/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_box_controller.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" namespace Calls { namespace { constexpr auto kFirstPageCount = 20; constexpr auto kPerPageCount = 100; } // namespace class BoxController::Row : public PeerListRow { public: Row(not_null item); enum class Type { Out, In, Missed, }; bool canAddItem(not_null item) const { return (ComputeType(item) == _type) && (ItemDateTime(item).date() == _date); } void addItem(not_null item) { Expects(canAddItem(item)); _items.push_back(item); ranges::sort(_items, [](not_null a, auto b) { return (a->id > b->id); }); refreshStatus(); } void itemRemoved(not_null item) { if (hasItems() && item->id >= minItemId() && item->id <= maxItemId()) { _items.erase(std::remove(_items.begin(), _items.end(), item), _items.end()); refreshStatus(); } } bool hasItems() const { return !_items.empty(); } MsgId minItemId() const { Expects(hasItems()); return _items.back()->id; } MsgId maxItemId() const { Expects(hasItems()); return _items.front()->id; } void paintStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected) override; void addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) override; void stopLastActionRipple() override; int nameIconWidth() const override { return 0; } QSize actionSize() const override { return peer()->isUser() ? QSize(st::callReDial.width, st::callReDial.height) : QSize(); } QMargins actionMargins() const override { return QMargins( 0, 0, st::defaultPeerListItem.photoPosition.x(), 0); } void paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) override; private: void refreshStatus(); static Type ComputeType(not_null item); std::vector> _items; QDate _date; Type _type; std::unique_ptr _actionRipple; }; BoxController::Row::Row(not_null item) : PeerListRow(item->history()->peer, item->id) , _items(1, item) , _date(ItemDateTime(item).date()) , _type(ComputeType(item)) { refreshStatus(); } void BoxController::Row::paintStatusText(Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected) { auto icon = ([this] { switch (_type) { case Type::In: return &st::callArrowIn; case Type::Out: return &st::callArrowOut; case Type::Missed: return &st::callArrowMissed; } Unexpected("_type in Calls::BoxController::Row::paintStatusText()."); })(); icon->paint(p, x + st::callArrowPosition.x(), y + st::callArrowPosition.y(), outerWidth); auto shift = st::callArrowPosition.x() + icon->width() + st::callArrowSkip; x += shift; availableWidth -= shift; PeerListRow::paintStatusText(p, st, x, y, availableWidth, outerWidth, selected); } void BoxController::Row::paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) { auto size = actionSize(); if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->paint(p, x + st::callReDial.rippleAreaPosition.x(), y + st::callReDial.rippleAreaPosition.y(), outerWidth); if (_actionRipple->empty()) { _actionRipple.reset(); } } st::callReDial.icon.paintInCenter(p, rtlrect(x, y, size.width(), size.height(), outerWidth)); } void BoxController::Row::refreshStatus() { if (!hasItems()) { return; } auto text = [this] { auto time = ItemDateTime(_items.front()).time().toString(cTimeFormat()); auto today = QDateTime::currentDateTime().date(); if (_date == today) { return tr::lng_call_box_status_today(tr::now, lt_time, time); } else if (_date.addDays(1) == today) { return tr::lng_call_box_status_yesterday(tr::now, lt_time, time); } return tr::lng_call_box_status_date(tr::now, lt_date, langDayOfMonthFull(_date), lt_time, time); }; setCustomStatus((_items.size() > 1) ? tr::lng_call_box_status_group( tr::now, lt_amount, QString::number(_items.size()), lt_status, text()) : text()); } BoxController::Row::Type BoxController::Row::ComputeType( not_null item) { if (item->out()) { return Type::Out; } else if (auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto call = media->call()) { const auto reason = call->finishReason; if (reason == Data::Call::FinishReason::Busy || reason == Data::Call::FinishReason::Missed) { return Type::Missed; } } } return Type::In; } void BoxController::Row::addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) { if (!_actionRipple) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize(st::callReDial.rippleAreaSize, st::callReDial.rippleAreaSize)); _actionRipple = std::make_unique(st::callReDial.ripple, std::move(mask), std::move(updateCallback)); } _actionRipple->add(point - st::callReDial.rippleAreaPosition); } void BoxController::Row::stopLastActionRipple() { if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->lastStop(); } } void BoxController::prepare() { Auth().data().itemRemoved( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { if (const auto row = rowForItem(item)) { row->itemRemoved(item); if (!row->hasItems()) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); if (!delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { