/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_album_thumbnail.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include namespace Ui { AlbumThumbnail::AlbumThumbnail( const PreparedFile &file, const GroupMediaLayout &layout, QWidget *parent, Fn editCallback, Fn deleteCallback) : _layout(layout) , _fullPreview(file.preview) , _shrinkSize(int(std::ceil(st::historyMessageRadius / 1.4))) , _isVideo(file.type == PreparedFile::Type::Video) , _buttonsRect(st::sendBoxAlbumGroupRadius, st::callFingerprintBg) { Expects(!_fullPreview.isNull()); moveToLayout(layout); using Option = Images::Option; const auto previewWidth = _fullPreview.width(); const auto previewHeight = _fullPreview.height(); const auto imageWidth = std::max( previewWidth / style::DevicePixelRatio(), st::minPhotoSize); const auto imageHeight = std::max( previewHeight / style::DevicePixelRatio(), st::minPhotoSize); _photo = PixmapFromImage(Images::prepare( _fullPreview, previewWidth, previewHeight, Option::RoundedLarge | Option::RoundedAll, imageWidth, imageHeight)); const auto &st = st::attachPreviewThumbLayout; const auto idealSize = st.thumbSize * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto fileThumbSize = (previewWidth > previewHeight) ? QSize(previewWidth * idealSize / previewHeight, idealSize) : QSize(idealSize, previewHeight * idealSize / previewWidth); _fileThumb = PixmapFromImage(Images::prepare( _fullPreview, fileThumbSize.width(), fileThumbSize.height(), Option::RoundedSmall | Option::RoundedAll, st.thumbSize, st.thumbSize )); const auto availableFileWidth = st::sendMediaPreviewSize - st.thumbSize - st.padding.right() // Right buttons. - st::sendBoxAlbumGroupButtonFile.width * 2 - st::sendBoxAlbumGroupEditInternalSkip * 2 - st::sendBoxAlbumGroupSkipRight; const auto filepath = file.path; if (filepath.isEmpty()) { _name = "image.png"; _status = u"%1x%2"_q.arg( _fullPreview.width() ).arg( _fullPreview.height() ); } else { auto fileinfo = QFileInfo(filepath); _name = fileinfo.fileName(); _status = FormatSizeText(fileinfo.size()); } _nameWidth = st::semiboldFont->width(_name); if (_nameWidth > availableFileWidth) { _name = st::semiboldFont->elided( _name, availableFileWidth, Qt::ElideMiddle); _nameWidth = st::semiboldFont->width(_name); } _statusWidth = st::normalFont->width(_status); _editMedia.create(parent, st::sendBoxAlbumGroupButtonFile); _deleteMedia.create(parent, st::sendBoxAlbumGroupButtonFile); const auto duration = st::historyAttach.ripple.hideDuration; _editMedia->setClickedCallback([=] { base::call_delayed(duration, parent, editCallback); }); _deleteMedia->setClickedCallback(deleteCallback); _editMedia->setIconOverride(&st::sendBoxAlbumGroupEditButtonIconFile); _deleteMedia->setIconOverride(&st::sendBoxAlbumGroupDeleteButtonIconFile); updateFileRow(-1); } void AlbumThumbnail::updateFileRow(int row) { if (row < 0) { _editMedia->hide(); _deleteMedia->hide(); return; } _editMedia->show(); _deleteMedia->show(); const auto fileHeight = st::attachPreviewThumbLayout.thumbSize + st::sendMediaRowSkip; const auto top = row * fileHeight + st::sendBoxFileGroupSkipTop; const auto size = st::editMediaButtonSize; auto right = st::sendBoxFileGroupSkipRight + size; _deleteMedia->moveToRight(right, top); right += st::sendBoxFileGroupEditInternalSkip + size; _editMedia->moveToRight(right, top); } void AlbumThumbnail::resetLayoutAnimation() { _animateFromGeometry = std::nullopt; } void AlbumThumbnail::animateLayoutToInitial() { _animateFromGeometry = countRealGeometry(); _suggestedMove = 0.; _albumPosition = QPoint(0, 0); } void AlbumThumbnail::moveToLayout(const GroupMediaLayout &layout) { animateLayoutToInitial(); _layout = layout; const auto width = _layout.geometry.width(); const auto height = _layout.geometry.height(); _albumCorners = GetCornersFromSides(_layout.sides); using Option = Images::Option; const auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::RoundedLarge | ((_albumCorners & RectPart::TopLeft) ? Option::RoundedTopLeft : Option::None) | ((_albumCorners & RectPart::TopRight) ? Option::RoundedTopRight : Option::None) | ((_albumCorners & RectPart::BottomLeft) ? Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Option::None) | ((_albumCorners & RectPart::BottomRight) ? Option::RoundedBottomRight : Option::None); const auto pixSize = GetImageScaleSizeForGeometry( { _fullPreview.width(), _fullPreview.height() }, { width, height }); const auto pixWidth = pixSize.width() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto pixHeight = pixSize.height() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); _albumImage = PixmapFromImage(Images::prepare( _fullPreview, pixWidth, pixHeight, options, width, height)); } int AlbumThumbnail::photoHeight() const { return _photo.height() / style::DevicePixelRatio(); } void AlbumThumbnail::paintInAlbum( Painter &p, int left, int top, float64 shrinkProgress, float64 moveProgress) { const auto shrink = anim::interpolate(0, _shrinkSize, shrinkProgress); _lastShrinkValue = shrink; const auto geometry = countCurrentGeometry(moveProgress); const auto x = left + geometry.x(); const auto y = top + geometry.y(); if (shrink > 0 || moveProgress < 1.) { const auto size = geometry.size(); if (shrinkProgress < 1 && _albumCorners != RectPart::None) { prepareCache(size, shrink); p.drawImage(x, y, _albumCache); } else { const auto to = QRect({ x, y }, size).marginsRemoved( { shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink } ); drawSimpleFrame(p, to, size); } } else { p.drawPixmap(x, y, _albumImage); } if (_isVideo) { const auto innerSize = st::msgFileLayout.thumbSize; const auto inner = QRect( x + (geometry.width() - innerSize) / 2, y + (geometry.height() - innerSize) / 2, innerSize, innerSize); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::msgDateImgBg); p.drawEllipse(inner); } st::historyFileThumbPlay.paintInCenter(p, inner); } _lastRectOfButtons = paintButtons( p, { x, y }, geometry.width(), shrinkProgress); } void AlbumThumbnail::prepareCache(QSize size, int shrink) { const auto width = std::max( _layout.geometry.width(), _animateFromGeometry ? _animateFromGeometry->width() : 0); const auto height = std::max( _layout.geometry.height(), _animateFromGeometry ? _animateFromGeometry->height() : 0); const auto cacheSize = QSize(width, height) * style::DevicePixelRatio(); if (_albumCache.width() < cacheSize.width() || _albumCache.height() < cacheSize.height()) { _albumCache = QImage(cacheSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } _albumCache.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&_albumCache); const auto to = QRect(QPoint(), size).marginsRemoved( { shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink } ); drawSimpleFrame(p, to, size); } Images::prepareRound( _albumCache, ImageRoundRadius::Large, _albumCorners, QRect(QPoint(), size * style::DevicePixelRatio())); _albumCache.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); } void AlbumThumbnail::drawSimpleFrame(Painter &p, QRect to, QSize size) const { const auto fullWidth = _fullPreview.width(); const auto fullHeight = _fullPreview.height(); const auto previewSize = GetImageScaleSizeForGeometry( { fullWidth, fullHeight }, { size.width(), size.height() }); const auto previewWidth = previewSize.width() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto previewHeight = previewSize.height() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto width = size.width() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto height = size.height() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto scaleWidth = to.width() / float64(width); const auto scaleHeight = to.height() / float64(height); const auto Round = [](float64 value) { return int(std::round(value)); }; const auto [from, fillBlack] = [&] { if (previewWidth < width && previewHeight < height) { const auto toWidth = Round(previewWidth * scaleWidth); const auto toHeight = Round(previewHeight * scaleHeight); return std::make_pair( QRect(0, 0, fullWidth, fullHeight), QMargins( (to.width() - toWidth) / 2, (to.height() - toHeight) / 2, to.width() - toWidth - (to.width() - toWidth) / 2, to.height() - toHeight - (to.height() - toHeight) / 2)); } else if (previewWidth * height > previewHeight * width) { if (previewHeight >= height) { const auto takeWidth = previewWidth * height / previewHeight; const auto useWidth = fullWidth * width / takeWidth; return std::make_pair( QRect( (fullWidth - useWidth) / 2, 0, useWidth, fullHeight), QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { const auto takeWidth = previewWidth; const auto useWidth = fullWidth * width / takeWidth; const auto toHeight = Round(previewHeight * scaleHeight); const auto toSkip = (to.height() - toHeight) / 2; return std::make_pair( QRect( (fullWidth - useWidth) / 2, 0, useWidth, fullHeight), QMargins( 0, toSkip, 0, to.height() - toHeight - toSkip)); } } else { if (previewWidth >= width) { const auto takeHeight = previewHeight * width / previewWidth; const auto useHeight = fullHeight * height / takeHeight; return std::make_pair( QRect( 0, (fullHeight - useHeight) / 2, fullWidth, useHeight), QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { const auto takeHeight = previewHeight; const auto useHeight = fullHeight * height / takeHeight; const auto toWidth = Round(previewWidth * scaleWidth); const auto toSkip = (to.width() - toWidth) / 2; return std::make_pair( QRect( 0, (fullHeight - useHeight) / 2, fullWidth, useHeight), QMargins( toSkip, 0, to.width() - toWidth - toSkip, 