/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/flags.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers_set.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" class History; namespace Core { class FileLocation; } // namespace Core namespace Export { struct Settings; } // namespace Export namespace Main { class Account; class SessionSettings; } // namespace Main namespace Data { class WallPaper; } // namespace Data namespace MTP { class Config; class AuthKey; using AuthKeyPtr = std::shared_ptr; } // namespace MTP namespace Storage { namespace details { struct ReadSettingsContext; struct FileReadDescriptor; } // namespace details class EncryptionKey; using FileKey = quint64; enum class StartResult : uchar; struct MessageDraft { MsgId msgId = 0; TextWithTags textWithTags; Data::PreviewState previewState = Data::PreviewState::Allowed; }; class Account final { public: Account(not_null owner, const QString &dataName); ~Account(); [[nodiscard]] StartResult legacyStart(const QByteArray &passcode); [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr start( MTP::AuthKeyPtr localKey); void startAdded(MTP::AuthKeyPtr localKey); [[nodiscard]] int oldMapVersion() const { return _oldMapVersion; } [[nodiscard]] QString tempDirectory() const; [[nodiscard]] MTP::AuthKeyPtr peekLegacyLocalKey() const { return _localKey; } void writeSessionSettings(); void writeMtpData(); void writeMtpConfig(); void writeDrafts( not_null history, Data::DraftKey replaceKey = Data::DraftKey::None(), MessageDraft replaceDraft = MessageDraft()); void readDraftsWithCursors(not_null history); void writeDraftCursors( not_null history, Data::DraftKey replaceKey = Data::DraftKey::None(), MessageCursor replaceCursor = MessageCursor()); [[nodiscard]] bool hasDraftCursors(PeerId peerId); [[nodiscard]] bool hasDraft(PeerId peerId); void writeFileLocation(MediaKey location, const Core::FileLocation &local); [[nodiscard]] Core::FileLocation readFileLocation(MediaKey location); void removeFileLocation(MediaKey location); [[nodiscard]] EncryptionKey cacheKey() const; [[nodiscard]] QString cachePath() const; [[nodiscard]] Cache::Database::Settings cacheSettings() const; void updateCacheSettings( Cache::Database::SettingsUpdate &update, Cache::Database::SettingsUpdate &updateBig); [[nodiscard]] EncryptionKey cacheBigFileKey() const; [[nodiscard]] QString cacheBigFilePath() const; [[nodiscard]] Cache::Database::Settings cacheBigFileSettings() const; void writeInstalledStickers(); void writeFeaturedStickers(); void writeRecentStickers(); void writeFavedStickers(); void writeArchivedStickers(); void writeArchivedMasks(); void readInstalledStickers(); void readFeaturedStickers(); void readRecentStickers(); void readFavedStickers(); void readArchivedStickers(); void readArchivedMasks(); void writeSavedGifs(); void readSavedGifs(); void writeInstalledMasks(); void writeRecentMasks(); void readInstalledMasks(); void readRecentMasks(); void writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); void readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); void saveRecentSentHashtags(const QString &text); void saveRecentSearchHashtags(const QString &text); void writeExportSettings(const Export::Settings &settings); [[nodiscard]] Export::Settings readExportSettings(); void writeSelf(); // Read self is special, it can't get session from account, because // it is not really there yet - it is still being constructed. void readSelf( not_null session, const QByteArray& serialized, int32 streamVersion); void markBotTrustedOpenGame(PeerId botId); [[nodiscard]] bool isBotTrustedOpenGame(PeerId botId); void markBotTrustedPayment(PeerId botId); [[nodiscard]] bool isBotTrustedPayment(PeerId botId); [[nodiscard]] bool encrypt( const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, const void *key128) const; [[nodiscard]] bool decrypt( const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, const void *key128) const; void reset(); private: enum class ReadMapResult { Success, IncorrectPasscode, Failed, }; enum class BotTrustFlag : uchar { NoOpenGame = (1 << 0), Payment = (1 << 1), }; friend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(BotTrustFlag) { return true; }; [[nodiscard]] base::flat_set collectGoodNames() const; [[nodiscard]] auto prepareReadSettingsContext() const -> details::ReadSettingsContext; ReadMapResult readMapWith( MTP::AuthKeyPtr localKey, const QByteArray &legacyPasscode = QByteArray()); void clearLegacyFiles(); void writeMapDelayed(); void writeMapQueued(); void writeMap(); void readLocations(); void writeLocations(); void writeLocationsQueued(); void writeLocationsDelayed(); std::unique_ptr readSessionSettings(); void writeSessionSettings(Main::SessionSettings *stored); std::unique_ptr readMtpConfig(); void readMtpData(); std::unique_ptr applyReadContext( details::ReadSettingsContext &&context); void readDraftCursors(PeerId peerId, Data::HistoryDrafts &map); void readDraftCursorsLegacy( PeerId peerId, details::FileReadDescriptor &draft, quint64 draftPeerSerialized, Data::HistoryDrafts &map); void clearDraftCursors(PeerId peerId); void readDraftsWithCursorsLegacy( not_null history, details::FileReadDescriptor &draft, quint64 draftPeerSerialized); void writeStickerSet( QDataStream &stream, const Data::StickersSet &set); template void writeStickerSets( FileKey &stickersKey, CheckSet checkSet, const Data::StickersSetsOrder &order); void readStickerSets( FileKey &stickersKey, Data::StickersSetsOrder *outOrder = nullptr, Data::StickersSetFlags readingFlags = 0); void importOldRecentStickers(); void readTrustedBots(); void writeTrustedBots(); std::optional saveRecentHashtags( Fn getPack, const QString &text); const not_null _owner; const QString _dataName; const FileKey _dataNameKey = 0; const QString _basePath; const QString _tempPath; const QString _databasePath; MTP::AuthKeyPtr _localKey; base::flat_map _draftsMap; base::flat_map _draftCursorsMap; base::flat_map _draftsNotReadMap; QMultiMap _fileLocations; QMap> _fileLocationPairs; QMap _fileLocationAliases; FileKey _locationsKey = 0; FileKey _trustedBotsKey = 0; FileKey _installedStickersKey = 0; FileKey _featuredStickersKey = 0; FileKey _recentStickersKey = 0; FileKey _favedStickersKey = 0; FileKey _archivedStickersKey = 0; FileKey _archivedMasksKey = 0; FileKey _savedGifsKey = 0; FileKey _recentStickersKeyOld = 0; FileKey _legacyBackgroundKeyDay = 0; FileKey _legacyBackgroundKeyNight = 0; FileKey _settingsKey = 0; FileKey _recentHashtagsAndBotsKey = 0; FileKey _exportSettingsKey = 0; FileKey _installedMasksKey = 0; FileKey _recentMasksKey = 0; qint64 _cacheTotalSizeLimit = 0; qint64 _cacheBigFileTotalSizeLimit = 0; qint32 _cacheTotalTimeLimit = 0; qint32 _cacheBigFileTotalTimeLimit = 0; base::flat_map> _trustedBots; bool _trustedBotsRead = false; bool _readingUserSettings = false; bool _recentHashtagsAndBotsWereRead = false; int _oldMapVersion = 0; base::Timer _writeMapTimer; base::Timer _writeLocationsTimer; bool _mapChanged = false; bool _locationsChanged = false; }; } // namespace Storage