/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/history_unread_things.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_chat_filters.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace HistoryUnreadThings { namespace { template [[nodiscard]] typename Update::Flag UpdateFlag(Type type) { using Flag = typename Update::Flag; switch (type) { case Type::Mentions: return Flag::UnreadMentions; case Type::Reactions: return Flag::UnreadReactions; } Unexpected("Type in HistoryUnreadThings::UpdateFlag."); } [[nodiscard]] Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag HistoryUpdateFlag(Type type) { return UpdateFlag(type); } [[nodiscard]] Data::TopicUpdate::Flag TopicUpdateFlag(Type type) { return UpdateFlag(type); } } // namespace void Proxy::setCount(int count) { if (!_known) { _entry->setUnreadThingsKnown(); } if (!_data) { if (!count) { return; } createData(); } auto &list = resolveList(); const auto loaded = list.loadedCount(); if (loaded > count) { LOG(("API Warning: " "real count is greater than received unread count")); count = loaded; } const auto had = (list.count() > 0); const auto &other = (_type == Type::Mentions) ? _data->reactions : _data->mentions; if (!count && other.count(-1) == 0) { _data = nullptr; } else { list.setCount(count); } const auto has = (count > 0); if (has != had) { if (_type == Type::Mentions) { if (const auto history = _entry->asHistory()) { _entry->owner().chatsFilters().refreshHistory(history); } } _entry->updateChatListEntry(); } } bool Proxy::add(MsgId msgId, AddType type) { if (const auto history = _entry->asHistory()) { if (history->peer->isBroadcast()) { return false; } } if (!_data) { createData(); } auto &list = resolveList(); const auto count = list.count(); const auto loaded = list.loadedCount(); const auto allLoaded = (count >= 0) && (loaded >= count); if (allLoaded) { if (type == AddType::New || !list.contains(msgId)) { list.insert(msgId); setCount(count + 1); return true; } } else if (loaded > 0 && type != AddType::New) { list.insert(msgId); return true; } return false; } void Proxy::erase(MsgId msgId) { if (!_data) { return; } auto &list = resolveList(); list.erase(msgId); if (const auto count = list.count(); count > 0) { setCount(count - 1); } notifyUpdated(); } void Proxy::clear() { if (!_data || !count()) { return; } auto &list = resolveList(); list.clear(); setCount(0); notifyUpdated(); } void Proxy::addSlice(const MTPmessages_Messages &slice, int alreadyLoaded) { if (!alreadyLoaded && _data) { resolveList().clear(); } const auto history = resolveHistory(); auto fullCount = slice.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(Proxy::addSlice)")); return 0; }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messages &data) { return int(data.vmessages().v.size()); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }, [&](const MTPDmessages_channelMessages &data) { if (const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsReceived(data.vpts().v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when " "no channel was passed! (Proxy::addSlice)")); } return data.vcount().v; }); auto &owner = _entry->owner(); const auto messages = slice.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(Proxy::addSlice)")); return QVector(); }, [&](const auto &data) { owner.processUsers(data.vusers()); owner.processChats(data.vchats()); return data.vmessages().v; }); if (!messages.isEmpty() && !_data) { createData(); } auto added = false; const auto list = _data ? &resolveList() : nullptr; const auto localFlags = MessageFlags(); const auto type = NewMessageType::Existing; for (const auto &message : messages) { const auto item = history->addNewMessage( IdFromMessage(message), message, localFlags, type); const auto is = [&] { switch (_type) { case Type::Mentions: return item->isUnreadMention(); case Type::Reactions: return item->hasUnreadReaction(); } Unexpected("Type in Proxy::addSlice."); }(); if (is) { list->insert(item->id); added = true; } } if (!added) { fullCount = loadedCount(); } setCount(fullCount); notifyUpdated(); } void Proxy::checkAdd(MsgId msgId, bool resolved) { Expects(_type == Type::Reactions); if (!_data) { return; } auto &list = resolveList(); if (!list.loadedCount() || list.maxLoaded() <= msgId) { return; } const auto history = resolveHistory(); const auto peer = history->peer; const auto item = peer->owner().message(peer, msgId); if (item && item->hasUnreadReaction()) { item->addToUnreadThings(AddType::Existing); } else if (!item && !resolved) { peer->session().api().requestMessageData(peer, msgId, [=] { history->unreadReactions().checkAdd(msgId, true); }); } } void Proxy::notifyUpdated() { if (const auto history = _entry->asHistory()) { history->session().changes().historyUpdated( history, HistoryUpdateFlag(_type)); } else if (const auto topic = _entry->asTopic()) { topic->session().changes().topicUpdated( topic, TopicUpdateFlag(_type)); } } void Proxy::createData() { _data = std::make_unique(); if (_known) { _data->mentions.setCount(0); _data->reactions.setCount(0); } } List &Proxy::resolveList() { Expects(_data != nullptr); switch (_type) { case Type::Mentions: return _data->mentions; case Type::Reactions: return _data->reactions; } Unexpected("Unread things type in Proxy::resolveList."); } not_null Proxy::resolveHistory() const { const auto result = _entry->asHistory(); return result ? not_null(result) : _entry->asTopic()->history(); } } // namespace HistoryUnreadThings