/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/value_ordering.h" #include "ui/text/text.h" // For QFIXED_MAX namespace Storage { namespace Cache { struct Key; } // namespace Cache } // namespace Storage class HistoryItem; using HistoryItemsList = std::vector>; namespace Ui { class InputField; } // namespace Ui class StorageImageLocation; class WebFileLocation; namespace Data { struct UploadState { UploadState(int size) : size(size) { } int offset = 0; int size = 0; bool waitingForAlbum = false; }; Storage::Cache::Key DocumentCacheKey(int32 dcId, uint64 id); Storage::Cache::Key StorageCacheKey(const StorageImageLocation &location); Storage::Cache::Key WebDocumentCacheKey(const WebFileLocation &location); Storage::Cache::Key UrlCacheKey(const QString &location); constexpr auto kImageCacheTag = uint8(0x01); constexpr auto kStickerCacheTag = uint8(0x02); constexpr auto kVoiceMessageCacheTag = uint8(0x03); constexpr auto kVideoMessageCacheTag = uint8(0x04); constexpr auto kAnimationCacheTag = uint8(0x05); } // namespace Data struct MessageGroupId { using Underlying = uint64; enum Type : Underlying { None = 0, } value; MessageGroupId(Type value = None) : value(value) { } static MessageGroupId FromRaw(Underlying value) { return static_cast(value); } explicit operator bool() const { return value != None; } Underlying raw() const { return static_cast(value); } friend inline Type value_ordering_helper(MessageGroupId value) { return value.value; } }; class PeerData; class UserData; class ChatData; class ChannelData; using UserId = int32; using ChatId = int32; using ChannelId = int32; using FeedId = int32; constexpr auto NoChannel = ChannelId(0); using PeerId = uint64; constexpr auto PeerIdMask = PeerId(0xFFFFFFFFULL); constexpr auto PeerIdTypeMask = PeerId(0x300000000ULL); constexpr auto PeerIdUserShift = PeerId(0x000000000ULL); constexpr auto PeerIdChatShift = PeerId(0x100000000ULL); constexpr auto PeerIdChannelShift = PeerId(0x200000000ULL); inline bool peerIsUser(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdUserShift; } inline bool peerIsChat(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChatShift; } inline bool peerIsChannel(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChannelShift; } inline PeerId peerFromUser(UserId user_id) { return PeerIdUserShift | uint64(uint32(user_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromChat(ChatId chat_id) { return PeerIdChatShift | uint64(uint32(chat_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromChannel(ChannelId channel_id) { return PeerIdChannelShift | uint64(uint32(channel_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromUser(const MTPint &user_id) { return peerFromUser(user_id.v); } inline PeerId peerFromChat(const MTPint &chat_id) { return peerFromChat(chat_id.v); } inline PeerId peerFromChannel(const MTPint &channel_id) { return peerFromChannel(channel_id.v); } inline int32 peerToBareInt(const PeerId &id) { return int32(uint32(id & PeerIdMask)); } inline UserId peerToUser(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsUser(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0; } inline ChatId peerToChat(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsChat(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0; } inline ChannelId peerToChannel(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsChannel(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : NoChannel; } inline MTPint peerToBareMTPInt(const PeerId &id) { return MTP_int(peerToBareInt(id)); } inline PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer) { switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_peerUser: return peerFromUser(peer.c_peerUser().vuser_id); case mtpc_peerChat: return peerFromChat(peer.c_peerChat().vchat_id); case mtpc_peerChannel: return peerFromChannel(peer.c_peerChannel().vchannel_id); } return 0; } inline MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &id) { if (peerIsUser(id)) { return MTP_peerUser(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } else if (peerIsChat(id)) { return MTP_peerChat(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } else if (peerIsChannel(id)) { return MTP_peerChannel(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } return MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0)); } using MsgId = int32; constexpr auto StartClientMsgId = MsgId(-0x7FFFFFFF); constexpr auto EndClientMsgId = MsgId(-0x40000000); constexpr auto ShowAtTheEndMsgId = MsgId(-0x40000000); constexpr auto SwitchAtTopMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFFF); constexpr auto ShowAtProfileMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFFE); constexpr auto ShowAndStartBotMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFD); constexpr auto ShowAtGameShareMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFC); constexpr auto ServerMaxMsgId = MsgId(0x3FFFFFFF); constexpr auto ShowAtUnreadMsgId = MsgId(0); constexpr inline bool IsClientMsgId(MsgId id) { return (id >= StartClientMsgId && id < EndClientMsgId); } constexpr inline bool IsServerMsgId(MsgId id) { return (id > 0 && id < ServerMaxMsgId); } struct MsgRange { MsgRange() = default; MsgRange(MsgId from, MsgId till) : from(from), till(till) { } MsgId from = 0; MsgId till = 0; }; inline bool operator==(const MsgRange &a, const MsgRange &b) { return (a.from == b.from) && (a.till == b.till); } inline bool operator!=(const MsgRange &a, const MsgRange &b) { return !(a == b); } struct FullMsgId { constexpr FullMsgId() = default; constexpr FullMsgId(ChannelId channel, MsgId msg) : channel(channel), msg(msg) { } explicit operator bool() const { return msg != 0; } inline constexpr bool operator<(const FullMsgId &other) const { if (channel < other.channel) { return true; } else if (channel > other.channel) { return false; } return msg < other.msg; } inline constexpr bool operator>(const FullMsgId &other) const { return other < *this; } inline constexpr bool operator<=(const FullMsgId &other) const { return !