/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_feed.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_feed_messages.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" namespace Data { // #feed //MessagePosition FeedPositionFromMTP(const MTPFeedPosition &position) { // Expects(position.type() == mtpc_feedPosition); // // const auto &data = position.c_feedPosition(); // return MessagePosition(data.vdate.v, FullMsgId( // peerToChannel(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer)), // data.vid.v)); //} Feed::Feed(not_null owner, FeedId id) : Entry(this) , _id(id) , _owner(owner) , _name(lang(lng_feed_name)) { indexNameParts(); } Data::Session &Feed::owner() const { return *_owner; } AuthSession &Feed::session() const { return _owner->session(); } FeedId Feed::id() const { return _id; } void Feed::indexNameParts() { _nameWords.clear(); _nameFirstLetters.clear(); auto toIndexList = QStringList(); auto appendToIndex = [&](const QString &value) { if (!value.isEmpty()) { toIndexList.push_back(TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(value)); } }; appendToIndex(_name); const auto appendTranslit = !toIndexList.isEmpty() && cRussianLetters().match(toIndexList.front()).hasMatch(); if (appendTranslit) { appendToIndex(translitRusEng(toIndexList.front())); } auto toIndex = toIndexList.join(' '); toIndex += ' ' + rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(toIndex); const auto namesList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(toIndex); for (const auto &name : namesList) { _nameWords.insert(name); _nameFirstLetters.insert(name[0]); } } void Feed::registerOne(not_null channel) { const auto history = owner().history(channel); if (!base::contains(_channels, history)) { const auto invisible = (_channels.size() < 2); _channels.push_back(history); session().storage().invalidate( Storage::FeedMessagesInvalidate(_id)); if (history->chatListMessageKnown()) { if (const auto last = history->chatListMessage()) { if (justUpdateChatListMessage(last)) { updateChatListEntry(); } } } else if (chatListMessageKnown()) { history->requestChatListMessage(); } if (unreadCountKnown()) { if (history->unreadCountKnown()) { // If history unreadCount is known that means that we've // already had the channel information and if it was in the // feed already (not yet known) it wouldn't get here. // That means here we get if we add a new channel to feed. if (const auto count = history->unreadCount()) { unreadCountChanged(count, history->mute() ? count : 0); } } else if (!_settingChannels) { session().api().requestDialogEntry(this); } } if (invisible && _channels.size() > 1) { updateChatListExistence(); for (const auto history : _channels) { history->updateChatListExistence(); } } else { history->updateChatListExistence(); } _owner->notifyFeedUpdated(this, FeedUpdateFlag::Channels); } } void Feed::unregisterOne(not_null channel) { const auto history = owner().history(channel); const auto i = ranges::remove(_channels, history); if (i != end(_channels)) { const auto visible = (_channels.size() > 1); _channels.erase(i, end(_channels)); session().storage().remove( Storage::FeedMessagesRemoveAll(_id, channel->bareId())); if (chatListMessageKnown()) { if (const auto last = chatListMessage()) { if (last->history() == history) { recountChatListMessage(); } } } if (unreadCountKnown()) { if (history->unreadCountKnown()) { if (const auto delta = -history->unreadCount()) { unreadCountChanged(delta, history->mute() ? delta : 0); } } else { session().api().requestDialogEntry(this); } } if (visible && _channels.size() < 2) { updateChatListExistence(); for (const auto history : _channels) { history->updateChatListExistence(); } } else { history->updateChatListExistence(); } _owner->notifyFeedUpdated(this, FeedUpdateFlag::Channels); } } void Feed::updateChatListMessage(not_null item) { if (justUpdateChatListMessage(item)) { if (_chatListMessage && *_chatListMessage) { setChatListTimeId((*_chatListMessage)->date()); } } } void Feed::loadUserpic() { constexpr auto kPaintUserpicsCount = 4; auto load = kPaintUserpicsCount; for (const auto channel : _channels) { channel->peer->loadUserpic(); if (!