/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/history_inner_widget.h" #include #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/media/history_media.h" #include "history/media/history_media_sticker.h" #include "history/media/history_media_web_page.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_item_text.h" #include "history/view/history_view_message.h" #include "history/view/history_view_service_message.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "history/view/history_view_context_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/report_box.h" #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "layout.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_poll.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_user.h" namespace { constexpr auto kScrollDateHideTimeout = 1000; // Helper binary search for an item in a list that is not completely // above the given top of the visible area or below the given bottom of the visible area // is applied once for blocks list in a history and once for items list in the found block. template int BinarySearchBlocksOrItems(const T &list, int edge) { // static_cast to work around GCC bug #78693 auto start = 0, end = static_cast(list.size()); while (end - start > 1) { auto middle = (start + end) / 2; auto top = list[middle]->y(); auto chooseLeft = (TopToBottom ? (top <= edge) : (top < edge)); if (chooseLeft) { start = middle; } else { end = middle; } } return start; } } // namespace // flick scroll taken from http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/demos-embedded-anomaly-src-flickcharm-cpp.html class HistoryInner::BotAbout : public ClickHandlerHost { public: BotAbout(not_null parent, not_null info); // ClickHandlerHost interface void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override; void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override; not_null info; int width = 0; int height = 0; QRect rect; private: not_null _parent; }; HistoryInner::BotAbout::BotAbout( not_null parent, not_null info) : info(info) , _parent(parent) { } void HistoryInner::BotAbout::clickHandlerActiveChanged( const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) { _parent->update(rect); } void HistoryInner::BotAbout::clickHandlerPressedChanged( const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) { _parent->update(rect); } HistoryInner::HistoryInner( not_null historyWidget, not_null controller, Ui::ScrollArea *scroll, not_null history) : RpWidget(nullptr) , _controller(controller) , _peer(history->peer) , _history(history) , _migrated(history->migrateFrom()) , _widget(historyWidget) , _scroll(scroll) , _scrollDateCheck([this] { scrollDateCheck(); }) , _scrollDateHideTimer([this] { scrollDateHideByTimer(); }) { _touchSelectTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_touchSelectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchSelect())); setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); connect(&_touchScrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchScrollTimer())); _trippleClickTimer.setSingleShot(true); notifyIsBotChanged(); setMouseTracking(true); subscribe(_controller->gifPauseLevelChanged(), [this] { if (!_controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::Any)) { update(); } }); subscribe(_controller->window()->dragFinished(), [this] { mouseActionUpdate(QCursor::pos()); }); Auth().data().itemRemoved( ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this](auto item) { itemRemoved(item); }, lifetime()); Auth().data().viewRemoved( ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this](auto view) { viewRemoved(view); }, lifetime()); Auth().data().itemViewRefreshRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this](auto item) { refreshView(item); }, lifetime()); rpl::merge( Auth().data().historyUnloaded(), Auth().data().historyCleared() ) | rpl::filter([this](not_null history) { return (_history == history); }) | rpl::start_with_next([this] { mouseActionCancel(); }, lifetime()); Auth().data().viewRepaintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](not_null view) { repaintItem(view); }, lifetime()); Auth().data().viewLayoutChanged( ) | rpl::filter([](not_null view) { return (view == view->data()->mainView()) && view->isUnderCursor(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([this](not_null view) { mouseActionUpdate(); }, lifetime()); } void HistoryInner::messagesReceived( PeerData *peer, const QVector &messages) { if (_history->peer == peer) { _history->addOlderSlice(messages); } else if (_migrated && _migrated->peer == peer) { const auto newLoaded = _migrated && _migrated->isEmpty() && !_history->isEmpty(); _migrated->addOlderSlice(messages); if (newLoaded) { _migrated->addNewerSlice(QVector()); } } } void HistoryInner::messagesReceivedDown(PeerData *peer, const QVector &messages) { if (_history->peer == peer) { const auto oldLoaded = _migrated && _history->isEmpty() && !_migrated->isEmpty(); _history->addNewerSlice(messages); if (oldLoaded) { _history->addOlderSlice(QVector()); } } else if (_migrated && _migrated->peer == peer) { _migrated->addNewerSlice(messages); } } void HistoryInner::repaintItem(const HistoryItem *item) { if (!item) { return; } repaintItem(item->mainView()); } void HistoryInner::repaintItem(const Element *view) { if (_widget->skipItemRepaint()) { return; } const auto top = itemTop(view); if (top >= 0) { update(0, top, width(), view->height()); } } template void HistoryInner::enumerateItemsInHistory(History *history, int historytop, Method method) { // No displayed messages in this history. if (historytop < 0 || history->isEmpty()) { return; } if (_visibleAreaBottom <= historytop || historytop + history->height() <= _visibleAreaTop) { return; } auto searchEdge = TopToBottom ? _visibleAreaTop : _visibleAreaBottom; // Binary search for blockIndex of the first block that is not completely below the visible area. auto blockIndex = BinarySearchBlocksOrItems(history->blocks, searchEdge - historytop); // Binary search for itemIndex of the first item that is not completely below the visible area. auto block = history->blocks[blockIndex].get(); auto blocktop = historytop + block->y(); auto blockbottom = blocktop + block->height(); auto itemIndex = BinarySearchBlocksOrItems(block->messages, searchEdge - blocktop); while (true) { while (true) { auto view = block->messages[itemIndex].get(); auto itemtop = blocktop + view->y(); auto itembottom = itemtop + view->height(); // Binary search should've skipped all the items that are above / below the visible area. if (TopToBottom) { if (itembottom <= _visibleAreaTop) { QStringList debug; for (const auto &logBlock : history->blocks) { QStringList debugItems; for (const auto &logItem : logBlock->messages) { debugItems.push_back(QString("%1,%2" ).arg(logItem->y() ).arg(logItem->height() )); } debug.push_back(QString("b(%1,%2:%3)" ).arg(logBlock->y() ).arg(logBlock->height() ).arg(debugItems.join(';') )); } CrashReports::SetAnnotation( "geometry", QString("height:%1 " ).arg(history->height() ) + debug.join(';')); CrashReports::SetAnnotation( "info", QString("block:%1(%2,%3), " "item:%4(%5,%6), " "limits:%7,%8, " "has:%9" ).arg(blockIndex ).arg(block->y() ).arg(block->height() ).arg(itemIndex ).arg(view->y() ).arg(view->height() ).arg(_visibleAreaTop ).arg(_visibleAreaBottom ).arg(Logs::b(history->hasPendingResizedItems()) )); Unexpected("itembottom > _visibleAreaTop"); } Assert(itembottom > _visibleAreaTop); } else { Assert(itemtop < _visibleAreaBottom); } if (!method(view, itemtop, itembottom)) { return; } // Skip all the items that are below / above the visible area. if (TopToBottom) { if (itembottom >= _visibleAreaBottom) { return; } } else { if (itemtop <= _visibleAreaTop) { return; } } if (TopToBottom) { if (++itemIndex >= block->messages.size()) { break; } } else { if (--itemIndex < 0) { break; } } } // Skip all the rest blocks that are below / above the visible area. if (TopToBottom) { if (blockbottom >= _visibleAreaBottom) { return; } } else { if (blocktop <= _visibleAreaTop) { return; } } if (TopToBottom) { if (++blockIndex >= history->blocks.size()) { return; } } else { if (--blockIndex < 0) { return; } } block = history->blocks[blockIndex].get(); blocktop = historytop + block->y(); blockbottom = blocktop + block->height(); if (TopToBottom) { itemIndex = 0; } else { itemIndex = block->messages.size() - 1; } } } bool HistoryInner::canHaveFromUserpics() const { if (_peer->isUser() && !_peer->isSelf() && !Adaptive::ChatWide()) { return false; } else if (_peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isMegagroup()) { return false; } return true; } template void HistoryInner::enumerateUserpics(Method method) { if (!canHaveFromUserpics()) { return; } // Find and remember the top of an attached messages pack // -1 means we didn't find an attached to next message yet. int lowestAttachedItemTop = -1; auto userpicCallback = [&](not_null view, int itemtop, int itembottom) { // Skip all service messages. const auto item = view->data(); const auto message = item->toHistoryMessage(); if (!message) return true; if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0 && view->isAttachedToNext()) { lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + view->marginTop(); } // Call method on a userpic for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it // because of their attachment to the next message if they are bottom-most visible. if (view->displayFromPhoto() || (view->hasFromPhoto() && itembottom >= _visibleAreaBottom)) { if (lowestAttachedItemTop < 0) { lowestAttachedItemTop = itemtop + view->marginTop(); } // Attach userpic to the bottom of the visible area with the same margin as the last message. auto userpicMinBottomSkip = st::historyPaddingBottom + st::msgMargin.bottom(); auto userpicBottom = qMin(itembottom - view->marginBottom(), _visibleAreaBottom - userpicMinBottomSkip); // Do not let the userpic go above the attached messages pack top line. userpicBottom = qMax(userpicBottom, lowestAttachedItemTop + st::msgPhotoSize); // Call the template callback function that was passed // and return if it finished everything it needed. if (!method(view, userpicBottom - st::msgPhotoSize)) { return false; } } // Forget the found top of the pack, search for the next one from scratch. if (!view->isAttachedToNext()) { lowestAttachedItemTop = -1; } return true; }; enumerateItems(userpicCallback); } template void HistoryInner::enumerateDates(Method method) { auto drawtop = historyDrawTop(); // Find and remember the bottom of an single-day messages pack // -1 means we didn't find a same-day with previous message yet. auto lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1; auto dateCallback = [&](not_null view, int itemtop, int itembottom) { const auto item = view->data(); if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0 && view->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - view->marginBottom(); } // Call method on a date for all messages that have it and for those who are not showing it // because they are in a one day together with the previous message if they are top-most visible. if (view->displayDate() || (!item->isEmpty() && itemtop <= _visibleAreaTop)) { // skip the date of history migrate item if it will be in migrated if (itemtop < drawtop && item->history() == _history) { if (itemtop > _visibleAreaTop) { // Previous