/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/image/image_location.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_types.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "base/overload.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include namespace { constexpr auto kDocumentBaseCacheTag = 0x0000000000010000ULL; constexpr auto kDocumentBaseCacheMask = 0x000000000000FF00ULL; constexpr auto kSerializeTypeShift = quint8(0x08); const auto kInMediaCacheLocation = QString("*media_cache*"); MTPInputPeer GenerateInputPeer( uint64 id, uint64 accessHash, int32 inMessagePeerId, int32 inMessageId, int32 self) { const auto bareId = [&] { return peerToBareMTPInt(id); }; if (inMessagePeerId > 0 && inMessageId) { return MTP_inputPeerUserFromMessage( GenerateInputPeer(id, accessHash, 0, 0, self), MTP_int(inMessageId), MTP_int(inMessagePeerId)); } else if (inMessagePeerId < 0 && inMessageId) { return MTP_inputPeerChannelFromMessage( GenerateInputPeer(id, accessHash, 0, 0, self), MTP_int(inMessageId), MTP_int(-inMessagePeerId)); } else if (!id) { return MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); } else if (id == peerFromUser(self)) { return MTP_inputPeerSelf(); } else if (peerIsUser(id)) { return MTP_inputPeerUser(bareId(), MTP_long(accessHash)); } else if (peerIsChat(id)) { return MTP_inputPeerChat(bareId()); } else if (peerIsChannel(id)) { return MTP_inputPeerChannel(bareId(), MTP_long(accessHash)); } else { return MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); } } } // namespace ImagePtr::ImagePtr() : _data(Image::Empty()) { } ImagePtr::ImagePtr(not_null data) : _data(data) { } Image *ImagePtr::operator->() const { return _data; } Image *ImagePtr::get() const { return _data; } ImagePtr::operator bool() const { return !_data->isNull(); } WebFileLocation WebFileLocation::Null; StorageFileLocation::StorageFileLocation( int32 dcId, int32 self, const MTPInputFileLocation &tl) : _dcId(dcId) { tl.match([&](const MTPDinputFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Legacy; _volumeId = data.vvolume_id().v; _localId = data.vlocal_id().v; _accessHash = data.vsecret().v; _fileReference = data.vfile_reference().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputEncryptedFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Encrypted; _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputDocumentFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Document; _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; _fileReference = data.vfile_reference().v; _sizeLetter = data.vthumb_size().v.isEmpty() ? uint8(0) : uint8(data.vthumb_size().v[0]); }, [&](const MTPDinputSecureFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Secure; _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputTakeoutFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Takeout; }, [&](const MTPDinputPhotoFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Photo; _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; _fileReference = data.vfile_reference().v; _sizeLetter = data.vthumb_size().v.isEmpty() ? char(0) : data.vthumb_size().v[0]; }, [&](const MTPDinputPhotoLegacyFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::Legacy; _volumeId = data.vvolume_id().v; _localId = data.vlocal_id().v; _accessHash = data.vsecret().v; _fileReference = data.vfile_reference().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerPhotoFileLocation &data) { _type = Type::PeerPhoto; const auto fillPeer = base::overload([&]( const MTPDinputPeerEmpty &data) { _id = 0; }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerSelf & data) { _id = peerFromUser(self); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChat & data) { _id = peerFromChat(data.vchat_id()); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerUser & data) { _id = peerFromUser(data.vuser_id()); _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChannel & data) { _id = peerFromChannel(data.vchannel_id()); _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }); data.vpeer().match(fillPeer, [&]( const MTPDinputPeerUserFromMessage &data) { data.vpeer().match(fillPeer, [&](auto &&) { // Bad data provided. _id = _accessHash = 0; }); _inMessagePeerId = data.vuser_id().v; _inMessageId = data.vmsg_id().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChannelFromMessage &data) { data.vpeer().match(fillPeer, [&](auto &&) { // Bad data provided. _id = _accessHash = 0; }); _inMessagePeerId = -data.vchannel_id().v; _inMessageId = data.vmsg_id().v; }); _volumeId = data.vvolume_id().v; _localId = data.vlocal_id().v; _sizeLetter = data.is_big() ? 