/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_album_preview.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_album_thumbnail.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kDragDuration = crl::time(200); } // namespace AlbumPreview::AlbumPreview( QWidget *parent, gsl::span items, SendFilesWay way) : RpWidget(parent) , _sendWay(way) { setMouseTracking(true); prepareThumbs(items); updateSize(); updateFileRows(); } AlbumPreview::~AlbumPreview() = default; void AlbumPreview::setSendWay(SendFilesWay way) { if (_sendWay != way) { cancelDrag(); _sendWay = way; } updateSize(); updateFileRows(); update(); } void AlbumPreview::updateFileRows() { Expects(_order.size() == _thumbs.size()); const auto isFile = !_sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos(); for (auto i = 0; i < _order.size(); i++) { _thumbs[i]->updateFileRow(isFile ? _order[i] : -1); } } std::vector AlbumPreview::takeOrder() { //Expects(_thumbs.size() == _order.size()); //Expects(_itemsShownDimensions.size() == _order.size()); auto reordered = std::vector>(); auto reorderedShownDimensions = std::vector(); reordered.reserve(_thumbs.size()); reorderedShownDimensions.reserve(_itemsShownDimensions.size()); for (auto index : _order) { reordered.push_back(std::move(_thumbs[index])); reorderedShownDimensions.push_back(_itemsShownDimensions[index]); } _thumbs = std::move(reordered); _itemsShownDimensions = std::move(reorderedShownDimensions); return std::exchange(_order, defaultOrder()); } auto AlbumPreview::generateOrderedLayout() const -> std::vector { auto layout = LayoutMediaGroup( _itemsShownDimensions, st::sendMediaPreviewSize, st::historyGroupWidthMin / 2, st::historyGroupSkip / 2); Assert(layout.size() == _order.size()); return layout; } std::vector AlbumPreview::defaultOrder(int count) const { if (count < 0) { count = _order.size(); } return ranges::view::ints(0, count) | ranges::to_vector; } void AlbumPreview::prepareThumbs(gsl::span items) { _order = defaultOrder(items.size()); _itemsShownDimensions = ranges::view::all( _order ) | ranges::view::transform([&](int index) { return items[index].shownDimensions; }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto count = int(_order.size()); const auto layout = generateOrderedLayout(); _thumbs.reserve(count); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { _thumbs.push_back(std::make_unique( items[i], layout[i], this, [=] { changeThumbByIndex(thumbIndex(thumbUnderCursor())); }, [=] { deleteThumbByIndex(thumbIndex(thumbUnderCursor())); })); } _thumbsHeight = countLayoutHeight(layout); _photosHeight = ranges::accumulate(ranges::view::all( _thumbs ) | ranges::view::transform([](const auto &thumb) { return thumb->photoHeight(); }), 0) + (count - 1) * st::sendMediaRowSkip; const auto &st = st::attachPreviewThumbLayout; _filesHeight = count * st.thumbSize + (count - 1) * st::sendMediaRowSkip; } int AlbumPreview::contentLeft() const { return (st::boxWideWidth - st::sendMediaPreviewSize) / 2; } int AlbumPreview::contentTop() const { return 0; } AlbumThumbnail *AlbumPreview::findThumb(QPoint position) const { position -= QPoint(contentLeft(), contentTop()); auto top = 0; const auto isPhotosWay = _sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos(); const auto skip = st::sendMediaRowSkip; auto find = [&](const auto &thumb) { if (_sendWay.groupFiles() && _sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos()) { return thumb->containsPoint(position); } else { const auto bottom = top + (isPhotosWay ? thumb->photoHeight() : st::attachPreviewThumbLayout.thumbSize); const auto isUnderTop = (position.y() > top); top = bottom + skip; return isUnderTop && (position.y() < bottom); } return false; }; const auto i = ranges::find_if(_thumbs, std::move(find)); return (i == _thumbs.end()) ? nullptr : i->get(); } not_null AlbumPreview::findClosestThumb( QPoint position) const { Expects(_draggedThumb != nullptr); if (const auto exact = findThumb(position)) { return exact; } auto result = _draggedThumb; auto distance = _draggedThumb->distanceTo(position); for (const auto &thumb : _thumbs) { const auto check = thumb->distanceTo(position); if (check < distance) { distance = check; result = thumb.get(); } } return result; } int AlbumPreview::orderIndex( not_null thumb) const { const auto i = ranges::find_if(_order, [&](int index) { return (_thumbs[index].get() == thumb); }); Assert(i != _order.end()); return int(i - _order.begin()); } void AlbumPreview::cancelDrag() { _thumbsHeightAnimation.stop(); _finishDragAnimation.stop(); _shrinkAnimation.stop(); if (_draggedThumb) { _draggedThumb->moveInAlbum({ 0, 0 }); _draggedThumb = nullptr; } if (_suggestedThumb) { const auto suggestedIndex = orderIndex(_suggestedThumb); if (suggestedIndex > 0) { _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex - 1]]->suggestMove(0., [] {}); } if (suggestedIndex < int(_order.size() - 1)) { _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex + 1]]->suggestMove(0., [] {}); } _suggestedThumb->suggestMove(0., [] {}); _suggestedThumb->finishAnimations(); _suggestedThumb = nullptr; } _paintedAbove = nullptr; update(); } void AlbumPreview::finishDrag() { Expects(_draggedThumb != nullptr); Expects(_suggestedThumb != nullptr); if (_suggestedThumb != _draggedThumb) { const auto currentIndex = orderIndex(_draggedThumb); const auto newIndex = orderIndex(_suggestedThumb); const auto delta = (currentIndex < newIndex) ? 1 : -1; const auto realIndex = _order[currentIndex]; for (auto i = currentIndex; i != newIndex; i += delta) { _order[i] = _order[i + delta]; } _order[newIndex] = realIndex; const auto layout = generateOrderedLayout(); for (auto i = 0, count = int(_order.size()); i != count; ++i) { _thumbs[_order[i]]->moveToLayout(layout[i]); } _finishDragAnimation.start([=] { update(); }, 0., 1., kDragDuration); updateSizeAnimated(layout); } else { for (const auto &thumb : _thumbs) { thumb->resetLayoutAnimation(); } _draggedThumb->animateLayoutToInitial(); _finishDragAnimation.start([=] { update(); }, 0., 1., kDragDuration); } } int AlbumPreview::countLayoutHeight( const std::vector &layout) const { const auto accumulator = [](int current, const auto &item) { return std::max(current, item.geometry.y() + item.geometry.height()); }; return ranges::accumulate(layout, 0, accumulator); } void AlbumPreview::updateSizeAnimated( const std::vector &layout) { const auto newHeight = countLayoutHeight(layout); if (newHeight != _thumbsHeight) { _thumbsHeightAnimation.start( [=] { updateSize(); }, _thumbsHeight, newHeight, kDragDuration); _thumbsHeight = newHeight; } } void AlbumPreview::updateSize() { const auto newHeight = [&] { if (!_sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos()) { return _filesHeight; } else if (!_sendWay.groupFiles()) { return _photosHeight; } else { return int(std::round(_thumbsHeightAnimation.value( _thumbsHeight))); } }(); if (height() != newHeight) { resize(st::boxWideWidth, newHeight); } } void AlbumPreview::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (!_sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos()) { paintFiles(p, e->rect()); } else if (!_sendWay.groupFiles()) { paintPhotos(p, e->rect()); } else { paintAlbum(p); } } void AlbumPreview::paintAlbum(Painter &p) const { const auto shrink = _shrinkAnimation.value(_draggedThumb ? 1. : 0.); const auto moveProgress = _finishDragAnimation.value(1.); const auto left = contentLeft(); const auto top = contentTop(); for (const auto &thumb : _thumbs) { if (thumb.get() != _paintedAbove) { thumb->paintInAlbum(p, left, top, shrink, moveProgress); } } if (_paintedAbove) { _paintedAbove->paintInAlbum(p, left, top, shrink, moveProgress); } } void AlbumPreview::paintPhotos(Painter &p, QRect clip) const { const auto left = (st::boxWideWidth - st::sendMediaPreviewSize) / 2; auto top = 0; const auto outerWidth = width(); for (const auto &thumb : _thumbs) { const auto bottom = top + thumb->photoHeight(); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { top = bottom + st::sendMediaRowSkip; }); if (top >= clip.y() + clip.height()) { break; } else if (bottom <= clip.y()) { continue; } thumb->paintPhoto(p, left, top, outerWidth); } } void AlbumPreview::paintFiles(Painter &p, QRect clip) const { const auto fileHeight = st::attachPreviewThumbLayout.thumbSize + st::sendMediaRowSkip; const auto bottom = clip.y() + clip.height(); const auto from = std::clamp(clip.y() / fileHeight, 0, int(_thumbs.size())); const auto till = std::clamp((bottom + fileHeight - 1) / fileHeight, 0, int(_thumbs.size())); const auto left = (st::boxWideWidth - st::sendMediaPreviewSize) / 2; const auto outerWidth = width(); auto top = from * fileHeight; for (auto i = from; i != till; ++i) { _thumbs[i]->paintFile(p, left, top, outerWidth); top += fileHeight; } } int