item (from the _migrated history) is drawing date now. return false; } } if (lowestInOneDayItemBottom < 0) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = itembottom - view->marginBottom(); } // Attach date to the top of the visible area with the same margin as it has in service message. int dateTop = qMax(itemtop, _visibleAreaTop) + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); // Do not let the date go below the single-day messages pack bottom line. int dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top(); dateTop = qMin(dateTop, lowestInOneDayItemBottom - dateHeight); // Call the template callback function that was passed // and return if it finished everything it needed. if (!method(view, itemtop, dateTop)) { return false; } } // Forget the found bottom of the pack, search for the next one from scratch. if (!view->isInOneDayWithPrevious()) { lowestInOneDayItemBottom = -1; } return true; }; enumerateItems(dateCallback); } TextSelection HistoryInner::computeRenderSelection( not_null selected, not_null view) const { if (view->isHiddenByGroup()) { return TextSelection(); } const auto item = view->data(); const auto itemSelection = [&](not_null item) { auto i = selected->find(item); if (i != selected->end()) { return i->second; } return TextSelection(); }; const auto result = itemSelection(item); if (result != TextSelection() && result != FullSelection) { return result; } if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { auto parts = TextSelection(); auto allFullSelected = true; const auto count = int(group->items.size()); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto part = group->items[i]; const auto selection = itemSelection(part); if (part == item && selection != FullSelection && selection != TextSelection()) { return selection; } else if (selection == FullSelection) { parts = AddGroupItemSelection(parts, i); } else { allFullSelected = false; } } return allFullSelected ? FullSelection : parts; } return itemSelection(item); } TextSelection HistoryInner::itemRenderSelection( not_null view, int selfromy, int seltoy) const { const auto item = view->data(); const auto y = view->block()->y() + view->y(); if (y >= selfromy && y < seltoy) { if (_dragSelecting && !item->serviceMsg() && item->id > 0) { return FullSelection; } } else if (!_selected.empty()) { return computeRenderSelection(&_selected, view); } return TextSelection(); } void HistoryInner::paintEmpty(Painter &p, int width, int height) { if (!_emptyPainter) { _emptyPainter = std::make_unique( _history); } _emptyPainter->paint(p, width, height); } void HistoryInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (Ui::skipPaintEvent(this, e)) { return; } if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { return; } Painter p(this); auto clip = e->rect(); auto ms = getms(); const auto historyDisplayedEmpty = _history->isDisplayedEmpty() && (!_migrated || _migrated->isDisplayedEmpty()); bool noHistoryDisplayed = _firstLoading || historyDisplayedEmpty; if (!_firstLoading && _botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty() && _botAbout->height > 0) { if (clip.y() < _botAbout->rect.y() + _botAbout->rect.height() && clip.y() + clip.height() > _botAbout->rect.y()) { p.setTextPalette(st::inTextPalette); App::roundRect(p, _botAbout->rect, st::msgInBg, MessageInCorners, &st::msgInShadow); p.setFont(st::msgNameFont); p.setPen(st::dialogsNameFg); p.drawText(_botAbout->rect.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), _botAbout->rect.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->ascent, lang(lng_bot_description)); p.setPen(st::historyTextInFg); _botAbout->info->text.draw(p, _botAbout->rect.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), _botAbout->rect.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip, _botAbout->width); p.restoreTextPalette(); } } else if (historyDisplayedEmpty) { paintEmpty(p, width(), height()); } else { _emptyPainter = nullptr; } if (!noHistoryDisplayed) { auto readMentions = base::flat_set>(); adjustCurrent(clip.top()); auto drawToY = clip.y() + clip.height(); auto selfromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom); auto seltoy = itemTop(_dragSelTo); if (selfromy < 0 || seltoy < 0) { selfromy = seltoy = -1; } else { seltoy += _dragSelTo->height(); } auto mtop = migratedTop(); auto htop = historyTop(); auto hdrawtop = historyDrawTop(); if (mtop >= 0) { auto iBlock = (_curHistory == _migrated ? _curBlock : (_migrated->blocks.size() - 1)); auto block = _migrated->blocks[iBlock].get(); auto iItem = (_curHistory == _migrated ? _curItem : (block->messages.size() - 1)); auto view = block->messages[iItem].get(); auto item = view->data(); auto y = mtop + block->y() + view->y(); p.save(); p.translate(0, y); if (clip.y() < y + view->height()) while (y < drawToY) { const auto selection = itemRenderSelection( view, selfromy - mtop, seltoy - mtop); view->draw(p, clip.translated(0, -y), selection, ms); if (item->hasViews()) { App::main()->scheduleViewIncrement(item); } if (item->isUnreadMention() && !item->isUnreadMedia()) { readMentions.insert(item); _widget->enqueueMessageHighlight(view); } int32 h = view->height(); p.translate(0, h); y += h; ++iItem; if (iItem == block->messages.size()) { iItem = 0; ++iBlock; if (iBlock == _migrated->blocks.size()) { break; } block = _migrated->blocks[iBlock].get(); } view = block->messages[iItem].get(); item = view->data(); } p.restore(); } if (htop >= 0) { auto iBlock = (_curHistory == _history ? _curBlock : 0); auto block = _history->blocks[iBlock].get(); auto iItem = (_curHistory == _history ? _curItem : 0); auto view = block->messages[iItem].get(); auto item = view->data(); auto hclip = clip.intersected(QRect(0, hdrawtop, width(), clip.top() + clip.height())); auto y = htop + block->y() + view->y(); p.save(); p.translate(0, y); while (y < drawToY) { auto h = view->height(); if (hclip.y() < y + h && hdrawtop < y + h) { const auto selection = itemRenderSelection( view, selfromy - htop, seltoy - htop); view->draw(p, hclip.translated(0, -y), selection, ms); if (item->hasViews()) { App::main()->scheduleViewIncrement(item); } if (item->isUnreadMention() && !item->isUnreadMedia()) { readMentions.insert(item); _widget->enqueueMessageHighlight(view); } } p.translate(0, h); y += h; ++iItem; if (iItem == block->messages.size()) { iItem = 0; ++iBlock; if (iBlock == _history->blocks.size()) { break; } block = _history->blocks[iBlock].get(); } view = block->messages[iItem].get(); item = view->data(); } p.restore(); } if (!readMentions.empty() && App::wnd()->doWeReadMentions()) { Auth().api().markMediaRead(readMentions); } if (mtop >= 0 || htop >= 0) { enumerateUserpics([&](not_null view, int userpicTop) { // stop the enumeration if the userpic is below the painted rect if (userpicTop >= clip.top() + clip.height()) { return false; } // paint the userpic if it intersects the painted rect if (userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize > clip.top()) { const auto message = view->data()->toHistoryMessage(); message->displayFrom()->paintUserpicLeft( p, st::historyPhotoLeft, userpicTop, width(), st::msgPhotoSize); } return true; }); int dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top(); //QDate lastDate; //if (!_history->isEmpty()) { // lastDate = _history->blocks.back()->messages.back()->data()->date.date(); //} //// if item top is before this value always show date as a floating date //int showFloatingBefore = height() - 2 * (_visibleAreaBottom - _visibleAreaTop) - dateHeight; auto scrollDateOpacity = _scrollDateOpacity.current(ms, _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.); enumerateDates([&](not_null view, int itemtop, int dateTop) { // stop the enumeration if the date is above the painted rect if (dateTop + dateHeight <= clip.top()) { return false; } const auto displayDate = view->displayDate(); auto dateInPlace = displayDate; if (dateInPlace) { const auto correctDateTop = itemtop + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); dateInPlace = (dateTop < correctDateTop + dateHeight); } //bool noFloatingDate = (item->date.date() == lastDate && displayDate); //if (noFloatingDate) { // if (itemtop < showFloatingBefore) { // noFloatingDate = false; // } //} // paint the date if it intersects the painted rect if (dateTop < clip.top() + clip.height()) { auto opacity = (dateInPlace/* || noFloatingDate*/) ? 1. : scrollDateOpacity; if (opacity > 0.) { p.setOpacity(opacity); const auto dateY = false // noFloatingDate ? itemtop : (dateTop - st::msgServiceMargin.top()); if (const auto date = view->Get()) { date->paint(p, dateY, _contentWidth); } else { HistoryView::ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate( p, view->dateTime(), dateY, _contentWidth); } } } return true; }); } } } bool HistoryInner::eventHook(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd || e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { QTouchEvent *ev = static_cast(e); if (ev->device()->type() == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) { touchEvent(ev); return true; } } return RpWidget::eventHook(e); } void HistoryInner::onTouchScrollTimer() { auto nowTime = getms(); if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration && _touchWaitingAcceleration && (nowTime - _touchAccelerationTime) > 40) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual; touchResetSpeed(); } else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto || _touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) { int32 elapsed = int32(nowTime - _touchTime); QPoint delta = _touchSpeed * elapsed / 1000; bool hasScrolled = _widget->touchScroll(delta); if (_touchSpeed.isNull() || !hasScrolled) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual; _touchScroll = false; _touchScrollTimer.stop(); } else { _touchTime = nowTime; } touchDeaccelerate(elapsed); } } void HistoryInner::touchUpdateSpeed() { const auto nowTime = getms(); if (_touchPrevPosValid) { const int elapsed = nowTime - _touchSpeedTime; if (elapsed) { const QPoint newPixelDiff = (_touchPos - _touchPrevPos); const QPoint pixelsPerSecond = newPixelDiff * (1000 / elapsed); // fingers are inacurates, we ignore small changes to avoid stopping the autoscroll because // of a small horizontal offset when scrolling vertically const int newSpeedY = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.y()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.y() : 0; const int newSpeedX = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.x()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.x() : 0; if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) { const int oldSpeedY = _touchSpeed.y(); const int oldSpeedX = _touchSpeed.x(); if ((oldSpeedY <= 0 && newSpeedY <= 0) || ((oldSpeedY >= 0 && newSpeedY >= 0) && (oldSpeedX <= 0 && newSpeedX <= 0)) || (oldSpeedX >= 0 && newSpeedX >= 0)) { _touchSpeed.setY(snap((oldSpeedY + (newSpeedY / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated)); _touchSpeed.setX(snap((oldSpeedX + (newSpeedX / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated)); } else { _touchSpeed = QPoint(); } } else { // we average the speed to avoid strange effects with the last delta if (!