--load) { break; } } } void Feed::paintUserpic( Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) const { const auto small = (size - st::lineWidth) / 2; const auto delta = size - small; auto index = 0; for (const auto channel : _channels) { channel->peer->paintUserpic(p, x, y, small); switch (++index) { case 1: case 3: x += delta; break; case 2: x -= delta; y += delta; break; case 4: return; } } } const std::vector> &Feed::channels() const { return _channels; } int32 Feed::channelsHash() const { const auto ordered = ranges::view::all( _channels ) | ranges::view::transform([](not_null history) { return history->peer->bareId(); }) | ranges::to_vector | ranges::action::sort; return Api::CountHash(ordered); } bool Feed::channelsLoaded() const { return _channelsLoaded; } void Feed::setChannelsLoaded(bool loaded) { if (_channelsLoaded != loaded) { _channelsLoaded = loaded; _owner->notifyFeedUpdated(this, FeedUpdateFlag::Channels); } } void Feed::setChannels(std::vector> channels) { const auto remove = ranges::view::all( _channels ) | ranges::view::transform([](not_null history) { return not_null(history->peer->asChannel()); }) | ranges::view::filter([&](not_null channel) { return !base::contains(channels, channel); }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto add = ranges::view::all( channels ) | ranges::view::filter([&](not_null channel) { return ranges::find( _channels, channel.get(), [](auto history) { return history->peer->asChannel(); } ) == end(_channels); }) | ranges::view::transform([](ChannelData *channel) { return not_null(channel); }) | ranges::to_vector; changeChannelsList(add, remove); setChannelsLoaded(true); } void Feed::changeChannelsList( const std::vector> &add, const std::vector> &remove) { _settingChannels = true; const auto restore = gsl::finally([&] { _settingChannels = false; }); for (const auto channel : remove) { channel->clearFeed(); } // We assume the last message was correct before requesting the list. // So we save it and don't allow channels from the list to change it. // After that we restore it. const auto oldChatListMessage = base::take(_chatListMessage); for (const auto channel : add) { _chatListMessage = std::nullopt; channel->setFeed(this); } _chatListMessage = oldChatListMessage; } bool Feed::justUpdateChatListMessage(not_null item) { if (!_chatListMessage) { return false; } else if (*_chatListMessage && item->position() <= (*_chatListMessage)->position()) { return false; } _chatListMessage = item; return true; } void Feed::messageRemoved(not_null item) { if (chatListMessage() == item) { recountChatListMessage(); } } void Feed::historyCleared(not_null history) { if (const auto last = chatListMessage()) { if (last->history() == history) { messageRemoved(last); } } } void Feed::requestChatListMessage() { if (!chatListMessageKnown()) { session().api().requestDialogEntry(this); } } void Feed::recountChatListMessage() { _chatListMessage = std::nullopt; for (const auto history : _channels) { if (!history->chatListMessageKnown()) { requestChatListMessage(); return; } } setChatListMessageFromChannels(); } void Feed::setChatListMessageFromChannels() { _chatListMessage = nullptr; for (const auto history : _channels) { if (const auto last = history->chatListMessage()) { justUpdateChatListMessage(last); } } updateChatListDate(); } void Feed::updateChatListDate() { if (_chatListMessage && *_chatListMessage) { setChatListTimeId((*_chatListMessage)->date()); } } int Feed::unreadCount() const { return _unreadCount ? *_unreadCount : 0; } rpl::producer Feed::unreadCountValue() const { return rpl::single( unreadCount() ) | rpl::then(_unreadCountChanges.events()); } bool Feed::unreadCountKnown() const { return !!