'c' : 'a'; }, [&](const MTPDinputStickerSetThumb &data) { _type = Type::StickerSetThumb; data.vstickerset().match([&](const MTPDinputStickerSetEmpty &data) { _id = 0; }, [&](const MTPDinputStickerSetID &data) { _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputStickerSetShortName &data) { Unexpected("inputStickerSetShortName in StorageFileLocation."); }, [&](const MTPDinputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji &data) { Unexpected( "inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji in StorageFileLocation."); }); _volumeId = data.vvolume_id().v; _localId = data.vlocal_id().v; }); } StorageFileLocation StorageFileLocation::convertToModern( Type type, uint64 id, uint64 accessHash) const { Expects(_type == Type::Legacy); Expects(type == Type::PeerPhoto || type == Type::StickerSetThumb); auto result = *this; result._type = type; result._id = id; result._accessHash = accessHash; result._sizeLetter = (type == Type::PeerPhoto) ? uint8('a') : uint8(0); return result; } int32 StorageFileLocation::dcId() const { return _dcId; } uint64 StorageFileLocation::objectId() const { return _id; } MTPInputFileLocation StorageFileLocation::tl(int32 self) const { switch (_type) { case Type::Legacy: return MTP_inputFileLocation( MTP_long(_volumeId), MTP_int(_localId), MTP_long(_accessHash), MTP_bytes(_fileReference)); case Type::Encrypted: return MTP_inputSecureFileLocation( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)); case Type::Document: return MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash), MTP_bytes(_fileReference), MTP_string(_sizeLetter ? std::string(1, char(_sizeLetter)) : std::string())); case Type::Secure: return MTP_inputSecureFileLocation( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)); case Type::Takeout: return MTP_inputTakeoutFileLocation(); case Type::Photo: return MTP_inputPhotoFileLocation( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash), MTP_bytes(_fileReference), MTP_string(std::string(1, char(_sizeLetter)))); case Type::PeerPhoto: return MTP_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation( MTP_flags((_sizeLetter == 'c') ? MTPDinputPeerPhotoFileLocation::Flag::f_big : MTPDinputPeerPhotoFileLocation::Flag(0)), GenerateInputPeer( _id, _accessHash, _inMessagePeerId, _inMessageId, self), MTP_long(_volumeId), MTP_int(_localId)); case Type::StickerSetThumb: return MTP_inputStickerSetThumb( MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_long(_volumeId), MTP_int(_localId)); } Unexpected("Type in StorageFileLocation::tl."); } QByteArray StorageFileLocation::serialize() const { auto result = QByteArray(); result.reserve(serializeSize()); if (valid()) { auto buffer = QBuffer(&result); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); auto stream = QDataStream(&buffer); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream << quint16(_dcId) << quint8(kSerializeTypeShift | quint8(_type)) << quint8(_sizeLetter) << qint32(_localId) << quint64(_id) << quint64(_accessHash) << quint64(_volumeId) << qint32(_inMessagePeerId) << qint32(_inMessageId) << _fileReference; } return result; } int StorageFileLocation::serializeSize() const { return valid() ? int(sizeof(uint64) * 5 + Serialize::bytearraySize(_fileReference)) : 0; } std::optional StorageFileLocation::FromSerialized( const QByteArray &serialized) { if (serialized.isEmpty()) { return StorageFileLocation(); } quint16 dcId = 0; quint8 type = 0; quint8 sizeLetter = 0; qint32 localId = 0; quint64 id = 0; quint64 accessHash = 0; quint64 volumeId = 0; qint32 inMessagePeerId = 0; qint32 inMessageId = 0; QByteArray fileReference; auto stream = QDataStream(serialized); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream >> dcId >> type >> sizeLetter >> localId >> id >> accessHash >> volumeId; if (type & kSerializeTypeShift) { type &= ~kSerializeTypeShift; stream >> inMessagePeerId >> inMessageId; } stream >> fileReference; auto result = StorageFileLocation(); result._dcId = dcId; result._type = Type(type); result._sizeLetter = sizeLetter; result._localId = localId; result._id = id; result._accessHash = accessHash; result._volumeId = volumeId; result._inMessagePeerId = inMessagePeerId; result._inMessageId = inMessageId; result._fileReference = fileReference; return (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok && result.valid()) ? std::make_optional(result) : std::nullopt; } StorageFileLocation::Type StorageFileLocation::type() const { return _type; } bool StorageFileLocation::valid() const { switch (_type) { case Type::Legacy: return (_dcId != 0) && (_volumeId != 0) && (_localId != 0); case Type::Encrypted: case Type::Secure: case Type::Document: return (_dcId != 0) && (_id != 0); case Type::Photo: return (_dcId != 0) && (_id != 0) && (_sizeLetter != 0); case Type::Takeout: return true; case Type::PeerPhoto: case Type::StickerSetThumb: return (_dcId != 0) && (_id != 0); } return false; } bool StorageFileLocation::isDocumentThumbnail() const { return (_type == Type::Document) && (_sizeLetter != 0); } Storage::Cache::Key StorageFileLocation::cacheKey() const { using Key = Storage::Cache::Key; // Skip '1' for legacy document cache keys. // Skip '2' because it is used for good (fullsize) document thumbnails. const auto shifted = ((uint64(_type) + 3) << 8); const auto sliced = uint64(_dcId) & 0xFFULL; switch (_type) { case Type::Legacy: case Type::PeerPhoto: case Type::StickerSetThumb: return Key{ shifted | sliced | (uint64(uint32(_localId)) << 16), _volumeId }; case Type::Encrypted: case Type::Secure: return Key{ shifted | sliced, _id }; case Type::Document: // Keep old cache keys for documents. if (_sizeLetter == 0) { return Data::DocumentCacheKey(_dcId, _id); //return Key{ 0x100ULL | sliced, _id }; } [[fallthrough]]; case Type::Photo: return Key{ shifted | sliced | (uint64(_sizeLetter) << 16), _id }; case Type::Takeout: return Key{ shifted, 0 }; } return Key(); } Storage::Cache::Key StorageFileLocation::bigFileBaseCacheKey() const { // Skip '1' and '2' for legacy document cache keys. const auto shifted = ((uint64(_type) + 3) << 8); const auto sliced = uint64(_dcId) & 0xFFULL; switch (_type) { case Type::Document: { const auto high = kDocumentBaseCacheTag | ((uint64(_dcId) << 16) & kDocumentBaseCacheMask) | (_id >> 48); const auto low = (_id << 16); Ensures((low & 0xFFULL) == 0); return Storage::Cache::Key{ high, low }; } case Type::StickerSetThumb: { const auto high = (uint64(uint32(_localId)) << 24) | ((uint64(_type) + 1) << 16) | ((uint64(_dcId) & 0xFFULL) << 8) | (_volumeId >> 56); const auto low = (_volumeId << 8); return Storage::Cache::Key{ high, low }; } case Type::Legacy: case Type::PeerPhoto: case Type::Encrypted: case Type::Secure: case Type::Photo: case Type::Takeout: Unexpected("Not implemented file location type."); }; Unexpected("Invalid file location type."); } QByteArray StorageFileLocation::fileReference() const { return _fileReference; } bool StorageFileLocation::refreshFileReference( const Data::UpdatedFileReferences &updates) { const auto i = (_type == Type::Document) ? updates.data.find(Data::DocumentFileLocationId{ _id }) : (_type == Type::Photo) ? updates.data.find(Data::PhotoFileLocationId{ _id }) : end(updates.data); return (i != end(updates.data)) ? refreshFileReference(i->second) : false; } bool StorageFileLocation::refreshFileReference(const QByteArray &data) { if (data.isEmpty() || _fileReference == data) { return false; } _fileReference = data; return true; } const StorageFileLocation &StorageFileLocation::Invalid() { static auto result = StorageFileLocation(); return result; } bool operator==(const StorageFileLocation &a, const StorageFileLocation &b) { const auto valid = a.valid(); if (valid != b.valid()) { return false; } else if (!valid) { return true; } const auto type = a._type; if (type != b._type) { return false; } using Type = StorageFileLocation::Type; switch (type) { case Type::Legacy: return (a._dcId == b._dcId) && (a._volumeId == b._volumeId) && (a._localId == b._localId); case Type::Encrypted: case Type::Secure: return (a._dcId == b._dcId) && (a._id == b._id); case Type::Photo: case Type::Document: return (a._dcId == b._dcId) && (a._id == b._id) && (a._sizeLetter == b._sizeLetter); case Type::Takeout: return true; case Type::PeerPhoto: return (a._dcId == b._dcId) && (a._volumeId == b._volumeId) && (a._localId == b._localId) && (a._id == b._id) && (a._sizeLetter == b._sizeLetter); case Type::StickerSetThumb: return (a._dcId == b._dcId) && (a._volumeId == b._volumeId) && (a._localId == b._localId) && (a._id == b._id); }; Unexpected("Type in StorageFileLocation::operator==."); } bool operator<(const StorageFileLocation &a, const StorageFileLocation &b) { const auto valid = a.valid(); if (valid != b.valid()) { return !valid; } else if (!valid) { return false; } const auto type = a._type; if (type != b._type) { return (type < b._type); } using Type = StorageFileLocation::Type; switch (type) { case Type::Legacy: return std::tie(a._localId, a._volumeId, a._dcId) < std::tie(b._localId, b._volumeId, b._dcId); case Type::Encrypted: case