_touchSpeed.isNull()) { _touchSpeed.setX(snap((_touchSpeed.x() / 4) + (newSpeedX * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick)); _touchSpeed.setY(snap((_touchSpeed.y() / 4) + (newSpeedY * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick)); } else { _touchSpeed = QPoint(newSpeedX, newSpeedY); } } } } else { _touchPrevPosValid = true; } _touchSpeedTime = nowTime; _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; } void HistoryInner::touchResetSpeed() { _touchSpeed = QPoint(); _touchPrevPosValid = false; } void HistoryInner::touchDeaccelerate(int32 elapsed) { int32 x = _touchSpeed.x(); int32 y = _touchSpeed.y(); _touchSpeed.setX((x == 0) ? x : (x > 0) ? qMax(0, x - elapsed) : qMin(0, x + elapsed)); _touchSpeed.setY((y == 0) ? y : (y > 0) ? qMax(0, y - elapsed) : qMin(0, y + elapsed)); } void HistoryInner::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) { const Qt::TouchPointStates &states(e->touchPointStates()); if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { // cancel if (!_touchInProgress) return; _touchInProgress = false; _touchSelectTimer.stop(); _touchScroll = _touchSelect = false; _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual; mouseActionCancel(); return; } if (!e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) { _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; _touchPos = e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint(); } switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: { if (_menu) { e->accept(); return; // ignore mouse press, that was hiding context menu } if (_touchInProgress) return; if (e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return; _touchInProgress = true; if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration; _touchWaitingAcceleration = true; _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchStart = _touchPos; } else { _touchScroll = false; _touchSelectTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } _touchSelect = false; _touchStart = _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; } break; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: { if (!_touchInProgress) return; if (_touchSelect) { mouseActionUpdate(_touchPos); } else if (!_touchScroll && (_touchPos - _touchStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _touchSelectTimer.stop(); _touchScroll = true; touchUpdateSpeed(); } if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual) { touchScrollUpdated(_touchPos); } else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) { touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); if (_touchSpeed.isNull()) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual; } } } } break; case QEvent::TouchEnd: { if (!_touchInProgress) return; _touchInProgress = false; auto weak = make_weak(this); if (_touchSelect) { mouseActionFinish(_touchPos, Qt::RightButton); QContextMenuEvent contextMenu(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapFromGlobal(_touchPos), _touchPos); showContextMenu(&contextMenu, true); _touchScroll = false; } else if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto; _touchPrevPosValid = false; _touchScrollTimer.start(15); _touchTime = getms(); } else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Manual; _touchScroll = false; touchResetSpeed(); } else if (_touchScrollState == Ui::TouchScrollState::Acceleration) { _touchScrollState = Ui::TouchScrollState::Auto; _touchWaitingAcceleration = false; _touchPrevPosValid = false; } } else { // One short tap is like left mouse click. mouseActionStart(_touchPos, Qt::LeftButton); mouseActionFinish(_touchPos, Qt::LeftButton); } if (weak) { _touchSelectTimer.stop(); _touchSelect = false; } } break; } } void HistoryInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { static auto lastGlobalPosition = e->globalPos(); auto reallyMoved = (lastGlobalPosition != e->globalPos()); auto buttonsPressed = (e->buttons() & (Qt::LeftButton | Qt::MiddleButton)); if (!buttonsPressed && _mouseAction != MouseAction::None) { mouseReleaseEvent(e); } if (reallyMoved) { lastGlobalPosition = e->globalPos(); if (!buttonsPressed || (_scrollDateLink && ClickHandler::getPressed() == _scrollDateLink)) { keepScrollDateForNow(); } } mouseActionUpdate(e->globalPos()); } void HistoryInner::mouseActionUpdate(const QPoint &screenPos) { _mousePosition = screenPos; mouseActionUpdate(); } void HistoryInner::touchScrollUpdated(const QPoint &screenPos) { _touchPos = screenPos; _widget->touchScroll(_touchPos - _touchPrevPos); touchUpdateSpeed(); } QPoint HistoryInner::mapPointToItem(QPoint p, const Element *view) const { if (view) { const auto top = itemTop(view); p.setY(p.y() - top); return p; } return QPoint(); } QPoint HistoryInner::mapPointToItem( QPoint p, const HistoryItem *item) const { return item ? mapPointToItem(p, item->mainView()) : QPoint(); } void HistoryInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_menu) { e->accept(); return; // ignore mouse press, that was hiding context menu } mouseActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button()); } void HistoryInner::mouseActionStart(const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) { mouseActionUpdate(screenPos); if (button != Qt::LeftButton) return; ClickHandler::pressed(); if (App::pressedItem() != App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(App::pressedItem()); App::pressedItem(App::hoveredItem()); repaintItem(App::pressedItem()); } const auto mouseActionView = App::mousedItem(); _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _mouseActionItem = mouseActionView ? mouseActionView->data().get() : nullptr; _dragStartPosition = mapPointToItem(mapFromGlobal(screenPos), mouseActionView); _pressWasInactive = _controller->window()->wasInactivePress(); if (_pressWasInactive) _controller->window()->setInactivePress(false); if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; } else if (!_selected.empty()) { if (_selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection) { if (_dragStateItem && _selected.find(_dragStateItem) != _selected.cend() && App::hoveredItem()) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; // start items drag } else if (!_pressWasInactive) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareSelect; // start items select } } } if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None && mouseActionView) { TextState dragState; if (_trippleClickTimer.isActive() && (screenPos - _trippleClickPoint).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { StateRequest request; request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; dragState = mouseActionView->textState(_dragStartPosition, request); if (dragState.cursor == CursorState::Text) { TextSelection selStatus = { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol }; if (selStatus != FullSelection && (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)) { if (!_selected.empty()) { repaintItem(_selected.cbegin()->first); _selected.clear(); } _selected.emplace(_mouseActionItem, selStatus); _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Paragraphs; mouseActionUpdate(_mousePosition); _trippleClickTimer.start(QApplication::doubleClickInterval()); } } } else if (App::pressedItem()) { StateRequest request; request.flags = Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; dragState = mouseActionView->textState(_dragStartPosition, request); } if (_mouseSelectType != TextSelectType::Paragraphs) { if (App::pressedItem()) { _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; bool uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == CursorState::Text); if (uponSelected) { if (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection || _selected.cbegin()->first != _mouseActionItem) { uponSelected = false; } else { uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin()->second.from, selTo = _selected.cbegin()->second.to; if (_mouseTextSymbol < selFrom || _mouseTextSymbol >= selTo) { uponSelected = false; } } } if (uponSelected) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; // start text drag } else if (!_pressWasInactive) { if (dynamic_cast(App::pressedItem()->media()) || _mouseCursorState == CursorState::Date) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareDrag; // start sticker drag or by-date drag } else { if (dragState.afterSymbol) ++_mouseTextSymbol; TextSelection selStatus = { _mouseTextSymbol, _mouseTextSymbol }; if (selStatus != FullSelection && (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)) { if (!_selected.empty()) { repaintItem(_selected.cbegin()->first); _selected.clear(); } _selected.emplace(_mouseActionItem, selStatus); _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } else { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareSelect; } } } } else if (!_pressWasInactive) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::PrepareSelect; // start items select } } } if (!_mouseActionItem) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseActionItem = nullptr; } } void HistoryInner::mouseActionCancel() { _mouseActionItem = nullptr; _dragStateItem = nullptr; _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _dragStartPosition = QPoint(0, 0); _dragSelFrom = _dragSelTo = nullptr; _wasSelectedText = false; _widget->noSelectingScroll(); } std::unique_ptr HistoryInner::prepareDrag() { if (_mouseAction != MouseAction::Dragging) { return nullptr; } const auto pressedHandler = ClickHandler::getPressed(); if (dynamic_cast(pressedHandler.get())) { return nullptr; } const auto mouseActionView = _mouseActionItem ? _mouseActionItem->mainView() : nullptr; bool uponSelected = false; if (mouseActionView) { if (!_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection) { uponSelected = _dragStateItem && (_selected.find(_dragStateItem) != _selected.cend()); } else { StateRequest request; request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; auto dragState = mouseActionView->textState(_dragStartPosition, request); uponSelected = (dragState.cursor == CursorState::Text); if (uponSelected) { if (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection || _selected.cbegin()->first != _mouseActionItem) { uponSelected = false; } else { uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin()->second.from, selTo = _selected.cbegin()->second.to; if (dragState.symbol < selFrom || dragState.symbol >= selTo) { uponSelected = false; } } } } } TextWithEntities sel; QList urls; if (uponSelected) { sel = getSelectedText(); } else if (pressedHandler) { sel = { pressedHandler->dragText(), EntitiesInText() }; //if (!sel.isEmpty() && sel.at(0) != '/' && sel.at(0) != '@' && sel.at(0) != '#') { // urls.push_back(QUrl::fromEncoded(sel.toUtf8())); // Google Chrome crashes in Mac OS X O_o //} } if (auto mimeData = MimeDataFromTextWithEntities(sel)) { updateDragSelection(0, 0, false); _widget->noSelectingScroll(); if (!urls.isEmpty()) mimeData->setUrls(urls); if (uponSelected && !Adaptive::OneColumn()) { auto selectedState = getSelectionState(); if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.count == selectedState.canForwardCount) { Auth().data().setMimeForwardIds(getSelectedItems()); mimeData->setData(qsl("application/x-td-forward"), "1"); } } return mimeData; } else if (_dragStateItem) { const auto view = _dragStateItem->mainView(); if (!view) { return nullptr; } auto forwardIds = MessageIdsList(); if (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::Date) { forwardIds = Auth().data().itemOrItsGroup(_dragStateItem); } else if (view->isHiddenByGroup() && pressedHandler) { forwardIds = MessageIdsList(1, _dragStateItem->fullId()); } else if (const auto media = view->media()) { if (media->dragItemByHandler(pressedHandler) || media->dragItem()) { forwardIds = MessageIdsList(1, _dragStateItem->fullId()); } } if (forwardIds.empty()) { return nullptr; } Auth().data().setMimeForwardIds(std::move(forwardIds)); auto result = std::make_unique(); result->setData(qsl("application/x-td-forward"), "1"); if (const auto media = view->media()) { if (const auto document = media->getDocument()) { const auto filepath = document->filepath( DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { QList urls; urls.push_back(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filepath)); result->setUrls(urls); } } } return result; } return nullptr; } void HistoryInner::performDrag() { if (auto mimeData = prepareDrag()) { // This call enters event loop and can destroy any QObject. _controller->window()->launchDrag(std::move(mimeData)); } } void HistoryInner::itemRemoved(not_null item) { if (_history != item->history() && _migrated != item->history()) { return; } if (!App::main()) { return; } auto i = _selected.find(item); if (i != _selected.cend()) { _selected.erase(i); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); } if (_mouseActionItem == item) { mouseActionCancel(); } if (_dragStateItem == item) { _dragStateItem = nullptr; } if ((_dragSelFrom && _dragSelFrom->data() == item) || (_dragSelTo && _dragSelTo->data() == item)) { _dragSelFrom = nullptr; _dragSelTo = nullptr; update(); } if (_scrollDateLastItem && _scrollDateLastItem->data() == item) { _scrollDateLastItem = nullptr; } mouseActionUpdate(); } void HistoryInner::viewRemoved(not_null view) { if (_dragSelFrom == view) { _dragSelFrom = nullptr; } if (_dragSelTo == view) { _dragSelTo = nullptr; } if (_scrollDateLastItem == view) { _scrollDateLastItem = nullptr; } } void HistoryInner::refreshView(not_null item) { const auto dragSelFrom = (_dragSelFrom && _dragSelFrom->data() == item); const auto dragSelTo = (_dragSelTo && _dragSelTo->data() == item); const auto scrollDateLastItem = (_scrollDateLastItem && _scrollDateLastItem->data() == item); item->refreshMainView(); if (dragSelFrom) { _dragSelFrom = item->mainView(); } if (dragSelTo) { _dragSelTo = item->mainView(); } if (scrollDateLastItem) { _scrollDateLastItem = item->mainView(); } } void HistoryInner::mouseActionFinish( const QPoint &screenPos, Qt::MouseButton button) { mouseActionUpdate(screenPos); auto activated = ClickHandler::unpressed(); if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Dragging) { activated = nullptr; } else if (_mouseActionItem) { // if we are in selecting items mode perhaps we want to // toggle selection instead of activating the pressed link if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareDrag && !_pressWasInactive && !_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection && button != Qt::RightButton) { if (const auto view = _mouseActionItem->mainView()) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { if (media->toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(activated)) { activated = nullptr; } } } } } const auto pressedItemView = App::pressedItem(); if (pressedItemView) { repaintItem(pressedItemView); App::pressedItem(nullptr); } _wasSelectedText = false; if (activated) { mouseActionCancel(); const auto pressedItemId = pressedItemView ? pressedItemView->data()->fullId() : FullMsgId(); App::activateClickHandler(activated, { button, QVariant::fromValue(pressedItemId) }); return; } if ((_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareSelect) && !_pressWasInactive && !_selected.empty() && (_selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection)) { changeSelectionAsGroup( &_selected, _mouseActionItem, SelectAction::Invert); repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } else if ((_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareDrag) && !_pressWasInactive && _dragStateItem && (button != Qt::RightButton)) { auto i = _selected.find(_dragStateItem); if (i != _selected.cend() && i->second == FullSelection) { _selected.erase(i); repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } else if ((i == _selected.cend()) && !_dragStateItem->serviceMsg() && (_dragStateItem->id > 0) && !_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection) { if (_selected.size() < MaxSelectedItems) { _selected.emplace(_dragStateItem, FullSelection); repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } } else { _selected.clear(); update(); } } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { if (_dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo) { applyDragSelection(); _dragSelFrom = _dragSelTo = nullptr; } else if (!_selected.empty() && !_pressWasInactive) { auto sel = _selected.cbegin()->second; if (sel != FullSelection && sel.from == sel.to) { _selected.clear(); App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); } } } _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; _mouseActionItem = nullptr; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Letters; _widget->noSelectingScroll(); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); #if defined Q_OS_LINUX32 || defined Q_OS_LINUX64 if (!_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection) { const auto [item, selection] = *_selected.cbegin(); if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { SetClipboardWithEntities( view->selectedText(selection), QClipboard::Selection); } } #endif // Q_OS_LINUX32 || Q_OS_LINUX64 } void HistoryInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseActionFinish(e->globalPos(), e->button()); if (!rect().contains(e->pos())) { leaveEvent(e); } } void HistoryInner::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseActionStart(e->globalPos(), e->button()); const auto mouseActionView = _mouseActionItem ? _mouseActionItem->mainView() : nullptr; if (_mouseSelectType == TextSelectType::Letters && mouseActionView && ((_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting && !_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection) || (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None && (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)))) { StateRequest request; request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; auto dragState = mouseActionView->textState(_dragStartPosition, request); if (dragState.cursor == CursorState::Text) { _mouseTextSymbol = dragState.symbol; _mouseSelectType = TextSelectType::Words; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; TextSelection selStatus = { dragState.symbol, dragState.symbol }; if (!_selected.empty()) { repaintItem(_selected.cbegin()->first); _selected.clear(); } _selected.emplace(_mouseActionItem, selStatus); } mouseMoveEvent(e); _trippleClickPoint = e->globalPos(); _trippleClickTimer.start(QApplication::doubleClickInterval()); } } if (!ClickHandler::getActive() && !ClickHandler::getPressed() && (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::None || _mouseCursorState == CursorState::Date) && !inSelectionMode()) { if (const auto item = _mouseActionItem) { mouseActionCancel(); _widget->replyToMessage(item); } } } void HistoryInner::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { showContextMenu(e); } void HistoryInner::showContextMenu(QContextMenuEvent *e, bool showFromTouch) { if (e->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { mouseActionUpdate(e->globalPos()); } auto selectedState = getSelectionState(); auto canSendMessages = _peer->canWrite(); // -2 - has full selected items, but not over, -1 - has selection, but no over, 0 - no selection, 1 - over text, 2 - over full selected items auto isUponSelected = 0; auto hasSelected = 0; if (!_selected.empty()) { isUponSelected = -1; if (_selected.cbegin()->second == FullSelection) { hasSelected = 2; if (_dragStateItem && _selected.find(_dragStateItem) != _selected.cend()) { isUponSelected = 2; } else { isUponSelected = -2; } } else { uint16 selFrom = _selected.cbegin()->second.from, selTo = _selected.cbegin()->second.to; hasSelected = (selTo > selFrom) ? 1 : 0; if (App::mousedItem() && App::mousedItem() == App::hoveredItem()) { auto mousePos = mapPointToItem(mapFromGlobal(_mousePosition), App::mousedItem()); StateRequest request; request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; auto dragState = App::mousedItem()->textState(mousePos, request); if (dragState.cursor == CursorState::Text && dragState.symbol >= selFrom && dragState.symbol < selTo) { isUponSelected = 1; } } } } if (showFromTouch && hasSelected && isUponSelected < hasSelected) { isUponSelected = hasSelected; } _menu = base::make_unique_q(this); const auto addItemActions = [&](HistoryItem *item) { if (!item || !IsServerMsgId(item->id) || isUponSelected == 2 || isUponSelected == -2) { return; } const auto itemId = item->fullId(); if (canSendMessages) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_reply_msg), [=] { _widget->replyToMessage(itemId); }); } if (item->allowsEdit(unixtime())) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_edit_msg), [=] { _widget->editMessage(itemId); }); } if (item->canPin()) { const auto isPinned = item->isPinned(); _menu->addAction(lang(isPinned ? lng_context_unpin_msg : lng_context_pin_msg), [=] { if (isPinned) { _widget->unpinMessage(itemId); } else { _widget->pinMessage(itemId); } }); } }; const auto addPhotoActions = [&](not_null photo) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [=] { savePhotoToFile(photo); })); _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_image), [=] { copyContextImage(photo); }); }; const auto addDocumentActions = [&](not_null document) { if (document->loading()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_cancel_download), [=] { cancelContextDownload(document); }); return; } const auto item = _dragStateItem; const auto itemId = item ? item->fullId() : FullMsgId(); const auto lnkIsVideo = document->isVideoFile(); const auto lnkIsVoice = document->isVoiceMessage(); const auto lnkIsAudio = document->isAudioFile(); if (document->loaded() && document->isGifv()) { if (!cAutoPlayGif()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_open_gif), [=] { openContextGif(itemId); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_gif), [=] { saveContextGif(itemId); }); } if (!document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) { _menu->addAction(lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), [=] { showContextInFolder(document); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lnkIsVideo ? lng_context_save_video : (lnkIsVoice ? lng_context_save_audio : (lnkIsAudio ? lng_context_save_audio_file : lng_context_save_file))), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [=] { saveDocumentToFile(itemId, document); })); }; const auto link = ClickHandler::getActive(); auto lnkPhoto = dynamic_cast(link.get()); auto lnkDocument = dynamic_cast(link.get()); if (lnkPhoto || lnkDocument) { const auto item = _dragStateItem; const auto itemId = item ? item->fullId() : FullMsgId(); if (isUponSelected > 0) { _menu->addAction( lang((isUponSelected > 1) ? lng_context_copy_selected_items : lng_context_copy_selected), [=] { copySelectedText(); }); } addItemActions(item); if (lnkPhoto) { addPhotoActions(lnkPhoto->photo()); } else { addDocumentActions(lnkDocument->document()); } if (item && item->hasDirectLink() && isUponSelected != 2 && isUponSelected != -2) { _menu->addAction(lang(item->history()->peer->isMegagroup() ? lng_context_copy_link : lng_context_copy_post_link), [=] { _widget->copyPostLink(itemId); }); } if (isUponSelected > 1) { if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.canForwardCount == selectedState.count) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_selected), [=] { _widget->forwardSelected(); }); } if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.canDeleteCount == selectedState.count) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_selected), [=] { _widget->confirmDeleteSelected(); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_clear_selection), [=] { _widget->clearSelected(); }); } else if (item) { const auto itemId = item->fullId(); if (isUponSelected != -2) { if (item->allowsForward()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_msg), [=] { forwardItem(itemId); }); } if (item->canDelete()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_msg), [=] { deleteItem(itemId); }); } if (item->suggestReport()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_report_msg), [=] { reportItem(itemId); }); } } if (IsServerMsgId(item->id) && !item->serviceMsg()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { changeSelection(&_selected, item, SelectAction::Select); repaintItem(item); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); } } }); } } } else { // maybe cursor on some text history item? const auto item = [&]() -> HistoryItem* { if (const auto result = App::hoveredItem() ? App::hoveredItem()->data().get() : App::hoveredLinkItem() ? App::hoveredLinkItem()->data().get() : nullptr) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(result)) { return group->items.front(); } return result; } return nullptr; }(); const auto itemId = item ? item->fullId() : FullMsgId(); const auto canDelete = item && item->canDelete() && (item->id > 0 || !item->serviceMsg()); const auto canForward = item && item->allowsForward(); const auto canReport = item && item->suggestReport(); const auto view = item ? item->mainView() : nullptr; const auto msg = dynamic_cast(item); if (isUponSelected > 0) { _menu->addAction( lang((isUponSelected > 1) ? lng_context_copy_selected_items : lng_context_copy_selected), [=] { copySelectedText(); }); addItemActions(item); } else { addItemActions(item); if (item && !isUponSelected) { const auto media = (view ? view->media() : nullptr); const auto mediaHasTextForCopy = media && media->hasTextForCopy(); if (const auto document = media ? media->getDocument() : nullptr) { if (document->sticker()) { if (document->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) { _menu->addAction(lang(document->isStickerSetInstalled() ? lng_context_pack_info : lng_context_pack_add), [=] { showStickerPackInfo(document); }); _menu->addAction(lang(Stickers::IsFaved(document) ? lng_faved_stickers_remove : lng_faved_stickers_add), [=] { Auth().api().toggleFavedSticker( document, itemId, !Stickers::IsFaved(document)); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_save_image), App::LambdaDelayed(st::defaultDropdownMenu.menu.ripple.hideDuration, this, [=] { saveDocumentToFile(itemId, document); })); } } if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto poll = media->poll()) { if (!poll->closed) { if (poll->voted()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_polls_retract), [=] { Auth().api().sendPollVotes(itemId, {}); }); } if (item->canStopPoll()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_polls_stop), [=] { HistoryView::StopPoll(itemId); }); } } } } if (msg && view && !link && (view->hasVisibleText() || mediaHasTextForCopy)) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_copy_text), [=] { copyContextText(itemId); }); } } } const auto actionText = link ? link->copyToClipboardContextItemText() : QString(); if (!actionText.isEmpty()) { _menu->addAction( actionText, [text = link->copyToClipboardText()] { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(text); }); } else if (item && item->hasDirectLink() && isUponSelected != 2 && isUponSelected != -2) { _menu->addAction(lang(item->history()->peer->isMegagroup() ? lng_context_copy_link : lng_context_copy_post_link), [=] { _widget->copyPostLink(itemId); }); } if (isUponSelected > 1) { if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.count == selectedState.canForwardCount) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_selected), [=] { _widget->forwardSelected(); }); } if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.count == selectedState.canDeleteCount) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_delete_selected), [=] { _widget->confirmDeleteSelected(); }); } _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_clear_selection), [=] { _widget->clearSelected(); }); } else if (item && ((isUponSelected != -2 && (canForward || canDelete)) || item->id > 0)) { if (isUponSelected != -2) { if (canForward) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_forward_msg), [=] { forwardAsGroup(itemId); }); } if (canDelete) { _menu->addAction(lang((msg && msg->uploading()) ? lng_context_cancel_upload : lng_context_delete_msg), [=] { deleteAsGroup(itemId); }); } if (canReport) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_report_msg), [=] { reportAsGroup(itemId); }); } } if (item->id > 0 && !item->serviceMsg()) { _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { changeSelectionAsGroup(&_selected, item, SelectAction::Select); repaintItem(view); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); } } }); } } else { if (App::mousedItem() && IsServerMsgId(App::mousedItem()->data()->id) && !App::mousedItem()->data()->serviceMsg()) { const auto itemId = App::mousedItem()->data()->fullId(); _menu->addAction(lang(lng_context_select_msg), [=] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { changeSelectionAsGroup(&_selected, item, SelectAction::Select); repaintItem(item); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); } } }); } } } if (_menu->actions().isEmpty()) { _menu = nullptr; } else { _menu->popup(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); } } void HistoryInner::copySelectedText() { SetClipboardWithEntities(getSelectedText()); } void HistoryInner::savePhotoToFile(not_null photo) { if (photo->isNull() || !photo->loaded()) return; auto filter = qsl("JPEG Image (*.jpg);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); FileDialog::GetWritePath( this, lang(lng_save_photo), filter, filedialogDefaultName( qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg")), crl::guard(this, [=](const QString &result) { if (!result.isEmpty()) { photo->large()->original().save(result, "JPG"); } })); } void HistoryInner::copyContextImage(not_null photo) { if (photo->isNull() || !photo->loaded()) return; QApplication::clipboard()->setImage(photo->large()->original()); } void HistoryInner::showStickerPackInfo(not_null document) { StickerSetBox::Show(document); } void HistoryInner::cancelContextDownload(not_null document) { document->cancel(); } void HistoryInner::showContextInFolder(not_null document) { const auto filepath = document->filepath( DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { File::ShowInFolder(filepath); } } void HistoryInner::saveDocumentToFile( FullMsgId contextId, not_null document) { DocumentSaveClickHandler::Save(contextId, document, true); } void HistoryInner::openContextGif(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { Core::App().showDocument(document, item); } } } } void HistoryInner::saveContextGif(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { Auth().api().toggleSavedGif(document, item->fullId(), true); } } } } void HistoryInner::copyContextText(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { SetClipboardWithEntities(HistoryGroupText(group)); } else { SetClipboardWithEntities(HistoryItemText(item)); } } } void HistoryInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { mouseActionUpdate(); } TextWithEntities HistoryInner::getSelectedText() const { auto selected = _selected; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting && _dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo) { applyDragSelection(&selected); } if (selected.empty()) { return TextWithEntities(); } if (selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection) { const auto [item, selection] = *selected.cbegin(); if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { return view->selectedText(selection); } return TextWithEntities(); } const auto timeFormat = qsl(", [dd.MM.yy hh:mm]\n"); auto groups = base::flat_set>(); auto fullSize = 0; auto texts = base::flat_map(); const auto wrapItem = [&]( not_null item, TextWithEntities &&unwrapped) { auto time = ItemDateTime(item).toString(timeFormat); auto part = TextWithEntities(); auto size = item->author()->name.size() + time.size() + unwrapped.text.size(); part.text.reserve(size); part.text.append(item->author()->name).append(time); TextUtilities::Append(part, std::move(unwrapped)); texts.emplace(item->position(), part); fullSize += size; }; const auto addItem = [&](not_null item) { wrapItem(item, HistoryItemText(item)); }; const auto addGroup = [&](not_null group) { Expects(!group->items.empty()); wrapItem(group->items.back(), HistoryGroupText(group)); }; for (const auto [item, selection] : selected) { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { if (groups.contains(group)) { continue; } if (isSelectedGroup(&selected, group)) { groups.emplace(group); addGroup(group); } else { addItem(item); } } else { addItem(item); } } auto result = TextWithEntities(); auto sep = qsl("\n\n"); result.text.reserve(fullSize + (texts.size() - 1) * sep.size()); for (auto i = texts.begin(), e = texts.end(); i != e;) { TextUtilities::Append(result, std::move(i->second)); if (++i != e) { result.text.append(sep); } } return result; } void HistoryInner::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { _widget->onListEscapePressed(); } else if (e == QKeySequence::Copy && !