChat(int32 chat_id); inline PeerId peerFromChat(const MTPint &chat_id) { return peerFromChat(chat_id.v); } PeerId peerFromUser(int32 user_id); inline PeerId peerFromUser(const MTPint &user_id) { return peerFromUser(user_id.v); } MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &peer_id); int32 userFromPeer(const PeerId &peer_id); int32 chatFromPeer(const PeerId &peer_id); int32 onlineForSort(int32 online, int32 now); int32 onlineWillChangeIn(int32 onlineOnServer, int32 nowOnServer); QString onlineText(UserData *user, int32 nowOnServer, bool precise = false); bool onlineColorUse(int32 online, int32 now); UserData *feedUsers(const MTPVector &users); // returns last user ChatData *feedChats(const MTPVector &chats); // returns last chat void feedParticipants(const MTPChatParticipants &p); void feedParticipantAdd(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdd &d); void feedParticipantDelete(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantDelete &d); void feedMsgs(const MTPVector &msgs, int msgsState = 0); // 2 - new read message, 1 - new unread message, 0 - not new message, -1 - searched message void feedWereRead(const QVector &msgsIds); void feedInboxRead(const PeerId &peer, int32 upTo); void feedOutboxRead(const PeerId &peer, int32 upTo); void feedWereDeleted(const QVector &msgsIds); void feedUserLinks(const MTPVector &links); void feedUserLink(MTPint userId, const MTPContactLink &myLink, const MTPContactLink &foreignLink); int32 maxMsgId(); ImagePtr image(const MTPPhotoSize &size); StorageImageLocation imageLocation(const MTPPhotoSize &size); PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPPhoto &photo, const PreparedPhotoThumbs &thumbs); PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPPhoto &photo, PhotoData *convert = 0); PhotoData *feedPhoto(const MTPDphoto &photo, PhotoData *convert = 0); VideoData *feedVideo(const MTPDvideo &video, VideoData *convert = 0); AudioData *feedAudio(const MTPDaudio &audio, AudioData *convert = 0); DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPdocument &document, const QPixmap &thumb); DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPdocument &document, DocumentData *convert = 0); DocumentData *feedDocument(const MTPDdocument &document, DocumentData *convert = 0); WebPageData *feedWebPage(const MTPDwebPage &webpage, WebPageData *convert = 0); WebPageData *feedWebPage(const MTPDwebPagePending &webpage, WebPageData *convert = 0); WebPageData *feedWebPage(const MTPWebPage &webpage); UserData *userLoaded(const PeerId &user); ChatData *chatLoaded(const PeerId &chat); PeerData *peerLoaded(const PeerId &peer); UserData *userLoaded(int32 user); ChatData *chatLoaded(int32 chat); PeerData *peer(const PeerId &peer); UserData *user(const PeerId &peer); UserData *user(int32 user); UserData *self(); UserData *userByName(const QString &username); ChatData *chat(const PeerId &peer); ChatData *chat(int32 chat); QString peerName(const PeerData *peer, bool forDialogs = false); PhotoData *photo(const PhotoId &photo, PhotoData *convert = 0, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &medium = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &full = ImagePtr()); VideoData *video(const VideoId &video, VideoData *convert = 0, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, int32 duration = 0, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); AudioData *audio(const AudioId &audio, AudioData *convert = 0, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const QString &mime = QString(), int32 duration = 0, int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); DocumentData *document(const DocumentId &document); DocumentData *documentSet(const DocumentId &document, DocumentData *convert, const uint64 &access, int32 date, const QVector &attributes, const QString &mime, const ImagePtr &thumb, int32 dc, int32 size, const StorageImageLocation &thumbLocation); WebPageData *webPage(const WebPageId &webPage, WebPageData *convert = 0, const QString &type = QString(), const QString &url = QString(), const QString &displayUrl = QString(), const QString &siteName = QString(), const QString &title = QString(), const QString &description = QString(), PhotoData *photo = 0, int32 duration = 0, const QString &author = QString(), int32 pendingTill = -2); ImageLinkData *imageLink(const QString &imageLink, ImageLinkType type = InvalidImageLink, const QString &url = QString()); void forgetMedia(); MTPPhoto photoFromUserPhoto(MTPint userId, MTPint date, const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo); Histories &histories(); History *history(const PeerId &peer, int32 unreadCnt = 0, int32 maxInboxRead = 0); History *historyLoaded(const PeerId &peer); HistoryItem *histItemById(MsgId itemId); HistoryItem *historyRegItem(HistoryItem *item); void historyItemDetached(HistoryItem *item); void historyUnregItem(HistoryItem *item); void historyClearMsgs(); void historyClearItems(); void historyRegReply(HistoryReply *reply, HistoryItem *to); void historyUnregReply(HistoryReply *reply, HistoryItem *to); // void deleteHistory(const PeerId &peer); void historyRegRandom(uint64 randomId, MsgId itemId); void historyUnregRandom(uint64 randomId); MsgId histItemByRandom(uint64 randomId); void hoveredItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *hoveredItem(); void pressedItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *pressedItem(); void hoveredLinkItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *hoveredLinkItem(); void pressedLinkItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *pressedLinkItem(); void contextItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *contextItem(); void mousedItem(HistoryItem *item); HistoryItem *mousedItem(); const QPixmap &sprite(); const QPixmap &emojis(); const QPixmap &emojisLarge(); const QPixmap &emojiSingle(EmojiPtr emoji, int32 fontHeight); void initMedia(); void deinitMedia(bool completely = true); void playSound(); void checkImageCacheSize(); bool isValidPhone(QString phone); void quit(); bool quiting(); void setQuiting(); QImage readImage(QByteArray data, QByteArray *format = 0, bool opaque = true, bool *animated = 0); QImage readImage(const QString &file, QByteArray *format = 0, bool opaque = true, bool *animated = 0, QByteArray *content = 0); void regVideoItem(VideoData *data, HistoryItem *item); void unregVideoItem(VideoData *data, HistoryItem *item); const VideoItems &videoItems(); void regAudioItem(AudioData *data, HistoryItem *item); void unregAudioItem(AudioData*data, HistoryItem *item); const AudioItems &audioItems(); void regDocumentItem(DocumentData *data, HistoryItem *item); void unregDocumentItem(DocumentData *data, HistoryItem *item); const DocumentItems &documentItems(); void regWebPageItem(WebPageData *data, HistoryItem *item); void unregWebPageItem(WebPageData *data, HistoryItem *item); const WebPageItems &webPageItems(); void regMuted(PeerData *peer, int32 changeIn); void unregMuted(PeerData *peer); void updateMuted(); void setProxySettings(QNetworkAccessManager &manager); void setProxySettings(QTcpSocket &socket); void searchByHashtag(const QString &tag); void openUserByName(const QString &username, bool toProfile = false); void joinGroupByHash(const QString &hash); void stickersBox(const QString &name); void openLocalUrl(const QString &url); QImage **cornersMask(); QPixmap **corners(RoundCorners index); void roundRect(QPainter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, int32 h, const style::color &bg, RoundCorners index, const style::color *sh = 0); inline void roundRect(QPainter &p, const QRect &rect, const style::color &bg, RoundCorners index, const style::color *sh = 0) { return roundRect(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), bg, index, sh); } void initBackground(int32 id = DefaultChatBackground, const QImage &p = QImage(), bool nowrite = false); style::color msgServiceBg(); style::color msgServiceSelectBg(); style::color historyScrollBarColor(); style::color historyScrollBgColor(); style::color historyScrollBarOverColor(); style::color historyScrollBgOverColor(); style::color introPointHoverColor(); struct WallPaper { WallPaper(int32 id, ImagePtr thumb, ImagePtr full) : id(id), thumb(thumb), full(full) { } int32 id; ImagePtr thumb; ImagePtr full; }; typedef QList WallPapers; DeclareSetting(WallPapers, ServerBackgrounds); };