(other < *this); } inline constexpr bool operator>=(const FullMsgId &other) const { return !(*this < other); } inline constexpr bool operator==(const FullMsgId &other) const { return (channel == other.channel) && (msg == other.msg); } inline constexpr bool operator!=(const FullMsgId &other) const { return !(*this == other); } ChannelId channel = NoChannel; MsgId msg = 0; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(FullMsgId); using MessageIdsList = std::vector; inline PeerId peerFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { auto compute = [](auto &message) { auto from_id = message.has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(message.vfrom_id) : 0; auto to_id = peerFromMTP(message.vto_id); auto out = message.is_out(); return (out || !peerIsUser(to_id)) ? to_id : from_id; }; switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: return compute(msg.c_message()); case mtpc_messageService: return compute(msg.c_messageService()); } return 0; } inline MTPDmessage::Flags flagsFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vflags.v; case mtpc_messageService: return mtpCastFlags(msg.c_messageService().vflags.v); } return 0; } inline MsgId idFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: return msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v; case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vid.v; case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vid.v; } Unexpected("Type in idFromMessage()"); } inline TimeId dateFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vdate.v; case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vdate.v; } return 0; } class DocumentData; class PhotoData; struct WebPageData; struct GameData; class AudioMsgId; class PhotoClickHandler; class PhotoOpenClickHandler; class PhotoSaveClickHandler; class PhotoCancelClickHandler; class DocumentClickHandler; class DocumentSaveClickHandler; class DocumentOpenClickHandler; class DocumentCancelClickHandler; class GifOpenClickHandler; class VoiceSeekClickHandler; using PhotoId = uint64; using VideoId = uint64; using AudioId = uint64; using DocumentId = uint64; using WebPageId = uint64; using GameId = uint64; constexpr auto CancelledWebPageId = WebPageId(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL); using PreparedPhotoThumbs = QMap; // [0] == -1 -- counting, [0] == -2 -- could not count using VoiceWaveform = QVector; enum ActionOnLoad { ActionOnLoadNone, ActionOnLoadOpen, ActionOnLoadOpenWith, ActionOnLoadPlayInline }; enum LocationType { UnknownFileLocation = 0, // 1, 2, etc are used as "version" value in mediaKey() method. DocumentFileLocation = 0x4e45abe9, // mtpc_inputDocumentFileLocation AudioFileLocation = 0x74dc404d, // mtpc_inputAudioFileLocation VideoFileLocation = 0x3d0364ec, // mtpc_inputVideoFileLocation SecureFileLocation = 0xcbc7ee28, // mtpc_inputSecureFileLocation }; enum FileStatus { FileDownloadFailed = -2, FileUploadFailed = -1, FileReady = 1, }; // Don't change the values. This type is used for serialization. enum DocumentType { FileDocument = 0, VideoDocument = 1, SongDocument = 2, StickerDocument = 3, AnimatedDocument = 4, VoiceDocument = 5, RoundVideoDocument = 6, }; using MediaKey = QPair; class AudioMsgId { public: enum class Type { Unknown, Voice, Song, Video, }; AudioMsgId() = default; AudioMsgId( DocumentData *audio, const FullMsgId &msgId, uint32 playId = 0) : _audio(audio) , _contextId(msgId) , _playId(playId) { setTypeFromAudio(); } Type type() const { return _type; } DocumentData *audio() const { return _audio; } FullMsgId contextId() const { return _contextId; } uint32 playId() const { return _playId; } explicit operator bool() const { return _audio != nullptr; } private: void setTypeFromAudio(); DocumentData *_audio = nullptr; Type _type = Type::Unknown; FullMsgId _contextId; uint32 _playId = 0; }; inline bool operator<(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { if (quintptr(a.audio()) < quintptr(b.audio())) { return true; } else if (quintptr(b.audio()) < quintptr(a.audio())) { return false; } else if (a.contextId() < b.contextId()) { return true; } else if (b.contextId() < a.contextId()) { return false; } return (a.playId() < b.playId()); } inline bool operator==(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { return (a.audio() == b.audio()) && (a.contextId() == b.contextId()) && (a.playId() == b.playId()); } inline bool operator!=(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { return !(a == b); } inline MsgId clientMsgId() { static MsgId CurrentClientMsgId = StartClientMsgId; Assert(CurrentClientMsgId < EndClientMsgId); return CurrentClientMsgId++; } struct MessageCursor { MessageCursor() = default; MessageCursor(int position, int anchor, int scroll) : position(position) , anchor(anchor) , scroll(scroll) { } MessageCursor(not_null field) { fillFrom(field); } void fillFrom(not_null field); void applyTo(not_null field); int position = 0; int anchor = 0; int scroll = QFIXED_MAX; }; inline bool operator==( const MessageCursor &a, const MessageCursor &b) { return (a.position == b.position) && (a.anchor == b.anchor) && (a.scroll == b.scroll); } struct SendAction { enum class Type { Typing, RecordVideo, UploadVideo, RecordVoice, UploadVoice, RecordRound, UploadRound, UploadPhoto, UploadFile, ChooseLocation, ChooseContact, PlayGame, }; SendAction( Type type, TimeMs until, int progress = 0) : type(type) , until(until) , progress(progress) { } Type type = Type::Typing; TimeMs until = 0; int progress = 0; }; class FileClickHandler : public LeftButtonClickHandler { public: FileClickHandler(FullMsgId context) : _context(context) { } void setMessageId(FullMsgId context) { _context = context; } FullMsgId context() const { return _context; } protected: HistoryItem *getActionItem() const; private: FullMsgId _context; };