_selected.empty()) { copySelectedText(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_E && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { SetClipboardWithEntities(getSelectedText(), QClipboard::FindBuffer); #endif // Q_OS_MAC } else if (e == QKeySequence::Delete) { auto selectedState = getSelectionState(); if (selectedState.count > 0 && selectedState.canDeleteCount == selectedState.count) { _widget->confirmDeleteSelected(); } } else { e->ignore(); } } void HistoryInner::recountHistoryGeometry() { _contentWidth = _scroll->width(); const auto visibleHeight = _scroll->height(); int oldHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0); if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) { accumulate_max(oldHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height); } _history->resizeToWidth(_contentWidth); if (_migrated) { _migrated->resizeToWidth(_contentWidth); } // With migrated history we perhaps do not need to display // the first _history message date (just skip it by height). _historySkipHeight = 0; if (_migrated && _migrated->loadedAtBottom() && _history->loadedAtTop()) { if (const auto first = _history->findFirstNonEmpty()) { if (const auto last = _migrated->findLastNonEmpty()) { if (first->dateTime().date() == last->dateTime().date()) { const auto dateHeight = first->displayedDateHeight(); if (_migrated->height() > dateHeight) { _historySkipHeight += dateHeight; } } } } } updateBotInfo(false); if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) { int32 tw = _scroll->width() - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(); if (tw > st::msgMaxWidth) tw = st::msgMaxWidth; tw -= st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); int32 mw = qMax(_botAbout->info->text.maxWidth(), st::msgNameFont->width(lang(lng_bot_description))); if (tw > mw) tw = mw; _botAbout->width = tw; _botAbout->height = _botAbout->info->text.countHeight(_botAbout->width); int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom(); int32 descMaxWidth = _scroll->width(); if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) { descMaxWidth = qMin(descMaxWidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left())); } int32 descAtX = (descMaxWidth - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left(); int32 descAtY = qMin(_historyPaddingTop - descH, qMax(0, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2)) + st::msgMargin.top(); _botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); } else if (_botAbout) { _botAbout->width = _botAbout->height = 0; _botAbout->rect = QRect(); } int newHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0); if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) { accumulate_max(newHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height); } auto historyPaddingTopDelta = (newHistoryPaddingTop - oldHistoryPaddingTop); if (historyPaddingTopDelta != 0) { if (_history->scrollTopItem) { _history->scrollTopOffset += historyPaddingTopDelta; } else if (_migrated && _migrated->scrollTopItem) { _migrated->scrollTopOffset += historyPaddingTopDelta; } } } void HistoryInner::updateBotInfo(bool recount) { int newh = 0; if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->description.isEmpty()) { if (_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) { _botAbout->info->text.setText( st::messageTextStyle, _botAbout->info->description, Ui::ItemTextBotNoMonoOptions()); if (recount) { int32 tw = _scroll->width() - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(); if (tw > st::msgMaxWidth) tw = st::msgMaxWidth; tw -= st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); int32 mw = qMax(_botAbout->info->text.maxWidth(), st::msgNameFont->width(lang(lng_bot_description))); if (tw > mw) tw = mw; _botAbout->width = tw; newh = _botAbout->info->text.countHeight(_botAbout->width); } } else if (recount) { newh = _botAbout->height; } } if (recount && _botAbout) { if (_botAbout->height != newh) { _botAbout->height = newh; updateSize(); } if (_botAbout->height > 0) { int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom(); int32 descAtX = (_scroll->width() - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left(); int32 descAtY = qMin(_historyPaddingTop - descH, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2) + st::msgMargin.top(); _botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); } else { _botAbout->width = 0; _botAbout->rect = QRect(); } } } bool HistoryInner::wasSelectedText() const { return _wasSelectedText; } void HistoryInner::setFirstLoading(bool loading) { _firstLoading = loading; update(); } void HistoryInner::visibleAreaUpdated(int top, int bottom) { auto scrolledUp = (top < _visibleAreaTop); _visibleAreaTop = top; _visibleAreaBottom = bottom; // if history has pending resize events we should not update scrollTopItem if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { return; } if (bottom >= _historyPaddingTop + historyHeight() + st::historyPaddingBottom) { _history->forgetScrollState(); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forgetScrollState(); } } else { int htop = historyTop(), mtop = migratedTop(); if ((htop >= 0 && top >= htop) || mtop < 0) { _history->countScrollState(top - htop); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forgetScrollState(); } } else if (mtop >= 0 && top >= mtop) { _history->forgetScrollState(); _migrated->countScrollState(top - mtop); } else { _history->countScrollState(top - htop); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forgetScrollState(); } } } if (scrolledUp) { _scrollDateCheck.call(); } else { scrollDateHideByTimer(); } } bool HistoryInner::displayScrollDate() const { return (_visibleAreaTop <= height() - 2 * (_visibleAreaBottom - _visibleAreaTop)); } void HistoryInner::scrollDateCheck() { auto newScrollDateItem = _history->scrollTopItem ? _history->scrollTopItem : (_migrated ? _migrated->scrollTopItem : nullptr); auto newScrollDateItemTop = _history->scrollTopItem ? _history->scrollTopOffset : (_migrated ? _migrated->scrollTopOffset : 0); //if (newScrollDateItem && !displayScrollDate()) { // if (!_history->isEmpty() && newScrollDateItem->date.date() == _history->blocks.back()->messages.back()->data()->date.date()) { // newScrollDateItem = nullptr; // } //} if (!newScrollDateItem) { _scrollDateLastItem = nullptr; _scrollDateLastItemTop = 0; scrollDateHide(); } else if (newScrollDateItem != _scrollDateLastItem || newScrollDateItemTop != _scrollDateLastItemTop) { // Show scroll date only if it is not the initial onScroll() event (with empty _scrollDateLastItem). if (_scrollDateLastItem && !_scrollDateShown) { toggleScrollDateShown(); } _scrollDateLastItem = newScrollDateItem; _scrollDateLastItemTop = newScrollDateItemTop; _scrollDateHideTimer.callOnce(kScrollDateHideTimeout); } } void HistoryInner::scrollDateHideByTimer() { _scrollDateHideTimer.cancel(); if (!_scrollDateLink || ClickHandler::getPressed() != _scrollDateLink) { scrollDateHide(); } } void HistoryInner::scrollDateHide() { if (_scrollDateShown) { toggleScrollDateShown(); } } void HistoryInner::keepScrollDateForNow() { if (!_scrollDateShown && _scrollDateLastItem && _scrollDateOpacity.animating()) { toggleScrollDateShown(); } _scrollDateHideTimer.callOnce(kScrollDateHideTimeout); } void HistoryInner::toggleScrollDateShown() { _scrollDateShown = !_scrollDateShown; auto from = _scrollDateShown ? 0. : 1.; auto to = _scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.; _scrollDateOpacity.start([this] { repaintScrollDateCallback(); }, from, to, st::historyDateFadeDuration); } void HistoryInner::repaintScrollDateCallback() { int updateTop = _visibleAreaTop; int updateHeight = st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); update(0, updateTop, width(), updateHeight); } void HistoryInner::updateSize() { int visibleHeight = _scroll->height(); int newHistoryPaddingTop = qMax(visibleHeight - historyHeight() - st::historyPaddingBottom, 0); if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty()) { accumulate_max(newHistoryPaddingTop, st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height); } if (_botAbout && _botAbout->height > 0) { int32 descH = st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::botDescSkip + _botAbout->height + st::msgPadding.bottom() + st::msgMargin.bottom(); int32 descMaxWidth = _scroll->width(); if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) { descMaxWidth = qMin(descMaxWidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left())); } int32 descAtX = (descMaxWidth - _botAbout->width) / 2 - st::msgPadding.left(); int32 descAtY = qMin(newHistoryPaddingTop - descH, qMax(0, (_scroll->height() - descH) / 2)) + st::msgMargin.top(); _botAbout->rect = QRect(descAtX, descAtY, _botAbout->width + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(), descH - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); } _historyPaddingTop = newHistoryPaddingTop; int newHeight = _historyPaddingTop + historyHeight() + st::historyPaddingBottom; if (width() != _scroll->width() || height() != newHeight) { resize(_scroll->width(), newHeight); mouseActionUpdate(QCursor::pos()); } else { update(); } } void HistoryInner::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { mouseActionUpdate(QCursor::pos()); return TWidget::enterEventHook(e); } void HistoryInner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { if (auto item = App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(item); App::hoveredItem(nullptr); } ClickHandler::clearActive(); Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); if (!ClickHandler::getPressed() && _cursor != style::cur_default) { _cursor = style::cur_default; setCursor(_cursor); } return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } HistoryInner::~HistoryInner() { delete _menu; _mouseAction = MouseAction::None; } bool HistoryInner::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) { if (_selected.empty()) { return TWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next); } else { clearSelected(); return true; } } void HistoryInner::adjustCurrent(int32 y) const { int32 htop = historyTop(), hdrawtop = historyDrawTop(), mtop = migratedTop(); _curHistory = 0; if (mtop >= 0) { adjustCurrent(y - mtop, _migrated); } if (htop >= 0 && hdrawtop >= 0 && (mtop < 0 || y >= hdrawtop)) { adjustCurrent(y - htop, _history); } } void HistoryInner::adjustCurrent(int32 y, History *history) const { Assert(!history->isEmpty()); _curHistory = history; if (_curBlock >= history->blocks.size()) { _curBlock = history->blocks.size() - 1; _curItem = 0; } while (history->blocks[_curBlock]->y() > y && _curBlock > 0) { --_curBlock; _curItem = 0; } while (history->blocks[_curBlock]->y() + history->blocks[_curBlock]->height() <= y && _curBlock + 1 < history->blocks.size()) { ++_curBlock; _curItem = 0; } auto block = history->blocks[_curBlock].get(); if (_curItem >= block->messages.size()) { _curItem = block->messages.size() - 1; } auto by = block->y(); while (block->messages[_curItem]->y() + by > y && _curItem > 0) { --_curItem; } while (block->messages[_curItem]->y() + block->messages[_curItem]->height() + by <= y && _curItem + 1 < block->messages.size()) { ++_curItem; } } auto HistoryInner::prevItem(Element *view) -> Element* { if (!view) { return nullptr; } else if (const auto result = view->previousInBlocks()) { return result; } else if (view->data()->history() == _history && _migrated && _history->loadedAtTop() && !_migrated->isEmpty() && _migrated->loadedAtBottom()) { return _migrated->blocks.back()->messages.back().get(); } return nullptr; } auto HistoryInner::nextItem(Element *view) -> Element* { if (!view) { return nullptr; } else if (const auto result = view->nextInBlocks()) { return result; } else if (view->data()->history() == _migrated && _migrated->loadedAtBottom() && _history->loadedAtTop() && !_history->isEmpty()) { return _history->blocks.front()->messages.front().get(); } return nullptr; } bool HistoryInner::canCopySelected() const { return !_selected.empty(); } bool HistoryInner::canDeleteSelected() const { auto selectedState = getSelectionState(); return (selectedState.count > 0) && (selectedState.count == selectedState.canDeleteCount); } bool HistoryInner::inSelectionMode() const { if (!_selected.empty() && (_selected.begin()->second == FullSelection)) { return true; } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting && _dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo) { return true; } return false; } auto HistoryInner::getSelectionState() const -> HistoryView::TopBarWidget::SelectedState { auto result = HistoryView::TopBarWidget::SelectedState {}; for (auto &selected : _selected) { if (selected.second == FullSelection) { ++result.count; if (selected.first->canDelete()) { ++result.canDeleteCount; } if (selected.first->allowsForward()) { ++result.canForwardCount; } } else if (selected.second.from != selected.second.to) { result.textSelected = true; } } return result; } void HistoryInner::clearSelected(bool onlyTextSelection) { if (!