/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ffmpeg/ffmpeg_utility.h" #include "base/algorithm.h" #include "logs.h" #include extern "C" { #include } // extern "C" namespace FFmpeg { namespace { constexpr auto kAlignImageBy = 16; constexpr auto kImageFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied; constexpr auto kMaxScaleByAspectRatio = 16; constexpr auto kAvioBlockSize = 4096; constexpr auto kTimeUnknown = std::numeric_limits::min(); constexpr auto kDurationMax = crl::time(std::numeric_limits::max()); void AlignedImageBufferCleanupHandler(void* data) { const auto buffer = static_cast(data); delete[] buffer; } [[nodiscard]] bool IsValidAspectRatio(AVRational aspect) { return (aspect.num > 0) && (aspect.den > 0) && (aspect.num <= aspect.den * kMaxScaleByAspectRatio) && (aspect.den <= aspect.num * kMaxScaleByAspectRatio); } [[nodiscard]] bool IsAlignedImage(const QImage &image) { return !(reinterpret_cast(image.bits()) % kAlignImageBy) && !(image.bytesPerLine() % kAlignImageBy); } } // namespace IOPointer MakeIOPointer( void *opaque, int(*read)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buffer, int bufferSize), int(*write)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buffer, int bufferSize), int64_t(*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence)) { auto buffer = reinterpret_cast(av_malloc(kAvioBlockSize)); if (!buffer) { LogError(qstr("av_malloc")); return {}; } auto result = IOPointer(avio_alloc_context( buffer, kAvioBlockSize, write ? 1 : 0, opaque, read, write, seek)); if (!result) { av_freep(&buffer); LogError(qstr("avio_alloc_context")); return {}; } return result; } void IODeleter::operator()(AVIOContext *value) { if (value) { av_freep(&value->buffer); avio_context_free(&value); } } FormatPointer MakeFormatPointer( void *opaque, int(*read)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buffer, int bufferSize), int(*write)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buffer, int bufferSize), int64_t(*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence)) { auto io = MakeIOPointer(opaque, read, write, seek); if (!io) { return {}; } auto result = avformat_alloc_context(); if (!result) { LogError(qstr("avformat_alloc_context")); return {}; } result->pb = io.get(); auto options = (AVDictionary*)nullptr; const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { av_dict_free(&options); }); av_dict_set(&options, "usetoc", "1", 0); const auto error = AvErrorWrap(avformat_open_input( &result, nullptr, nullptr, &options)); if (error) { // avformat_open_input freed 'result' in case an error happened. LogError(qstr("avformat_open_input"), error); return {}; } result->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK; // Now FormatPointer will own and free the IO context. io.release(); return FormatPointer(result); } void FormatDeleter::operator()(AVFormatContext *value) { if (value) { const auto deleter = IOPointer(value->pb); avformat_close_input(&value); } } CodecPointer MakeCodecPointer(not_null stream) { auto error = AvErrorWrap(); auto result = CodecPointer(avcodec_alloc_context3(nullptr)); const auto context = result.get(); if (!context) { LogError(qstr("avcodec_alloc_context3")); return {}; } error = avcodec_parameters_to_context(context, stream->codecpar); if (error) { LogError(qstr("avcodec_parameters_to_context"), error); return {}; } av_codec_set_pkt_timebase(context, stream->time_base); av_opt_set_int(context, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0); const auto codec = avcodec_find_decoder(context->codec_id); if (!codec) { LogError(qstr("avcodec_find_decoder"), context->codec_id); return {}; } else if ((error = avcodec_open2(context, codec, nullptr))) { LogError(qstr("avcodec_open2"), error); return {}; } return result; } void CodecDeleter::operator()(AVCodecContext *value) { if (value) { avcodec_free_context(&value); } } FramePointer MakeFramePointer() { return FramePointer(av_frame_alloc()); } bool FrameHasData(AVFrame *frame) { return (frame && frame->data[0] != nullptr); } void ClearFrameMemory(AVFrame *frame) { if (FrameHasData(frame)) { av_frame_unref(frame); } } void FrameDeleter::operator()(AVFrame *value) { av_frame_free(&value); } SwscalePointer MakeSwscalePointer( QSize srcSize, int srcFormat, QSize dstSize, int dstFormat, SwscalePointer *existing) { // We have to use custom caching for SwsContext, because // sws_getCachedContext checks passed flags with existing context flags, // and re-creates context if they're different, but in the process of // context creation the passed flags are modified before being written // to the resulting