/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "data/data_peer_id.h" struct MsgId { constexpr MsgId() noexcept = default; constexpr MsgId(int64 value) noexcept : bare(value) { } [[nodiscard]] constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return (bare != 0); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept { return !bare; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr MsgId operator-() const noexcept { return -bare; } constexpr MsgId operator++() noexcept { return ++bare; } constexpr MsgId operator++(int) noexcept { return bare++; } constexpr MsgId operator--() noexcept { return --bare; } constexpr MsgId operator--(int) noexcept { return bare--; } int64 bare = 0; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MsgId); [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr MsgId operator+(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return MsgId(a.bare + b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr MsgId operator-(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return MsgId(a.bare - b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare == b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare != b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator<(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare < b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator>(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare > b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator<=(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare <= b.bare); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator>=(MsgId a, MsgId b) noexcept { return (a.bare >= b.bare); } constexpr auto StartClientMsgId = MsgId(0x01 - (1LL << 58)); constexpr auto EndClientMsgId = MsgId(-(1LL << 57)); constexpr auto ServerMaxMsgId = MsgId(1LL << 56); constexpr auto ShowAtUnreadMsgId = MsgId(0); constexpr auto SpecialMsgIdShift = EndClientMsgId.bare; constexpr auto ShowAtTheEndMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 1); constexpr auto SwitchAtTopMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 2); constexpr auto ShowAtProfileMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 3); constexpr auto ShowAndStartBotMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 4); constexpr auto ShowAtGameShareMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 5); constexpr auto ShowForChooseMessagesMsgId = MsgId(SpecialMsgIdShift + 6); static_assert(SpecialMsgIdShift + 0xFF < 0); static_assert(-(SpecialMsgIdShift + 0xFF) > ServerMaxMsgId); [[nodiscard]] constexpr inline bool IsClientMsgId(MsgId id) noexcept { return (id >= StartClientMsgId && id < EndClientMsgId); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr inline bool IsServerMsgId(MsgId id) noexcept { return (id > 0 && id < ServerMaxMsgId); } struct MsgRange { constexpr MsgRange() noexcept = default; constexpr MsgRange(MsgId from, MsgId till) noexcept : from(from) , till(till) { } MsgId from = 0; MsgId till = 0; }; [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==( MsgRange a, MsgRange b) noexcept { return (a.from == b.from) && (a.till == b.till); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=( MsgRange a, MsgRange b) noexcept { return !(a == b); } struct FullMsgId { constexpr FullMsgId() noexcept = default; constexpr FullMsgId(ChannelId channel, MsgId msg) noexcept : channel(channel), msg(msg) { } constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return msg != 0; } constexpr bool operator!() const noexcept { return msg == 0; } ChannelId channel = NoChannel; MsgId msg = 0; }; [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator<( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { if (a.channel < b.channel) { return true; } else if (a.channel > b.channel) { return false; } return a.msg < b.msg; } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator>( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { return b < a; } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator<=( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { return !(b < a); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator>=( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { return !(a < b); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { return (a.channel == b.channel) && (a.msg == b.msg); } [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=( const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) noexcept { return !(a == b); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(FullMsgId); namespace std { template <> struct hash : private hash { size_t operator()(MsgId value) const noexcept { return hash::operator()(value.bare); } }; } // namespace std