_selected.empty() && (!onlyTextSelection || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)) { _selected.clear(); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); _widget->update(); } } MessageIdsList HistoryInner::getSelectedItems() const { using namespace ranges; if (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection) { return {}; } auto result = make_iterator_range( _selected.begin(), _selected.end() ) | view::filter([](const auto &selected) { const auto item = selected.first; return item && item->toHistoryMessage() && (item->id > 0); }) | view::transform([](const auto &selected) { return selected.first->fullId(); }) | to_vector; result |= action::sort(ordered_less{}, [](const FullMsgId &msgId) { return msgId.channel ? msgId.msg : (msgId.msg - ServerMaxMsgId); }); return result; } void HistoryInner::selectItem(not_null item) { if (!_selected.empty() && _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection) { _selected.clear(); } else if (_selected.size() == MaxSelectedItems && _selected.find(item) == _selected.cend()) { return; } _selected.emplace(item, FullSelection); _widget->updateTopBarSelection(); _widget->update(); } void HistoryInner::onTouchSelect() { _touchSelect = true; mouseActionStart(_touchPos, Qt::LeftButton); } void HistoryInner::mouseActionUpdate() { if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { return; } auto mousePos = mapFromGlobal(_mousePosition); auto point = _widget->clampMousePosition(mousePos); auto block = (HistoryBlock*)nullptr; auto item = (HistoryItem*)nullptr; auto view = (Element*)nullptr; QPoint m; adjustCurrent(point.y()); if (_curHistory && !_curHistory->isEmpty()) { block = _curHistory->blocks[_curBlock].get(); view = block->messages[_curItem].get(); item = view->data(); App::mousedItem(view); m = mapPointToItem(point, view); if (view->pointState(m) != PointState::Outside) { if (App::hoveredItem() != view) { repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); App::hoveredItem(view); repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); } } else if (App::hoveredItem()) { repaintItem(App::hoveredItem()); App::hoveredItem(nullptr); } } if (_mouseActionItem && !_mouseActionItem->mainView()) { mouseActionCancel(); } TextState dragState; ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr; auto selectingText = (item == _mouseActionItem) && (view == App::hoveredItem()) && !_selected.empty() && (_selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection); if (point.y() < _historyPaddingTop) { if (_botAbout && !_botAbout->info->text.isEmpty() && _botAbout->height > 0) { dragState = TextState(nullptr, _botAbout->info->text.getState( point - _botAbout->rect.topLeft() - QPoint(st::msgPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top() + st::botDescSkip + st::msgNameFont->height), _botAbout->width)); _dragStateItem = App::histItemById(dragState.itemId); lnkhost = _botAbout.get(); } } else if (item) { if (item != _mouseActionItem || (m - _dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareDrag) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::Dragging; crl::on_main(this, [=] { performDrag(); }); } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::PrepareSelect) { _mouseAction = MouseAction::Selecting; } } auto dateHeight = st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top(); auto scrollDateOpacity = _scrollDateOpacity.current(_scrollDateShown ? 1. : 0.); enumerateDates([&](not_null view, int itemtop, int dateTop) { // stop enumeration if the date is above our point if (dateTop + dateHeight <= point.y()) { return false; } const auto displayDate = view->displayDate(); auto dateInPlace = displayDate; if (dateInPlace) { const auto correctDateTop = itemtop + st::msgServiceMargin.top(); dateInPlace = (dateTop < correctDateTop + dateHeight); } // stop enumeration if we've found a date under the cursor if (dateTop <= point.y()) { auto opacity = (dateInPlace/* || noFloatingDate*/) ? 1. : scrollDateOpacity; if (opacity > 0.) { const auto item = view->data(); auto dateWidth = 0; if (const auto date = view->Get()) { dateWidth = date->width; } else { dateWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(langDayOfMonthFull(view->dateTime().date())); } dateWidth += st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right(); auto dateLeft = st::msgServiceMargin.left(); auto maxwidth = _contentWidth; if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) { maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, int32(st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left())); } auto widthForDate = maxwidth - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(); dateLeft += (widthForDate - dateWidth) / 2; if (point.x() >= dateLeft && point.x() < dateLeft + dateWidth) { if (!_scrollDateLink) { _scrollDateLink = std::make_shared(item->history(), view->dateTime().date()); } else { static_cast(_scrollDateLink.get())->setDate(view->dateTime().date()); } dragState = TextState( nullptr, _scrollDateLink); _dragStateItem = App::histItemById(dragState.itemId); lnkhost = view; } } return false; } return true; }); if (!dragState.link) { StateRequest request; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupSymbol; } else { selectingText = false; } dragState = view->textState(m, request); _dragStateItem = App::histItemById(dragState.itemId); lnkhost = view; if (!dragState.link && m.x() >= st::historyPhotoLeft && m.x() < st::historyPhotoLeft + st::msgPhotoSize) { if (auto msg = item->toHistoryMessage()) { if (view->hasFromPhoto()) { enumerateUserpics([&](not_null view, int userpicTop) -> bool { // stop enumeration if the userpic is below our point if (userpicTop > point.y()) { return false; } // stop enumeration if we've found a userpic under the cursor if (point.y() >= userpicTop && point.y() < userpicTop + st::msgPhotoSize) { const auto message = view->data()->toHistoryMessage(); Assert(message != nullptr); dragState = TextState( nullptr, message->displayFrom()->openLink()); _dragStateItem = App::histItemById(dragState.itemId); lnkhost = view; return false; } return true; }); } } } } } auto lnkChanged = ClickHandler::setActive(dragState.link, lnkhost); if (lnkChanged || dragState.cursor != _mouseCursorState) { Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); } if (dragState.link || dragState.cursor == CursorState::Date || dragState.cursor == CursorState::Forwarded || dragState.customTooltip) { Ui::Tooltip::Show(1000, this); } Qt::CursorShape cur = style::cur_default; if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { _mouseCursorState = dragState.cursor; if (dragState.link) { cur = style::cur_pointer; } else if (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::Text && (_selected.empty() || _selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)) { cur = style::cur_text; } else if (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::Date) { //cur = style::cur_cross; } } else if (item) { if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { if (selectingText) { uint16 second = dragState.symbol; if (dragState.afterSymbol && _mouseSelectType == TextSelectType::Letters) { ++second; } auto selState = TextSelection { qMin(second, _mouseTextSymbol), qMax(second, _mouseTextSymbol) }; if (_mouseSelectType != TextSelectType::Letters) { if (const auto view = _mouseActionItem->mainView()) { selState = view->adjustSelection(selState, _mouseSelectType); } } if (_selected[_mouseActionItem] != selState) { _selected[_mouseActionItem] = selState; repaintItem(_mouseActionItem); } if (!_wasSelectedText && (selState == FullSelection || selState.from != selState.to)) { _wasSelectedText = true; setFocus(); } updateDragSelection(nullptr, nullptr, false); } else { auto selectingDown = (itemTop(_mouseActionItem) < itemTop(item)) || (_mouseActionItem == item && _dragStartPosition.y() < m.y()); auto dragSelFrom = _mouseActionItem->mainView(); auto dragSelTo = view; // Maybe exclude dragSelFrom. if (dragSelFrom->pointState(_dragStartPosition) == PointState::Outside) { if (selectingDown) { if (_dragStartPosition.y() >= dragSelFrom->height() - dragSelFrom->marginBottom() || ((view == dragSelFrom) && (m.y() < _dragStartPosition.y() + QApplication::startDragDistance() || m.y() < dragSelFrom->marginTop()))) { dragSelFrom = (dragSelFrom != dragSelTo) ? nextItem(dragSelFrom) : nullptr; } } else { if (_dragStartPosition.y() < dragSelFrom->marginTop() || ((view == dragSelFrom) && (m.y() >= _dragStartPosition.y() - QApplication::startDragDistance() || m.y() >= dragSelFrom->height() - dragSelFrom->marginBottom()))) { dragSelFrom = (dragSelFrom != dragSelTo) ? prevItem(dragSelFrom) : nullptr; } } } if (_mouseActionItem != item) { // maybe exclude dragSelTo if (selectingDown) { if (m.y() < dragSelTo->marginTop()) { dragSelTo = (dragSelFrom != dragSelTo) ? prevItem(dragSelTo) : nullptr; } } else { if (m.y() >= dragSelTo->height() - dragSelTo->marginBottom()) { dragSelTo = (dragSelFrom != dragSelTo) ? nextItem(dragSelTo) : nullptr; } } } auto dragSelecting = false; auto dragFirstAffected = dragSelFrom; while (dragFirstAffected && (dragFirstAffected->data()->id < 0 || dragFirstAffected->data()->serviceMsg())) { dragFirstAffected = (dragFirstAffected != dragSelTo) ? (selectingDown ? nextItem(dragFirstAffected) : prevItem(dragFirstAffected)) : nullptr; } if (dragFirstAffected) { auto i = _selected.find(dragFirstAffected->data()); dragSelecting = (i == _selected.cend() || i->second != FullSelection); } updateDragSelection(dragSelFrom, dragSelTo, dragSelecting); } } else if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Dragging) { } if (ClickHandler::getPressed()) { cur = style::cur_pointer; } else if ((_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) && !_selected.empty() && (_selected.cbegin()->second != FullSelection)) { if (!_dragSelFrom || !_dragSelTo) { cur = style::cur_text; } } } // Voice message seek support. if (const auto pressedItem = _dragStateItem) { if (const auto pressedView = pressedItem->mainView()) { if (pressedItem->history() == _history || pressedItem->history() == _migrated) { auto adjustedPoint = mapPointToItem(point, pressedView); pressedView->updatePressed(adjustedPoint); } } } if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::Selecting) { _widget->checkSelectingScroll(mousePos); } else { updateDragSelection(0, 0, false); _widget->noSelectingScroll(); } if (_mouseAction == MouseAction::None && (lnkChanged || cur != _cursor)) { setCursor(_cursor = cur); } } void HistoryInner::updateDragSelection(Element *dragSelFrom, Element *dragSelTo, bool dragSelecting) { if (_dragSelFrom == dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo == dragSelTo && _dragSelecting == dragSelecting) { return; } _dragSelFrom = dragSelFrom; _dragSelTo = dragSelTo; int32 fromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom), toy = itemTop(_dragSelTo); if (fromy >= 0 && toy >= 0 && fromy > toy) { std::swap(_dragSelFrom, _dragSelTo); } _dragSelecting = dragSelecting; if (!