/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "api/api_authorizations.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "core/changelogs.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto TestApiId = 17349; constexpr auto SnapApiId = 611335; constexpr auto DesktopApiId = 2040; Authorizations::Entry ParseEntry(const MTPDauthorization &data) { auto result = Authorizations::Entry(); result.hash = data.is_current() ? 0 : data.vhash().v; result.incomplete = data.is_password_pending(); const auto apiId = result.apiId = data.vapi_id().v; const auto isTest = (apiId == TestApiId); const auto isDesktop = (apiId == DesktopApiId) || (apiId == SnapApiId) || isTest; const auto appName = isDesktop ? QString("Telegram Desktop%1").arg(isTest ? " (GitHub)" : QString()) : qs(data.vapp_name());// +qsl(" for ") + qs(d.vplatform()); const auto appVer = [&] { const auto version = qs(data.vapp_version()); if (isDesktop) { const auto verInt = version.toInt(); if (version == QString::number(verInt)) { return Core::FormatVersionDisplay(verInt); } } else { if (const auto index = version.indexOf('('); index >= 0) { return version.mid(index); } } return version; }(); result.name = result.hash ? qs(data.vdevice_model()) : Core::App().settings().deviceModel(); const auto country = qs(data.vcountry()); //const auto platform = qs(data.vplatform()); //const auto &countries = countriesByISO2(); //const auto j = countries.constFind(country); //if (j != countries.cend()) { // country = QString::fromUtf8(j.value()->name); //} result.system = qs(data.vsystem_version()); result.platform = qs(data.vplatform()); result.activeTime = data.vdate_active().v ? data.vdate_active().v : data.vdate_created().v; result.info = QString("%1%2").arg( appName, appVer.isEmpty() ? QString() : (' ' + appVer)); result.ip = qs(data.vip()); if (!result.hash) { result.active = tr::lng_status_online(tr::now); } else { const auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const auto lastTime = base::unixtime::parse(result.activeTime); const auto nowDate = now.date(); const auto lastDate = lastTime.date(); if (lastDate == nowDate) { result.active = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); } else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) { result.active = langDayOfWeek(lastDate); } else { result.active = lastDate.toString(cDateFormat()); } } result.location = country; return result; } } // namespace Authorizations::Authorizations(not_null api) : _api(&api->instance()) { Core::App().settings().deviceModelChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &model) { auto changed = false; for (auto &entry : _list) { if (!entry.hash) { entry.name = model; changed = true; } } if (changed) { _listChanges.fire({}); } }, _lifetime); if (Core::App().settings().disableCallsLegacy()) { toggleCallsDisabledHere(true); } } void Authorizations::reload() { if (_requestId) { return; } _requestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_GetAuthorizations( )).done([=](const MTPaccount_Authorizations &result) { _requestId = 0; _lastReceived = crl::now(); result.match([&](const MTPDaccount_authorizations &auths) { _ttlDays = auths.vauthorization_ttl_days().v; _list = ( auths.vauthorizations().v ) | ranges::views::transform([](const MTPAuthorization &d) { return ParseEntry(d.c_authorization()); }) | ranges::to; _listChanges.fire({}); }); }).fail([=] { _requestId = 0; }).send(); } void Authorizations::cancelCurrentRequest() { _api.request(base::take(_requestId)).cancel(); } void Authorizations::requestTerminate( Fn &&done, Fn &&fail, std::optional hash) { const auto send = [&](auto request) { _api.request( std::move(request) ).done([=, done = std::move(done)](const MTPBool &result) { done(result); if (mtpIsTrue(result)) { if (hash) { _list.erase( ranges::remove(_list, *hash, &Entry::hash), end(_list)); } else { _list.clear(); } _listChanges.fire({}); } }).fail( std::move(fail) ).send(); }; if (hash) { send(MTPaccount_ResetAuthorization(MTP_long(*hash))); } else { send(MTPauth_ResetAuthorizations()); } } Authorizations::List Authorizations::list() const { return _list; } auto Authorizations::listChanges() const -> rpl::producer { return rpl::single( list() ) | rpl::then( _listChanges.events() | rpl::map([=] { return list(); })); } rpl::producer Authorizations::totalChanges() const { return rpl::single( total() ) | rpl::then( _listChanges.events() | rpl::map([=] { return total(); })); } void Authorizations::updateTTL(int days) { _api.request(_ttlRequestId).cancel(); _ttlRequestId = _api.request(MTPaccount_SetAuthorizationTTL( MTP_int(days) )).done([=] { _ttlRequestId = 0; }).fail([=] { _ttlRequestId = 0; }).send(); _ttlDays = days; } rpl::producer Authorizations::ttlDays() const { return _ttlDays.value() | rpl::filter(rpl::mappers::_1 != 0); } void Authorizations::toggleCallsDisabled(uint64 hash, bool disabled) { if (const auto sent = _toggleCallsDisabledRequests.take(hash)) { _api.request(*sent).cancel(); } using Flag = MTPaccount_ChangeAuthorizationSettings::Flag; const auto id = _api.request(MTPaccount_ChangeAuthorizationSettings( MTP_flags(Flag::f_call_requests_disabled), MTP_long(hash), MTPBool(), // encrypted_requests_disabled MTP_bool(disabled) )).done([=] { _toggleCallsDisabledRequests.remove(hash); }).fail([=] { _toggleCallsDisabledRequests.remove(hash); }).send(); _toggleCallsDisabledRequests.emplace(hash, id); if (!hash) { _callsDisabledHere = disabled; } } bool Authorizations::callsDisabledHere() const { return _callsDisabledHere.current(); } rpl::producer Authorizations::callsDisabledHereValue() const { return _callsDisabledHere.value(); } rpl::producer Authorizations::callsDisabledHereChanges() const { return _callsDisabledHere.changes(); } int Authorizations::total() const { return ranges::count_if( _list, ranges::not_fn(&Entry::incomplete)); } crl::time Authorizations::lastReceivedTime() { return _lastReceived; } } // namespace Api