/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once typedef uint64 PeerId; typedef uint64 PhotoId; typedef uint64 VideoId; typedef uint64 AudioId; typedef uint64 DocumentId; typedef uint64 WebPageId; typedef int32 MsgId; struct NotifySettings { NotifySettings() : mute(0), sound("default"), previews(true), events(1) { } int32 mute; string sound; bool previews; int32 events; }; typedef NotifySettings *NotifySettingsPtr; static const NotifySettingsPtr UnknownNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(0); static const NotifySettingsPtr EmptyNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(1); extern NotifySettings globalNotifyAll, globalNotifyUsers, globalNotifyChats; extern NotifySettingsPtr globalNotifyAllPtr, globalNotifyUsersPtr, globalNotifyChatsPtr; inline bool isNotifyMuted(NotifySettingsPtr settings) { if (settings == UnknownNotifySettings || settings == EmptyNotifySettings) { return false; } return (settings->mute > unixtime()); } style::color peerColor(int32 index); ImagePtr userDefPhoto(int32 index); ImagePtr chatDefPhoto(int32 index); struct ChatData; struct UserData; struct PeerData { PeerData(const PeerId &id); virtual ~PeerData() { if (notify != UnknownNotifySettings && notify != EmptyNotifySettings) { delete notify; notify = UnknownNotifySettings; } } UserData *asUser(); const UserData *asUser() const; ChatData *asChat(); const ChatData *asChat() const; void updateName(const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone, const QString &newUsername); void fillNames(); virtual void nameUpdated() { } PeerId id; QString name; QString nameOrPhone; typedef QSet Names; Names names; // for filtering typedef QSet NameFirstChars; NameFirstChars chars; bool loaded; bool chat; uint64 access; MTPinputPeer input; MTPinputUser inputUser; int32 colorIndex; style::color color; ImagePtr photo; int32 nameVersion; NotifySettingsPtr notify; }; static const uint64 UserNoAccess = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; class PeerLink : public ITextLink { public: PeerLink(PeerData *peer) : _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: PeerData *_peer; }; struct PhotoData; struct UserData : public PeerData { UserData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), lnk(new PeerLink(this)), onlineTill(0), contact(-1), photosCount(-1) { } void setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo); void setName(const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phoneName, const QString &username); void setPhone(const QString &newPhone); void nameUpdated(); QString firstName; QString lastName; QString username; QString phone; Text nameText; PhotoId photoId; TextLinkPtr lnk; int32 onlineTill; int32 contact; // -1 - not contact, cant add (self, empty, deleted, foreign), 0 - not contact, can add (request), 1 - contact typedef QList Photos; Photos photos; int32 photosCount; // -1 not loaded, 0 all loaded }; struct ChatData : public PeerData { ChatData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), count(0), date(0), version(0), left(false), forbidden(true), photoId(0) { } void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = 0); int32 count; int32 date; int32 version; int32 admin; bool left; bool forbidden; typedef QMap Participants; Participants participants; typedef QMap CanKick; CanKick cankick; typedef QList LastAuthors; LastAuthors lastAuthors; ImagePtr photoFull; PhotoId photoId; // geo }; typedef QMap PreparedPhotoThumbs; struct PhotoData { PhotoData(const PhotoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &medium = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &full = ImagePtr()) : id(id), access(access), user(user), date(date), thumb(thumb), medium(medium), full(full), chat(0) { } void forget() { thumb->forget(); replyPreview->forget(); medium->forget(); full->forget(); } ImagePtr makeReplyPreview() { if (replyPreview->isNull() && !thumb->isNull()) { if (thumb->loaded()) { int w = thumb->width(), h = thumb->height(); if (w <= 0) w = 1; if (h <= 0) h = 1; replyPreview = ImagePtr(w > h ? thumb->pix(w * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / h, st::msgReplyBarSize.height()) : thumb->pix(st::msgReplyBarSize.height()), "PNG"); } else { thumb->load(); } } return replyPreview; } PhotoId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; ImagePtr medium; ImagePtr full; ChatData *chat; // for chat photos connection // geo, caption int32 cachew; QPixmap cache; }; class PhotoLink : public ITextLink { public: PhotoLink(PhotoData *photo) : _photo(photo), _peer(0) { } PhotoLink(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer) : _photo(photo), _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; PhotoData *photo() const { return _photo; } PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: PhotoData *_photo; PeerData *_peer; }; enum FileStatus { FileFailed = -1, FileUploading = 0, FileReady = 1, }; struct VideoData { VideoData(const VideoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, int32 duration = 0, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void forget() { thumb->forget(); replyPreview->forget(); } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } location = FileLocation(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = openOnSaveMsgId = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { location = FileLocation(loader->fileType(), loader->fileName()); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false); VideoId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; int32 duration; int32 w, h; ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; int32 dc, size; // geo, caption FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; mtpTypeId fileType; int32 openOnSave, openOnSaveMsgId; mtpFileLoader *loader; FileLocation location; }; class VideoLink : public ITextLink { public: VideoLink(VideoData *video) : _video(video) { } VideoData *video() const { return _video; } private: VideoData *_video; }; class VideoSaveLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoSaveLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } static void doSave(VideoData *video, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoOpenLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoOpenLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoCancelLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoCancelLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; struct AudioData { AudioData(const AudioId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const QString &mime = QString(), int32 duration = 0, int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void forget() { } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } location = FileLocation(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = openOnSaveMsgId = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { location = FileLocation(loader->fileType(), loader->fileName()); data = loader->bytes(); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false); AudioId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; QString mime; int32 duration; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 openOnSave, openOnSaveMsgId; mtpFileLoader *loader; FileLocation location; QByteArray data; int32 md5[8]; }; class AudioLink : public ITextLink { public: AudioLink(AudioData *audio) : _audio(audio) { } AudioData *audio() const { return _audio; } private: AudioData *_audio; }; class AudioSaveLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioSaveLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } static void doSave(AudioData *audio, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioOpenLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioOpenLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioCancelLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioCancelLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; enum DocumentType { FileDocument, VideoDocument, AudioDocument, StickerDocument, AnimatedDocument }; struct DocumentData { DocumentData(const DocumentId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, const QVector &attributes = QVector(), const QString &mime = QString(), const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void setattributes(const QVector &attributes); void forget() { thumb->forget(); sticker->forget(); replyPreview->forget(); } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } location = FileLocation(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = openOnSaveMsgId = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { location = FileLocation(loader->fileType(), loader->fileName()); data = loader->bytes(); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false); DocumentId id; DocumentType type; QSize dimensions; int32 duration; uint64 access; int32 date; QString name, mime, alt; // alt - for stickers ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 openOnSave, openOnSaveMsgId; mtpFileLoader *loader; FileLocation location; QByteArray data; ImagePtr sticker; int32 md5[8]; }; class DocumentLink : public ITextLink { public: DocumentLink(DocumentData *document) : _document(document) { } DocumentData *document() const { return _document; } private: DocumentData *_document; }; class DocumentSaveLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentSaveLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } static void doSave(DocumentData *document, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentOpenLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentOpenLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentCancelLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentCancelLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; enum WebPageType { WebPagePhoto, WebPageVideo, WebPageProfile, WebPageArticle }; inline WebPageType toWebPageType(const QString &type) { if (type == QLatin1String("photo")) return WebPagePhoto; if (type == QLatin1String("video")) return WebPageVideo; if (type == QLatin1String("profile")) return WebPageProfile; return WebPageArticle; } struct WebPageData { WebPageData(const WebPageId &id, WebPageType type = WebPageArticle, const QString &url = QString(), const QString &displayUrl = QString(), const QString &siteName = QString(), const QString &title = QString(), const QString &description = QString(), PhotoData *photo = 0, int32 duration = 0, const QString &author = QString(), int32 pendingTill = 0); void forget() { if (photo) photo->forget(); } WebPageId id; WebPageType type; QString url, displayUrl, siteName, title, description; int32 duration; QString author; PhotoData *photo; int32 pendingTill; }; QString saveFileName(const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir = QDir()); MsgId clientMsgId(); struct MessageCursor { MessageCursor() : position(0), anchor(0), scroll(QFIXED_MAX) { } MessageCursor(int position, int anchor, int scroll) : position(position), anchor(anchor), scroll(scroll) { } MessageCursor(const QTextEdit &edit) { fillFrom(edit); } void fillFrom(const QTextEdit &edit) { QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor(); position = c.position(); anchor = c.anchor(); QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar(); scroll = s ? s->value() : QFIXED_MAX; } void applyTo(QTextEdit &edit, bool *lock = 0) { if (lock) *lock = true; QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor(); c.setPosition(anchor, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); c.setPosition(position, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); edit.setTextCursor(c); QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar(); if (s) s->setValue(scroll); if (lock) *lock = false; } int position, anchor, scroll; };