refreshAbout(); } } delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } }, lifetime()); subscribe(Current().newServiceMessage(), [=](FullMsgId msgId) { if (const auto item = Auth().data().message(msgId)) { insertRow(item, InsertWay::Prepend); } }); delegate()->peerListSetTitle(tr::lng_call_box_title()); setDescriptionText(tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now)); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); loadMoreRows(); } void BoxController::loadMoreRows() { if (_loadRequestId || _allLoaded) { return; } _loadRequestId = request(MTPmessages_Search( MTP_flags(0), MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_string(QString()), MTP_inputUserEmpty(), MTP_inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls(MTP_flags(0)), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(_offsetId), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(_offsetId ? kFirstPageCount : kPerPageCount), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0) )).done([this](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _loadRequestId = 0; auto handleResult = [&](auto &data) { Auth().data().processUsers(data.vusers); Auth().data().processChats(data.vchats); receivedCalls(data.vmessages.v); }; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: handleResult(result.c_messages_messages()); _allLoaded = true; break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: handleResult(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages! (Calls::BoxController::preloadRows)")); handleResult(result.c_messages_channelMessages()); } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! (Calls::BoxController::preloadRows)")); } break; default: Unexpected("Type of messages.Messages (Calls::BoxController::preloadRows)"); } }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { _loadRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void BoxController::refreshAbout() { setDescriptionText(delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() ? QString() : tr::lng_call_box_about(tr::now)); } void BoxController::rowClicked(not_null row) { auto itemsRow = static_cast(row.get()); auto itemId = itemsRow->maxItemId(); InvokeQueued(App::main(), [peerId = row->peer()->id, itemId] { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerId, itemId); }); } void BoxController::rowActionClicked(not_null row) { auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); Assert(user != nullptr); Current().startOutgoingCall(user); } void BoxController::receivedCalls(const QVector &result) { if (result.empty()) { _allLoaded = true; } for (const auto &message : result) { const auto msgId = IdFromMessage(message); const auto peerId = PeerFromMessage(message); if (const auto peer = Auth().data().peerLoaded(peerId)) { const auto item = Auth().data().addNewMessage( message, NewMessageType::Existing); insertRow(item, InsertWay::Append); } else { LOG(("API Error: a search results with not loaded peer %1").arg(peerId)); } _offsetId = msgId; } refreshAbout(); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } bool BoxController::insertRow( not_null item, InsertWay way) { if (auto row = rowForItem(item)) { if (row->canAddItem(item)) { row->addItem(item); return false; } } (way == InsertWay::Append) ? delegate()->peerListAppendRow(createRow(item)) : delegate()->peerListPrependRow(createRow(item)); delegate()->peerListSortRows([]( const PeerListRow &a, const PeerListRow &b) { return static_cast(a).maxItemId() > static_cast(b).maxItemId(); }); return true; } BoxController::Row *BoxController::rowForItem(not_null item) { auto v = delegate(); if (auto fullRowsCount = v->peerListFullRowsCount()) { auto itemId = item->id; auto lastRow = static_cast(v->peerListRowAt(fullRowsCount - 1).get()); if (itemId < lastRow->minItemId()) { return lastRow; } auto firstRow = static_cast(v->peerListRowAt(0).get()); if (itemId > firstRow->maxItemId()) { return firstRow; } // Binary search. Invariant: // 1. rowAt(left)->maxItemId() >= itemId. // 2. (left + 1 == fullRowsCount) OR rowAt(left + 1)->maxItemId() < itemId. auto left = 0; auto right = fullRowsCount; while (left + 1 < right) { auto middle = (right + left) / 2; auto middleRow = static_cast(v->peerListRowAt(middle).get()); if (middleRow->maxItemId() >= itemId) { left = middle; } else { right = middle; } } auto result = static_cast(v->peerListRowAt(left).get()); // Check for rowAt(left)->minItemId > itemId > rowAt(left + 1)->maxItemId. // In that case we sometimes need to return rowAt(left + 1), not rowAt(left). if (result->minItemId() > itemId && left + 1 < fullRowsCount) { auto possibleResult = static_cast(v->peerListRowAt(left + 1).get()); Assert(possibleResult->maxItemId() < itemId); if (possibleResult->canAddItem(item)) { return possibleResult; } } return result; } return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr BoxController::createRow( not_null item) const { auto row = std::make_unique(item); return std::move(row); } } // namespace Calls