_wasSelectedText && _dragSelFrom && _dragSelTo && _dragSelecting) { _wasSelectedText = true; setFocus(); } update(); } int HistoryInner::historyHeight() const { int result = 0; if (_history->isEmpty()) { result += _migrated ? _migrated->height() : 0; } else { result += _history->height() - _historySkipHeight + (_migrated ? _migrated->height() : 0); } return result; } int HistoryInner::historyScrollTop() const { auto htop = historyTop(); auto mtop = migratedTop(); if (htop >= 0 && _history->scrollTopItem) { return htop + _history->scrollTopItem->block()->y() + _history->scrollTopItem->y() + _history->scrollTopOffset; } if (mtop >= 0 && _migrated->scrollTopItem) { return mtop + _migrated->scrollTopItem->block()->y() + _migrated->scrollTopItem->y() + _migrated->scrollTopOffset; } return ScrollMax; } int HistoryInner::migratedTop() const { return (_migrated && !_migrated->isEmpty()) ? _historyPaddingTop : -1; } int HistoryInner::historyTop() const { int mig = migratedTop(); return !_history->isEmpty() ? (mig >= 0 ? (mig + _migrated->height() - _historySkipHeight) : _historyPaddingTop) : -1; } int HistoryInner::historyDrawTop() const { auto top = historyTop(); return (top >= 0) ? (top + _historySkipHeight) : -1; } // -1 if should not be visible, -2 if bad history() int HistoryInner::itemTop(const HistoryItem *item) const { if (!item) { return -2; } return itemTop(item->mainView()); } int HistoryInner::itemTop(const Element *view) const { if (!view || view->data()->mainView() != view) { return -1; } auto top = (view->data()->history() == _history) ? historyTop() : (view->data()->history() == _migrated ? migratedTop() : -2); return (top < 0) ? top : (top + view->y() + view->block()->y()); } void HistoryInner::notifyIsBotChanged() { const auto newinfo = _peer->isUser() ? _peer->asUser()->botInfo.get() : nullptr; if ((!newinfo && !_botAbout) || (newinfo && _botAbout && _botAbout->info == newinfo)) { return; } if (newinfo) { _botAbout = std::make_unique(this, newinfo); if (newinfo && !newinfo->inited) { Auth().api().requestFullPeer(_peer); } } else { _botAbout = nullptr; } } void HistoryInner::notifyMigrateUpdated() { _migrated = _history->migrateFrom(); } int HistoryInner::moveScrollFollowingInlineKeyboard( const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop) { if (const auto view = item ? item->mainView() : nullptr) { if (view->isUnderCursor()) { const auto top = itemTop(item); if (top >= oldKeyboardTop) { return newKeyboardTop - oldKeyboardTop; } } } return 0; } void HistoryInner::applyDragSelection() { applyDragSelection(&_selected); } bool HistoryInner::isSelected( not_null toItems, not_null item) const { const auto i = toItems->find(item); return (i != toItems->cend()) && (i->second == FullSelection); } bool HistoryInner::isSelectedGroup( not_null toItems, not_null group) const { for (const auto other : group->items) { if (!isSelected(toItems, other)) { return false; } } return true; } bool HistoryInner::isSelectedAsGroup( not_null toItems, not_null item) const { if (const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item)) { return isSelectedGroup(toItems, group); } return isSelected(toItems, item); } bool HistoryInner::goodForSelection( not_null toItems, not_null item, int &totalCount) const { if (item->id <= 0 || item->serviceMsg()) { return false; } if (toItems->find(item) == toItems->end()) { ++totalCount; } return true; } void HistoryInner::addToSelection( not_null toItems, not_null item) const { const auto i = toItems->find(item); if (i == toItems->cend()) { toItems->emplace(item, FullSelection); } else if (i->second != FullSelection) { i->second = FullSelection; } } void HistoryInner::removeFromSelection( not_null toItems, not_null item) const { const auto i = toItems->find(item); if (i != toItems->cend()) { toItems->erase(i); } } void HistoryInner::changeSelection( not_null toItems, not_null item, SelectAction action) const { if (action == SelectAction::Invert) { action = isSelected(toItems, item) ? SelectAction::Deselect : SelectAction::Select; } auto total = int(toItems->size()); const auto add = (action == SelectAction::Select); if (add && goodForSelection(toItems, item, total) && total <= MaxSelectedItems) { addToSelection(toItems, item); } else { removeFromSelection(toItems, item); } } void HistoryInner::changeSelectionAsGroup( not_null toItems, not_null item, SelectAction action) const { const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item); if (!group) { return changeSelection(toItems, item, action); } if (action == SelectAction::Invert) { action = isSelectedAsGroup(toItems, item) ? SelectAction::Deselect : SelectAction::Select; } auto total = int(toItems->size()); const auto canSelect = [&] { for (const auto other : group->items) { if (!goodForSelection(toItems, other, total)) { return false; } } return (total <= MaxSelectedItems); }(); if (action == SelectAction::Select && canSelect) { for (const auto other : group->items) { addToSelection(toItems, other); } } else { for (const auto other : group->items) { removeFromSelection(toItems, other); } } } void HistoryInner::forwardItem(FullMsgId itemId) { Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox({ 1, itemId }); } void HistoryInner::forwardAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox(Auth().data().itemOrItsGroup(item)); } } void HistoryInner::deleteItem(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { deleteItem(item); } } void HistoryInner::deleteItem(not_null item) { if (auto message = item->toHistoryMessage()) { if (message->uploading()) { App::main()->cancelUploadLayer(item); return; } } const auto suggestModerateActions = true; Ui::show(Box(item, suggestModerateActions)); } bool HistoryInner::hasPendingResizedItems() const { return _history->hasPendingResizedItems() || (_migrated && _migrated->hasPendingResizedItems()); } void HistoryInner::deleteAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item); if (!group) { return deleteItem(item); } Ui::show(Box( Auth().data().itemsToIds(group->items))); } } void HistoryInner::reportItem(FullMsgId itemId) { Ui::show(Box(_peer, MessageIdsList(1, itemId))); } void HistoryInner::reportAsGroup(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { const auto group = Auth().data().groups().find(item); if (!group) { return reportItem(itemId); } Ui::show(Box( _peer, Auth().data().itemsToIds(group->items))); } } void HistoryInner::addSelectionRange( not_null toItems, not_null history, int fromblock, int fromitem, int toblock, int toitem) const { if (fromblock >= 0 && fromitem >= 0 && toblock >= 0 && toitem >= 0) { for (; fromblock <= toblock; ++fromblock) { auto block = history->blocks[fromblock].get(); for (int cnt = (fromblock < toblock) ? block->messages.size() : (toitem + 1); fromitem < cnt; ++fromitem) { auto item = block->messages[fromitem]->data(); changeSelectionAsGroup(toItems, item, SelectAction::Select); } if (toItems->size() >= MaxSelectedItems) break; fromitem = 0; } } } void HistoryInner::applyDragSelection( not_null toItems) const { const auto selfromy = itemTop(_dragSelFrom); const auto seltoy = [&] { auto result = itemTop(_dragSelTo); return (result < 0) ? result : (result + _dragSelTo->height()); }(); if (selfromy < 0 || seltoy < 0) { return; } if (!toItems->empty() && toItems->cbegin()->second != FullSelection) { toItems->clear(); } if (_dragSelecting) { auto fromblock = _dragSelFrom->block()->indexInHistory(); auto fromitem = _dragSelFrom->indexInBlock(); auto toblock = _dragSelTo->block()->indexInHistory(); auto toitem = _dragSelTo->indexInBlock(); if (_migrated) { if (_dragSelFrom->data()->history() == _migrated) { if (_dragSelTo->data()->history() == _migrated) { addSelectionRange(toItems, _migrated, fromblock, fromitem, toblock, toitem); toblock = -1; toitem = -1; } else { addSelectionRange(toItems, _migrated, fromblock, fromitem, _migrated->blocks.size() - 1, _migrated->blocks.back()->messages.size() - 1); } fromblock = 0; fromitem = 0; } else if (_dragSelTo->data()->history() == _migrated) { // wtf toblock = -1; toitem = -1; } } addSelectionRange(toItems, _history, fromblock, fromitem, toblock, toitem); } else { auto toRemove = std::vector>(); for (const auto &item : *toItems) { auto iy = itemTop(item.first); if (iy < -1) { toRemove.emplace_back(item.first); } else if (iy >= 0 && iy >= selfromy && iy < seltoy) { toRemove.emplace_back(item.first); } } for (const auto item : toRemove) { changeSelectionAsGroup(toItems, item, SelectAction::Deselect); } } } QString HistoryInner::tooltipText() const { if (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::Date && _mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { if (const auto view = App::hoveredItem()) { auto dateText = view->dateTime().toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat)); if (const auto editedDate = view->displayedEditDate()) { dateText += '\n' + lng_edited_date( lt_date, ParseDateTime(editedDate).toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat( QLocale::LongFormat))); } if (const auto forwarded = view->data()->Get()) { dateText += '\n' + lng_forwarded_date( lt_date, ParseDateTime(forwarded->originalDate).toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat( QLocale::LongFormat))); } return dateText; } } else if (_mouseCursorState == CursorState::Forwarded && _mouseAction == MouseAction::None) { if (const auto view = App::hoveredItem()) { if (const auto forwarded = view->data()->Get()) { return forwarded->text.originalText(AllTextSelection, ExpandLinksNone); } } } else if (const auto lnk = ClickHandler::getActive()) { return lnk->tooltip(); } else if (const auto view = App::mousedItem()) { StateRequest request; const auto local = mapFromGlobal(_mousePosition); const auto point = _widget->clampMousePosition(local); request.flags |= Text::StateRequest::Flag::LookupCustomTooltip; const auto state = view->textState( mapPointToItem(point, view), request); return state.customTooltipText; } return QString(); } QPoint HistoryInner::tooltipPos() const { return _mousePosition; } void HistoryInner::onParentGeometryChanged() { auto mousePos = QCursor::pos(); auto mouseOver = _widget->rect().contains(_widget->mapFromGlobal(mousePos)); auto needToUpdate = (_mouseAction != MouseAction::None || _touchScroll || mouseOver); if (needToUpdate) { mouseActionUpdate(mousePos); } } not_null HistoryInner::ElementDelegate() { class Result : public HistoryView::ElementDelegate { public: HistoryView::Context elementContext() override { return HistoryView::Context::History; } std::unique_ptr elementCreate( not_null message) override { return std::make_unique(this, message); } std::unique_ptr elementCreate( not_null message) override { return std::make_unique(this, message); } bool elementUnderCursor( not_null view) override { return (App::hoveredItem() == view); } void elementAnimationAutoplayAsync( not_null view) override { crl::on_main(&Auth(), [msgId = view->data()->fullId()] { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(msgId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { media->autoplayAnimation(); } } } }); } TimeMs elementHighlightTime( not_null view) override { const auto fullAnimMs = App::main()->highlightStartTime( view->data()); if (fullAnimMs > 0) { const auto now = getms(); if (fullAnimMs < now) { return now - fullAnimMs; } } return TimeMs(0); } bool elementInSelectionMode() override { return App::main()->historyInSelectionMode(); } }; static Result result; return &result; }