_unreadCount; } // #feed //void Feed::applyDialog(const MTPDdialogFeed &data) { // const auto addChannel = [&](ChannelId channelId) { // if (const auto channel = owner().channelLoaded(channelId)) { // channel->setFeed(this); // } // }; // for (const auto &channelId : data.vfeed_other_channels.v) { // addChannel(channelId.v); // } // // _chatListMessage = nullptr; // if (const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer)) { // if (const auto channelId = peerToChannel(peerId)) { // addChannel(channelId); // const auto fullId = FullMsgId(channelId, data.vtop_message.v); // if (const auto item = App::histItemById(fullId)) { // justUpdateChatListMessage(item); // } // } // } // updateChatListDate(); // // setUnreadCounts( // data.vunread_count.v, // data.vunread_muted_count.v); // if (data.has_read_max_position()) { // setUnreadPosition(FeedPositionFromMTP(data.vread_max_position)); // } //} void Feed::changedInChatListHook(Dialogs::Mode list, bool added) { if (list != Dialogs::Mode::All) { return; } if (const auto count = unreadCount()) { const auto mutedCount = _unreadMutedCount; const auto nonMutedCount = count - mutedCount; const auto mutedDelta = added ? mutedCount : -mutedCount; const auto nonMutedDelta = added ? nonMutedCount : -nonMutedCount; Auth().data().unreadIncrement(nonMutedDelta, false); Auth().data().unreadIncrement(mutedDelta, true); const auto fullMuted = (nonMutedCount == 0); const auto entriesWithUnreadDelta = added ? 1 : -1; const auto mutedEntriesWithUnreadDelta = fullMuted ? entriesWithUnreadDelta : 0; Auth().data().unreadEntriesChanged( entriesWithUnreadDelta, mutedEntriesWithUnreadDelta); } } template void Feed::updateUnreadCounts(PerformUpdate &&performUpdate) { const auto wasUnreadCount = _unreadCount ? *_unreadCount : 0; const auto wasUnreadMutedCount = _unreadMutedCount; const auto wasFullMuted = (wasUnreadMutedCount > 0) && (wasUnreadCount == wasUnreadMutedCount); performUpdate(); Assert(_unreadCount.has_value()); _unreadCountChanges.fire(unreadCount()); updateChatListEntry(); if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { const auto nowUnreadCount = *_unreadCount; const auto nowUnreadMutedCount = _unreadMutedCount; const auto nowFullMuted = (nowUnreadMutedCount > 0) && (nowUnreadCount == nowUnreadMutedCount); Auth().data().unreadIncrement( (nowUnreadCount - nowUnreadMutedCount) - (wasUnreadCount - wasUnreadMutedCount), false); Auth().data().unreadIncrement( nowUnreadMutedCount - wasUnreadMutedCount, true); const auto entriesDelta = (nowUnreadCount && !wasUnreadCount) ? 1 : (wasUnreadCount && !nowUnreadCount) ? -1 : 0; const auto mutedEntriesDelta = (!wasFullMuted && nowFullMuted) ? 1 : (wasFullMuted && !nowFullMuted) ? -1 : 0; Auth().data().unreadEntriesChanged( entriesDelta, mutedEntriesDelta); } } void Feed::setUnreadCounts(int unreadNonMutedCount, int unreadMutedCount) { if (unreadCountKnown() && (*_unreadCount == unreadNonMutedCount + unreadMutedCount) && (_unreadMutedCount == unreadMutedCount)) { return; } updateUnreadCounts([&] { _unreadCount = unreadNonMutedCount + unreadMutedCount; _unreadMutedCount = unreadMutedCount; }); } void Feed::setUnreadPosition(const MessagePosition &position) { if (_unreadPosition.current() < position) { _unreadPosition = position; } } void Feed::unreadCountChanged(int unreadCountDelta, int mutedCountDelta) { if (!unreadCountKnown()) { return; } updateUnreadCounts([&] { accumulate_max(unreadCountDelta, -*_unreadCount); *_unreadCount += unreadCountDelta; mutedCountDelta = snap( mutedCountDelta, -_unreadMutedCount, *_unreadCount - _unreadMutedCount); _unreadMutedCount += mutedCountDelta; }); } MessagePosition Feed::unreadPosition() const { return _unreadPosition.current(); } rpl::producer Feed::unreadPositionChanges() const { return _unreadPosition.changes(); } bool Feed::toImportant() const { return false; // TODO feeds workmode } bool Feed::useProxyPromotion() const { return false; } bool Feed::shouldBeInChatList() const { return _channels.size() > 1; } int Feed::chatListUnreadCount() const { return unreadCount(); } bool Feed::chatListUnreadMark() const { return false; // #feed unread mark } bool Feed::chatListMutedBadge() const { return _unreadCount ? (*_unreadCount <= _unreadMutedCount) : false; } HistoryItem *Feed::chatListMessage() const { return _chatListMessage ? *_chatListMessage : nullptr; } bool Feed::chatListMessageKnown() const { return _chatListMessage.has_value(); } const QString &Feed::chatListName() const { return _name; } const base::flat_set &Feed::chatListNameWords() const { return _nameWords; } const base::flat_set &Feed::chatListFirstLetters() const { return _nameFirstLetters; } } // namespace Data