AlbumPreview::thumbIndex(AlbumThumbnail *thumb) { if (!thumb) { return -1; } const auto thumbIt = ranges::find_if(_thumbs, [&](auto &t) { return t.get() == thumb; }); Expects(thumbIt != _thumbs.end()); return std::distance(_thumbs.begin(), thumbIt); } AlbumThumbnail *AlbumPreview::thumbUnderCursor() { return findThumb(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); } void AlbumPreview::deleteThumbByIndex(int index) { if (index < 0) { return; } const auto orderIt = ranges::find(_order, index); Expects(orderIt != _order.end()); _order.erase(orderIt); ranges::for_each(_order, [=](auto &i) { if (i > index) { i--; } }); _thumbDeleted.fire(std::move(index)); } void AlbumPreview::changeThumbByIndex(int index) { if (index < 0) { return; } _thumbChanged.fire(std::move(index)); } void AlbumPreview::thumbButtonsCallback( not_null thumb, AttachButtonType type) { const auto index = thumbIndex(thumb); switch (type) { case AttachButtonType::None: return; case AttachButtonType::Edit: changeThumbByIndex(index); break; case AttachButtonType::Delete: deleteThumbByIndex(index); break; } } void AlbumPreview::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_finishDragAnimation.animating()) { return; } const auto position = e->pos(); cancelDrag(); if (const auto thumb = findThumb(position)) { if (thumb->buttonsContainPoint(e->pos())) { thumbButtonsCallback(thumb, thumb->buttonTypeFromPoint(e->pos())); return; } _paintedAbove = _suggestedThumb = _draggedThumb = thumb; _draggedStartPosition = position; _shrinkAnimation.start( [=] { update(); }, 0., 1., AlbumThumbnail::kShrinkDuration); } } void AlbumPreview::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!_sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos()) { applyCursor(style::cur_default); return; } const auto isAlbum = _sendWay.sendImagesAsPhotos() && _sendWay.groupFiles(); if (isAlbum && _draggedThumb) { const auto position = e->pos(); _draggedThumb->moveInAlbum(position - _draggedStartPosition); updateSuggestedDrag(_draggedThumb->center()); update(); } else { const auto thumb = findThumb(e->pos()); const auto regularCursor = isAlbum ? style::cur_sizeall : style::cur_default; const auto cursor = thumb ? (thumb->buttonsContainPoint(e->pos()) ? style::cur_pointer : regularCursor) : style::cur_default; applyCursor(cursor); } } void AlbumPreview::applyCursor(style::cursor cursor) { if (_cursor != cursor) { _cursor = cursor; setCursor(_cursor); } } void AlbumPreview::updateSuggestedDrag(QPoint position) { auto closest = findClosestThumb(position); auto closestIndex = orderIndex(closest); const auto draggedIndex = orderIndex(_draggedThumb); const auto closestIsBeforePoint = closest->isPointAfter(position); if (closestIndex < draggedIndex && closestIsBeforePoint) { closest = _thumbs[_order[++closestIndex]].get(); } else if (closestIndex > draggedIndex && !closestIsBeforePoint) { closest = _thumbs[_order[--closestIndex]].get(); } if (_suggestedThumb == closest) { return; } const auto last = int(_order.size()) - 1; if (_suggestedThumb) { const auto suggestedIndex = orderIndex(_suggestedThumb); if (suggestedIndex < draggedIndex && suggestedIndex > 0) { const auto previous = _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex - 1]].get(); previous->suggestMove(0., [=] { update(); }); } else if (suggestedIndex > draggedIndex && suggestedIndex < last) { const auto next = _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex + 1]].get(); next->suggestMove(0., [=] { update(); }); } _suggestedThumb->suggestMove(0., [=] { update(); }); } _suggestedThumb = closest; const auto suggestedIndex = closestIndex; if (_suggestedThumb != _draggedThumb) { const auto delta = (suggestedIndex < draggedIndex) ? 1. : -1.; if (delta > 0. && suggestedIndex > 0) { const auto previous = _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex - 1]].get(); previous->suggestMove(-delta, [=] { update(); }); } else if (delta < 0. && suggestedIndex < last) { const auto next = _thumbs[_order[suggestedIndex + 1]].get(); next->suggestMove(-delta, [=] { update(); }); } _suggestedThumb->suggestMove(delta, [=] { update(); }); } } void AlbumPreview::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_draggedThumb) { finishDrag(); _shrinkAnimation.start( [=] { update(); }, 1., 0., AlbumThumbnail::kShrinkDuration); _draggedThumb = nullptr; _suggestedThumb = nullptr; update(); } } } // namespace Ui