Type::Secure: return std::tie(a._id, a._dcId) < std::tie(b._id, b._dcId); case Type::Photo: case Type::Document: return std::tie(a._id, a._dcId, a._sizeLetter) < std::tie(b._id, b._dcId, b._sizeLetter); case Type::Takeout: return false; case Type::PeerPhoto: return std::tie( a._id, a._sizeLetter, a._localId, a._volumeId, a._dcId) < std::tie( b._id, b._sizeLetter, b._localId, b._volumeId, b._dcId); case Type::StickerSetThumb: return std::tie(a._id, a._localId, a._volumeId, a._dcId) < std::tie(b._id, b._localId, b._volumeId, b._dcId); }; Unexpected("Type in StorageFileLocation::operator==."); } InMemoryKey inMemoryKey(const StorageFileLocation &location) { const auto key = location.cacheKey(); return { key.high, key.low }; } StorageImageLocation::StorageImageLocation( const StorageFileLocation &file, int width, int height) : _file(file) , _width(width) , _height(height) { } QByteArray StorageImageLocation::serialize() const { auto result = _file.serialize(); if (!result.isEmpty() || (_width > 0) || (_height > 0)) { result.reserve(result.size() + 2 * sizeof(qint32)); auto buffer = QBuffer(&result); buffer.open(QIODevice::Append); auto stream = QDataStream(&buffer); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream << qint32(_width) << qint32(_height); } return result; } int StorageImageLocation::serializeSize() const { const auto partial = _file.serializeSize(); return (partial > 0 || _width > 0 || _height > 0) ? (partial + 2 * sizeof(qint32)) : 0; } std::optional StorageImageLocation::FromSerialized( const QByteArray &serialized) { if (const auto file = StorageFileLocation::FromSerialized(serialized)) { const auto my = 2 * sizeof(qint32); const auto full = serialized.size(); if (!full) { return StorageImageLocation(*file, 0, 0); } else if (full >= my) { qint32 width = 0; qint32 height = 0; const auto dimensions = QByteArray::fromRawData( serialized.data() + full - my, my); auto stream = QDataStream(dimensions); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream >> width >> height; return (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) ? StorageImageLocation(*file, width, height) : std::optional(); } } return std::nullopt; } ReadAccessEnabler::ReadAccessEnabler(const PsFileBookmark *bookmark) : _bookmark(bookmark) , _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) { } ReadAccessEnabler::ReadAccessEnabler( const std::shared_ptr &bookmark) : _bookmark(bookmark.get()) , _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) { } ReadAccessEnabler::~ReadAccessEnabler() { if (_bookmark && !_failed) _bookmark->disable(); } FileLocation::FileLocation(const QString &name) : fname(name) { if (fname.isEmpty() || fname == kInMediaCacheLocation) { size = 0; } else { setBookmark(psPathBookmark(name)); QFileInfo f(name); if (f.exists()) { qint64 s = f.size(); if (s > INT_MAX) { fname = QString(); _bookmark = nullptr; size = 0; } else { modified = f.lastModified(); size = qint32(s); } } else { fname = QString(); _bookmark = nullptr; size = 0; } } } FileLocation FileLocation::InMediaCacheLocation() { return FileLocation(kInMediaCacheLocation); } bool FileLocation::check() const { if (fname.isEmpty() || fname == kInMediaCacheLocation) { return false; } ReadAccessEnabler enabler(_bookmark); if (enabler.failed()) { const_cast(this)->_bookmark = nullptr; } QFileInfo f(name()); if (!f.isReadable()) return false; quint64 s = f.size(); if (s > INT_MAX) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1").arg(s)); return false; } if (qint32(s) != size) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1 when should be %2").arg(s).arg(size)); return false; } auto realModified = f.lastModified(); if (realModified != modified) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong last modified time %1 when should be %2").arg(realModified.toMSecsSinceEpoch()).arg(modified.toMSecsSinceEpoch())); return false; } return true; } const QString &FileLocation::name() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->name(fname) : fname; } QByteArray FileLocation::bookmark() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->bookmark() : QByteArray(); } bool FileLocation::inMediaCache() const { return (fname == kInMediaCacheLocation); } void FileLocation::setBookmark(const QByteArray &bm) { _bookmark.reset(bm.isEmpty() ? nullptr : new PsFileBookmark(bm)); } bool FileLocation::accessEnable() const { return isEmpty() ? false : (_bookmark ? _bookmark->enable() : true); } void FileLocation::accessDisable() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->disable() : (void)0; }