context, so the caching doesn't work. if (existing && (*existing) != nullptr) { const auto &deleter = existing->get_deleter(); if (deleter.srcSize == srcSize && deleter.srcFormat == srcFormat && deleter.dstSize == dstSize && deleter.dstFormat == dstFormat) { return std::move(*existing); } } if (srcFormat <= AV_PIX_FMT_NONE || srcFormat >= AV_PIX_FMT_NB) { LogError(qstr("frame->format")); return SwscalePointer(); } const auto result = sws_getCachedContext( existing ? existing->release() : nullptr, srcSize.width(), srcSize.height(), AVPixelFormat(srcFormat), dstSize.width(), dstSize.height(), AVPixelFormat(dstFormat), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (!result) { LogError(qstr("sws_getCachedContext")); } return SwscalePointer( result, { srcSize, srcFormat, dstSize, dstFormat }); } SwscalePointer MakeSwscalePointer( not_null frame, QSize resize, SwscalePointer *existing) { return MakeSwscalePointer( QSize(frame->width, frame->height), frame->format, resize, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, existing); } void SwscaleDeleter::operator()(SwsContext *value) { if (value) { sws_freeContext(value); } } void LogError(QLatin1String method) { LOG(("Streaming Error: Error in %1.").arg(method)); } void LogError(QLatin1String method, AvErrorWrap error) { LOG(("Streaming Error: Error in %1 (code: %2, text: %3)." ).arg(method ).arg(error.code() ).arg(error.text())); } crl::time PtsToTime(int64_t pts, AVRational timeBase) { return (pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE || !timeBase.den) ? kTimeUnknown : ((pts * 1000LL * timeBase.num) / timeBase.den); } crl::time PtsToTimeCeil(int64_t pts, AVRational timeBase) { return (pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE || !timeBase.den) ? kTimeUnknown : ((pts * 1000LL * timeBase.num + timeBase.den - 1) / timeBase.den); } int64_t TimeToPts(crl::time time, AVRational timeBase) { return (time == kTimeUnknown || !timeBase.num) ? AV_NOPTS_VALUE : (time * timeBase.den) / (1000LL * timeBase.num); } crl::time PacketPosition(const Packet &packet, AVRational timeBase) { const auto &native = packet.fields(); return PtsToTime( (native.pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? native.dts : native.pts, timeBase); } crl::time PacketDuration(const Packet &packet, AVRational timeBase) { return PtsToTime(packet.fields().duration, timeBase); } int DurationByPacket(const Packet &packet, AVRational timeBase) { const auto position = PacketPosition(packet, timeBase); const auto duration = std::max( PacketDuration(packet, timeBase), crl::time(1)); const auto bad = [](crl::time time) { return (time < 0) || (time > kDurationMax); }; if (bad(position) || bad(duration) || bad(position + duration + 1)) { LOG(("Streaming Error: Wrong duration by packet: %1 + %2" ).arg(position ).arg(duration)); return -1; } return int(position + duration + 1); } int ReadRotationFromMetadata(not_null stream) { const auto tag = av_dict_get(stream->metadata, "rotate", nullptr, 0); if (tag && *tag->value) { const auto string = QString::fromUtf8(tag->value); auto ok = false; const auto degrees = string.toInt(&ok); if (ok && (degrees == 90 || degrees == 180 || degrees == 270)) { return degrees; } } return 0; } AVRational ValidateAspectRatio(AVRational aspect) { return IsValidAspectRatio(aspect) ? aspect : kNormalAspect; } QSize CorrectByAspect(QSize size, AVRational aspect) { Expects(IsValidAspectRatio(aspect)); return QSize(size.width() * aspect.num / aspect.den, size.height()); } bool RotationSwapWidthHeight(int rotation) { return (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270); } bool GoodStorageForFrame(const QImage &storage, QSize size) { return !storage.isNull() && (storage.format() == kImageFormat) && (storage.size() == size) && storage.isDetached() && IsAlignedImage(storage); } // Create a QImage of desired size where all the data is properly aligned. QImage CreateFrameStorage(QSize size) { const auto width = size.width(); const auto height = size.height(); const auto widthAlign = kAlignImageBy / kPixelBytesSize; const auto neededWidth = width + ((width % widthAlign) ? (widthAlign - (width % widthAlign)) : 0); const auto perLine = neededWidth * kPixelBytesSize; const auto buffer = new uchar[perLine * height + kAlignImageBy]; const auto cleanupData = static_cast(buffer); const auto address = reinterpret_cast(buffer); const auto alignedBuffer = buffer + ((address % kAlignImageBy) ? (kAlignImageBy - (address % kAlignImageBy)) : 0); return QImage( alignedBuffer, width, height, perLine, kImageFormat, AlignedImageBufferCleanupHandler, cleanupData); } } // namespace FFmpeg