/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ textStyle { linkFlags: font; linkFlagsOver: font; linkFg: color; linkFgDown: color; monoFg: color; selectBg: color; selectOverlay: color; lineHeight: pixels; } linkButton { color: color; overColor: color; downColor: color; font: font; overFont: font; } sysButton { size: size; img: sprite; color: color; overColor: color; duration: int; } flatButton { color: color; overColor: color; downColor: color; bgColor: color; overBgColor: color; downBgColor: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; textTop: pixels; overTextTop: pixels; downTextTop: pixels; font: font; overFont: font; duration: int; cursor: cursor; radius: pixels; } iconedButton { icon: sprite; iconPos: point; downIcon: sprite; downIconPos: point; color: color; bgColor: color; overBgColor: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; font: font; opacity: double; overOpacity: double; textPos: point; downTextPos: point; duration: int; cursor: cursor; } flatCheckbox { textColor: color; bgColor: color; disColor: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; textTop: pixels; textLeft: pixels; font: font; duration: int; bgFunc: transition; cursor: cursor; disabledCursor: cursor; imageRect: sprite; chkImageRect: sprite; overImageRect: sprite; chkOverImageRect: sprite; disImageRect: sprite; chkDisImageRect: sprite; imagePos: point; } flatInput { textColor: color; bgColor: color; bgActive: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; textMrg: margins; align: align; font: font; cursor: cursor; imgRect: sprite; imgPos: point; borderWidth: pixels; borderColor: color; borderActive: color; borderError: color; phColor: color; phFocusColor: color; phPos: point; phAlign: align; phShift: pixels; phDuration: int; phLeftFunc: transition; phAlphaFunc: transition; phColorFunc: transition; } flatTextarea { textColor: color; bgColor: color; width: pixels; textMrg: margins; align: align; font: font; cursor: cursor; phColor: color; phFocusColor: color; phPos: point; phAlign: align; phShift: pixels; phDuration: int; phLeftFunc: transition; phAlphaFunc: transition; phColorFunc: transition; } flatScroll { barColor: color; bgColor: color; barOverColor: color; bgOverColor: color; round: pixels; width: pixels; minHeight: pixels; deltax: pixels; deltat: pixels; deltab: pixels; topsh: pixels; bottomsh: pixels; shColor: color; duration: int; hiding: int; } countryInput { width: pixels; height: pixels; top: pixels; bgColor: color; ptrSize: size; textMrg: margins; font: font; align: align; } slider { color: color; thickness: pixels; width: pixels; bar: sprite; } flatLabel { font: font; margin: margins; width: pixels; align: align; textFg: color; maxHeight: pixels; } switcher { border: pixels; borderColor: color; bgColor: color; bgHovered: color; bgActive: color; height: pixels; font: font; textColor: color; activeColor: color; duration: int; } dropdown { border: pixels; borderColor: color; padding: margins; shadow: sprite; shadowShift: pixels; duration: int; width: pixels; } InnerDropdown { padding: margins; shadow: icon; shadowShift: pixels; duration: int; width: pixels; scrollMargin: margins; scrollPadding: margins; } PopupMenu { skip: pixels; shadow: sprite; shadowShift: pixels; itemBg: color; itemBgOver: color; itemFg: color; itemFgOver: color; itemFgDisabled: color; itemFgShortcut: color; itemFgShortcutOver: color; itemFgShortcutDisabled: color; itemPadding: margins; itemFont: font; separatorPadding: margins; separatorWidth: pixels; separatorFg: color; arrow: sprite; duration: int; widthMin: pixels; widthMax: pixels; } Tooltip { textBg: color; textFg: color; textFont: font; textBorder: color; textPadding: margins; shift: point; skip: pixels; widthMax: pixels; linesMax: int; } botKeyboardButton { margin: pixels; padding: pixels; height: pixels; textTop: pixels; downTextTop: pixels; } RoundButton { textFg: color; textFgOver: color; textBg: color; // rect of textBg with rounded rect of textBgOver upon it textBgOver: color; secondaryTextFg: color; secondaryTextFgOver: color; secondarySkip: pixels; width: pixels; height: pixels; padding: margins; textTop: pixels; downTextTop: pixels; icon: icon; font: font; duration: int; } Checkbox { textFg: color; textBg: color; checkFg: color; checkFgOver: color; checkFgActive: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; textPosition: point; diameter: pixels; thickness: pixels; checkIcon: icon; font: font; duration: int; } Radiobutton { textFg: color; textBg: color; checkFg: color; checkFgOver: color; checkFgActive: color; width: pixels; height: pixels; textPosition: point; diameter: pixels; thickness: pixels; checkSkip: pixels; font: font; duration: int; } InputArea { textFg: color; textMargins: margins; placeholderFg: color; placeholderFgActive: color; placeholderMargins: margins; placeholderAlign: align; placeholderShift: pixels; duration: int; borderFg: color; borderFgActive: color; borderFgError: color; border: pixels; borderActive: pixels; borderError: pixels; font: font; width: pixels; heightMin: pixels; heightMax: pixels; } InputField { textFg: color; textMargins: margins; textAlign: align; placeholderFg: color; placeholderFgActive: color; placeholderMargins: margins; placeholderAlign: align; placeholderShift: pixels; duration: int; borderFg: color; borderFgActive: color; borderFgError: color; border: pixels; borderActive: pixels; borderError: pixels; font: font; width: pixels; height: pixels; iconSprite: sprite; iconPosition: point; } PeerAvatarButton { size: pixels; photoSize: pixels; } OutlineButton { outlineWidth: pixels; outlineFg: color; outlineFgOver: color; textBg: color; textBgOver: color; textFg: color; textFgOver: color; font: font; padding: margins; } IconButton { width: pixels; height: pixels; opacity: double; overOpacity: double; icon: icon; iconPosition: point; downIconPosition: point; duration: int; }