0)); } } }(); p.drawImage(to.marginsRemoved(fillBlack), _fullPreview, from); if (fillBlack.top() > 0) { p.fillRect(to.x(), to.y(), to.width(), fillBlack.top(), st::imageBg); } if (fillBlack.bottom() > 0) { p.fillRect( to.x(), to.y() + to.height() - fillBlack.bottom(), to.width(), fillBlack.bottom(), st::imageBg); } if (fillBlack.left() > 0) { p.fillRect( to.x(), to.y() + fillBlack.top(), fillBlack.left(), to.height() - fillBlack.top() - fillBlack.bottom(), st::imageBg); } if (fillBlack.right() > 0) { p.fillRect( to.x() + to.width() - fillBlack.right(), to.y() + fillBlack.top(), fillBlack.right(), to.height() - fillBlack.top() - fillBlack.bottom(), st::imageBg); } } void AlbumThumbnail::paintPhoto(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) { const auto width = _photo.width() / style::DevicePixelRatio(); p.drawPixmapLeft( left + (st::sendMediaPreviewSize - width) / 2, top, outerWidth, _photo); _lastRectOfButtons = paintButtons( p, { left, top }, st::sendMediaPreviewSize, 0); } void AlbumThumbnail::paintFile(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) { const auto &st = st::attachPreviewThumbLayout; const auto textLeft = left + st.thumbSize + st.padding.right(); p.drawPixmap(left, top, _fileThumb); p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(st::historyFileNameInFg); p.drawTextLeft( textLeft, top + st.nameTop, outerWidth, _name, _nameWidth); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::mediaInFg); p.drawTextLeft( textLeft, top + st.statusTop, outerWidth, _status, _statusWidth); } bool AlbumThumbnail::containsPoint(QPoint position) const { return _layout.geometry.contains(position); } bool AlbumThumbnail::buttonsContainPoint(QPoint position) const { return _lastRectOfButtons.contains(position); } AttachButtonType AlbumThumbnail::buttonTypeFromPoint(QPoint position) const { if (!buttonsContainPoint(position)) { return AttachButtonType::None; } return (position.x() < _lastRectOfButtons.center().x()) ? AttachButtonType::Edit : AttachButtonType::Delete; } int AlbumThumbnail::distanceTo(QPoint position) const { const auto delta = (_layout.geometry.center() - position); return QPoint::dotProduct(delta, delta); } bool AlbumThumbnail::isPointAfter(QPoint position) const { return position.x() > _layout.geometry.center().x(); } void AlbumThumbnail::moveInAlbum(QPoint to) { _albumPosition = to; } QPoint AlbumThumbnail::center() const { auto realGeometry = _layout.geometry; realGeometry.moveTopLeft(realGeometry.topLeft() + _albumPosition); return realGeometry.center(); } void AlbumThumbnail::suggestMove(float64 delta, Fn callback) { if (_suggestedMove != delta) { _suggestedMoveAnimation.start( std::move(callback), _suggestedMove, delta, kShrinkDuration); _suggestedMove = delta; } } QRect AlbumThumbnail::countRealGeometry() const { const auto addLeft = int(std::round( _suggestedMoveAnimation.value(_suggestedMove) * _lastShrinkValue)); const auto current = _layout.geometry; const auto realTopLeft = current.topLeft() + _albumPosition + QPoint(addLeft, 0); return { realTopLeft, current.size() }; } QRect AlbumThumbnail::countCurrentGeometry(float64 progress) const { const auto now = countRealGeometry(); if (_animateFromGeometry && progress < 1.) { return { anim::interpolate(_animateFromGeometry->x(), now.x(), progress), anim::interpolate(_animateFromGeometry->y(), now.y(), progress), anim::interpolate(_animateFromGeometry->width(), now.width(), progress), anim::interpolate(_animateFromGeometry->height(), now.height(), progress) }; } return now; } void AlbumThumbnail::finishAnimations() { _suggestedMoveAnimation.stop(); } QRect AlbumThumbnail::paintButtons( Painter &p, QPoint point, int outerWidth, float64 shrinkProgress) { const auto skipInternal = st::sendBoxAlbumGroupEditInternalSkip; const auto size = st::sendBoxAlbumGroupHeight; const auto skipRight = st::sendBoxAlbumGroupSkipRight; const auto skipTop = st::sendBoxAlbumGroupSkipTop; const auto groupWidth = size * 2 + skipInternal; // If the width is tiny, it would be better to not display the buttons. if (groupWidth > outerWidth) { return QRect(); } // If the width is too small, // it would be better to display the buttons in the center. const auto groupX = point.x() + ((groupWidth + skipRight * 2 > outerWidth) ? (outerWidth - groupWidth) / 2 : outerWidth - skipRight - groupWidth); const auto groupY = point.y() + skipTop; const auto deleteLeft = skipInternal + size; p.setOpacity(1.0 - shrinkProgress); QRect groupRect(groupX, groupY, groupWidth, size); _buttonsRect.paint(p, groupRect); st::sendBoxAlbumGroupButtonMediaEdit.paint( p, groupX, groupY, outerWidth); st::sendBoxAlbumGroupButtonMediaDelete.paint( p, groupX + size + skipInternal, groupY, outerWidth); p.setOpacity(1); return groupRect; } } // namespace Ui